《Unprecedented》Chapter 9


"Are we there yet?" I asked kicking the backseat of the seat in Evan's car. Today was the day, I was gonna meet my dad. I can't believe i'm gonna see him after 11 years. I felt excited."

Are we there yet?" I teased. He rolled his eyes and glares at me. "No. And if you keep asking, I'll throw you out." He placed his eyes on the road again. I huffed and leaned back into my seat. I looked out the window and saw we were passing over a very high bridge over seas, then we entered into a tunnel leading us into another busy city filled with walking people and beeping cars.'Wow. I've never been here before' I thought.

Then he pulled into a deserted valley with overgrown and rotten to the core 2 and 3 story buildings. He parked the car and turned off the engine, unbuckled his safety belt.He turns to me. "Well, were here."

I curiously looked around. "Really? "

He exits out the car and started walking. "Really. Now come on."

I exited the car and followed suit. We passed a few buildings and entered a tall 2 storied building. It was dark and musky and so was the reception office. There was an open, broken-down elevator and Evan walked up to it and did something I never expected. He walked through the elevator!

My mouth gaped to the floor. How did he do that? Just then he popped his head through the elevator. "You coming?" then he sees my expression. "Oh yeah. it's a hologram." He waves his hand through the holographic elevator, making it look static. Then he suddenly disappears out hologram.

"Hey, wait for me." I yelled exasperated. Then I held a quick breath and entered the holographic elevator.

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