《The Fairy Squad Princesses: A Magical Awakening (Book 1)》Chapter 10: The Infinite Time Zone


The F.S.P.’s had finally arrived at the Infinite Time Zone. Their frantic search to locate the door to the past to get the help they needed had begun. Thus, the fairies’ mission already wasn’t looking too pleasant. The region consisted of millions of plain white doors with a huge clock and not a single time period on them.

“Wow! So, this is the Infinite Time Zone,” said Serena.

“This place looks creepy and needs a major fashion upgrade; if you ask me,” Crystal stated.

“Yeah, well maybe next time, because knowing you Cee we’ll be here for more than three hours trying to turn this region from drab to fab.” Kristy laughed.

“Ha-ha! You know me so well.”

“Girls I love the jokes, but time is ticking away; we need to hurry and find the correct gateway,” said Ivy.

“Vee’s right! Let’s get moving girls,” said Serena.

“Umm, but look at these doors. How are we going to find the right one in time?” Crystal wondered.

“I have an idea! Maybe…” before Serena could finish her suggestion, she was rudely interrupted.

“Not so fast!” said Storm, as she appeared with her best witches.

“You witches!”

“Storm, why don’t you send these brownies drifting through this lame zone?” said Ices.

“HURRICANE WINDS!” Storm shouted.

“AHHHHHHHH!” screamed the F.S.P.’s as they went spiraling through the Infinite Time Zone.

“Goodbye sprites! Have fun being lost in the ITZ forever! Hahahaha.” Zoe waved as she continued to laugh.

“Alright, our work here is done! Let’s get back to KD and Queenie.” Ices snapped her fingers and vanished.

About ten minutes later, the F.S.P.’s awakened but only to find themselves lost in time.

“Ugh! My head is spinning. What happened?” Crystal asked herself.

“Thanks to those witches, they managed to blast us somewhere in the Time Zone,” replied Kristy.

“Oh no! Girls!” Ivy noticed Serena was missing.

“What’s wrong Ivy?” asked Crystal and Kristy.

“Where’s Serena!”


“Ugh, where am I? Girls! Crystal! Ivy! Kristy! Just when I thought this day couldn’t get any worse, I’m lost in the Infinite Time Zone by myself with no magic. Well, no need in just standing around, I need to find the gateway again and my intuition is telling me to go this way.”


“Excellent work ladies! You four managed to send those niggling fairies astray,” said Queen Vidal.


“Oh, it was nothing! It was about time we had disposed of them,” Ices said.

“But just in case… Mirage come forth! Go to the Infinite Time Zone and make sure those fairies do not come back. Now let’s see how much chaos the guys are wreaking on the heroes’ school.”


“What are these things!” shouted one of the heroes.

“These ugly, soulless creatures are called the Dark Heartless,” said Professor Marcellus.

“Professor, look out!” shouted another hero.

“LIGHT STRIKE!” shouted Max.

“EKKKKKKKKKK!” yelled a Dark Heartless, as it disintegrated.

“Finally, my favorite freshmen students have shown up,” said Professor Marcellus.

“We’re here Professor and we brought some backup!” Max shouted.

“Hahahaha! You’re going to need more than a little backup,” said a man’s voice.

“I know that malicious laugh… no… it can’t be! Darwin, is that you?” Professor Marcellus asked.

“Why yes, it is moi, in the flesh! Did you miss me, brother?”

“Brother!” shouted the Conquerors.

“Yes, he’s my own flesh and blood as much as I hate to admit it. He gets the evil side from our father,” said Professor Marcellus.

“Yes, Pops was born a wizard, but he chose to become a warlock and side with the darkness. Now I’m picking up where he left off.”

“And I see this deranged maniac brought along the two junkies,” said Josh.

“This deranged maniac is one of the reasons your girlfriends won’t make it out of the Infinite Time Zone; especially the powerless sprite. What’s her name again, oh yeah, Serena.” King Darwin smirked.

“Why you! SWORD STRIKE!” Max shouted.

Max struck King Darwin with a full-on blast from his magic sword.

“Umm, that was tasty! Love all the anger you released in that attack, but prepare yourself for my sword attack; SWORD DEATH STRIKE!”

“Max move!” shouted Professor Marcellus.

“Thanks for the save Professor,” said Max.

“Wow! One attack and Max could have been a goner.” Josh’s mouth dropped.

“Well, I see where the broomsticks and the two nitwits got all their upgrades from,” said Roux.

“There is no way any of you can win; let’s face it. With the Ultimate Power in our grasp and the Creatures of Darkness, you finally met your match,” Mectrics said.

“No, we’re never going to give in! I know Serena and the girls will find a way to destroy you and your minions!” Max yelled.


“Why, aren’t you a confident prince, just like your dad, King Michael. I could never tolerate his presence: that’s why I tried to destroy him. It looks like I’ll have the pleasure of destroying his son instead.” King Darwin smirked threateningly.

“Enough brother! I’m not going to let you hurt any of my students. This fight is going to be between you and me!” Professor Marcellus shouted.

“Alright, fine! Mectrics, Bruce go help the Heartless destroy everyone else.”

“We’re on it!” said Mectrics and Bruce.

“You two aren’t going anywhere!” Josh yelled as he pulled out his Electric Voltage Sticks and got into a fighting stance.

“Yeah, we don’t care how much power you two have,” Brock said.

“Looks like the little moles want to play. Come on pal, let’s crush their bones.” Mectrics grinned.

“Finally,” said Bruce.


“Hey, Kristy, why don’t you try using your scepter to guide us to the gateway, since you are the Fairy of Time,” Crystal insisted.

“What about Serena?” Kristy asked.

“I’m sure she’ll be able to find her way. But just in case, let’s cast a linking spell.”

“Yeah, knowing our girl, even without powers, she’s still a force to be reckoned with. Now let’s hurry up with that spell,” said Ivy.

Meanwhile, as the other F.S.P.’s were trying to find the door to Planet Starlight in the past, Serena was about to encounter a treacherous surprise sent from Queen Vidal.

“I can feel as though I’m getting closer, uh… Max?”

Serena believed she saw Max but did not realize it was one of the Dark Planet’s deceptive creatures, Mirage.

“Max, it’s you! How did you get here and are the guys okay? How did you manage to defeat the powerful army?” Serena asked overjoyed.

“Look up ahead! Girls, it’s Serena!” Crystal shouted.

“Oh, thank heavens! She’s alive!” Ivy let out a sigh of relief.

“And wait! Is that Max!” Kristy asked shockingly.

“It can’t be… Max couldn’t have entered the Infinite Time Zone without you, Kristy,” Ivy mentioned.

“Serena! It’s a trap!” her besties shouted.

“Girls! Over here!” Serena yelled in excitement to see her besties were alive.

“Time to ruin all this happiness,” whispered the monster.

“Max, what did you just say?”

“I’m not your idiot boyfriend.” The imposter chuckled.

“Oh no!” gasped Serena.

“I’m Mirage!” the imposter introduced himself.

“AHHHHHHHH! Let me go!” Serena screamed.

“PIERCING SUNLIGHT!” shouted Crystal.

“ECLIPSE!” Mirage obstructed.

“He blocked out my light!” Crystal’s mouth dropped.

“I said let me go!” Serena kicked Mirage right in the jingle bells.

“AHHHHHHHH! Why you little!” Mirage wailed.

“FLOWER TWISTER!” Ivy gusted.


“Oh my! He literally just fried my flower spell!”

“Is that all you fairies got?”

“Nope, my turn! HUH!” Kristy shouted.

“Ha! You missed me!” Mirage cackled assuredly.

“I wasn’t planning on making a direct hit: have a nice fall.”

“AHHHHHHHH!” Mirage screamed as he fell through a warp hole Kristy created.

“Alright Kristy, you sent that hideous thing floating in the Infinite Time Zone!” Crystal cheered.

“Yeah not sure how far I sent him, but when he comes back, we need to be ready with a plan on how to defeat him,” said Kristy.

“I have an idea,” said Serena.

“Well, no one’s stopping you, lay it on us girl and fast. I don’t think he’ll be absent for too long. Oh no! It looks like he’s back already!” Crystal screamed.

“Hello, ladies. Did you miss me?” Mirage asked.

“Ugh! Not really,” said Ivy.

“Aww! Too bad! Bombs away!”

“Run!” shouted Crystal.

“Remember that lesson on how to use your opponent’s own magic against them by Professor Luna?” Serena asked.

“Oh yeah,” said Crystal.

“Enough running! TRAP US!” hollered Mirage.

“Looks like we’re trapped,” Serena cried.

“Well, let’s hope the spell works,” said Kristy.

“Well it’s been fun, but now it’s time to die,” said Mirage, as he summoned all his energy and threw it at the fairies.

“CONVERGENCE MIRROR!” shouted Crystal, Ivy, and Kristy.

The convergence spell functioned as planned and Mirage got a taste of his own medicine.

“Oh no!” Mirage screeched.


“Thanks, girls! That was a close one!” Serena exhaled with relief.

“No problem.” Crystal winked.

“Now, let’s get going! We only have one hour left to enter the gateway and then find someone to help us get your powers back,” Kristy mentioned.

Mirage was out of the picture and the gateway to Planet Starlight was right in front of the fairies. The girls knew that there was no turning back once they entered the door. They were determined to find help to get Serena’s powers back.

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