《Cid Rellah (Complete)》Chapter 7
Two weeks go by, after Cid found out about the engagement, and they were the loneliest two weeks that Cid had ever lived. He worked, he had even made a better pouch and slept.
Staying out of people’s way, he rarely left the confides of his own small room and had only looked as though he was secluding himself, when really…He was preparing to move on…Even though he was so lonely.
He missed David…His family…His father, his mother but…Most of all, he missed that one person that sat beside him so much.
It probably wouldn’t happen again now.
She was gone…She was going to be another man’s fiance, then, soon after, wife.
He probably wouldn’t see her again, let alone sit next to her.
Especially when she stated that she didn’t want to see him again.
Was the King so blind to have given his lovely daughter to such a terrible person?
And that question was how Cid found out that it was most likely because of money that the King made his daughter marry into Leonard’s family.
Even the thought that he was actually a stepson to Leonard had come to mind, but Cid didn’t know how to hope on that small, unseen by others, information.
However much as he wished it were him, it could never be.
Steven was the first born and that was only one reason. Steven was the heir to his father’s business, that was yet another reason and…Well, Steven was a full-blooded son, whereas Cid wasn’t…He wasn’t even blood related to Leonard.
…Even if it wasn’t Steven, Freddie would have been the next choice, not him…How could he hope?
Cid could only accept it, he could only continue with his work and silently gain the favor of a few others that could help him for when he was to leave Leonard’s family.
He had spoken now to two places that required a certain amount in exchange to working with him and Cid was unsure if they would stay when they found out who he was without his other ‘identity’.
Having used another identity while talking to them, Cid could only try to see if he could respect and accomplish what they wanted in exchange for having their loyalty.
He wanted materials, he needed some people to help him accomplish his goal but…He was sure if he was to pronounce who he was, he probably wouldn’t get what he needed. Especially of that of help of a small loan to help him start his own business.
No…He had to change his name. He had to become someone else that was not known about…And that was obviously because Leonard would do anything to stop him from doing this!
Since having lost his mother and the first time he thought of running away, all these points of being on his own feet had been on his mind.
Knowing where he could borrow money and where he could go to get materials had already been something decided upon before leaving Leonard’s family.
He had wanted to stand on his own two feet another way but of course had planned for running away nonetheless…And all the preparing for it had come in handy!
His other identity was also something that was ready within just a day or two as his ‘documents’ had been secured within Benjamin’s trading post!
Finally, after all this time, it was now a brand-new type of life…And now he was his own boss!
In the next week, there was a ball that was pronounced to be happening soon, to formally accept the engagement of the Princess and so…This was when Cid decided to start his new identity.
He didn’t have much with him, but he did know that he had to get away from Leonard’s family!
Not able to buy a small place, Cid rented something that looked run down, but the main thing that he wanted, was security.
The place was able to be securely locked and did not leak, and that was all that mattered.
After that, Cid discretely got himself a business license for his new identity, having already had one for the blacksmithing shop. His business licence for the blacksmithing shop had mostly been done by Benjamin, so Cid wasn’t exactly sure on how hard it was to obtain one all by himself.
It wasn’t as hard as he had thought though, but it did take some money to invest into it properly and have it so that it was legal and binding.
Now that he had a small place that he’d make his home and factory, and his licence, Cid then got his belongings there and suddenly disappeared from Leonard’s hands one storming night.
It wasn’t until the next day that Leonard knew, simply because Cid wasn’t working. But straight away, Leonard started to panic.
He could plainly see that some things were gone, only leaving behind what Cid had been working on, in that small room of his.
Running wildly back to the main quarters of the residence, Leonard pronounced that everyone should look for Cid and to bring him back!
In the previous week Leonard couldn’t find a single thing that would help his jewelry crafting business out from the blacksmithing shop, and it seemed that everything was coming from Cid himself!
He couldn’t believe that at first, rummaging around the blacksmithing shop like a madman but…There could really only be one thing left that he had to admit to because he simply found nothing to do with jewelry crafting there!
Cid must be the one with the ideas!
After all this time, Cid had been coming up with things and Leonard finally understood that the blacksmithing shop was nothing!
But…That also meant something else that surprised Leonard and made him have to think…And that was, Cid may indeed be smarter than he had originally thought!
He had to keep Cid somehow! He had to lock him up and get him to work his ideas and keep their business popular!
Obviously, now that he was sure that Cid was smarter, Leonard had to come up with a plan to make Cid do what he wanted!
The next problem was…Leonard had tried to think of Cid’s weakness but…Couldn’t find anything!
They had already taken his blacksmithing shop! They had already broken things in his room and…The biggest weakness, other than those ideas, was that of the Princess, but she was already getting engaged to his son!
What could he gain to make Cid do whatever he asked of him!?
Yet…Cid having disappeared all of a sudden had stopped him before he could come up with a plan!
Just one more day and he would have a locked area that would be ready for Cid but…
But…No one could find him anywhere…
No…Cid was not currently inside the capital anymore, as his rented place was outside of the capital.
He had not contacted anyone else besides his suppliers and had even given them a free sample to what he would use their supplies for but…His main objective was not the capital…No, he wanted his works to be taken away from here, at least at the start.
He was slightly worried about being found out but his money would only taken him so far and so he did his own private way of selling his items.
The traders that came and go, Cid risked his belongings with them, only getting a small sum before they left, making him only be able to have faith in those traders to return with any money he might receive if some of his items were sold while they were gone. Some didn’t even give him anything first and Cid had not even used one of the traders because of the way they had looked and acted.
But this was not just because he was hiding from Leonard and saving money to go to a better place. No, another reason why he was using the traders was because he wanted to expand his work.
Leonard was popular yes, but only within this country.
His stepfather had not trusted people, so he had not gone beyond that of the capital, only sometimes using traders that would only travel to nearby towns.
Cid wanted more…He wanted to expand his jewelry over a distance and be able to obtain more people and money, so that he could feel free from his burdens.
Well…He was also proud of his work, as he did like it as well but, at the moment, it was to grow and find himself able to stand on his own two feet, so that he wouldn’t have to return, even if he was found by Leonard.
Cid had even gone to the extent of having only two or three things to eat since leaving Leonard’s residence.
Saving money was very crucial at this point of time and food was something that he was willing to have little of, and something also that was simple.
As simple as bread and one spread was all Cid had to eat, using the water well to get his water and that was all that he wanted for now.
He also didn’t buy more clothing, even though most of what he brought with him from Leonard’s residence were servants’ attire. He had to wash his one set of good clothes himself, just like his other clothing, so that he could just wear them again and again for when he went out, having no one to help him with it.
He wasn’t ready to get someone’s help with jobs around the house, not wanting to get the wrong person and be found out, so…He did everything himself!
Actually, Cid put in a lot of effort not to be found out.
He traveled a day away from his humble, small home to meet traders and made sure not to use traders from the area he lived at or traders that were going in that direction. Cid also tried to stay as mysterious as possible for two reasons, not just because of wanting to somewhat ‘scare’ the traders so they wouldn’t take advantage of him but also because he didn’t want to be found out just because of what he wore or what he acted like.
He acted like someone that wasn’t the boss but was domineering, someone that was getting paid by a manager, someone that was below someone that was possibly rich and powerful…
It was also something that helped him get over his sad loneliness, as it was quite a fun thing for him to do…
Upon returning back home though…Cid on purposely lost himself to working by himself in his small home. Even though there were a few ideas that he had kept to himself all these years, upon what he could do in jewelry making, it didn’t fill that empty hole…
That empty hole that he felt inside also didn’t help him with sleep, as it was starting to become normal for him to get no more then four hours sleep a night.
It was so different to the person he became to talk to the traders, he was someone that tried now not to slouch in a depressed way, someone that was always frowning and working, so that he didn’t have to think.
He didn’t want to think of the Princess and the seat that was absent beside him. He didn’t want to think that he’d be found out and forced back to that place and be used as a slave. He didn’t want to think about how he lost his father’s blacksmithing shop and how he had taken so long, and had to go to such lengths, to become his own person…His own master.
He just needed…Some time…
Time going by seemed to help him grow more courage again. Time helped him see that even though he might have very little at that current moment, he would still work hard to obtain more and become someone that he was proud of!
Time…Had gone by and he gotten more and more courage to even think he could attend this so-called ball that was being held as an engagement for his older stepbrother.
He wanted to see if the Princess was happy, he wanted to see her smile, even if it was the last time…
Because…He was thinking of moving even further away…Perhaps even to another country altogether!
When David and his family returned from their travels, they were flabbergasted at what they found out.
Not only was the King’s daughter getting engaged to someone else other than Cid, but Cid had indeed gone missing!
Leonard came to see them not long after they had returned but they could only state that they knew nothing…As it was the truth!
There was only one good thing that came to them, because of Leonard’s appearance, and that was that Cid had gone by himself and had not disappeared because of this man…
Leonard didn’t want to believe the truth though and he started to curse them, stating that everything was their fault, but Benjamin could not tolerate it anymore and manhandled the cursing man to get out of their home!
Once this was over, it wasn’t long before a certain other person came, and as much as they respected this person, they were just too worried and had wished it was Cid that had come instead.
“Your Highness. You’ve returned!”
“Greetings.” Prince Elton stated. “David, a word.”
Benjamin and Pauletta watched as David followed the Prince to another room from the one that they were in.
“Don’t be strict upon David while the Prince is here.” Was all Benjamin stated, before walking out the front door. He had to find out what was going on with Cid!
How could he speak to Cid’s father again in the afterlife if he won’t be able to find him and make sure that he was safe and sound!?
“I’ve gotten all your messages. Was there any evidence?”
David looked straight at the Prince and then sat down, “The children aren’t obviously enough then?”
Prince Elton sat down next to David and looked down, “I’m not to do this half-heartedly. I need more if I am to get the people to understand why I am going to take the King’s throne.”
David sighed, “The business is crude, but they don’t have evidence against the King himself. It is either that the people are too loyal or that the King really has no part in it.”
Prince Elton stood then, “Very well. It seems that I will have to wait to give that man what he deserves.”
“Wait, Prince. Do you remember Cid?”
Prince Elton turned to David and narrowed his eyes, “Yes, he had certain eyes for my little sister.”
“Oh, well…Why I’m asking is because…He’s gone missing.”
Prince Elton thought for a moment and then looked at David, “Give me reports on that family of his.”
David frowned, “Don’t you remember, Cid’s mother remarried into the family and they treated him poorly. I’d be upset if you think of him as some sort of villain!”
Prince Elton frowned back at him, “…It is that person then? I see…Give me reports on that family, nonetheless. My sister is getting married to the eldest son, I have only recovered normal records with the people beside me.”
“Ah, so this is the real reason for His Highness to come and see me then?” David smirked.
David let out a small laugh and stood up to be beside Prince Elton, “Very well, I’ll go and dig up some stuff and give it to you soon!”
Prince Elton watched David walk away, and then frowned.
His kingdom was falling…All for his father’s greed!
And now, worst of all, his father was using his daughter to get more!
It was good to finally have David return to his side so that he could get more information from a dark territory!
Black markets, thieves and assassins…Prince Elton had brought many assassins to his side with a lot of effort but yet still has to be the master of the thieves and black markets!
With the help of David…He will only get there in a matter of time!
Since David was known as a ‘trader’, he had a talent of talking to people and he already knew of a few certain people within Leonard’s residence that would give him information.
It wasn’t the only option either, as David was someone within the Black market circle, but he was not the boss of it…Of course, it would be much better if he didn’t have to rely upon the black market to obtain information, so he will start with Leonard’s residence first!
It was easy to obtain information upon the family with his ‘spy’, who didn’t even know they were ‘spying’, and so the most recent information was then taken to the Prince within the castle, not long before the ball was to be held.
David did not walk into the main entrance, as many couldn’t do that, but he was known as a friend of the Prince’s from one of the side entrances and was let in straight away.
He saw servants running around and doing work but did not see the actual place that the ball was being held.
“David, you have come!” Prince Elton stated, walking to David.
They met up and then walked to a secluded area. David then gave the Prince what he had found.
Skimming over the information, the Prince looked at David and frowned. “This won’t help me with your friend.”
David frowned in return but nodded, knowing of this answer. He had contacted the black market already but they had not sent word yet…Who knows when it would come, especially if he does not go himself…The black market are on their own terms, which can be an awesome asset but a huge downfall at the same time!
Otherwise, he could not pin down enough problems with the family to either put them into jail or get them interrogated.
Even the fact that Cid was seen from a witness, being punished by the stepfather, was not something that they could get into, as Cid himself was not around and the reasons for punishment may even stop them from trying to take that as a reason to help them out.
“My sister is still trapped.” The Prince stated, putting his hand down that was holding the papers.
David stood there silent, while the Prince went into deep thought.
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