《Queen Of Alcaria》Chapter 2 - A New World


Talia dived to the ground, narrowly avoiding the flaming projectile which zoomed over her figure as it blasted into the wall behind her.


Unconsciously letting out a sigh of relief at, Talia turned her head around in order to look behind her, the previously smooth stone wall now had a large scorch mark left at the place were the flaming ball landed.

Flames flickered slightly before appearing to lose energy, fizzing as it finally became extinguished.

Talia had no time to relax, as Edward immediately began to form another fireball in his hands, as a look of concentration appeared on his chubby face.

Kaelyn screamed in shock as she shouted, “Edward, what do you think you’re doing? Stop it now.”

Looking around Kaelyn frantically searched for ways to stop him, but it was all useless.

This time Talia wasn’t going to have the chance to move in time to get out of the way of the collision of the growing fireball, feeling a sense of panic, she looked around before hurriedly grabbing a serving tray of the table in an attempt to use it as a shield.

‘Eh, this should do something to protect me from harm right?’ She thought.

Well, she had no other better options at this, although she had not inspected the room she was in thoroughly yet, she knew that there was no other object which could be of better use to her that is in arm's length. It had only been a short moment since the first fireball was thrown.

However, she couldn’t have accounted for, Kaelyn making the only solution she had available to her at the moment, deciding to throw herself in front of Talia like a human shield.

‘Oh no!’ Talia thought in concern, as the maid reacted to fast for her to do anything, Kaelyn face was pale from fright, but her gaze was resolute as she protected Talia from harm.

The second firewall was flung towards Talia.


‘Damn, am I seriously going to die straight after reincarnating?!’

Just as she was cursing her terrible luck, a big hand appeared out of nowhere, grabbing the fireball. The hand appeared to give it an abrupt squeeze as the fireball almost instantly puffed out of existence as if it was oblivious to the blistering heat emitting from it.

Talia watched in awe as she thought.

‘Ah all hope is restored I’m saved, and from the looks of it by a true Master!’ She thought, not too surprised after witnessing the scene of Magic.

Suddenly, Talia found herself a bit startled by how easily she seemed to have already adapted to the concept of Magic.

‘Maybe it’s a result receiving the former Princesses memories?’ She thought, shortly setting herself to look over the Princesses memories once she had some time to think by herself. She had only just woke up a moment ago, and was instantly thrown into this situation and haven’t even had the opportunity to look at the new-found memories in depth.


In the time available she just skimmed over a few portions, discovering her bodies identity and for some reason, the language had just come instinctively.

‘I will ensure that I go over the memories in-depth later.’ She promised in her mind as she focused her attention back her current circumstances, as she looked at the figure who dispersed the fireball.

She felt an odd sense of satisfaction almost immediately as she saw as soon as the man entered Edward froze, with a look of clear fear on his face as he began to grow paler and paler as he shook uncontrollable.

Edward’s voice lost all sense of his previous confidence, as a high pitched sound emerged from his mouth, as he stuttered, “Oh, it’s Sir Gregory! I didn’t know you were going to be here Sir…. I guess I should take my leave then…. Yes! I really should be going, my Father is expecting me.”

He started to ramble uncontrollably as he started to make all sorts of excuses, as he seemed too slowly be edging his way to the entrance of the room so he could make a getaway.

Nonetheless, Edward’s worries perhaps might have seemed unfounded, as from the beginning Sir Gregory never focused on him at all, and was fully concentrated on her.

“Princess, are you alright?” Sir Gregory said respectfully as he stood in front of her with an expressionless look in his face.

Despite the lack of emotion in his bearing, she could somehow tell that he was concerned for her. Finally, being able to take in a good view of the new ‘Master’, she saw a stocky looking 6ft6 tall caucasian man. He had thick dark hair, a rough, but handsome looking face as he stared down at her with his piercing blue eyes.

What stood out the most though about his hulking figure was the great-sword attached to his back which length must have been taller than him, it was so large it looked to impractical to even use. She would doubt if he could even use the thing if she didn't just witness him grasp a fireball out of thin air.

Additionally, Talia had long thrown away the concept of ‘normal’ since learning that there was Magic in the World, in fact being super strong didn’t seem that spectacular once you compare it to Magical abilities.

“Yes, I am, thank you,” Talia replied casually, after all in the end despite the dangerous situation, there wasn’t a scratch on her, in the face the only person who was actually harmed in the end was Edward, who still had a bright red mark on his face as proof of the incident which just occurred.

‘I will definitely get back at that guy, later. And I will accomplish it myself, I don’t believe if someone such as Edward could master Magic, that it would be impossible for me to achieve something either.’ She thought as her eyes held hidden maliciousness as she stared at the boy who attempted to kill her.


Edward heaved a sigh of relief hearing Talia’s word as he was worrying that she would rat him out to Sir Gregory, although his father told him they would no longer need to afraid of him, he was still fearful of the most powerful Warrior in the Kingdom. Memories of his prowess haunted his vision, giving him the knowledge that if Sir Gregory wanted to do him harm, he could do nothing to stop him at that moment, after all just because his Father has a means to deal with Sir Gregory doesn’t mean he possesses it also.

Nonetheless, just when he thought he had been left off and was about to leave, the gruff voice of Sir Gregory sounded behind him, “Who said you could leave?”

An intimidating aura pressed down on to Edward as Sir Gregory stared him down, he felt his knees buckle slightly at he felt the force of Sir Gregory’s aura, “You see, it was uhh… just a joke…. Well, I and the Princess are…”

A load of excuses just started flowing outside of his mouth causing the disdain in Sir Gregory’s eyes to deepen, “If I catch you doing anything which has put the Princess in harm's way again, I don’t care who your Father is, I will personally chop of your head and present it, in front of your Father, no matter the consequences. Leave us, now.”

Edward felt a leak of fluid down his legs, as he scrambled his way out of the room, leaving the room in haste.

After he left, Sir Gregory fierce aura was repressed instantly, as if it was never even there in the first place, a friendly smile appeared on his face as he said, “Hmm. It looks like your recovery has gotten much better today Princess, Kaelyn I think we should now take our leave, there has been too much excitement this evening and Princess, I will return first thing in the morning to inspect your condition once more.”

Abruptly after he said this, they exchanged a few more pleasantries, before the pair made their leave, allowing Talia to be left alone in the brightly lit room.

Coming to the realisation that it seemed to be coming up to night time, she felt a sudden wave of sleepiness as she approached the bed before lifting the sheets and laid down, her head resting on the pillow she began to piece together the current situation.

‘So it seems, that I have been transported into another World in the body of a Princess. After that I can piece together that the situation is definitely not good, the previous Princess seemed to have suffered serious mental trauma as a result of the passing of her parents, leaving a young girl alone to run a Kingdom by herself. After that it was easy to piece together, it turns out that the Father of the guy who just entered is not a good person, probably a person who has become ambitious since the Kingdom’s only remaining royal is a Princess suffering mental difficulties and at the moment is at her most vulnerable.’

Quickly, piecing together the situation from her current knowledge she soon came to the conclusion that being in the body of the only eligible ruler of a Kingdom remaining is not as good news at it seems, it is obvious what would happen in the scenario of only a young girl with no power in the way of taking over an entire Kingdom ending will be.

‘Maybe the Princess only lived until now because of her current condition.’ She thought as a wave of trepidation filled her, just when she felt her body trembling at the thought of the danger she had found herself in, a yawn unconsciously left her body as she found a sudden urge of tiredness.

‘Ah, no point worrying about it now, I will deal with it tomorrow.’ She thought sleepily as she drifted off to sleep.

Nonetheless, when she thought that it was finally the end of tonight's madness, a weird mechanical voice appeared out of no were.


‘Collecting players information… Scanning brain waves…. Scan successful… Initiating player character… Initialisation successful.’

‘Wait what is that…? What is going on?’

‘Installation complete. Player is now entering ‘Dawn of the Corrupted’ in 3… 2…. 1….’

‘Is that….’ Talia mumbled before her mind went blank, as a moment later she felt a sudden wave of dizziness as a strange and mysterious wave went through her body.

All of a sudden, Talia found herself at a character creation room, in a room all too familiar for her.

“Wait for a second, isn’t this ‘Dawn of the Corrupted?’” Talia muttered confusedly, as a character creation menu floated in front of her.

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