《Hetalia: The Lost World》Chapter 2
~At England's House~ "Oh no no no" said England while walking around the room in circles. "I thought he was gone for sure" England then went back into his spell book until he stopped at a page. "It's all my fault, if only I haven't cursed him that day" said England. "Now now lad. How could it be your fault?" asked a calm voice that's similar to England's. "Who said that?" asked England. Suddenly a puff of pink smoke appeared and vanished only to leave behind a similar looking England, but was wearing a velvet overcoat, with a pink shirt along with a blue bow tie and he had light blue eyes. "Ello, did you miss me?" asked the England look alike with a smile. "Excuse me? I'm pretty sure we never meet before" said England. "Oh I'm sorry, where are my manners? My name is England, but you may call me Oliver Kirkland" said Oliver. "Ah sorry to burst your bloody bubble, but I'm the one and only England" said England while pointing at himself. "Well lad, I'm your counterpart also known as your dark side. But most importantly I'm your 2P" said Oliver. "2P? What in the name of all bloody things holy is a 2P?" asked England. "Well if only if you weren't such a bloody git and look more into your book of creatures, demons, and whatnot it tells you about 2Ps" said Oliver. "Hey! I'm not a bloody git!" yelled England. "Now now England or should I call you Arthur, everyone in your own world/dimension has a dark side, including the country personifications. However during the tide of the balance there's only a few number of the 2P countries left" said Oliver. "Like how many are left?" asked England. "Well there's me, also following with the 2P version of the Allied Powers and the Axis Powers. However can you guess whose leading the 2Ps?" asked Oliver. "Uhh.... 2P America?" asked England. "Close lad, he's actually leading the 2P Allied Powers, but in a more... how should I call it? Ah, in a much more brutal way" said Oliver. "Umm... is it 2P Germany?" asked England. "Oooh... so close, but no he isn't. 2P Germany is actually *coughlazyallthetimecough*... what I mean he's busy way too much and isn't leading. In fact he isn't even leading the 2P Axis Powers" said Oliver. "So who is it then?" asked England. "Oh that's easy, it's-" and without an explanation Oliver then vanished from England's sight. "Hmm... 2P? I could of swore I heard it before but where exactly?" asked England in wonder. England then found a book about different dimensions which was put together with the former North Korea that was his friend and ally. England was roaming through the pages until he came across the page of the 2Ps. England separated the list of the 2Ps between Allied Powers and Axis Powers. England then put down their country names along with their human names, in this order: 1P Allied Powers/2P Allied Powers 1P America: Alfred F. Jones/2P America: Al Jones 1P England: Arthur Kirkland/2P England: Oliver Kirkland 1P France: Francis Bonnefoy/2P France: Francois Bonnefoy 1P Canada: Matthew Williams/2P Canada: Matt Williams 1P Russia: Ivan Braginski/2P Russia: Vladimir Braginski 1P China: Yao Yang/2P China: Xiao Yang 1P Axis Powers/2P Axis Powers 1P North Italy: Feliciano Vargas/2P North Italy: Luciano Vargas 1P South Italy: Romano Vargas/2P South Italy: Flavio Vargas 1P Germany: Ludwig Beilschmidt/2P Germany: Lutz Beilschmidt 1P Prussia: Gilbert Beilschmidt/2P Prussia: Akbar Beilschmidt 1P Japan: Kiku Honda/2P Japan: Kuro Honda After the list was done, England then heard a noise outside his magic chamber. England then grabbed paper that had the 2P country names along with the 1P country names. England then found the source of noise to a chamber he never dared to go in. When England opened the door and to his surprise, he found Oliver with a man that has an appearance to that of Austria's. But had black hair and red eyes, in fact he seems to being wearing a punk rock black suit with spikes and matching black heeled boots. "Oh ello there lad. I'm just here to visit an old friend. Ahh... I was exactly trying to set him free" said Oliver. "Who in the world is that?" asked England. "Oh him, well he's the 2P counterpart of Austria. Hey there you punk rock reject, care to introduce yourself to my 1P counterpart, Arthur?" asked Oliver. "To hell vith jou all" growled 2P Austria. "Hey do you even remember my little swear jar, poppet? You know, if you say one swear word, you'll have to pay up" said Oliver mockingly. "I don't have any money on me, jou cupcake making sweet talking dummkopf!!!" yelled 2P Austria. "How rude of you! I have you know I haven't even bother to make cupcakes yet" said Oliver. While both Oliver and 2P Austria were arguing, England quickly took out the paper of the names to the 2Ps and simply wrote the following entry: "1P Austria: Roderich Edelstein/2P Austria: Roland Edelstein" under the newly added section of "1P/2P Extras". After writing or should I say, giving a name to 2P Austria, England placed the paper back into his pocket. While both Oliver and Roland were still busy arguing, England then pulled out his wand and mumbled something, causing a beam of light to go unnoticed and broke the chains that held Roland. Oliver who then noticed Roland was free, quickly ran behind England, while Roland got up and pulled out a rock guitar from his back. He then came over to both England and Oliver only to stop about three steps apart from England. "I demand jou to step aside for me, so I can kill zhis cupcake loving dummkopf" hissed Roland. "What will happen if I do or if I don't?" asked England who wasn't afraid of Roland. "Hmm... zhere vill be a chance zhat I'll kill zhe cupcake lover und if jou don't move, I'll slice jour throat open und drink jour pool of blood" said Roland through clenched sharp teeth. "Well... there is a slight chance I'll might do this" said England while using his wand and a spell to knock Roland's guitar out of his hands and summoned magical binds on him so he doesn't move. "Vhat iz zhis!? I demand jou to release me at once or suffer zhe consequences!" yelled Roland. "What consequences? With this binds on you, you can't even do a thing" said England. "Vhy jou little... vhen I get out of zhese binds und vhen I get mein hands on jou, jou're-" before Roland can finish his sentence, Oliver covered his mouth with a handkerchief. "Say there lad, we make good team" said Oliver. "Uhh... team? I don't think so, when I'm working with magic, I usually work alone" said England. "Oh nonsense lad, I'm pretty sure you don't work alone. In fact don't you work with Norway, you know the other magic user?" asked Oliver. "Well no, but usually I do work with others. But I don't trust them at all with potions, because they usually drop them or spill the liquid all over themselves" said England. "So you do work with people. Too late to change what you said. I believe that you do work with people while performing magic" said Oliver. "Whatever you bloody git. Speaking of which I'm heading upstairs to the kitchen to make tea" said England. With that England left the room and was heading up the steps to the kitchen, leaving Oliver behind. "I have no idea, why I didn't ask him if I can come with. Say Roland since you're going to be suck down here, might as well eat something. Speaking of eating I'm going upstairs to make cupcakes for you" said Oliver. Which Roland replies to only being able to grunt angrily while Oliver stands there looking at him, while smiling cheerfully. "Don't worry I promise you that they're not going to burn. See ya later poppet!" said Oliver. With that Oliver ran out of the room and up the stairs to England's kitchen, while leaving behind an angry Roland who was about ready to scream. While waiting for his tea to be done, England quickly leaves amount of text messages to his friends. But mostly he kept sending text messages to Germany, but mostly France to only call him a 'bloody git' or 'bloody frog'. Soon England heard his teapot whistling and England then came to the kitchen to taste his tea. While backing up, he accidentally bumped into Oliver. "Gah!" screamed England. "Oh my! No! Not the cupcakes!" yelled Oliver. "Geez, why are you in my kitchen and how dare you bump into me!?" yelled England. "I was going to ask you the same question. In fact why are you in here making tea? I was just about to put my cupcakes into the oven, until you bumped into me causing me to drop the cake pan" said Oliver. "Cupcakes!? Why the bloody hell are you making cupcakes!? I thought my counterpart still makes scones!" yelled England. "Ah ah ah, even though I'm your counterpart it means that I'm the complete opposite of you. I have you know that I find scones disgusting and prefer cupcakes. By the way you swore, now pay up the swear jar" said Oliver will pulling out his swear jar from god who knows where. "Well that makes sense and hey! My scones aren't disgusting. By the way I don't have money to pay for swearing at you, in fact why do you even have a swear jar?" asked England. "Oh the jar? Well since I'm the opposite of you, I'm very sensitive to hearing swear words. They make me wanna throw up and rip my ears out. In fact with a swear jar, I'm making a living" said Oliver. "How much money do you even get, when you hear a swear word?" asked England. "Well if I'm hearing a lot of them I make people give me five dollars" said Oliver. Oliver then put in another batch of cupcakes in the oven, he then turn to England only to ask "Say do you mind telling me of what kind of spell you used?" "I guess I can tell you" said England as a flashback appeared. "Alfred! Alfred! I have no time to play your kiddie games! Come back here now!" yelled England. "So little Alfred, are you ready to scare the living stocks out of your brother?" asked a man with long black hair, along with a curl with a face in the center, who was up in a tree with a child with blond hair. "You're sure bet I am, cause I'm the hero!" exclaimed the young boy. While moving to tree to tree, they suddenly stopped when they both saw England coming. "Geez! Why the bloody hell am I even bothering? Alfred, if you don't show yourself to me then no cookies for you!" yelled England. "Boy, big brother Arthur seems very angry" whispered Alfred. "Who cares? At the count of three we surprise Arthur" whispered the man while Alfred nods in agreement. "Okay, ready? 1... 2.... 3! NOW!" yelled the man as Alfred hold onto him tightly as the man grabbed onto a vine. They suddenly came down to England who was shocked and couldn't move, as Alfred let go of the man and then clobbered his own brother. "Haha" laughed Alfred as he was on top of Arthur. "Okay enough of laughing, you got me. Now can you please get off of me so I can get up?" asked Arthur. As soon as Arthur got up, he picked up his little brother and looked up at his friend who was laughing on a vine, until he crashed into a tree. "Ow! Who put that tree there!?" yelled the man in pain. "Looks like you got a piece of your own medicine!" laughed Arthur. "Not funny Arthur! I was just having some fun" said the man. "Now Alfred, since you're going to be an actual country soon, I might as well tell you who my friend is" said England. "Is he a country like you?" asked Alfred. "Close, but no. He's the incarnation of a capital of a country" said England. "Is he the capital of your country?" asked Alfred. "You mean London? No, but I wish he was; however, he's Korea's capital and Korea's older brother. He is known to be Seoul" said England. "Umm... England, you're forgetting something else" said the capital. "Which is?" asked England. "Little Alfred, I may be called Seoul but my name is Iyong ju" said Iyong ju. "That name sounds so cool. Where did you get that name from?" asked Alfred. "My brothers gave me that name" replied Iyong ju, "Brothers?" asked Alfred. "His brothers are the Asian countries of Japan and China, but his younger brother is Korea" said England. "So one day I get to see you with your brothers?" asked Alfred. "Of course you will" said Iyong ju with a smile, as England's flashback ended. "So let me get this straight, Iyong ju is a capital to a nation?" asked Oliver. "Why yes he is. Until that day when I stepped into Korea or so I thought it was, it was the same day where I regretted everything that I've done for him" said England with a sad face. Another flashback appeared. But this time only to skip after World War II and after the separation of Korea between America and the Soviet Union. "Yong Soo? Iyong ju? Are you two home?" asked England as he stepped into Korea's home. England was searching for both the brothers until he heard a sound. England searched for the source of the sound until he came across the door. England then heard the sound again and he then tried to open the door, but it was locked. England then pulled out his wand and after mumbling a spell, he got the door to open. England then went inside and to his surprise he was in Korea's room. England saw broken glass and burnt furniture around the room, until he saw a mantel with a broken picture on it. England walked over to it and carefully picked it up. A picture was shown in the frame, but the glass of the frame was broken. The picture of Korea was shown, along with Iyong ju next to him and both of them were smiling happily. The picture broke some of England's feelings, he then took the picture out of the frame and placed it into his pocket as he set the frame back onto the mantel. England then turned to walk away from the mantel until he slipped over something and almost tripped. But England remained his balance and with a stern expression he asked himself "What was that?" England looked on floor until came across some blue and white cloth. That's when he stumbled across the unconscious body of Korea. "Yong Soo? Are you okay? Wake up!" yelled England with a panicked tone. England then picked up Korea and came into the living room and set him on the couch. England then gave Korea some painkillers and medical treatment. After an hour passed Korea slowly opened his eyes and noticed England coming from the kitchen with an ice pack and warm tea. "You're not suppose to be moving, so here put this ice pack on your head" said England. "Thank you Arthur" said Korea. "What happened here and why were you on the floor of your bedroom?" asked England. With a moment of pause, Korea was remembering his past moments before collapsing on the floor before saying "I was attacked" "By who?" asked England. "I was attacked by the Russians and by other words I mean by Ivan" replied Korea weakly. "Here drink some warm tea to conserve your energy" said England as he gave Korea a cup. "Thanks again" said Korea as he took a sip. "Anyway after the war ended both Ivan and Alfred were starting to get off the edges" continued Korea. "You mean Alfred is fighting with Ivan?" asked England with a concerned expression. "Yes indeed. It wasn't that long when they were fighting, they were both focused on my brothers and mostly me. They both decided to break Korea into two halves. However your brother was against it and came here to protect me from Russia. However he failed just like how I was trying to protect my brother" said Korea. "You mean Iyong ju" asked England. "Yes. Ivan had his men grab Iyong ju and I tried to help, but I was too scared of Ivan. I then forgot about my fears and focused on saving my brother. But I was knocked out and beaten by Ivan's pipe" said Korea. "Oh my, that's terrible! What else has both Alfred and Ivan decided for your country?" asked England. "They spilt us up from each other. They took Iyong ju to the northern part of my country and called it North Korea and I remained by America were I'm no longer Korea, but I was called South Korea" said South Korea. 'It's so disturbing to hear that Yong Soo has been separated from his brother, it's even worse then splitting up both Germany and Prussia' thought England. After a couple of years after 1945 it was already the start of the 1950s and during that time, England was called by America for a meeting. "Okay Alfred, why am I here?" asked England as he walked through the doors. "Arthur, it's terrible! My country got a distress call from South Korean officials that the North Koreans are going to attack South Korea!" yelled America while panicking and putting his head on the table just to start crying. 'Don't tell me that the Koreans are now nationally called from whatever part the people are from' thought England before America managed to get him out of his thoughts. "Another issue is that my country is also dealing with Ivan and this North Korean uprising! It's even worse then the Great Depression from the early 1920s and 1930s! You know it almost broke me apart!" continued America. "So what do you want me to do about it? Do you realize that my country suffered the same kind of depression as you did? Even Francis that bloody frog, experienced it as well" said England. "I just... I just want your wisdom. I just want you to tell me what I should to do" said America while his head was still on the table. "Well then like I always do, I side with the country who needs the most help. Trust me Alfred, I had to side with both Francis and Yao for both World Wars. That was also the time when Ivan came in to help" said England. "So you're saying that I should side with South Korea against North Korea?" asked America as his read raised up from the table. "Yes you should. In fact I even heard that Ivan is going to side with North Korea" said England. "You're right! I'm going to help South Korea defeat North Korea and save the world! I'm going to be a real hero after all, just like how I ended the second war by dumping two atomic bombs on Japan!" yelled America while standing up in a spotlight. "Ahh I see... so you're going to be a hero again just like how you bombed Japan for about two times?" asked England while raising a brow. "Ahh... actually it was just a small tini-tiny accident" said America as he begin to laugh nervously. After the Korean War it wasn't long before South Korea helped England get into North Korea and which by helping I met by sneaking him in. "Are you sure this is where they kept your brother at?" asked England. "Yeah, I'm sure" replied South Korea. The two countries then went inside the building to find Iyong ju and get him out. They then found him, England was the first one to speak to him. "Iyong ju, I'm glad to see you again. How are you doing?" asked England. When Iyong ju spoke to him, his voice wasn't smoothing and calming as it was before, it was now raspy. "Doing? How do you think it is going for me?" asked Iyong ju "Uh... big brother do you remember me? You know your brother, Yong Soo also known as Korea?" asked South Korea. "Korea? There's no Korea, only South Korea. I may be Iyong ju, but I'm no longer Seoul" said Jason. "What do you mean brother?" asked South Korea. "I mean that Seoul is dead and so is Korea. Only South Korea and North Korea are present and now you're in North Korean territory boys" said Iyong ju with a grim look. "Okay you're starting to scare me brother. Can you please stop?" asked South Korea with a nervous smile, until that's when Iyong ju started to laugh hysterically and said with a grim smile on his face "You scared? That's cute. I love to see the weak afraid" "Okay Iyong ju we both know that's not a nice way to treat your brother. Where are your manners?" asked England as he crosses his arms. "Me? Manners? Oh Arthur, you crack me up sometimes. Since you made me laugh, I suppose it's time for me to literally break your funny bone" said Iyong ju while laughing at his own little joke until he was slapped on the face by South Korea. "Yong Soo? Why would you slap your brother like that?" asked England with a shocked and puzzled look. "Because of reasons. In fact I no longer know my own brother and I always thought of him as friend, but not anymore" said South Korea through clenched teeth and England even noticed a tear coming from his eye, when he was walking away. England soon followed South Korea and headed by to his country only to say goodbye to him. After years had passed it was already the start of the 1960s, England was in his office while looking at the picture of both South Korea and Iyong ju smiling together. "What happened to you, Iyong ju? You were so nice to me and your brother, but now you're a jerk" said England while grabbing his cup to drink his morning tea. He was about ready to do more paper work until, he heard a knock on his door, he quickly put the picture away underneath his plastic set of Revolutionary War army men. "Yes, the door is open. You can come in" said England. It was his secretary and she was holding something in her hand and she said to him "This is for you Mr. England. It's from a friend" England then grabbed it and it turns out to be a letter, it even had his name written beautifully on the front. England then opened it and pulled out a piece of paper. He than read it and was left in a total shock, when his secretary was about to leave he stopped her only to say "Wait! Something is wrong! I need you to have our officials to call the former Allied Powers together for a meeting at the United Nations. There's no time to waste" said England. The secretary did what she was told and soon a meeting was called at the United Nations in New York City. England was the first one to be there and after two hours had passed America, China, and France came. "What's the big emergency? I was busy finishing my new relationship to Japan, until my boss came to me and said you wanted me to come for a meeting. So this better be good, aru" said China. "Oui! I agree vith Yao here, vat vould ze black sheep of Europe vant me to hear?" asked France. "For the last time stop calling me the black sheep of Europe you bloody frog!" yelled England. "Yeah Francis! Even the hero agrees you should stop" said America while eating a Big Mac from McDonald's. 'Wow, I'm surprised that Alfred is on my side for once' thought England until he cut off his thoughts by saying "Look, I know you guys don't want to be here. But I just got a letter from Yong Soo informing me that something bad has happened to him" "Arthur, I got a letter from him as well. Even Japan got one, aru" said China. "Same as I" said France. "So everyone must of gotten a letter" said England. "Everyone did expect for me" said America while wiping his face with something. "Actually if you just take a look of what you're using to clean yourself, you might see it!" yelled Canada as he grabbed America's hand only to reveal a letter from South Korea, which was now covered in cheese, grease, and ketchup. "Oh thank you! Umm.... who are you again?" asked America which Canada replied while face palming "I'm Canada! Your brother!" "Oh sorry about that dude!" said America. "You better be sorry" mumbled Canada. "Say Yao, since Yong Soo is a brother to both you and Japan, why not tell us what your letter said?" asked England. "Well you're not going like this.... but..... uh..... he's d-dead, aru" replied China with a tear in his eye who then put his head down in shame. "WHAT!?" yelled England, America, Canada, and France together. "Yes you all heard me, Yong Soo is dead. I wasn't long that I got this letter his boss told me he died. It even said so on the my version of the letter, it even said it on Japan's version too, aru" said China. "Zhen vho killed him? I mean countries aren't meant to die, but ve are all immortals. Unless ve're forgotten or dissolved" said France. "He wasn't forgotten or dissolved, he was like killed by a special type of poison, aru" said China. 'What? Poison? How can that be? There's no way poison can kill a country. Unless it was like created by magic and by hatred of a person. In speaking of a person... Iyong ju! Why would he kill his own brother? That's it to prove that he is the one and only Korea! Well he's wrong!' thought England. With anger rising through England, he pulled out his spell back and placed it on the table. He flipped through the pages until he stopped at a spell. 'Iyong ju I thought you were my friend, but since I knew what you did to your brother, you shall be cursed until you dissolve with it' thought England while a tear came from his eye. England than pulled out his magic wand and while everyone was busy talking, he started put the spell into effect. The building then grew dark, until when the four other countries stopped fighting. "Hey didn't it just got dark in here?" asked America while having a panicked expression on his face. Then the four turned to see, England summoning a spell from his spell book. "Oh no! Ze black sheep of Europe is using his black magic of death!" yelled France. Then suddenly a large purple glowing pentagram appeared over England and was on the wall. "This looks very bad" said Canada nervously. England then was mumbling words in another language in a form of a mantra and soon the lights were back on. England then looked up from his spell book to see his friends embracing each other like if they saw a ghost. England then laughed at them saying "Wow I never seen you guys afraid and hug each other for dear life, like you're going to die" "Not funny, aru!" yelled China. "Yeah! I zhought you vere going to curse ze beautiful country of love vith your black magic" said France. "Arthur, the hero thought you were going to curse Germany for being mean to me, when I was helping rebuild his country, but found me eating a cheeseburger and he began to yell at me. It really broke my feelings and mostly my heart" said America. "Oh I wasn't. I was just going to curse both you and Francis, until I used my energy to curse someone else" said England. "Who exactly?" asked Canada. "Oh nobody that meets in all of your interests" said England.
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❝ A sniper doesn't always need a partner, they just need someone to give the signal. ❞Going solo gave you a lot to ponder on, especially given a mission that isolated you from your daily life of sniping up dozens of armed agents per hour.A change to braids and glasses wouldn't be too bad for one mission. Just follow the girl, keep an eye on the girl, and continue for two years. Simple.Throw in assassins? Simple. Throw in traitors? Simple. Throw in a baby? Simple. Throw in poison? Simple. Throw in intruders? Simple. Throw in love? E R R O R .Check twice before messing with the quiet and the nerds. Because the nerds will become future hackers, and the quiet will become undercover agents. ❝ Game over. ❞ _★ Previously Featured on Wattpad's Official ROMANCE Account | Dangerous Love ★ [ Highest Rank #1 in Action - 4:01:18 ] [ Highest Rank #1 in Action - 3:25:18 ] [ Highest Rank #1 in Action - 3:19:18 ] ♕ ♡ [ Highest Rank #1 in Action - 2:25:18 ] [ #3 in Action - 2:24:18 ] [ #4 in Action - 2:23:18 ] [ #5 in Action - 2:21:18 ] [ #6 in Action - 2:19:18 ] [ #7 in Action - 2:18:18 ] [ #8 in Action - 2:16:18 ] [ #9 in Action - 2:15:18 ] [ #11 in Action - 2:12:18 ] [ #12 in Action - 2:09:18 ] [ #13 in Action - 2:07:18 ] [ #24 in Action - 2:04:18 ] [ #25 in Action - 2:01:18 ] [ #39 in Action - 1:30:18 ] [ #47 in Action - 1:29:18 ] [ #56 in Action - 1:13:18 ] [ #119 in Action - 1:12:18 ] [ #148 in Action - 8:21:17 ] _ - Credits to @lilsahun for the wonderful cover - _ 07.01.17 - 06.18.18 // unedited version //
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Hopeful Start
DROPPED: Decided to drop this one, I didn't properly think through a lot and as i started making chapters i found myself aiming for a word count and adding things or characters that i probably wouldn't use later, same with the system, i awas making it convoluted. Sorry! Transported to another world? Maybe to defeat the demon king or defeat a evil god! However for our protagonist he wasn't quite as lucky, working day in day out to pay off the debt his parents left him only to go home and get transported to another world where he is attacked by a unknown creature. Hello! This is my first time writing a story and i most likely won't do the best job at doing so. Some constructive feedback and tips would be fantastic.
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