《Home of Laplace》Chapter 6


Although I didn't look back so that I could come off as a bit more awesome, I assumed from the lack of grunting and panting behind me that I'd left the giant a little introspective as I climbed carefully back into my room through the open window.

'That should be enough groundwork for him to see me as a teacher figure quite soon' I thought.

The opening was abnormally big considering that it was near twice my size. Although I couldn't get my hands on any rulers or measuring tapes for obvious reasons, using the power of logical thinking I divined from the people and places around me that I was about the same height in this new body as I was in my previous life. And although I could never hold a candle to the giant I had just finished talking to, being about 5'11' was quite tall for a woman in this new world as well.

I towered over Llana who was nearly a foot shorter than me, and the situation was similar with Usra who was a half a foot shorter than me. It was only Tetsu, and that fat bastard of a husband Usra had that were able to far surpass me in that aspect by virtue of their sheer inhuman size.

"It's a wonder that bastard managed to get so fat at his height." I clicked my tongue and spoke as I lay down, staring up at the moon through the window. The whistle of the cool wind that passed my window grew louder, then quiet, as snow began to fall, creating white spots on the moon and purple mountains surrounding it as it did so. The beautiful scene reminded me of the reality that I had truly entered another world. My blood boiled in anticipation of what the future held.

- Krrrrrh- A grumbling sound of something dragging across the wood floor tolled from behind me before I felt a hand, cold and spongy with a stench of alcohol, wrap around my arm. Another quickly pounced up over the side of my face my eyes subconsciously widened in an attempt to see who it was before I was flipped and shoved into the straw mattress below me face first. I screamed what only came out as a muffle through the thick sheet I was violently pressed up against. The hand moved quickly from the side of my face to my nape as a huge weight grew on my back sinking me deeper into the bed.


"Heh.. w-whats rong..? C-can't mhove? Ghuess yew're reight... Aih RHELLY EM A FHAT BHASTARD..." A chill crawled up my spine as I heard the breathy and jumbled voice just above my neck. I squirmed and continued to shout muffled screams into the mattress until the pressure around my neck suddenly disappeared. I turned my head away from the mattress to catch a breath of open air when I felt the inside of my cheek cave in, crashing into my teeth, and a metallic taste invaded my mouth.

"AHHHC!" I screamed out in agony as the pain hit me and my mind descended into a blinding whiteness. "Crcklh... Hrk Ukh" My throat tightened, and I felt a sharp stabbing in the back of my mouth before breaking out into a violent coughing fit. When the piercing pain in my throat had finally disappeared, I opened my eyes to peer through the tears in my burning eyes. In front of me was a bloodstained part of the sheet along with a single pearly white tooth that lay on the patch of red. I felt the chill in my back spreading as my gown was forcefully ripped open from the top down and the man returned his hand to my neck.

"HEH. S-SHERVES YHOU RHIGHT BHICH." The ear-splitting voice croaked from behind me as wet saliva rained down onto my exposed back.

"P-pleathe..." I spoke in barely a whisper as I turned my head downwards into my bosom.

"HAEH?..." The man grunted in a gravelly tone as he moved his head down towards mine. I quickly whipped my head upwards striking him in the face with the back of my head before hurriedly twisting him off of me sending him toppling down onto the windowsill at the bedside. I sprung up onto my feet, running towards the door and ramming into it with all my weight. However, instead of the bright scene of the well-lit kitchen that I had expected, I was met with the same cold and unchanging darkness of my bedroom. I continued to struggle against the block of wood, kicking and punching at it until my hands bled of splinters.



My hands slowed down on their own as the stinging pain of the cuts and bruises from the wood started to settle in. I felt my last ounce of hope drain away along with the adrenaline as all the pain and fatigue caught up to me. I turned around but couldn't bring myself to look directly at the man's face. Something primal preventing me from any kind of acceptance of my fate. The man started to talk but my hearing started to fade on its own, reducing his words to a mere ringing in my head as I froze up with my back against the door.

My mind screamed out in rejection when I suddenly remembered the system that had saved me once before. 'Come on. Give me something.' I shut my eyes tightly and tried to draw on the power of my memories like I had once done before. 'Something... Anything!' I squeezed my eyes even tighter, hard enough to see stars but still felt nothing. No secret power or sudden burst of strength, nothing...

I opened my eyes once more to see the man now towering over me, my heartbeat quickened as adrenaline rushed throughout me once more and my body began to move on its own. I ducked quickly and ran straight past the man's hulking figure in a way so agile that I even surprised myself. Without thinking I ran directly for the window, unfastening the gears between the two panes and quickly sliding up the bottom sash and feeling the refreshing mountain air rush in over me. I pulled my torso halfway through the window, enough to see the entrance at Tetsu's backyard porch. For a brief moment I felt a spark of hope, a refuge from the nightmare I hoped to escape. But the appearance of the weight on my legs that squeezed and pulled me backwards tore it all away.

"T-Tethu..." I pushed out my voice through broken teeth with all the strength I could muster but only managed to squeeze out little more than a whimper before I was wrenched back into the room and forced onto the bed once more. My slightly opened eyes spotted the man as he slowly leaned down over me, his figure growing to surround me completely.

I felt the same chill spread down my torso as all noise drowned and the only thing I could make out were the red eyes that hovered over me, unreasonable and terrifying. I closed my eyes tightly once more in preparation for what was to come when suddenly the man's hands stopped moving. I opened my eyes to see a beaten and bruised Usra standing over him from behind, a broken chair in her hands as the man slowly toppled over sideways onto the bedroom floor below...

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