《I Became A Vampire In Another World》Chapter 19


Lord Simkin sat In his office casually looking over paperwork every couple seconds the castle would shake and loud booms could be heard.

The first person to knock on the door was the lord's advisor named Drak a man you would describe as a rat walked in.

"Lord Simkin What is going on I told the guards to investigate the arena. They said they were ordered to not go anywhere near there."

"That is correct Absolute Dominion has some business they are conducting in the private arena. Let them be. Also, station a guard outside my door and tell them I am busy I don't need everybody in the castle bothering me."

"Yes Lord"

The rat man walked out the door of Simkin's office and addressed the line of people waiting outside the door.

"Lord Simkin is busy he will not be answering questions. The castle shaking is of no concern."

Simkin could here the unsure groans and whispers of people as they walked away from his office. He walked to his table and poured himself a drink giving a sigh as he put his lips to his cup the castle shook again splashing alcohol all over his clothes.

(This is becoming a bigger problem than I initially thought.)


The first person to wake up was Gildi. With her eyes still closed she felt the soothing sensation of Yuuta's hands running through her hair. It almost made her fall back asleep. She also felt a warmth running through her body it made her feel powerful and a little drowsy it took a minute before she realized it was mana coursing through her body.

Her eyes lightly opened as she looked up at Yuuta's face she almost found comfort in his smile. Yuuta lightly traced the outline of her face down to her neck with his finger stopping just above her cleavage it made her body shutter. As if frozen in time her memories started firing through her mind. The fight that just happened, her being pinned down by him, and lastly him biting her neck.

She shot out of his lap holding her neck looking for the holes.

"You bit me what the hell you fucking bit me!!"

Yuuta rubbed the back of the head with a half smile.

"Yea sorry about that getting stabbed in the chest really takes it out of you. You know? I guess you wouldn't cause you never been stabbed in the chest."

"Yea well That doesn't give you the right to bite me what if you killed me."

She started getting teary-eyed her long ears started turning red.

"I stopped before you came close to dying and I said sorry there's not much more I can do. I even gave you a little present. I'm sure you feel it already?"


"Feel what?"

Yuuta gave a small smile.

"Cast the ice wall you used in battle."

Gildi stared at Yuuta like he was stupid before she started chanting her spell for the 10-meter thick ice wall.

"Stop, stop, stop with the long-winded chants just picture what you want to do and give it a simple name Like this."

"Ice Wall"

Yuuta cast the same spell as Gildi but it was twice as tall and 30 meters thick taking up a third of the arena. Gildi's eyes shot open in shock looking at the spell.

"Did master Avenci teach you this? She never showed me anything like that."

"Ohh you know Avenci too? Yea she taught me a little in the beginning but I've built on it and figured most of this stuff out for myself. It's probably hard to believe but I just became a vampire not long ago so I'm still new to the whole thing. After messing around with my mana I figured out it was pretty easy to do whatever I wanted with any element."

"Well enough about me I'll explain more when those two wake up. For now, cast the ice wall as I did."

Gildi started focusing on the spell imagining what she wanted to happen like Yuuta told her. It didn't take long for her notice the change in her mana, to begin with, there was more of it a lot more. Compared to before her mana was like a creek now it was like an ocean constantly being renewed. The purity is also miles above what it was.

"Ice Wall"

A 10-meter wall of ice shot up in front of Yuuta's ice wall. Gildi jumped up and down in the air flashing a bright smile. Running at Yuuta she jumped and hugged him.

"That was amazing what did you do to me I feel invincible."

Yuuta quickly pushed off Gildi.

"I'm glad you're happy but I have somebody I'm in love with."

Gildi went bright red realizing she just hugged him.

"Ahhh!! Sorry I didn't mean it like that I was just excited about the spell."

(Though she recalled just minutes ago he was rubbing his fingers through her hair.)

"It's fine I just wanted to be clear also all I did was infuse some of my mana into yours to strengthen and increase the amount of mana you can hold. It was just my way of apologizing for what happened earlier."

"Ok well, I guess I forgive you just keep your fangs to yourself next time."


"Don't take this the wrong way but you guys were a little unreasonable. I didn't even get a chance to talk before you guys tried to kill me."


"Unfortunately that's not my decision plus you know men they let their muscles think for them. The way Urik talked about vampires he made you out to be a monster that would destroy the world if we didn't kill you."

"Haha well I don't know if you would believe me but I've never killed anybody who didn't deserve it or was part of guild request. Other than sucking your blood I've only ever bit one other person and he was a rapist/murder."

Gildi listened quietly she still didn't know what to make of Yuuta but one thing was for sure she wasn't scared of him.

"Well let's keep you biting me a secret from Urik and Rohan if they found out it won't be easy to convince them your not dangerous."

"It's going to be hard for them to think I'm not dangerous after what I just did to them. I just want to convince them that I'm not a threat to normal people. I mean I'm not going around killing people or destroying a city. I just want to live my life as an adventurer with Ria."

Gildi couldn't tell if he was telling the truth or he was just saying what she wanted to hear. From the information they gathered, he seemed to be living a normal life and racked up a couple accomplishments while he was at it. Which didn't surprise her he's probably one of the strongest people in the world no wonder Avenci took a liking to him.

"Ohh by the way how come my light spell didn't work? Urik said that sunlight was deadly to vampires even pure breeds would burn to ash."

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you so let's just say it was a blessing."

As they continued with small talk they heard a light groan coming from the corner of the room. It was Urik sitting himself up against the wall. Holding his side it was obvious he was in pain. Noticing Yuuta he stiffened as he looked around the room he saw Gildi standing strangely close to him.

"Get away from him Gildi don't listen to whatever he's saying he can't be trusted."

Urik strained to yell the words to her. Gildi didn't move away from Yuuta, in fact, she got a little closer.

"Urik calm down I've been talking to Yuuta it's not what you think he isn't going to hurt us."

Urik just shook his head as he limped to pick up his broken sword.

"He already got to you Gildi I told you to be careful. Snap out of it he's controlling you."

Yuuta didn't say anything he thought it would be better to let Gildi take the lead.

"I'm not under his control Urik calm down your in no condition to fight."

Urik continued limping at Yuuta without any hesitation.

Yuuta decided to speak seeing that Gildi wasn't having any effect.

"Listen Urik I don't know why you're so dead set on killing me it does not have to be this way. I just want to live my life I don't want to hurt anybody who doesn't deserve it."

No matter what he said Urik didn't stop he just kept walking towards him the look in his eyes could only be described as hatred.

"There's no talking your way out of this vampire scum either I'm going to kill you or you going to kill me."

Gildi tried to stand in front of him but he just pushed her to the ground with more strength than necessary. He was only a couple meters away from Yuuta in a last ditch effort Gildi jumped in front of him again this time he swung his broken sword at her. As it swung down right at her throat Yuuta stuck his hand in the way it gouged out a chunk of his arm as he winced in pain.

Gildi went into shock she couldn't believe what just happened she never saw this look in his eyes before. It scared her more than Yuuta ever did. There was definitely something wrong with Urik like he was in a trance hell bent to kill Yuuta. Without hesitation, Urik ripped the sword out of Yuuta's arm and went to swing again. Yuuta grabbed Gildi from behind and turned around throwing her on the ground.

She screamed for Urik to stop.

"Die you piece of shit."

Urik drove his sword into Yuuta's back it went straight through sticking out of his chest for the second time today he got stabbed in the heart. Yuuta cried in pain as he dropped to his knees grasping at air in front of him. He tried to stand up but for some reason, he felt like there was a thousand pounds on his back. Urik left the sword in his heart pulling out a dagger behind his back. Grabbing Yuuta by the hair he pulled his head back placing the dagger on his throat with a clean slice blood started pouring out in buckets.

The sound of tearing skin and gurgling blood could be heard with each slice Urik went further into his throat. Soon the crunch of bone could be heard. The last thing Yuuta saw before passing out was Gildi crying as she said.

"Ice Spear"

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