《Cid Rellah (Complete)》Chapter 6
Holding onto the box, that had his money in it, Cid sighed and looked around.
Should he dig up a hole outside and put it into the dirt?
Should he hold onto it and have it on him all the time?
What should he do, at least for now, to keep it safe because…It was all he had left.
Why was he…How could jewellery help at this?
Frowning, Cid went to pick up his clothes, to get dressed, and suddenly stared at it.
Moving the cloth around easily, Cid then looked at the box and then back at the cloth.
Stopped moving now, Cid widened his eyes and just wondered if he could use specific things to make another type of keep safe, small item that would be better than a box.
Putting on his clothes, Cid rummaged around and found a few items that he could use.
One was the obvious cloth, yet…Was it strong enough?
Another was a small bit of wire, would it be enough?
Sitting down at the table, Cid pulled at the cloth and pulled some more, to see that it really wasn’t strong enough.
But…He could at least find something else out too if he were to try to do the project…
How big would the clothe need to be?
Would it even be worth it to make?
Getting some needle and thread, Cid got to work on the cloth, keeping in mind that another type of cloth would be used for the real thing to work.
What type of cloth? Perhaps a cloth that wouldn’t be so hard to bend…
After a certain amount of sewing, Cid got the wire and put it through, closing the gap afterwards and looking at the little pouch.
Cutting around some areas, Cid then added a buckle, so that it could close better and then he saw that the first product was finished.
Of course, this was only an idea still, but Cid felt confident that he made something work for this first product.
Putting the money into his newly made product, having to fold it in half, Cid closed the pouch, seeing it bulge out a bit.
Using the buckle, it closed, and Cid threw it to the wall, to see it fall and not fall apart.
He knew there were things called purses, but he had not been able to get one, not only that but they weren’t cheap because they had only come to be invented a little while ago.
The sad thing about their kingdom was that they were behind in some technology and Cid was sure that the kingdom was also short on money to bring them to the same as their neighboring kingdoms were at.
Not only that, but purses were something obvious to people that only the nobles seemed to carry around…
No, Cid didn’t particularly want a purse, he wanted something that could attach to him yet be somewhat undetectable at the same time.
He then turned his product around and wondered how he would add a strap to it, so that it could go around his neck or around his side.
Then, after that, he needed some type of artwork or some type of jewellery to place over the pouch, so that it would cover up the idea that money was hidden inside…Yet, how was he to do that…
There were shells…Perhaps one of those shells that have a hole in them?
There were bigger ones near the sea…
David…If only he could get a hold of David!
Cid stopped though and put his hand to his face.
Calm down, he told himself, I need to think first. What if the shell wouldn’t work anyway!?
The strap, it obviously needed to be strong so that the pouch wouldn’t break from it and that it could hold the pouch.
Whatever covers the pouch needed to be moveable too, so that you could get to what was inside it.
What could it be?
Looking aimlessly around his small room, Cid found a worn sock and just stared at it.
A sock…
Frowning, Cid just couldn’t believe that he could be considering using a plain old sock…
Disguise…Isn’t that the idea?
If a sock or something dirty was used…
If people then found such a thing, they wouldn’t think to proceed to look more…Would they?
Putting his face onto his hand, he stared at the worn sock, that was poking out of the chest that he put his clothes into.
If he used something like a sock that had better material…
Right…What about a water pouch!?
They were made from leather…Right…The strap shouldn’t break so easily if it was attached to leather, and I could…
Cid rummaged around, but could not find a water pouch, making him upset as he was so keen to finish this now!
Not only was he excited to make something, but also the idea of keeping this money that was his, made him want to finish what he had started!
With a look towards the door, Cid rethought what he should do.
He really wanted to try and get that water pouch!
Unable to stop himself, Cid got up and left, slowly making his way towards the kitchen area to find himself a water pouch.
Being lucky, because it was so late at night, Cid had easily found a small water pouch from the kitchen, without being found out by anyone, and quickly returned to his room.
Smiling to the water pouch, Cid got the sock from the chest and then placed the money pouch with the small water pouch and put the sock over it, making sure the money pouch was well hidden, and like it was a part of the water pouch.
Feeling the sock, that covered the small water pouch, Cid smiled and let out a laugh.
It wasn’t that great but…Right now it was enough!
Placing some water into the pouch, Cid checked it once more and found that there were some things that he could obviously make better but…It was still an interesting idea!
Should he make more?
Letting out another small laugh, Cid sighed and then wondered where he would put a strap on it.
He couldn’t place it onto or through the sock, or…Could he?
He’d have to be able to take his money pouch out, but could he take it out with the sock still on?
Trying to hold the sock to the water pouch, Cid tried to get the money pouch out, finding it hard to do so.
Did that mean that he had to place the strap to the water pouch then?
Putting his product in front of his eyes and staring at it, Cid put a finger to a part of the sock and then narrowed his eyes.
Lower down…If he put the strap lower, he should attach the strap through the sock and onto the water pouch, then not only will the sock not come off but…
He again tried to get the money pouch out from holding the sock lower down, and found it a lot better, and it still seemed well secured.
That’s it!
Smiling, Cid fixed everything back up and wondered where he would get the strap from.
He’d need something that would be longer than an arm’s length…So, it might be difficult to find…
Frowning and going deep into thought, Cid then could only think that he might just have to go to the leatherworking places to get this strap.
If he used another material, it might not work, and it might not be strong enough. And, at the same time, he didn’t want his new product to stand out…
Sighing, Cid didn’t know what to do, he still needed a strap!
He wondered, would the money be fine like this until I find a strap? What if someone sees it and would take it to the kitchen?
After all, he was worried that he would get into trouble for even having a water pouch.
They were used for trips, not to use at home, so was he ready to have questions being asked to him about it?
Cid sat back and looked towards the shabby roof of his small room.
What will I say if someone asks why I have a water pouch, he asked himself. Could I say that I was working a lot?
What about using the water for…Something else…But what?
Wetting my hair? Wetting some jewellery?
No…That would be stupid…
What could he say!?
Perhaps that the doctor told him to drink more since he had been hit on the head?
Rubbing at his eyes, Cid sighed. It must be well into the night, perhaps even early morning, so he really should try and get some rest.
Sighing, Cid went to the bed and put the pouch close to his head. Perhaps he might find something to do with it when he wakes up…
Upon waking, Cid could only quickly get out of his small, humble room, so that he could visit the leatherworking shop before going to work.
Getting a strap easily, considering that he had his money on him already, Cid then quickly left for his work, hoping that no one would be there when he got there.
If no one was there, he could be quick enough to finish his first product, and have it bound to himself. He then didn’t have to rush to make a better one till later.
He felt lucky upon entering into the jewellery factory, as no one was there, and he quickly got to work to put the strap onto the water pouch, that now held his money safely next to it inside the sock.
With the strap on, Cid found that he would have preferred if it was around his waist, making him think that perhaps he should get some sort of belt instead.
But it was done for now, safely inside his clothes and attached to him…
That will have to do for now…
It wasn’t that long after he finished his product and put it on though, before Freddie came in.
“Cid! Did you hear the news! Oh, you’re here too!”
Looking up, to see not only Freddie but another worker coming into the factory, Cid looked back down again. He’d only just started working and calmly continued to do so.
“Young Master.” Stated the worker that came in.
“Hehe, did you get that book?”
“Yes, of course, Young Master…But, I should return…”
Freddie interrupted them, “It’s fine! It’s fine! You really should read it, top to bottom!”
Cid looked up then, to see Freddie winking at the worker and patting his shoulder.
Seeing the worker look a bit stunned and shocked, Cid wondered what they were talking about.
It wasn’t that odd that Freddie would make someone shocked like this, but Cid could never understand him!
Freddie was nasty when Steven was around but when his elder brother wasn’t around, Freddie was…Well, it seemed like he was just a mischievous, little boy!
It was best to just try and stay away from Freddie, Cid always thought, going back to his work.
“How could you think of giving it back! You were the one that looked like you had problems at home! I’m just trying to help you solve them!”
“I…I apologize, Young Master! I…I didn’t mean…”
“Good! Just look at it and see if it works!”
Cid wanted to shake his head, it seems that Freddie was getting himself into other people’s business again!
The last time that Freddie got into other people’s business, he ended up getting grounded to the mansion!
It was strange because Freddie choose who he was going to annoy, which made him spontaneous and that seemed something that Leonard disliked about Freddie…
It could be a maid, having done something wrong but Freddie ends up doing the same thing and is found laughing with the maid like they were little children. Then, it could be a noble person and Freddie was playing tricks on them, all because the boy or girl didn’t let Freddie play with them.
He really hadn’t grown up yet!
Cid momentarily remember his mother upon this thought…She had liked Freddie and had played with him a few times.
…It was probably the only reason why Cid tolerated Freddie a lot better then Steven, because his mother had liked him.
“Oh, I almost forgot! Cid, Steven’s getting engaged!”
Feeling Freddie’s presence coming closer to him, Cid looked up and nodded.
What did that have to do with him?
“…To the Princess!”
Stopping, Cid swallowed and repeated those words in his head.
To…The Princess?
“…Hardly fair! The King should have had at least two daughters, so that I could get married to a Princess too!”
It was really true? Bethany was…Going to be engaged to…Steven?
Cid was at a loss of words…
“Do you think a Princess is a plaything?”
Looking up to see Princess Bethany enter the area…Looking a bit disheveled, Cid couldn’t speak a word.
He knew that the Princess was bound to marry one day. He also knew that the person that she would marry wouldn’t be him but…Why did he feel so shocked when it was becoming true and real?
Seeing her walk towards him, Cid bowed his head, but was unable to work.
She didn’t sit beside him, but he knew that she was close by.
The problem was Freddie was in her ear, about choosing him instead of his brother and it was not only angering Cid, but that of Princess Bethany as well.
“You…You don’t have anything to say?”
Cid looked up to see Bethany looking straight at him and he bowed his head again, “…Congratulations…”
Clearing his throat, Cid picked up something, not really even knowing what it was and tried to continue to work but…
In a smaller voice, Cid said, “You were bound to marry at some point…Isn’t that right?”
“…And so, now that it happens, all you say is…Congratulations?”
He heard her feelings through her words but…What could he do, it wasn’t like he had the power to stop a King’s command!
He was a nobody and didn’t even deserve the pretty Princess!
“Ah, there is my bride to be! Princess…”
Steven’s voice only made matters worse for both the Princess and Cid.
Everything just became real too quickly and all that could be done…Was a quick escape from the Princess.
She ran like the wind and didn’t know why she had bothered to have left without consent to run to Cid. What had she expected?
As soon as she found out, she couldn’t even dress herself fast enough, having not even realized that her hair was a bit of a mess, and had come straight to Cid.
How…How could he just say that?
Why…Why was it all that he had said?
Doesn’t…He like me at all? She thought, then next, she even wondered if she should still send the coat and hat that she had gotten for him.
Why should she send it!? Why!?
Cid did not chase after the Princess, only watching her flee.
He didn’t know what he was thinking right now, nor how he felt, all he knew was that he wished for both of these brothers to go away!
He tried to ignore them and continue working but hushed words of the marriage flew right into his ears and Cid suddenly stood up.
“And where do you think you’re going?” Steven asked, you could hear how arrogant he was through how he said these words.
“Latrine.” Cid stated, walking away, only to be stopped by Steven. “Then you won’t mind if I go with you?”
He just wanted to be alone!
Cid clenched his hands but nodded, continuing to walk.
It was obvious, Steven didn’t want him to go after the Princess but…Even if Cid decided to go after the Princess, what could he possibly say?
‘Marry me instead’…
I wish, Cid thought, going into the latrine.
His life, he wanted to make it his, now!
If he could make a business and expand slightly, perhaps then…
Widening his eyes, Cid then let out a small laugh.
What was he thinking?
That he will be good enough for the King, so that he could take his daughter’s hand in marriage?
No, he…He didn’t…He hadn’t planned on something like that.
Cid really tried to calm himself down and think less of the situation, but no matter what he told himself, he still felt upset.
It’s because you really like her, he told himself. And…And she deserved better than Steven!
She deserved so much more!
Going back to work, Steven in tow, Cid felt slightly calmer yet…Hopeless.
He really hated this King!
The next day, the Princess came once again, and Cid was then placed to do jewellery in his room.
It had not been so easy though, as Cid got punished for ‘tempting’ an engaged Princess and had gotten punished.
It was the first time in a long time that the Princess had not cared that she brought punishment onto someone else for her actions.
Having seen Cid once again, to find him have no change of heart, showing that, if anything, he was accepting this, she had finally cried, dropping her present for Cid on the floor before leaving.
Stating that she didn’t want to see him again, Cid was distraught but hid it very well.
Upon being lightly hit by Bethany’s angry fists and seeing that she had even brought something for him, Cid couldn’t speak a word for a whole minute, even though the Princess had long gone.
Picking up the items, Cid put them into a bag, wanting to know what they were yet scared that he’d grow soft and chase after her with empty promises…
Getting punished had even helped Cid overcome his emotions and he even accepted working in his small room easily.
He didn’t want to see the Princess. He didn’t want to see her cry like that and he didn’t want her to be unhappy.
She…If only she wasn’t getting married to Steven, then Cid would feel better, but no…He didn’t want to accept it either but what other choice did he have?
The person who he was now, was not someone that could fight for Princess. The person who he was now, did not deserve her care!
Seeing that she had got him a long coat and a black top hat, Cid felt like he was at his limits!
They had such a great friendship, did that have to be completely gone now?
With someone with a status like himself, does he have no right?
It was time…Cid thought.
It was time for him to find his own way!
His own way was going to be hard because Leonard will obviously not let him go willingly, but Cid had known this!
Yes…It was time to finalize arrangements to disappear!
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