《Battlefield Restart (Original/Unedited)》Chapter 26: To Trust


"How old were you again?" I decided to change the subject after thinking of something. She pouted at my words as even idiot could tell my intentions.

"Seven." She says disappointedly.

"You've not even at the age of nurturing but you still have to attend the Magic Academy?" I frowned in displeasure.

"Mom was saying that they're taking me early because I'm a genius." She smiles innocently as she replies.

I really have a bad feeling about her careless reply. Just by looking at her face I could tell that she wasn't understanding what was going on.

There's no choice, I'll have to ask Mother after I'm finished, maybe I can get a better understanding of what talents everyone sees within her.

"Did you already learn the basics of Spell Circles?" I ask with suspicion.

"Yes, sorry, Mom taught me the basics a few days ago." She responds bashfully, but my eyes were still narrowed suspiciously, some of the dots started to connect in my head.

"Forget it, I'm the one who figured you knew nothing in regards to Magic, so a misunderstanding was only natural." It was only now did I remember that Magic Academy student didn't need someone to teach them these basics.

It wasn't like I looked down on her. It was just that she really was too young to grasp these basics. I wouldn't have guessed that my sister would be able to understand such an intricate subject.

However, that isn't enough to be regarded as a genius, since understanding Spell Circles to this degree is something everyone my age is able to do. I could only think of one ridiculous conjecture that can explain why a seven year old would be able to skip year and become a student.

"Can you draw Spell Circles?"

"I can." She nods vigorously.

What...? I felt a bomb had exploded in my mind. What kind of monster is she?

"You... Can you really draw them?" My mouth was agape as I couldn't even find the words to express my shock!

"I can." She repeats with a smug face.

"Which ones?" I don't knew what face I'm making right now but I'm sure that it's no longer as nonchalant as before.


"I can draw Ether Gatherers and Lightning Gatherers." She exclaims proudly. I remember what Ether Gatherers were, they were basic formations needed for Passive Formations that are always active, but what're Lightning Gatherers?

"Lightning Gatherers are Spell Circles I've made myself. Look." After answering the question in my eyes, she lifted her hand and controlled the Water Ether within a canister that was strapped to her waist. Allowing it to form Spell Circle of her own Mana.

It was a strange Spell Circle that was unlike the ones I've seen before. One that was of Water Attribute, but generated lightning instead of anything of the aquatic element, little icicles constantly collided with each other in harmony as electrical charge stored.

"It's a good Spell Circle that converts electrical charge into Lightning Ether before storing it as Lightning Mana. Who taught you this one?" I recovered from my surprise and started to ask.

"I made it myself." And once again a bomb blew in my mind as I heard her words. Even I wasn't able to grasp how to draw Spell Circles, even with so much time in my hands, the only thing I could do was increase my understanding of them little by little.

But Merilin? Not only has she grasped the basics, she is also able to draw her own, her current achievement in Magic defies all logic and reason. To the point that I can't help but suspect her to be a reincarnated individual like myself.

Yet no matter how I look at that naive smile of hers, I can't find any traces of falsehood, only the excitement of a child that wishes to praised by others.

"I guess I really have to meet Mother and ask her about your ridiculous perception regarding Spell Circles." I sigh in defeat before patting her head.

"You. Are. Extremely. Amazing." I say word by word. I may not normally praise others but I definitely give it where it's due. Though now I feel a sense of foreboding again.

Hah... In my past life, I wouldn't feel this unease just from talking to someone, maybe because I really didn't give a damn about others in general.

Ten years is enough for a man to change completely, and I'm no exception to this, the person I once was has already washed away. Now all that's left is man who just wants to protect what he already has.


I don't need my terrifying instincts to tell me that Merilin will be in danger in the future and that sticking around her could lead to me being in harms way. I can already tell that the assassins that have infiltrated the Drakyol Kingdom will not let my genius sister grow. The same people that decimated Mark's family won't allow her live peacefully.

So what should I do to protect her? The answer to that is simple: Grow strong enough to protect her no matter what storm comes spinning my way!

"Big Brother, you look kinda scary." A hint of fear arises within her heart as she saw the bloodlust within my eyes.

"It's nothing." I quickly hid the sharp glint in my eyes and shook my head.



"Please remember what I'm about to say." I say while looking at her deeply.

"Okay..." She seemed affected by my mood and obediently lowered her head.

"In the future, you may experience some tragedies, and sometimes I won't be able to be there for you when it counts the most. So make sure you grow stronger. Don't become slothful and waste your time playing with those 'Friends' of yours, put more effort into growing stronger, do you understand?"

"But... Why do you want me to be strong?" She asks in response.

"For happiness." My heart grows cloudy as I remembered the wars of modern era. Some thought that the modern era was peaceful, but I knew clearly how savage the society was underneath such a facade, the true face of reality was uglier than the Devils.

Many times as I completed missions with the rest of my squad, there were times when I'd see poverty and injustice in their barest forms.

Good? Evil? No one cares about such a thing on the battlefield. The only thing that is able to persuade those who lack morales is the density of ones fist.

The hungry won't get food if they just beg on the streets. The victims won't be able to avenge their sorrows without breaking the laws that govern society.

"I don't want to." She shakes her head.

"Do you have a death wish? I know your already smart enough to understand the dangers that Enchanted Robe poses for you. Just your status alone is enough to make those of nobility to approach you with ill-intentions." My eyes sharpen as I scold her seriously for the first time.

"I want to make friends." Her quivering voice resounds as she once again lowers her head. Seeing her like this only made see her more as a little lamb.

"Mark, Anna and us, your family, are your friends. Anyone else could be an assassin or a wolf dressed as a sheep."

"I know how to make decisions myself."

"What do you know? You're just a kid who hasn't even walked out the mansion your whole life. How are you supposed to judge those around you?"

"You haven't gone out either." As I heard her words, I became more enraged, I hate it when she's stubborn.

"Just focus more on your own personal strength instead of relying on others." I spat out in rage as looked at her.

A silence surrounded us as we both didn't continue arguing for a moment.

"Why don't you trust me?" She finally asks. At those words, I didn't know how to answer, my mouth opened but I didn't know what to say in response.

Not trust her? It was then that I suddenly came to a realisation, I'm not talking to another adult who has lived for dozens of years like myself, I'm talking to a fickle little girl who just wants to live her life to the fullest.

She lifted her head and looked at me with a gaze I found unfathomable before leaving the room. I wanted to stop her, felt a pain in my heart as I stepped forward, the memories of myself arose in my mind.

I turned to look in the mirror and saw a haggard old man, one that seemed to have already lost his trust in the world around him, an iron porcupine that tried his best to protect his heart.

Hah... I really am stupid aren't I?

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