《The Dawn of Blood》Chapter 10
It had been 5 days since I started hunting in the woods. Each night I would sleep in a suitable tree and continue hunting at daylight.
Ever since I had first awoken to my stats, I felt as if my basic needs, like eating, drinking, sleeping, even using the bathroom, were needed much less. I had eaten my fill from an apple tree and drank from a clean-looking stream once each, as well as relieved myself once soon after the food and water, but that was all.
The only reason for me sleeping in a tree all night was that I didn’t feel near confident enough to wander the woods in the dark. Otherwise I would be able to get by, feeling well rested, with a meager 2 to 3 hours of sleep each night.
Currently I was level 9, and since I started hunting I had killed dozens of creatures, improving greatly in the process.
Most of the creatures were amped up versions of normal species, such as snakes, birds and wolves. But on occasion I would find a completely abnormal type of creature.
The monsters were part of a species I learned to be called Kobolds. They were small, humanoid figures, but with the skin and features of a lizard. The lone Kobolds that I had encountered were roughly 5 feet in height and wielded a club or wooden spear.
Their levels were never more than 9, but the first one I had encountered still gave me a bit of trouble. Not only did they have weapons, but the Kobolds were also more experienced in battle than the average creature, making them more powerful and dangerous.
On the bright side, some of the Kobolds wore rudimentary clothing, which meant that I was able to fashion a shitty bag out of it. Although it was displeasing to the eye and uncomfortable to carry around, it did its job in holding the red objects that I collected from everything I killed, Kobolds included.
At the moment, I was facing a Kobold, with my bag of items dropped on the ground and my greatsword gripped tightly with both hands. Normally I would be confident facing a Kobold, as throughout these 5 days I had vastly improved in using my sword as well as overall battle experience. The difference was, this Kobold stood 6 feet tall and was well equipped, with proper leather armor and a metal spear. I probably would have stood a chance against him normally too, as in my hunting I had tested out and gotten the hang of Blood Needle.
Curiosity had gotten the better of me at one point and I tried out the skill, using the blood of a creature I had killed. Much to my delight, the skill worked without any backlashes, and through further practice I was able to control it.
The problem was, the 6 foot Kobold wasn’t alone. By his side were 5 more Kobolds, taller than the average Kobold and with better equipment, but not quite as tall or well equipped as the 6 foot one.
Unfortunately, Blood Needle wouldn’t work in this situation, as it had two drawbacks. First of all the blood took time to make its way to me once it was spilled, and second, I needed to draw blood.
There was no way I could get close enough to draw blood myself without getting injured or killed. Even if I summoned the ethereal snake, the most blood it could spill would be enough for one or two Blood Needles, but would result in certain death for the snake.
I could try out Blood Explosion for the first time, but I didn’t know what it would do, and I had a better plan... to turn tail and run. I even had the perfect decoy.
Although what I was about to do may have some serious repercussions in the future, I would have to deal with them when they came to be.
The tall Kobold began approaching me, confident and menacingly.
“So, you’re the one who’s been killing off all the new recruits?” The Kobold asked, with a hissing noise interlaced within his words.
I quickly backpedaled, grabbing my bag of the red objects while simultaneously activating the bond with my sword and summoning the Corrupted Python in front of me.
Without looking back, I bolted in the opposite direction as I heard angry hissing, from both the snake and Kobolds.
After only a few seconds of running, I got my first notification.
You have slain Kobold Soldier (lvl. 13), Gained 627 Blood Essence.
Shortly after, I received another.
You have slain Kobold Soldier (lvl. 12), Gained 598 Blood Essence.
Fulfilled Blood Essence requirements, you have fulfilled the requirements to obtain your first Class Advancement. Please choose your path.
Class Evolution - ?????
I didn’t bother reading the notifications, as at the moment I had more important matters.
I tried to just focus on running straight ahead, but that’s when I heard it. It was a faint whispering noise that was quickly growing louder.
It began to flood my mind, causing me to lose control over my own body as I subconsciously adjusted the direction in which I was running.
I ran for what felt like hours, as whatever was controlling me pushed my body to run full speed, nonstop, with no sense of pain. Even with my enhanced physical abilities, I could still feel my lungs burning and legs aching.
Just as I was starting to think that my body couldn't handle anymore and I would collapse, I came to an abrupt stop.
I was able to regain full control over myself, even though the whispering was still present, louder and closer than ever. I took shaky, hesitant steps forward, curious and scared as to what was going on, but when I saw it I completely froze.
There was a gaping black hole in the ground, with the surface around the hole covered in tendrils of black sludge. I recognized the area too. It was the same place I had fought the Abyssal Hound and won.
I didn't believe in coincidences, and knew that there must have been some reason I was led here. I walked up to the edge of the hole and peered down into it.
There was nothing, just complete and utter darkness as far as I could see.
Suddenly, several of the tendrils I was standing on came to life grabbed my legs. Before I had a chance to even realize what was happening, I was yanked down into the endless Abyss.
18 years ago, Blake was born in this very town, with only a poor, disabled mother to rely on.
As he grew up, his mother would tell him fantastic stories. She would tell about where she came from, an incredible world called Earth, filled with buildings that reached the sky and machines that did people’s work. She would tell stories of her adventures in this world, from seeing magnificent dragons, to exploring terrifying ruins filled with creatures of Chaos.
Blake admired his mother more than anything else in the world and wanted to be able to experience the things she did, go to the places she went, and one day visit her home, Earth.
Blake and his mother lived in a small house on one of the poorest streets in the entire town. Due to his mother’s disability, it was difficult to work, therefore Blake would spend all day every day going around the town, looking for the odd job he could do in order to put food on the table. For several years he did this, patiently waiting until the year he turned 12, and could go to the temple to awaken to his Class.
After years of waiting, Blake turned 12, with only 2 weeks to go until the annual awakening ceremony.
Coming home from the town that evening, Blake was happily greeted by his mother. She had made a strange type of bread called cake. It was without a doubt the greatest thing Blake had ever tasted.
As he lay on his small cot, Blake couldn’t go to sleep. He was so excited to get a powerful Class that he just stared up at the ceiling, daydreaming about the adventures he would have.
He dreamed for several hours until he heard a faint noise coming from the other side of their small house, where his mother slept. It sounded like sniffling and crying, but Blake dismissed it as nothing.
Blake happily worked the remaining 2 weeks, until the morning of the awakening came.
His mother took him aside and spoke to Blake, with tears leaking from her eyes.
She said that she wouldn’t be able to make it to the ceremony today, which Blake assumed was the reason as to why she was crying. A disappointed expression overtook Blake’s face, but after a moment he quickly resumed his joyful attitude, telling his mother that he would hurry home to tell her all about his Class.
With a sad smile, his mother sent him on his way. As she watched him leave, his mother softly murmured that he would no longer be burdened by her.
Blake ran to the temple, located on the edge of the town, only to find a large line of kids his age and their families in front of the doors. He went to the back of the line and patiently waited by himself until he was allowed to enter.
After what seemed like forever, Blake finally reached the front of the line and was met with a old man in robes. Seeing Blake standing there by himself, the old man let out a sigh of pity and told the kid to follow him into the temple.
The two arrived in an empty room, with nothing more than a life sized statue of a woman. The older man told Blake that all he needed to do was touch the statue to Awaken to his class, and so that's what he did. T
he moment he touched his hand to the statue, words appeared in his vision.
System Initiated
Welcome, your main Class is Demon of Flame.
You have gained the main Class, Demon of Flame: The blood of a powerful Demon flows strongly through your veins. Harness Demonic Power to produce and control flames. Gained Skills: Demonic Transformation, Fire Manipulation, Flames of Purgatory, Demonic Strength, Judgement
Demonic Transformation: Although the blood of a Demon flows through your veins, you have taken on the physical attributes of a human. Continuously consume Mana to transform your body into that of a demon. Gain increased physical and arcane strength.
Fire Manipulation: Use mana to control and bend fire to your will.
Flames of Purgatory: Summon large amounts of Purgatorial Flame for low Mana cost.
Demonic Strength: Whilst in Demonic Transformation, consume continuous Stamina to enhance physical attributes even further.
Judgement: Consume all Mana and Stamina to bring down the almighty Judgement. After activation, Mana and Stamina cannot be used or regenerated for 24 hours.
Blake grinned from the moment he saw the notifications, as he knew that he must have gotten a powerful class.
He turned around and was immediately greeted with the old priest asking him what Class he had obtained. Blake
wanted his mother to be the first person to hear about his class, so he quickly made up a lie and told the man he had obtained the most common Class, Farmer. The priest sent Blake on his way with a sad smile, as he knew the boy would never achieve anything great as a Farmer.
Blake ran down the steps of the temple and continued towards his house as fast as his legs could take him. The entire time, Blake was absolutely beaming with eagerness as to how his mother would react.
Blake quickly arrived at his house, and as he opened the door and stepped inside, he saw his mother sitting in a chair, facing the wall. Panting from the run, Blake shouted out to his mother, but was met with no response.
Assuming she was asleep, Blake walked up and tapped her shoulder, but was still met with no response. He grabbed both soldiers and lightly shook her… nothing.
Blake began to frantically call out to her whilst his shaking grew more and more intense.
Eventually, he shook his mother so hard that both her and the chair she was seated in toppled backwards.
Upon seeing his mother's front, his blurry, tear filled eyes were able to make out red, covering her entire chest.
Screaming, Blake bolted out the door into the empty street, crying for someone to help his mother.
Across the street from Blake’s house was a Blacksmith Shop. It was much larger than the other buildings on the street, but was just as rundown. Inside of the shop was an old man, pleasuring himself with alcohol.
Hearing the cries, the man stood up and walked to the door, opening it and peering into the street. He saw a kid, screaming and crying for someone to help his mother.
The old man recognized the kid, as he had hired him to clean up the smithy on occasion. Immediately he sobered up and walked over to the kid.
Seeing another person, Blake sprinted towards the old man. The man tried to ask the kid what was wrong, but was unable to get any words out, as Blake grabbed him by the arm and hurriedly led him to his house’s open door.
Immediately upon reaching the entrance, the man saw a woman sprawled on the ground, soaked in blood with a knife sticking out of her chest.
He forced Blake to leave the house and locked the door, then proceeded to observe the woman’s corpse. She was clearly dead, as the knife had stabbed directly into her heart, but located in her hand was a piece of paper.
Reaching down the man pried the paper from her grasp and read over it. His eyes widened as he read it, and after finishing he folded the paper up and tucked it into his trousers.
Upon exiting the house, the man saw Blake sitting on the ground, trembling. He walked over to the kid and lifted him to his feet, telling Blake to follow him.
Blake tried to inquire about his mother, but the man quickly shut him down, telling him to just be quiet and follow him.
The man led Blake to his Smithy, where he had the kid sit down at a table next to a furnace.
Blake and the man sat there for a moment, Blake trembling and crying while the man just sat there, observing the kid. Eventually, the man grabbed a half empty bottle of alcohol sitting on the table and told Blake to drink some of it.
Still crying, he took the bottle and poured some of the contents into his mouth. Swallowing the alcohol, Blake placed the bottle back onto the table and began violently coughing.
Within seconds, Blake passed out, falling out of his chair and onto the floor. The man picked Blake up and carried him to another room in the smithy.
The room was originally intended for assistants and disciples to sleep in, but the rundown smithy was only occupied by the old man, therefore the room was empty. The man placed Blake down on one of the beds before leaving the room and exiting the smithy. He walked to the closest guard outpost, where he informed the guards that a woman had committed suicide.
He led the guards to the small, rundown house that Blake and his mother resided in and explained the situation to them, failing to mention anything regarding the note.
The old man told the guards about her son, as well as the fact that he would be taking him on as a disciple.
Normally, there would be more processes to go through, in both the mother’s death and the man taking Blake on as a disciple, but in neighborhoods such as this, nobody truly cared, so the guards merely turned a blind eye to it.
They cleaned up the blood and removed Blake’s mother before quickly departing.
The old man let out a deep sigh as he returned to his smithy, sitting back down at the table and finishing of the rest of the bottle without batting an eye.
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