《I Became A Vampire In Another World》Chapter 18


Flying to Celis the pit in Yuuta's stomach got deeper and deeper. He hoped he was wrong but he couldn't shake the feeling that this was the end of his new life in Estellis. He lowered himself to the ground a couple meters from the city gate the guard on duty couldn't help but be shocked. The guard ran at Yuuta holding his spear right in front of his face. There weren't many people with white hair and red eyes after all.

"You're Yuuta right?! Your presence is requested at the castle!!."

"Yea I'm Yuuta."

The guard slowly walked behind him the spear pointed at him the whole time.

"Start walking towards the castle."

The guard jabbed the spear in his back pushing him forwards. The spear pierced his skin but it healed before blood could flow. Two more guards surrounded Yuuta as he walked towards the castle. All their blades pointed at him menacingly. The situations couldn't help but grab the attention of the citizens, whispers and screams came from the crowds mostly about how screwed he was. The guard couldn't help but join in as he kept jabbing Yuutas back.

"I don't know what you did but Absolute Dominion is after you. If I were you I would have run far far away."

Yuuta gave a small smile as he turned his head.

"That's just not my style."

The rest of the walk was the same as they reached the castle a group of guards surrounded him the same they did at the gate. Escorting him inside the guards felt even more hostile he couldn't tell if they knew he was a vampire. They at least knew he was dangerous. Their weapons were shaking he could tell one false move and they wouldn't hesitate to attack.

After walking for about 5 minutes an old man wearing a crown of branches was waiting in the hallway. He didn't say anything as Yuuta passed he just watched with a wry smile. As Yuuta was about to turn the corner the old man spoke.

"I don't know what you did to piss Urik off but I would apologize immediately."

Yuuta turned the corner facing a staircase that looked to go on forever. The guards stopped at the top and gave Yuuta a light push. He got the hint and started walking down the stairs he let his mana spread out down the staircase. After a couple seconds his mana entered a giant room it took a minute of investigating the room when he found 3 people in the room all with mana strong enough to push his back.

(Shit they know I'm here.)

With no reason to hide his presence picking up his pace down the stairs quickly making his way to the down staircase waiting for him was 3 people all staring at him intently. After walking across the open arena he was now less than 5 meters away before he spoke.

"I heard you were looking for me?"

Urik hands were on his sword the tension was palpable.

"Is there something I did to offen........."

Before Yuuta could finish his sentence Urik drew his sword and closed the small distance between them. His ultraviolet blade turned into a blur as he swung with an overhead attack. As if on reflex Yuuta's hand was on his katana. Using lightning magic his katana exploded from the sheath moving even faster than Uriks. Their blades collided creating a deafening ring and shockwave.

Urik couldn't endure the impact and his sword flew out of hand piercing the ceiling. Without a second of hesitation from losing his sword he punched Yuuta directly in the face sending him flying into the wall 90 meters away. Yuuta's body made an impression in the wall as if he cut out an outline of himself into the brick.


From those two exchanges, Yuuta could already tell they were on a different level from anything he's fought before. His neck snapped back into place as he pulled himself up. Before he could fully stand up Rohan appeared out from a shadow driving a dagger into Yuuta's heart and twisted it as hard as he could.

The searing pain entered Yuuta's brain and he let out a monstrous scream. The pain was unimaginable but somehow Yuuta was able to react grabbing Rohan by the neck before he could escape into his precious shadows.

Yuuta could feel how easy it would be to snap Rohan's neck it wouldn't take a 100th of his power to do it. The rage burning in him almost let him do it before he came to his senses quickly observing the arena. Gildi was quietly chanting in the farthest corner of the arena it seemed to be a buff spell both Urik and Rohan has a weird aura around them. And Urik jumped 30 meters into the air grabbing his sword from the ceiling. They both had worried expressions on his their faces seeing Rohan hanging in the air gasping for breath.

Urik screamed at Gildi.

"Do it know."

Gild let a few simple words out.

"Sunlight cascade."

What looked like a beam of light the size of Yuuta's body engulfed him. It wasn't particularly hot but it was blindingly bright. Yuuta quickly put his hand over his eyebrows stepping out of the ray of light.

All three members of Absolute Dominion had a look of shock on their faces like somebody shit in their cereal.

"Just what are you!? You should be burned to a crisp I've seen that spell work on thousands of vampires."

Before Yuuta could respond to Uriks question. Rohan grabbed a vile from his back pocket and just as he was about to throw it in Yuuta's face he slammed him into the ground. The air exploded from his body as he gasped. With another quick punch to the stomach, Rohan was knocked unconscious.

Rohan was a master rogue and an S rank adventurer but close range fighting wasn't his strong suit. Even an A rank warrior could probably win in a close-range fight with Rohan.

Yuuta slowly pulled the dagger out of his chest the pain reverberated through his whole body. Although he didn't have time to deal with the pain. Urik picked up his pace moving across the arena at frightening speed. Yuuta threw Rohan's dagger as hard as he could at Gildi. The dagger easily broke the sound barrier as it flew at her. Her mana easily stopped the blade but it was just enough for her chanting to be interrupted. Whatever she was chanting it was going to a massive spell.

Urik closed the distance taking another swing. Yuuta quickly blocked the overhead swing again. Before Yuuta could counter Urik kicked him in the Solar plexus making him instinctively hunch over Urik brought his sword down on his head Yuuta quickly jumped back barely avoiding decapitation.

It was clear to Yuuta that Urik was a better swordsman he couldn't hold a candle to him. He had no openings and even a simple swing of the sword held enough power to cut him in half he was going to have to get clever.

(There's only one way to keep up with him.)

Yuuta had been consciously limiting his power since the first day he arrived in Estellis. He could destroy a castle wall by just leaning against it too hard. His body was well of power that not dried up. He was honestly scared to go all out but he had no choice Urik was too strong to worry about not killing him.


As if unlocking a chest he let his power flow through him. Using earth magic he created 10-meter long rock spears. They shot out from the ground at a blistering speed not having enough time to dodge them from the ground Urik jumped into the air. He instantly knew it was a mistake as he saw Yuuta turn in to a blur his eyes couldn't keep up with. Yuuta sheathed his sword and jumped directly at Urik who was still in the air Yuuta let out a punch with all his might.

(TLN: the United States of smash.)

Pure instinct saved Urik from taking a direct blow. Using his sword to block Yuuta's punch his sword snapped in half as flew across the arena. In a similar fashion to Yuuta, not moments before. Slamming into the wall the sickening sound of his bones snapping and scales scraping against the wall could be heard from across the arena. As the dust cleared Urik was on one knee as his chest barreled In and out not able to catch his breath.

(Time to go all out)

Yuuta quick cast a fireball the same size as the one he used In the wyverns den. This time it took less than second to cast it exploded from his hands melting the ground as it moved. Gildi not being able to keep up with battle barely had time to erect an Ice wall 10 meters thick.

It didn't stand a chance against the fireball it was already half melted from the boiling heat before they collided. It went through the ice wall like butter as it erupted in front of Urik. It completely destroyed the wall behind them. Luckily they were underground so the only thing behind the wall was dirt and mud.

Gildi screamed as the heat exploded outwards searing her skin. She quickly cast a water barrier having to constantly add mana to it the heat made it evaporate it in seconds.

A plume of mist from the ice and fire enveloped the arena it was so dense Yuuta couldn't see a meter in front of him. Using his mana he could tell Rohan was still unconscious and Urik was on his deathbed. Gildi ran to Urik casting a healing spell. He thought about how easily he could kill her right now if he wanted. Yuuta decided he showed enough of his power today hoping his words could get through if he spared their lives. Using wind magic he funneled the mist out through cracks in the walls and floors. Picking up Rohan he walked towards Gildi who was still diligently healing Urik. His body was charred and his scales had started falling off leaving his pink and black skin bare it looked pretty painful. Although he got stabbed in the heart so he didn't feel too much guilt.

He threw Rohan to the side of Urik and Gildi. Gildi almost forgetting about the fight instantly turned around to cast a spell. Before she could Yuuta grabbed but her wrists and pushed her against the wall their faces only cm's apart. Her breathing was labored and the fear in her eyes was all too obvious to Yuuta.

"Well, you won so kill me already you monster."

Gildi spat the insult out of her mouth.

"If I wanted to kill you do you think I would have left these two alive."

She quickly turned her head to see Rohan snoring and even though Urik was badly injured he should be able to recover with healing magic and some ointment for the burns. not to mention Gildi only had light burns on her. She looked over her body and even those were healing in front of her.

"Why are you healing me?"

Gildi couldn't help but ask as her face grew red realizing their noses where almost touching.

"Where I come from you never allowed to hit a girl unless it's in self-defense and even then it has to be something like she's going to stab you. Since I don't consider you an enemy I have no reason to hurt you. Plus I don't want you to have scars on your beautiful skin because of me."

Yuuta looked up from where he was healing her he couldn't help but take a couple looks at her perfect body and bountiful cleavage. Slowly making his way to her neck he could see her carotid artery bulging out if her neck with each pulse the temptation got stronger to stick his fangs in.

Gildi started squirming at his words for some reason it made her happy to be praised by him. She quickly snapped out of it coming back to reality.

"Umm if you're not going to hurt me can you let me go so I can heal Urik he isn't looking good."

Yuuta heard what she said but he didn't care he was mesmerized by her neck the slight pulse that got more obvious when he tightened his grip around her wrists. Her heavy breathing in his ears that excited his senses.

Maybe because he lost a lot of blood or the fight was tiring his craving for blood was stronger than usual it's almost like he could hear the blood pouring through her veins and arteries.

Before he knew what he was doing he started licking Gildi's neck and kissing it. She stiffened and let out a small yelp and then surprisingly a moan. Before he bore his fangs in her. As the blood poured in his mouth a sense of euphoria encased his body. There were no words to describe the feeling he got. Gildi screamed and struggled a little before losing consciousness he knew if he kept going she would die. His instincts told him to keep going as his mind begged him to stop.

He would never be able to negotiate if he killed one of them. As if an angel came to his rescue the picture of Ria crying in bed the day he left hit him and he pulled his fangs out of Gildi.

(Shit that was close.)

He slowly laid Gildi on the ground taking off his coat he rolled it into a pillow for her head. She seemed to be alright her pulse was steady may be a little anemic but she would be fine. Unlike Urik who was one punch away from meeting his maker. Using an AOE healing spell he healed all three of them at the same time saving him the time he poured mana into the spell like a waterfall. Other than some discoloration Urik would be ok his scales already grew back. Rohan was fine after Yuuta fixed his ruptured spleen. Gildi's burns had fully disappeared and her blood has been replenished.

After a job well done he plopped down against the wall next to Gildi. Moving her head to his lap he slowly rubbed his fingers through her long silver hair. He felt bad for almost killing her because of his own temptation. So he decided to infuse his mana into her body. By slowly building up her tolerance to his stronger and more plentiful mana hers would react. By not only letting her produce more mana but by also the purity of her mana. She would need less than half of her normal mana to cast the ice wall she used a couple minutes ago.

All that was left now was to wait for them to wake up and try to talk to them again hopefully the second time had better results.

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