《Brave World Online》First Shift Chapter 2 – The Shadow of Light
A/N: Nothing to say but 'A New Chapter is In!' Well, now. about this chapter.... I have to tweak it a little or maybe brainstorming. But whatever! I welcome you to Daedalus, New Voyager!!
There was endless darkness. Then spectrums of colors were born and light engulfed everything. As if seeing the creations of a universe, a new soul was born and encased with warmth in this place.
The sensation was nauseous at first, but when the darkness ended and a world of light was expanded, every ill thing vanished. Then as if floating down, the feet could taste the sensation of landing on grassy land. The feeling of being bound by gravity, and the feeling of standing atop a plane of existence which was basically the world itself.
When he opened his eyes, there was a meadow. A golden meadow with the landscape similar to that of a paradise. Calm and tranquil. A clear blue lake in the far side with mountain ranges in the horizon. Shone by bright dawn, it was as if watching the scenery of a movie.
“Are you the new Voyager? You’re pretty different than the norms…”
A voice called out to him. He looked behind and found a young lady standing across him.
Clad in white cloth which made up most of her dress, she looked very beautiful and had hazel brown hair glittering by the light of dawn.
“Ah, pleased to meet you. I am your guide before you entered Daedalus. My name is Veenia, dear Voyager. The Goddess of natures and the ruler of the sleeping land of this world. Also, I manage this Imaginary Land where new Voyagers will enter and embark into Daedalus.”
She curtsied humbly. It somehow made him awkward and he told her frantically that he deserved nothing of such respects. Oddly enough, he wasn’t scared of the appearance of a stranger right in front of him.
Perhaps, was it because he instinctually knew this person was an AI, and not a player?
“Is that so--? Very well, then. Dear Voyager, do you wish to proceed to create your own body?”
Body—when the question was thrown out, he gazed at himself. He looked nothing like a person. He looked more like a ball of light without forms yet he could sense everything normally. Even the freshness of the air and the scent of the grasses could be felt. Although the color of the light was grayish and somewhat cold.
(Maybe, she wanted to ask whether I want to make my Avatar Body or not.)
In the game, players were called as Voyagers and their (supposed to-be) immortal bodies were called as Avatar Body. It could have been easier to say ‘Character’ but apparently, the developers wanted to make fantasy as fantastical as it could be without interferences of modern words and odd emoticons.
So Voyagers were the only ones having modern idioms and knowledge. Other than that they would need to do actual talk and adapting with the original dialects of Daedalus. Still, though. The default language present was for sure, English right?
He decided to nod down with a clear ‘yes’ that made Veenia to smile. Then she asked to select the race of his upcoming Avatar Body.
At once, a blue floating box appeared in front of him and he shouted in surprise.
Race SelectionsHumanDescription:
Human is an all-rounder combatant without disadvantages. However, they also have no great advantages and their strength is only so-so. In Daedalus, humans are considered as majority before Wildia and they have good ties with other races except with the Diablo, whom they considered as Nemesis.ElvenDescription:
Elven is a race which is physically weaker but magically advanced. They are considered as masters when magic is involved and they are very proficient in dealing with Runes, Tomes and Artifacts from old ages. Elven is very long-lived that they are nearly equal in terms of being the oldest next to the Diablos.DwarvenDescription:
Short-stature. Muscle oriented bodies and they have the firm aura of blacksmiths. Dwarven is a race specialized in metallurgy and they are very proficient with their hands. Mostly when related to mining, blacksmithing, and artifice.Though they are still as capable as humans in magic, they have bad affinity with Wildia who likes to wreck things apart.WildiaDescription:
Wildia is the second majority after Humans. They have humanoid forms but they have the features of animals by having animal tails, ears and/or distinctive traits of animals. They lived in tribes and very scattered in random regions and they’re physically stronger next after Diablos. Wildia is handicapped by their very low mana pool and therefore, useless when it comes to magic.
……the options were really bland and very general. There were four starter races and when the box appeared there were also samples of each being in front of him.
A human for Human. A tall, mystical and frail-looking humanoid with long pointy ears as well as pale skin for Elvem. A mixed breed between human with beast or simply those which could be seen in eastern cartoons as of lately for Wildia. Short yet buffed humanoid carrying large hammer and an anvil for Dwarven.
He asked if there were any other races but Veenia told him.
“As of now, there is but these four Main Races. Your tribe or clan will be determined by certain values. It could be said as random though I dare to say every Voyager is very unique from one to another. Race will only be worthy as the base of your strength. A foundation to build thereafter and later when you cleared hidden quests, you may be able to unlock more races and sub-races while having the chance to simply become one entirely different entity only for you to live as.”
He nodded down. It’s certain that races did not mean everything as he once read that everyone have unlimited potentials as long as there was a will present. Sadly enough, he held no compassion or a heart to do anything by his own will. It didn’t matter as long as he could escape from the reality of being known and pitied by others.
And he wanted the sole Death. Eternal Death was his goal in this world.
However, he was not so indecisive that he would make Veenia to wait any further. Even against a Fake Humanoid Being, he did not like to be so rude to a lady. Was it due to his former conscience? Or was it just a logical assumption? At any rate, he chose……
“Human… is it? Average but capable of doing anything. Very well then, dear Voyager. Do you wish to alter your appearance or do you wish to keep your appearance as is?”
Another question was given. In accordance, a projected figure of a young man was presented before his eyes. It was naked nonetheless. There were no distinct muscles and yet not too skinny either. The figure has short brown hair and eyes.A perfectly ordinary and tall human male befitting his age.
(…wait a sec, is this uncensored? Ah, now that I think about it, I’m past 18 so of course mature content is already unlocked for me. This is just great.)
Though he thought of such thing, he was never happy as that meant blood and splattered flesh could be seen more realistically. BWO has age restricted contents and there were strict filters for under aged people. What’s more, pedophiliac behavior, gore and grotesque things were toned down a lot depending on the age of the player. The first was literally banned though.
It’s all for the sake of being safe when playing also to avoid being sued by ethical committees.
He wasn’t sure if there were other contents such as discrimination or sexual assaults but 18 meant people were adults. They were supposed to guard their behavior and be responsible of their actions. Alas, the gamers he knew were of the category of submissive and timid for they went all-out only in games. And here was basically their paradise to live in, In any case, he gazed at the figure which was basically a 3D model of his RL appearance and he wondered what his options were.
“Maximum three chances of modifications with one-time complete reset. Oh, also, you can change your gender though I do not recommend it.”
Ears perked up, his questioning gaze met Veenia and she smiled shyly. Changing one’s gender was possible? Could that even happen? He didn’t even think as he said ‘”please compare the two gender versions” impulsively and another image was projected.
He was blatantly surprised. The female equivalent of him was very outstanding. A young-adult human girl with long brown hair had unimaginable charm. She had long brown hair, a head shorter than the male model next to her, a pair of round brown eyes giving the vibes of gentleness, two mounds which were not too big and not too small either, added with smooth curves which were forming her shape without any excessive or lacking parts.
Her skin was porcelain white with enough warmth, her childish face was showcasing a smile equal to thousand blooming flowers, and the air surrounding her was so warm that it invited happiness. Overall, the beauty was much perfected that it wasn’t wrong to call her as ‘The Number One Candidate to be My Wife.’
He began to question if it was truly his gender-twisted persona or not. Even with the advancement of technology, as if there could be someone who can outclass this well-endowed beauty and she has the air of frailty that all men would want to protect at any cost.
He asked why his female equivalent could be this crazily charming and he got this as an answer.
“Well… to prevent dissatisfaction, when the gender was switched the hidden charms of yourself was represented even more. The factors of course depended on your personality, hobby, specialties and physical appearance. However… as you can see, dear Voyager. Perhaps your beauty is—um… very significant to notice.”
This time he didn’t take a yes as an answer. He ordered Veenia to delete the female visualization of his self and he was somehow upset knowing he’s more girlish when becoming a girl. He would receive laughter and there would be people who mocked him more if his true identity was shown while Role-Playing as a girl.
Still, he really wanted to get this over with. The parameter of his Stats was already determined when selecting race. The tribes or clans would give additional modifiers and all he needed was a name before he descended into Daedalus. To alter appearance was way too bothersome and he didn’t like impersonating someone else. Much less getting used to a woman’s body.
Thus he ordered in one breath and let Veenia modify the Avatar Body.
He let the appearance be the same. Then changed the hair color with pure black and increases the hair length a few centimeters. Also, he turned the eye-color with golden and added a scar across the neck.
His demands ranged from hair, eye and a scar so that meant three changes. As Veenia altered his would-be Avatar Body, he was finally convinced that he looked unlike his true self yet the same.
The black-haired visualization was tall. He has ordinary built but now with the lengthened bangs covering his eyes, he looked very sharp and mysterious. And if one were to look carefully, the golden orbs peeking under the darkness were ethereal to the point of giving chills. Considering he has a scar, it was as if he was once beheaded and had his head reattached back. The impression was very striking and differently cold. As if seeing one’s worst nightmare haunting back.
He then merged with the Avatar Body after affirming the alterations. His consciousness was instantly cut and reconnected, and then he felt his body under his control. It was basically strange as this was the same body and he had no feeling of discomfort all around. As he raised his head, moving his limbs then clenching his hands into fists for a few times…
He finally caught the sight of the AI Goddess staring at him with uncomfortable gazes. And he quickly nodded down. Signaling that he was ready.
“…Very well, then, Dear Voyager… Although it is very late, what is your name?”
“…….Yuuya.” he voiced out clearly and soundly.
It was his user name whenever he played games. This name derived from his true personality which was basically a light that was torn asunder. It could be said that his love for games was the only thing that kept him to be attached with this ironical nickname.
‘Yuu’ from ‘Yuuki’ (courage) and ‘Ya’ from ‘Yami’ (shadow). The shadow of courage was his name. The darkness of the light was the meaning of his name. The shell of his previous self… and as a reminder that he’s none other than a useless being who deserved no thanks.
“Then, Yuuya it is. Soon, your existence will be sent into Daedalus. Do you wish to undergo the Tutorial in living as a Voyager?”
Oblivious to the choice of his name, Veenia smiled innocently. Even though she’s just an artificial being. A program which was constructed very identical to individual…… yet Yuuya felt a pang of pain and fear that he forced words out of his mouth.
“No need to mind me. You’ve done more than enough so please send me off.”
One smooth line coming from a man with sharp look and almost forceful came out. But Yuuya did not recognize the slight tint of red across the cheeks and widened pupils of the Goddess as he busied himself in thinking of escaping her odd gazes.
“U-understood. Where do you wish to choose as your starting location?”
“Random. Less populated. Calm and tranquil without conflicts.”
“I see… If that is your will, then I shall concede with it.”
A wind blew through the meadow. Yuuya sensed dissonance in the air as a circle of light surrounded him and enveloped him with glitters of blinding light. His consciousness grew hazy as his view was being obstructed.
The Goddess smiled bitterly. He noticed it and he was perplexed. He realized what that expression meant. As if staring through his soul. As if sympathizing with his sufferings… the AI Goddess gave a final word of farewell.
“Then—I pray that you will grasp what you are looking for… Voyager Yuuya.”
In the storm of pouring light, a notice mentioned the new player.
You are being teleported from Imaginary Land into the Daedalus!
When he came to, he was already standing in front of a cathedral. The majestic building was decorated with marble pillars and polished floor which was probably made by the same materials. Down below were pedestals which then lead to a round fountain.
Beyond it was the square of a town. Yes, the place was a town and he could see several individuals with similar garments with him transferring in to this place. Some people always have similar choices and perhaps there were those who thought identically like Yuuya did.
However, he did not mind it. He didn’t want to be noticed by them. He wanted to leave from this place as quickly as possible and hide from everyone’s views. He looked at himself who was equipped with simple tunic and baggy pants. The materials were slightly uncomfortable and he carried a pouch tied to his waist. It’s probably the inventory, Yuuya thought as he recognized another Voyager taking out a rye bread from the way-too-small pouch.
The new Player walked away from the square. The town was lively, indeed. But it was not crowded either. The NPCs were talking with Players and some interacted out of the desires to interact. It’s easy to tell as Players have blue crystals hovering above their heads while the NPCs have grey crystals above them. Probably, only Players would know of the existences of these crystals.
The liveliness was carried by winds as sometimes he could hear the song of bards playing songs in the roadside.
He saw cart-dragging six-legged beasts which looked like they came from fairytale. He saw odd birds with scaly wings flying from above the cathedral, going beyond the mountains circling this town. And he could hear the vibrant sound of water rocking with noises and other miscellaneous things such as the hammered steel from a forgery.
The black-haired Voyager rolled his eyes upward. He looked at the wide sky above without clouds and with shining sunray.
Yuuya felt uncomfortable. For being in a world he knew nothing of.
Yuuya felt very irked. Knowing that he had escaped and chose to degrade himself even further.
Yuuya felt very confused. By this place which was said to float above the sky and sea.
Yuuya felt scared. Knowing that this world may harm him unless he kept his interactions below the norms. Knowing that his luck was nothing but illusion and that people would surely trample him once they recognized his true identity.
He raised his hand to cover his eyes. From the gaps between his fingers, the young man absent-mindedly gazed at the blue sky and at the shining planetary orb above.
“………so… from now on… this is… my Final Destination…… huh…?”
As he muttered, he heard a ruckus coming from an alley. Accompanied with a shriek was a crashing and rattling sounds that they literally called out for a chaos.
”Damn vagrant! How dare you to shame your master in public!? You low-life! Ungrateful Slave!!”
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