《Battlefield Restart (Original/Unedited)》Chapter 27: Magicians Armoury


So even death can't kill that dead-eyed old bat living within me, huh?

Hahahaha... ha... ha... Seriously, to think I'd become such a mess, trying to brainwash my sister into a soldier.

'You are not wrong.' The scarred veteran within the mirror declares. His words resonates with the unwillingness within my heart. I mean, it's not like I was entirely wrong, my words were completely rational. There's no way for me to protect her 24 hours a day, right?

As her brother, I shouldn't take her naivety into account and should instead force her to train for real-life combat. For her protection. Yes...

I walked towards the long mirror embedded to my drawer and put my hand on it. My eyes glared at the cold and ruthless man I was in the past.

Then I slammed my fist onto the face of that foolish old bag knew nothing!

I don't give a damn about what the old me would have done. I will never sacrifice my sisters happiness!

Blood dripped from my knuckles as the mirror before me shattered. A large crack spread across its surface.

After venting my frustration, I looked at my hand, a decisive glow appeared in my eyes as I clenched my fist.

I will apologise to her.

I don't have a plan on what to do next nor do I know how to solve this predicament I'm in, but I know one thing, I don't want to see her tears.

But first, I might as well finish what I already started, the Psionic Energy within my body revolved as I pointed at the shattered fragments of the mirror.

[Skill Root- Molecular Halo]

The shattered pieces of the mirror all came together and became whole once again, making it look as good as new.

However, I wasn't done, it would be hard to explain why I'm injured so I decided to do something about it.

A dark and chaotic energy that seemed to resonate with the world slowly revolved as it formed a connection with between both my mind and flesh.


[Skill Root- Cellular Horn]

A horn grew next to the knuckle of my index finger and radiated a sort of Spacial Energy that seemed to affect my flesh. The blood that had already left my body was purified with dark energy and returned to my body. Then the wound closed as the torn flesh was knitted back together using my skill.

Looking at my hand that seemed to have reverted back to how it originally looked, I nodded my head, this was a good first aid to use before healing it properly with orthodox Healing Magic.

I once again retracted the Cellular Horn and turned my head to notice the Lightning Gatherer Spell Circle that was still floating in mid air.

There was no reason for me to waste such a good Spell Circle so I naturally inserted my Psionic Energy into it.

The colour of the Spell Circle changed to a purplish white hue as I manipulated its foundations. I raised my hand and pointed at the glove that was once Magicians Hand, retrieving it before wearing it on my hand.

The Lightning Gatherer fluctuated in the air as I willed it to move towards the glove. It twisted and distorted as it covered the glove on my right hand before assimilating itself into it.

I had already changed the size of the glove and shape of the glove, so there's no longer a need for me adjust it in any other way. Then I looked towards the box I used the hold the different mechanical components of the guns that were still floating in the air and decided to just turn it into an Enchanted Object using the Spell Circles taken from Magicians Hand.

I waved my hand towards the components in the air and retrofitted the different components in the air so that they could produce more power.

The result was a plethora of weapons that looked both magical and modern in their outlook. Then, without wasting any time, I returned them to the box.

The Spell Circles I had taken from Magicians Hand fluctuated as they moved towards the box as well.


They distorted and assimilated into the box the same way Lightning Gatherer did but only I could tell that the lines drawn on the Spell Circle weren't merely covering the box itself.

Inside the box, all the modern weapons I manufactured were resonating with each other as a complex Spell Circle merged into every part of them.

The process only took a few seconds as the Psionic Energy I controlled within me wasn't something others were capable of replicating. It had many strange characteristics that even I haven't fully grasped as the wielder.

After completely finishing the assimilation of the Spell Circle, I activated it in order to shrink the box and all the weapons stored within.

Under normal circumstances, it would have been impossible for both the box and the items within to shrink using the Self-Adjustment Spell Circle, but the way I merged it with the modern weapons stored within was unique.

I don't know if others have similar methods to my own, but that doesn't matter, I'll think about it after I apologise to Merilin for what I said.

I held the shrunk box called... umm... Magicians Armoury and walked out my room as I thought of what to say to her.

As I walked out, ear jerked as I heard the sound of footsteps walking down the corridor, I then turned my head to find that a maid was smiling at me.

My hand was already on the door handle to Merilin's room, but after seeing that the maid at the end of the corridor was just standing there, I felt a little suspicious about the girl's actions.

Have we met before? I looked through my memory and tried to recall who the young girl was out of the various youthful acquaintances I don't bother remembering and found nothing.

Could it be I just forgot? Well, that does sound possible, I don't really socialise with kids my current age because I don't have any interest in playing childish games like tag.

Just as I was musing to myself, a cold chill ran down my spine as I reflexively adjusted Magicians Armoury back to it original size so I could shield myself from the invisible weapon that was thrown in my direction, my heart grew cold as I glared at the nonchalant young girl who was smiling innocently.

"Hee~ You defended against that? Nice going!" The little girl laughs as she claps from afar with admiration. My life would have been lived in vain I still didn't understand what was going on.

I was careless, who would have thought that I would meet someone who could hide their intent to kill so thoroughly?

"Intruder!" I roar loudly at the top of my lungs but found that some barrier had already surrounded us and isolated sound so that it wouldn't alert others.

I didn't dare take my eyes off the young girl who was casually taking some black needles that were hidden in her hair and shifted my body into a stance.

"You've come for my sister?" I ask with eyes that hid a burning inferno of rage.

"There's no point in me telling a corpse about what I'm going to do." She says with utmost confidence. That artificial smile which was plastered onto her innocent-looking face didn't change one bit as Dark Aura covered her body.

[Aura Conjuring- Shadow Clone]

Her body distorted by the dark radiance of the obsidian aura and suddenly reformed back into multiple doppelgängers that mirrored her form perfectly, leaving no clue as to which of the clones of Energy was her true self.

I didn't bother asking anything else and retrieved a Revolver and Pistol from the box in my hand, then put it on my back as I faced the enemy head on, the burning flame in my eyes were ice cold as I stepped toward the various clones.

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