《I Became A Vampire In Another World》Prologue/chapter 1



The sun broke through the window shining in Negi Yuuta's eyes as he wakes up for the day. Yuuta slowly opens his eyes as he stares toward the alarm clock. His eyes burst open and he jumps out of bed.

“Shit I'm late, I can't afford to get yelled at again!"

Yuuta hastily changed his clothes putting on his school uniform before running out his house. Being embraced by the cool fall air hitting his face causes his face to flush driving him out of his morning grog. He jumps on his bike and speeds down the street of his neighborhood weaving between cars flying down the hill. Yuuta being the daredevil that he is starts peddling harder and harder.

"I can't be late, Mr. Horikawa is going to kill me if I am late again!!! Shit shit shit shit."

Hitting an intersection and not thinking about it, he rides right through without looking. The last thing that flashed through his eyes was a white truck only a few centimeters from his body. Then everything went black.

"Haha foolish boy, who taught you to look both ways before crossing the street."

Yuuta slowly opened his eyes. All he could see was a white ceiling blinding him. He rolled over onto his knees and slowly stood up. About a meter away from him was an old man with a thick long white beard. He was sitting at a kotatsu drinking tea.

"Where am I? Who the hell are you? I was just on my way to school then I saw a truck..."

The old man continued to just drink his tea. After some silence he put down his tea and started rubbing his beard.

"Well, how should I put this without freaking you out? (Chuckles) To put it simply I am God, and this is where I like to meet souls that are special to me."

Yuuta stiffened at the man saying he was dead. His mouth went dry. A look of shock was on his face as he recalled his last moments.

"So I'm dead huh... Well that sucks at least I don't have to go to school school anymore. You’re god? You look like I expected. Why am I special? I'm just you're average 17-year-old kid."

God picked up his tea and took a sip.

"you want some tea it's just heavenly"

God had a slight smirk on his face as he made his crappy joke.

"No thanks, I'm not thirsty. If it's not too troublesome, I would like you to answer a couple questions as long you don't mind God"

Yuuta looked nervous for asking God to be more serious.

"Ok ok, I understand you're scared and nervous not knowing what's going on. But don't worry! Your life's not done just yet! I’ve gotten bored around here lately. So I'm going to try something I haven't done before. I'm going to send you to a new world! One with monsters and magic! Tho not nearly as advanced as your old world. But it won't be bad! I’ll give you some advantages to help you in your new world! You could call them god’s blessings."

"Well I'm glad I'm not going to die but what's this new world you said monsters right like real monsters and you also said magic like spells, wizards, and magicians."

God nodded his head in agreement.

"Yes exactly, it’s certainly different from your old world, but like I said I have some tricks up my sleeve to help you out."

"What kind of tricks?"


"Well for one, I'm going to let you pick what race you are in your new world . Human isn't the only race there for example, there are Elves, Beastmen, dwarves, pixies, dragonkin, demons, and I can even make you a monster if you so feel inclined."

"Your serious! Like an actual magic world! Then... if I get to pick I can be anything I like right?!! Do vampires exist in this new world and by the way do you know the name of this world?!!"

"Vampires did exist at one time in your new world. They were hunted down by the humans more than five thousand years ago. I believe the name of your new world is Estellis. There’re 5 continents with the biggest of the five is called Abyssinia. That's where I'll drop you off, I think."

Yuuta's face lit up when he heard that vampires were an option. He had always loved vampires! He would watch and read anything that had to do with them.

"So then if I get to choose I want to be a vampire"

"Are you sure? There are lots of negative effects of being a vampire... I guess I will help a little with that. I'll make it to where you won't be affected by sunlight at the very least. But there are other things I can't help with. If you found out by someone you will be hunted down for the rest of your unnatural life. Also, I can make it to where you don't have to drink just blood but you will still crave it. I believe blood to a vampire is like a drug. But you should be able to sustain yourself on other types of food..."

Yuuta pondered everything he just heard.

"So...That’s not too bad if you can help with the sunlight and blood cravings... What are the positive effects I will get from being a vampire."

God had a smile on his face and took another sip of his tea.

"Well, I should start by saying Vampires were one of the strongest monsters in this world. The humans could only defeat them by using light magic to burn them to death so with my blessings to make you immune to sunlight you will be almost unbeatable. Vampires have many strengths they are extremely strong they could punch a clean hole through a dragon or so the stories go. Their healing regeneration is amazingly fast as long as you aren't set on fire you could regenerate from a single drop of blood though it would take a while ha-ha. Also, Pure breed vampires have a bottomless well of magic they naturally recover magic from the magicules in the air so you could endlessly cast magic and use massive AOE attacks."

Yuuta's smile was as big as It could be hearing what vampires were capable of in the world of Estellis.

"Ok, then I decided I want to be a vampire with those couple blessings you were talking about of course."

"Very well"

God snapped his fingers and a magic circle appeared above Yuuta. It only lasted for a second before it disappeared...


Chapter 1

Yuuta felt a strange sense of peace and closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he was standing in the middle of a forest. He could see sooo clear. The breeze felt and sounded with so much more... depth? He felt like he could run forever and jump a mile into the sky. Feeling amazing like he was unstoppable.

"This is awesome! I feel so strong! I have to test this out."


Yuuta got into a running stance and took off flying through the trees. The trees where becoming blurs. He shoved his feet into the ground to stop sliding at least 5 meters before coming to a stop. He then walked up to a tree and lightly punched. (Crack*) the 2-meter wide tree trunk cracked right in half and fell to the ground with a thundering roar. Sending vibrations through the ground.

"I barely touched it! I need to learn how to control my strength!!!"

Yuuta focused on listening to his surroundings. He heard moving water not far away and decided to follow it. He made his way to the river stream which was about a meter across. He leaned down to take a drink of water. After he finished he looked at the water and saw his reflection.

"What the hell? Why are my eyes red and my hair is white?!!"

He was confused when he saw his reflection his features stayed the same, but his hair and eyes had changed.

"I guess I shouldn’t be that surprised..."

After staring at the river for a while, he also noticed that he could retract and extend his fangs. It was a very strange sensation.

"I guess I should see what else is different about my body..."

Yuuta started inspecting his body. He noticed his muscles had become more defined. He felt so much stronger than ever before. He also noticed that his nails could grow and shrink on command they were incredibly sharp.

(This feels so weird... I mean, I'm not complaining but I need some time to get used too this.) First things first, I need to find my way to civilization!

After thoroughly inspecting his body he started looking for a way to the nearest town or city. Randomly picking a direction, he started walking.

After about two hours of walking, (in a random direction) a strong scent of iron hit his nostrils, it made his stomach rumble and mouth water.

"This is blood..."

As if possessed, he took off and started running. He heard metal clanging and men yelling. It only took a moment before reaching the scene. Stopping as he reached the battle, he hid behind a tree. Two men were fighting each other near a girl with cat ears, (who appeared about the same age as Yuuta) lying on the ground. Before he decided what to do, the man wearing leather armor with a sword delivered the final blow to the man wearing a tunic and tan pants. He noticed the stabbed “man” also had animal ears. The sword had pierced its stomach. His movements slowed, blood pouring out his mouth. He slumped to the ground letting out an almost inaudible groan.

"I guess I should stay out of it."

After the man dressed in leather armor pulled his sword out of the things gut. He then made his way to the cat ear girl on the ground staring lewdly at her.

"I can make some decent money off you don't resist or... it won't be pretty girl."

The Bandit started to rip off the girl's clothes with a laugh that echoed through the air.

Yuuta decided he couldn't stand around and do nothing.

(I'm not going to watch a girl get raped in front of me)

Yuuta Looked down at his hands watching his nails extend. He took off from behind the tree. Closing the distance in an instant, he stabbed out. His aim was a little off. Yuuta was aiming for the bandit's neck but missed. Instead, he drove his hand through the bandit's right arm taking it to clean off. It seems not ever attacking anyone and his new body needed practice. The blood started gushing from the wound the look of absolute shock and horror on his face. Grabbing his wound trying to stem the flow, the bandit started screaming.

"Fuuuuck! It hurts, It hurts!"

The bandit started rolling on the ground the smell of fresh warm blood hit Yuuta's nose and started to take over all his senses.

"It smells so good I can't help myself."

Yuuta shoved the man down and held him. He stared directly staring into his panickeding eyes. The man froze for just a second before howling.

"Get off of me! what do you want money I'll give you whatever you want so please spare me."

Yuuta only gave a small sinister smile before extending his fangs and bearing down into the man's neck. It only took 5 seconds till the blood ran dry and the bandit's body became a dry husk.

"Thanks for the meal," Yuuta said rubbing his stomach twitching in delight.

“Who would have thought blood would taste so gooood..."

After finishing his meal, Yuuta looted the both the corpses. He found five coins. Three which were golden and two were silver.

"So they use coins as money here, should be pretty easy to figure out"

He also found two small bottles with a red liquid in them. He opened one and took a sniff of the bottle. Scrutinizing over the bottle he thought.

"That's not blood, I've never smelt anything like that. It smells a little sweet."

After looting the bandit, he made his way to the cat-eared girl. Walking up to the girl laying on the ground, cuts and scrapes showed all over her body. Her breathing was labored, her face had a reddish tent to it. Yuuta tried shaking the girl to try and wake her up. She only made a soft groan before going quiet again.

"What should I do I can't leave her here."

Yuuta stared at the girl lost in thought.

"I wonder if the bottles are healing potions... It would make sense, like in a video game! It's worth a try at least."

Yuuta pulled out the bottle with the red liquid in it he took the cork out and poured it into the girl's mouth as soon as the liquid hit her tongue she spit it out and lightly coughed.

"I guess she can't swallow it I'll have to make her."

He poured the liquid into his mouth and slowly put his lips against hers he pushed the potion and his tongue down her throat. As their lips were still connected the girl opened her eyes to see some unfamiliar face millimeters away from her with their lips connected. Her face turned a bright shade of red and she pushed away from the unknown man. She cried out without pausing,

"Who are you why where you why are you kissing me where am I!!!"

The girl had tears in her eyes and was clearly scared.

"I'm Yuuta, nice to meet you. Sorry about that. You wouldn't swallow the healing potion so I had to push it down your throat."

He stared at the girl with a light smile on his face he rubbed the back of his head. The girl took a moment, while touching her lips with her fingers. She seemed to have calmed down.

"Are you ok? I killed the bandit in leather armor... He was trying to do some unsavory things to your body."

"I feel ok I think... Thank you for saving me."

She stood up and brushed the dirt off herself before walking over to the dead bodies.

"These two were trying to sell me. They started to argue about something...I took my chance to run but then everything went black."

Yuuta stayed silent not sure what to say. This girl had been through something traumatic. He didnt think his word would be much comfort.

"Well atleast they wont be able to hurt you anymore. Ohh im sorry i forgot to ask your name?"

"Its Ria if you don't mind. I'm going to take this cloak its kind of cold out here"

"I don't mind. I took the coins off them, but you can take whatever is left"

She started rummaging through the bodies as if she was looking for something particular. She searched the beast-mans coat pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. Looking towards me she asks,

"Umm... I can't read. Can you tell me what this says?"

Ria handed the paper over to him and he started reading it.

(I'm glad I can read and talk to people I guess its because of gods blessing.)

"This looks like your certificate of ownership. It say that you're a slave Ria. is this what you're looking for?"

Her eyes became meek and spoke in a low whisper.

"Yes it is. If you don't mind, you can keep it since you saved me ill be your property."

"I'm not really looking for a slave right now... How about I destroy this then you'll be free right?"

Her eyes grew in shock and a look of worry.

"Yes, I would be. Though I've been a slave since I was a baby... I don't know how to live a free life. So if you don't want me you can sell me. Maybe to a nicer person then them if possible?"

His heart literally broke with those words as he heard them.

(This world is pretty harsh huh I guess my world was like this one too)

"How about we make it to a city before I decide what to do... ok?"

"Ok, the city of Celis is not far away. It’s only about a half days walk from here."

"Cool, show me which way and we will start walking."

Ria showed him which way the city was. Then Yuuta picked Ria up.

"Why are you picking me Ahhh?"

"We're going to go pretty fast so hold on ok."

Yuuta took off running full speed. She screamed at the top of her lungs till she passed out. He couldn't help but laugh as he continued running.

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