《Hello Nightmare》9


“Is this a good thing to do?”

Himiko asked the teacher while walking beside her.

“Why not? He just wants to buy ingredients for his dinner right?”

They two were walking side by side in the grocery store while looking at Hiroshi who was choosing something from the refrigerator.

...Meat...meat....ha...chicken! Uhm...is there any breast part left...oh, it's there...

“Why do we have to accompany him?”

After Hiroshi said thanks in his own way. He said that he will be departing from the nurse room so he can buy something in the grocery store. The teacher unexpectedly wants to join him on his way and force Himiko to join them.

“You already asked that question since we walked with him from school…”

“And you still don't give me a valid answer!”

“I said it was just compensation so I will let go of the nurse… Why are you so uneasy even if it gives you an advantage? Didn't you don't want me to kill the nurse? Is this too much of a price for it?"

"Hrgh...whatever then. I can't stay long, it will be a problem if any of my friends see us."

"Oh...you have friends…"

"O-of course I have! Do you think I don't?"

"No, I'm surprised there's 's' in it hehe…"

"H-hah? Stupid! I'm not a loser like you!"

"Hahaha. You can go if you want now, you don't even want to talk with him on our way here. But that's enough for today… I'll contact you like always if there's anything important."

"I know."

Himiko turned her back and started walking away from the teacher. There are not many people in the small grocery store that they went to.

"It's already 6.00 pm. No wonder there are so few people here."


The teacher mumbled by herself.

After a while, Hiroshi finally reached the cashier with a bunch of ingredients in his basket.

Night incoming, there's not much I can do if Himiko's illusion has already run out. Whatever, I'll just use this chance to get to know him better. So I can identify where his core is in the next try. He doesn't even care about it. Does he not remember that I shot him or is he just a plain idiot? Well, as long as it gives a benefit for me, I couldn't care less.

Hiroshi gets out of the grocery store followed by the teacher. He doesn't pay attention to the teacher and just minds his own business. On the way to Hiroshi house, they walk in front of the school.

They still there? Such consistency…

The teacher looks at the tree across the street. Two students from before are watching Hiroshi but don't take any action.

They probably think I'm guarding this boy. If I'm not here, I'm sure they will go straight to him without thinking. They were already there from the moment we departed from school to the grocery store.


"Why is she following Hiroshi?" Yuji asked.

"Of course to protect him from us stupid," Yori already guessed the reason behind it.

"I don't know why she is ignoring us. I'm certain that she already knows we are waiting here," Yori said.

"Then why are we waiting here?" Yuji asked.

"I hope she has already left when Hiroshi wants to go to his house. But knowing she was still with him. That just strengthened my guess that she knows we are here. Plus I don't know if she already told another teacher. We haven't contacted Toshi since then," Yori explained.

"That fat boy! Why is he not running with us? Such an idiot," Yuji insulted Toshi.


"Hey, you two!"

A voice of a man breaking their chain of conversation. They know the owner of the voice from the reaction of their face. The fear and goosebumps that stab their feelings.

"A-Aki! H-hey!”

Yori, who was full of anger before acting as a child in front of his scary father. Standing firmly right in front of him is a man in his twenty wearing a black shirt with short brown jeans.

“So, where’s the thing huh?”

“U-uh...the things…” Yori gulp. He glances at Yuji hoping he will explain everything to Aki.

“I-it's on the way! Toshi is on his way to take it. We will go to the usual place to give it as always!”

Yuji tries to make excuses to him as a last resort to get them out of the trouble.

“Oh, I see…” he closed himself to Yuji with a devilish look. His bald hair makes it look like he is a gangster in the town.

“If you don’t make it before night, you know what will happen…”

He whispers into Yuji's face and instantly turns his back on the two of them. He finally walked away in the same path he came, leaving those two in agony.

"Hey, what are we gonna do?" Yori looks miserable. He can't imagine what Aki will do to them if they fail to deliver the good that is the cigarettes.

"We should check the school, maybe Toshi being held by another teacher there," Yuji wants to meet Toshi as soon as possible.

"What? What's the point of having him? It's not like he has cigarettes," Yuji only thinks about the things that Aki wants. He doesn't care about his friend who Yuji feels is being arrested by the teacher.

"Then what are we gonna do? This is the first time we failed to deliver it! That damn Hiroshi suddenly makes something stupid."

"I know, we should go to his home. We will take Hiroshi to Aki. Tell him that Hiroshi stole the goods," Yuji thought of escaping from their mess.

"Can't you see the teacher is with him?"

"Do you think the teacher will stay until night? Of course, she just accompanied him until he arrived home. She doesn't have time to chit chat with him."

"What time is it now?" Yuji pointed the watch at Yori's right hand.

Yori took a look at it, "6:15…"

"The sunset for today is 7:17… Yeah, we still have time. Do you know where his house is located?"

"Yeah, it's the same route toward Toshi house. Wait, you don't know?"

"I have never been Toshi house stupid… whatever let's go before it's too late."

After a minute of walking, Hiroshi and the teacher finally arrive at his home. He lives in a green coloured flat which contains five floors. They go straight to the highest floor.

Hiroshi opens the door without unlocking anything.

"Can I come in?"

The teacher who followed him asked his permission. That's the first thing she said to Hiroshi since they walked together from school. The teacher followed his back without having any conversation with him like a guard. Neither of them seems bothered by it.


Next day, Hiroshi awoke from his sleep. He smells a weird smell coming from his house and checks it.

Two imperfect corpses lying in his kitchen.

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