《+1》007 - Who are you?
Aeleo and Silima were still a bit shocked at what just happened. Kreo was not, he walked over to Djin and gave him a friendly jab on the shoulder.
"Damn, I know you blew apart that cave troll the same way, but you might be seriously broken."
Djin shrugged and closed the loot window.
"It's nothing, what are you doing out here anyways, is it that ridiculous spider quest?"
Kreo shook his head and explained how the spider quest actually worked, Djin almost wanted to slap himself for missing something so obvious.
"So that's it? Just one nest and you're almost done? Damn!"
"Forget it, anyways what happened with the church? You said you might have something big there?"
Djin stole a glance at Silima and Aeleo.
"I'll fill you in later. Who's your partner?"
Kreo grinned, he walked over and gave Aeleo a hearty pat on the back.
"This is Aeleo, he's a Druid!"
Aeleo coughed and corrected Kreo.
"Actually I'm just a Gardener, but I can become a Druid later on."
Kreo gave a big grin to Djin and nodded his head at Silima.
"What about you Djin, she's real cute, is she your partner?"
"Umm, I'm standing right here." Silima protested weakly.
"No, she was apparently waiting for me outside of the church. She was the stiff that we found outside the graveyard."
Kreo looked her over and pondered what Djin said.
"Wait, that was the token that you tried your magic on right? Why was she waiting for you?"
"She said that the magic counted as an attempt at resurrection and took some time off her death penalty. So now she is following me around trying to get me to join her guild."
"Our guild." Aeleo interjected. "Which would be the guild, Ashen Fury."
Kreo and Djin both knew that name, it was the same guild mentioned on TV by ZRide.
"So because I might know one spell, even though I can't successfully cast it yet, one of the most prominent guilds in the game wants me?"
Aeleo nodded.
"Simply due to the game's nature it's more fruitful to nurture skilled players than to try and acquire the skills yourself. I don't mean to sound too forward, but if you'll listen to our proposal, you may find yourself anxious to join. What do you say?"
Djin contemplated this, there would likely be a lot of benefits to joining up with a high profile guild like that.
"Aeleo, Silima, would you mind if I talked this over with Kreo?"
Silima and Aeleo looked at each other and shrugged.
"Sure, go ahead."
Kreo and Djin wandered a bit away to talk. Silima turned to Aeleo.
"Who is that? Is he friends with our target?"
Aeleo pondered this as well, but there really was no other reason that he could think of. He nodded in concurrence with Silima's guess.
"It would seem so, maybe we can use this to our advantage. Are you able to listen in to them from this range?"
Silima scoffed.
"I can hear a rabbit from a thousand feet away, they haven't exactly been whispering in secret."
"Right right, tracking skills, well tell me what you hear."
Djin and Kreo walked until they believed they were far enough away to talk.
Kreo spoke first.
"Shit dude, that's Ashen Fury and they want you? This is big dude, this is real fucking big."
Djin nodded, it was more than he expected but at the same time...
"Maybe it's a good thing, if we want to be good at the game, we were always going to need a good guild to do it. No matter what you or I can do, we're just two people."
"Don't you see Djin? They just want you, they won't take me, I'm crap. Hell for all we know, you might just be their little priest that casts resurrection after resurrection so they can make more progress. It's a shit deal. Let's just turn them down and get back to grinding, we have got to hit level 10!"
Djin agreed, they had a priority already and these distractions were slowing them down. There would be plenty of time to find a guild and make connections. For now, they needed xp.
"Alright Kreo, let's break it to them and grind out some levels. I figure that we should give up on questing and focus on just grinding monster xp. The quests give decent chunks of experience, but the time it takes to get them, do them, and turn them in makes it less worthwhile."
"Yeah I've thought about that too, let's just find a decent spot to farm mobs, we'll worry about quests later."
Agreeing to that plan of action, the two of them started walking back to Aeleo and Silima.
Silima had just finished relaying their conversation to Aeleo.
"So the mage isn't even level 10 yet? But he was able to blow apart an elite mob... and he was able to attempt to cast resurrection... he is... very special."
Silima could only nod in reply.
"Well we only have a moment before they get back. Here's the plan Silima, first, we're going to keep putting pressure on Djin to join the guild. second, when they mention they want to go, probe them as to why and goad them into mentioning leveling. We'll offer to join them and we can bait that hook by offering up one of the good hunting spots our guild uses. Lastly, no matter what happens, at the end of the hunting, play up Kreo's contributions and how he would be a great asset to our guild. Got it?"
Silima nodded fervently.
"Alright, here they come."
Aeleo and Silima turned to greet Kreo and Djin as they came back. Aeleo motioned as if to speak, but Djin gestured for him to wait.
"Aeleo, Silima, I really do appreciate the generous offer, but I don't think I'm ready to join a guild right now."
Aeleo and Silima looked at each other and shrugged.
"That's fine Djin, we don't normally get turned down like that but we'll keep the offer open for you." Aeleo said.
Silima piped up next.
"Though, what makes now different from later? Are you looking at other guilds already?"
Djin shook his head.
"No it's just-"
"It's that we have wasted plenty of time talking about it already, Djin and I played this game to level and get stronger. Which is exactly what we intend to do right now. Djin?"
"Kreo, albeit a bit forward, is right. We aren't really in a spot where a guild would do us as much good as just killing shit. So if you'll excuse us."
Djin and Kreo turned to leave, but before they were even a few steps away.
"Wouldn't you like to know the best place to kill monsters then?"
Djin paused at that, Kreo continued walking.
"Just head to the base of the Bluemist mountains and look for a bandit camp, good spawn rates, easy fights, good xp."
Djin turned to Aeleo.
"What's the catch?"
Aeleo grinned.
"No catch, consider it just a friendly tip. If it pays off, maybe consider contacting me again."
Djin nodded before running to catch up to Kreo and after a brief chat, the two headed off towards the bandits.
Silima waited until they were gone before asking Aeleo.
"Isn't that the same bandit camp that spawns the field boss? Those two will get slaughtered if they cause him to spawn."
Aeleo chuckled.
"Silima, if two people can cause that elite to spawn, then it's not the two people I'm worried about, they have to kill 100 bandits in an hour for him to appear. Imagine how strong they would have to be to make that happen."
Aeleo glanced at where they had left.
"But your imagination is shit... so follow them and watch from afar, don't interfere though, let's find out just who this Djin is."
"And what about Kreo?"
Aeleo waved his hand dismissively.
"Baggage most likely, but we'll do what we have to do rope in the talent. Now go."
Silima nodded and took off after Djin and Kreo.
Aeleo, left alone, thought out loud.
"Maybe Djin will be the key to everything..."
Aeleo had another task in the meanwhile, he had to find the source of a very strong stat elixir that was sold on the black market.
"You really suck at being stealthy Kreo."
"What do you mean? I didn't make a single sound."
"You pushed a guy off a fifty foot ledge and he screamed all the way down, did you think that would go unnoticed?"
Djin flung a Fireball at a bandit scaling the rocks to his left, then ducked behind cover before the ones with bows could hit him. Kreo perched behind a boulder at the only incline up to their location, waiting for a bandit to approach so he could get a good hit on them.
Fireball - Lv. 1
A conjured sphere of flame that can be used to attack enemies.
Leaves a burning effect that continues to deal fire damage.
Damage, size, and burning effect duration all depend on mana used.
It hadn't taken much effort for Djin to use the spell, allowing Ember to burn at some amassed mana in his hand was all that was required. Djin was already getting a feel for changing how the spell worked by manipulating the mana inside the fireball, if he cooled the mana inside, it would have a smaller explosion but a longer burn. Conversely, if he super heated the mana...
"Djin! Pack of five!"
Kreo called out another group trying to get close enough to stab the two. Djin coalesced another large mass of 250 MP and willed it hotter, to where it would nearly combust. He ignited it with Ember and a Fireball appeared above his hand, the flames licked at the mana, happily consuming it's meal slowly. When Djin lobbed the Fireball at the bandits, the superheated mana at the center exploded outward. The flame wouldn't curb it's appetite then, it chased after every last morsel of mana, consuming it before it could fade away, then moving onto the bandits clothes or flesh if able.
Djin had a very great appreciation for the process a Fireball went through. Kreo had a very very great appreciation for the effect a Fireball had on the bandits that were hit by it.
"Holy shit, that one was powerful! You knocked three of them off the cliff with that!"
"Focus Kreo! They're coming faster now! At this rate, my mana will run out before their numbers will!"
Which was obvious to any outside observer. The bandits were crawling out of tents in numbers that would make any clown car act look amateur. Worse yet, Kreo and Djin had thought to take the high ground against the enemy, yet ended up cornering themselves. Only by Djin's overwhelming power had they managed to stave off defeat thus far. Kreo's contributions being small but meaningful as well, for Djin was not omniscient... yet.
And while the situation looked bleak, it was paying big dividends in terms of experience gains.
Heart of Mana is being empowered.
Heart of Mana - Lv. 5
Your body can store and generate more mana.
Mana Pool Increased - 300
Mana Regeneration Increased - 5 MPS
Magic Barrage is being empowered.
Magic Barrage - Lv. 5
Fires multiple bolts of charged mana. Each missile does 8 damage.
Additional damage will be dealt for consecutive hits.
The number of bolts and firing speed increases with mana used.
Each cast fires one bonus missile for free.
The difference was massive for Djin. He had been carefully managing his resources up until now, but with Heart of Mana reaching level 5, the trickle of mana turned into a stream. The increase in mana recovery was near palpable as well, he could feel the mana ebb into him with each beat of his heart. Checking his stat page real quick and doing some math in his head, Djin came to a satisfying conclusion.
"Kreo, we're going to win this."
Kreo looked over his shoulder at Djin while hunched behind the boulder. He had not been contributing much but the situation wasn't particularly bleak. Kreo even managed to gain a skill during this time, Marked Target, which increased allies perception and accuracy against targets he calls out. It was gaining proficiency quickly as well, while he would've prefered a more direct skill, he wasn't stupid to this potency of this skill. Listening to Djin's newfound confidence, he nodded in kind.
"What's our plan Djin? Either we get out of the area or we stop them from spawning. Are we going to go for the tents?"
"Easy Kreo, I just got a bit of a power-up from my skill hitting level 5, we can keep farming the mobs for a while and when the time comes we'll get out."
"Jeez, must be one helluva power-up to make you this confident. You were sweating bullets just a moment ago."
"Well my Heart of Mana is giving me a lot more juice now."
Kreo blanked at what Djin said, then his jaw dropped.
"Heart of Mana? What the hell is that?!"
"I didn't mention it did I? It was the first skill I created back in Freemont, it increases my mana pool and my mana regeneration."
"Well holy shit, that sounds like the most broken thing I've ever heard. Why didn't you mention it earlier?
"You told me about metagaming remember? I was trying to keep some things possible for you."
"You also told me how to make fire and that worked out."
"Yes well, I doubt the game would let you block people from developing the most basic forms of magic by telling them."
"True... also we have another two bandits scaling up the cliff face."
Djin looked over just in time to see the first of the two throw an arm onto the ledge and bring his face up. Djin flicked his fingers and a Magic Barrage flew out, striking him in the face causing him to lose his balance and fall onto his ally, both plummeting to their death.
As the second bandit hit the dirt and died, a heavy drum beat began to fill the air. The bandits that had been trying to surround Djin and Kreo backed away and the whole camp surrounded one tent.
The sound's intensity grew, the bandits stomped their feet with it the rhythm.
"Djin, I don't like this..."
No sooner had Kreo spoke the words before Silima leapt down at them from the sheer duckface to their backs. Djin nearly fell over in shock.
"You again?!? Where did you come from?"
Silima ignored his question. Telling them:
"We need to run now! I didnt think you guys would make it happen but you caused the field boss to spawn!"
Kreo and Djin looked to each other and back at Silima.
"You didn't mention a field boss..."
"You didn't mention being an absolute slaughterhouse of a caster! You have to kill a hundred bandits in an hour to make him spawn!"
Djin beamed with pride at that comment, but Kreo wasn't going to let him stroke his ego right now.
"So we need to run? Where? There is only one path down from here and its through them."
Kreo pointed at the extremely large crowd of bandits who were circled around a rather large imposing leader. Silima looked around frantically but soon realized the only person agile enough to escape would be her.
"Shit, this is bad. Guys I'm sorry but I can't die again so soon. I'll look for a spot to support your retreat if you manage to break through, but I cant stay."
Just as soon as she had come, she took off. Bounding nimbly down the sheer rock face and off into the trees. Kreo turned to Djin and shrugged.
"Aptly boned, wouldn't you say so?"
Djin didnt hear him, he was still looking at the bandits and their leader.
"Djin? DJIN!"
"What? Oh, Kreo... look."
Kreo followed Djins pointed finger to the chieftain, he watched.
"Yeah, I also see our future cause of death, so what?"
"Why are they waiting? Why wouldn't they come for us?"
Kreo looked again and realized Djin was right.
"So what do we do Djin?"
"I think... we go talk first."
Kreo gave Djin an incredulous look but followed as Djin walked down the path from the mountain. The bandit circle parted as the two made their way to the center, all of them giving a respectful berth.
Djin and Kreo reached the leader who stared at them with both anger and curiosity. Finally he spoke.
"You came here and killed my men, why?"
Djin looked at Kreo and shrugged. He turned back to answer the chieftan but Kreo spoke first.
"Your bandits. We're adventurers. That's just how it is."
The crowd circling them let out an uproar of anger at this. The chieftan motioned and they stopped. He spoke.
"We are bandits, but we have done you no wrong. We take care to only attack the imperial caravans, were you not paid to subjugate us at their request?"
Djin spoke this time.
"No, we just came here to grow stronger. "
"Stronger?! You butchered my men the same way a herder does his cattle! How does this make you stronger?"
Djin paused, how would you explain the mechanics of leveling up to an NPC? Blood sacrifices? This... all felt so weird... He glanced around and saw that the bandits were just waiting for the order to cut them down, this would never be a fight they could win. Hell, he didnt think a 50 person group could fight out of this spot. There must be a certain way through...
"You're right, this is pointless."
It was Kreo who spoke the words. The chieftan was perplexed and waited. Kreo continued:
"We thought fighting you bandits would let us recover the treasures you might have stolen, but we have found no wealth. We thought that your deaths would lead to our victory, but here we are at your mercy. You want to kill us? To repay blood with blood? Go ahead."
Djin tensed, readying every bit of mana for the largest arcane explosion he could muster, the backlash would kill him and Kreo, but they were as good as dead.
Kreo saw Djin begin to bristle with raw power, the air shimmering around him and the wind picking up next to him, he could use this...
"But, I think you could have a better use for us alive than dead."
The chieftan cocked his eyebrow at this, beckoning him to continue.
"I'm sure you know the value of a few elite fighters when it comes to battle. After all, just the two of us did this much. How about we ally with you for a mission or two and call it even?"
Quest - Bandit Life
Your party is offering to help the Bandit's commit a crime against the kingdom.
If your identity is discovered, you will lose reputation!
Reward: Keep 5% of pilfered goods.
Djin grimaced at this, if this went poorly, they would suffer for a very long time. Kreo and Djin would need to make absolutely sure that their identities were not discovered.
The bandit chieftan was not so quick to agree however.
"I know he is strong." Pointing at Djin, "But what can you do? Prove your worth!"
Challenge Quest - All-out Brawl
The chieftan wants you to prove your worthy enough to fight on his side. You'll need to engage his men in unarmed combat until you've proven yourself.
NOTE: This quest is skill based only. Game mechanics are disabled.
Reward: Bandit Respect
Class change possible.
Kreo grinned, this was a perfect fight for him. A chance to fight mano e mano. He quickly accepted the quest and the chieftan brought out the five opponents. Kreo sized each of them up, none of them remarkable, just a bit muscular. They approached each other and Kreo took a low stance, he'd only get a few seconds to do this but it would help a lot if it worked. The Chieftan looked on at both sides and bellowed one word.
Silima kept an eye on Kreo and Djin from afar. Something peculiar was happening... It wasn't the first time a player had talked to the chieftan but the situation never developed this far. Usually the entire crowd would collapse upon the party within a few minutes, leading to certain death. Now however....
The Chieftan had hollered a word and Silima watched as the bandits encircled Kreo, looking for an opening. Kreo didn't hesitate however, he feinted left then bolted to the bandit on his right, throwing a mean hook at the man's face. The bandit tried to duck the blow but Kreo's knee met his face and crushed his nose. The bandit fell backwards nearly passing out. Two bandits tried to rush Kreo from behind but he turned and swept their legs out. Then Kreo jumped and landed a heavy stomp on one bandit's stomach before turning and kicking the other one in the head.
Such a ferocious and brutal display had Silima feeling queasy, what was going on? Kreo wasn't this strong, he wasn't this... terrifying.
Djin watched from the crowd as his friend regained his footing after the powerful kick to the bandit's face. Blood covered Kreo's boots and the man wasn't moving.
"It's just a game Djin... it's a game."
It was... difficult to watch Kreo fight. Djin's memory flared and he recalled the worst moment of his life.
"Alex, stop! He's not a threat, you don't need to do this."
Luke watched his friend continue to punch the drunk man in the face. It wasn't supposed to be happening, things got tense in the bar, the alcohol loosening up inhibitions. A poor remark taken too seriously...
"Let's take this outside if you think you're so touch.
Luke couldn't stand by and watch Alex continue to beat him, he pulled at Alex from the shoulders.
"Get off me Luke! This asshole wanted to fight, this is how the fight ends."
The man under Alex wasn't concious anymore, blood ran from his eyes and ears, Luke wasn't even sure if he was alive. It was enough and Luke would stop this if Alex couldn't. He ran forward and jumped at Alex, tackling him to the ground off of the man.
"God-damnit Luke, what the fuck is wrong with you?!"
"It's enough Alex, you were going to kill him!"
Alex looked over and saw it. As the red fled his vision, he could see the blood.
"Oh... oh.. shit... shit! Luke, what the hell... what the hell did I do?!"
Luke looked around, there wasn't anyone around, no one to help or to witness this. This man would die soon if he didn't get help, it might be too late.
"Go home Alex, I'll take care of it. Clean yourself up, trash your clothes."
"What? Luke I.."
Alex looked again at his victim, but then tore his gaze away, got up and ran to his car. Luke could hear the tires peeling out and he went back to the man. So much blood, but he couldn't do anything to help him, damnit. Luke reached into the man's pockets, finding his phone. He dialed 911 and waited until the operator picked up.
"911, What's your emergency?"
"Send an ambulance quickly, I found a man bleeding in an alley off of Jefferson street, next to Flint's Bar."
"Understood, what is your name sir?"
Luke hung up the call and put the phone on the man's chest, his breathing was shallow. Luke looked him over again, wishing he knew what to do.
"I'm sorry..." He muttered.
"I'm sorry, shit, what the hell is this... why did Alex get so mad over such a small insult... why the hell did you even talk to us?" Luke didn't understand any of it.
"I hope you live, you didn't deserve this."
Luke fled, Alex had taken the car but Luke would be able to get an Uber back home. He just needed to get some distance from the scene first.
Djin snapped back to reality in time to hear the Chieftan declare Kreo the winner. He glanced at the bandits on the ground and winced. It looked like Kreo and broken both arms of one of them, and the last one had an ear ripped off and bruises covering his body.
Kreo was completely unharmed however, despite being outnumbered he had taken down all five bandits without any of them getting a single hit in. Djin pondered if this was a because of Kreo's abilities or a fault of the game. It didn't matter either way, Kreo had won. Djin walked over to the bandit chieftan.
"Let's talk."
- In Serial47 Chapters
Grand Design
Humanity once ruled space, building an empire that stretched across hundreds of stars. Now Earth is a cold cinder in the void, its colonies and ships annihilated in an instant. For five thousand years the surviving races have huddled in the dying light of those few stations which avoided total destruction, eking out their existence in the shadow of the long-dead humans who built their homes. When a piece of that lost legacy resurfaces, the few who still remember humanity have one last opportunity to find the truth and avenge the fallen. Cover by Harry Rowland - https://www.instagram.com/rowl_art_/
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The Flesh and Blood Dungeon
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Project Burnout
After the Inter-Biotic Massacre 2142, the Earth and the Moon have attempted to recover from its impact along with the genetic war before it. Though the massacre was not a complete success, the surviving freaks on Earth have led to the second colonization of GMO's that affects the livelihood of the inhabitants of the moon for decades. Monsters, mutated plants, and super soldiers all have forced themselves into the lives of the human colonizers on a once paradise moon, terraformed for their suiting. Now they have been pushed back and threatened with the loose creatures, having to now change their lives. The question is, how will they respond? And more importantly, is it the right one? (Original Story is on Tapas, will update quickly to catch up on Royal Road)
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Countdown to Inferno
"Everybody wants to rule the world... even if it's a destroyed one." Three great powers divide the known world. One of them is on track to offset this power balance as it seemingly undertakes the grand task of unifying the world. After 100 years of brutal economic, military, political, and even religious campaigns, the Republic of Dalreida has achieved a vast empire stretching from the Cargan Ports to the Aramathian Desert. May they be gods and goddesses, or princes and princesses, the rising republic has embarked on depriving nation upon nation of self-governance. In the midst of all these, Dalreida's primary personality, Lord Piso, has been serving as the republic's dictator for six years. Entering his seventh year in office, he shocked allies and enemies alike with a hazy calendar reform. Along with it is a pledge to pass on the reins of power after the so-called "longest term." Then again, to whom will it be passed? Or will it be passed down at all? With so much at stake during the "longest term," what does Piso's gamble entail for Dalreida and the world? Will it bring heaven on earth? Will all hell break loose instead? Or something else in between to purge the world of everything it ever had? The Countdown to Inferno has begun. ***** Countdown to Inferno by Al Raposas Planning Commenced: 28 January 2019Writing Commenced: 20 February 2019Book 1 Announced: 3 August 2019 Original Run: 20 January to 10 February 2020 Royal Road Run: 14 July to 28 July 2021 Author's note: Original work. This is my first shot at a fantasy novel, so please, please be gentle and enjoy reading! Cover art is not mine. Peak rank in category: Second (2) 1st place, Gemstone Awards (Fantasy)1st place, Love Yourself Awards (Mystery/Thriller Category)2nd place, Chaos Awards (Mystery/Thriller Category)
8 188 - In Serial32 Chapters
Luck based loser
Our intrepid hero starts his journey with a hostile and overworked narrator. Also, all his stat points have been converted to luck. Mostly doing this for a bit of fun, updated every Friday if work permits it. Feel free to leave constructive feedback. :)
8 91