《Subterranean levels written by Travis Willier》Chapter 008 The Rule of Kukulcan


1438 BCE

I was the daughter of colored frog, he was our great leader till the sky beings showed up and started the fall of our people and our ways of life, years before the sky being came, looking very different when I was a child the beings were friendly and had very funny beards and were joyful and artistic and peaceful. Their bags contained many different things but they always had a purpose. Teaching our shamans the truths of our worlds and universe. Taught us to build beautiful cities. And then one day that all changed many years later.

Now I'm an adult and I watched the sky beings return and shoot my elder father and drink the blood from his heart.

The horrible things didn't stop there. They continued to chop up my brother’s and eat them limb for limb.

And my sisters…..

They spoke some unknown sky language and brought us to the chambers under the holy temple which looked nothing like the way we built it.

I was frightened but I couldn't do anything about it. They ripped all our clothes off.

I looked at the shredded blue cloths. that were once my dress. Tears fell from my face.

I tried to drown out the screams from my sisters. the tears fell from my face at the horrors in which my sisters exclaimed.

They brought me to the altar and reptilians held my arms and legs while the Kukulcan had his way with me.

They did this everyday till we each bore his child. Some of my sisters couldnt have his children he had them murdered.

I bore him a son who he taught all his evil ways of cult ritual, medicine and sacrifice to the evil dimension they are from. This son was named Sun snake after him.

Our ceremonies changed, temples and statues were built for him, our ceremony regalia was changed to resemble him. People started to wear blood of others instead of paint, they started to wear bones of humans in the nose and cutting their hair to resemble a reptilian.

For years the new reptilian soldiers captured people from around the area and used our own for their own will. Sacrificing people to their evil dimension.

Massive graves were dug out and bodies filled them the first week.

Till all I could see was mass graves surrounding us. Crows filled the air and a stench that covered everything in its midst.


One day the guards brought in an odd looking bunch. People I have never seen before.

They were white skinned like the God kukulcan. I listened and watched my son and kukulcan talk.

“What have you brought me, my dark soldiers, my son who are these people you all brought.'' Kukulcan asked his black dressed guards Wearing a black tunic with a moon symbol on each of them.

“They speak Italian. I was able to speak with one. Are you interested? He brought over some news you might want to listen to.” One of the old reptilian guards spoke to kukulcan.

“Bring him in?” Kukulcan smiled.

The guards brought in a sweaty drenched man that smelt of rotten wood and shit.

He wore funny looking clothes. And had a small long thin club on his side with a round gold end at the top. He had a funny beard like the old sky beings.

“I come across the seas Land to land following the stars of night that guided me. My people are very sick from sea travel, The ones who brought me here spoke of your healings.” The weary man spoke his words and the old reptilian translated.

“Yes I will heal your people if you answer me this question. Where do you come from? Are there more of you?” Kukulcan asked.

“Yes, many more.” The man replied

“Good we will need all of you.” kukulcan grinned his sharp teeth.

“You're gonna need more fear than hell to break me, I said I traveled across the seas land to land, I failed to answer your question truthfully, I killed millions, burned husbands and drank the blood of wives. I have boats filled with slaves I need healing for my main voyagers so we could continue our campaign to find the best route to India.” The man replied.

“What is your name?” Kukulcan asked

“Christopher columbus.” Christopher replied.

“Well Christopher we got a different plan for you and your sick crew. Guards seize him and his fellow sailors. I will have the priests call back Kaaakaauull.” Kukulcan watched his guard and our son approach the man named Christopher columbus.

He drew his thin long club from his belt and stuck it through my approaching son's head. He fell to the ground bleeding out. The other reptilians used a large club to disarm the thin club from Christophers evading hands.


The other reptilian guards seized him and Kukulcan walked up to our son and held him in his arms. Then he spoke from his sadness. “Bring that man away to the holding chambers and have his men ripped open for testing.” pointing out with a hand to the temple door the reptilians walked with each a foot in their hands while Christopher coloumbus was dragged away laughing from what he had done.

“ I hurt your boy didn't I? I'm not scared of her, bring your lady reptilian ruler hahahaha!” Christopher laughed.

“Stop, how did you know?” kukulcan asked

The guards held Christopher Columbus up.

“ I know things most people don't know in this world. And tell her I accept.” Christopher replied and then was brought away by the guards.

I walked up and grabbed the thin club that killed my son and it had two blood-covered gold hawks on the blade that shined in the sunlight and was very sharp. The blood dripped from my finger from testing the sharpness I wrapped it in a cloth. Then put the sword in a hidden personal chamber. Kukulcan didnt notice he was busy carrying his son out of the temple to notice me with the thin club.

Kukulcan in the weeks that followed had kaaakaauull return and do heavy hypnosis on Christopher Columbus and sent him on a voyage back to where he came to brainwash more into joining him here in the genociding and enslaving of this found land. She stayed around for a long time enjoying what kukulcan had made of our civilization.

Kuklucan had our son buried in a temple that was built in those weeks that followed and had the temple covered in dirt. To never be found again. Kukulcan killed more and more everyday after that.

With Chirstophers sick crew he made illnesses out of them that he tested openly on the people making the healthy people drink the blood of the sick and death followed.

Millions died.

kukulcan got so fat from grief kukulcan ate so much blood and meat kukulcan outgrew his armour that our arrows heads couldn't peirce.

One Night a Mysterious Light fell from the sky and the next week. two hunters with blue suits came with many warriors and invaded the temple during the ceremony. Kaaakaauull left with her sky brothers leaving behind Kuklucan.

One of the two hunters was a myan man named Jaguar crystal.

He would have a battle on top of the temple with kukulcan. It was broad daylight.

They stood apart from each other with war knives in hand. They circled each other sizing each other up.

“I Will free My people! For the true sky beings have returned and foretold our rise!”

Jaguar called out.

Kukulcan went to slash with his knife But Jaguar was too fast for Kukulcan; Jaguar moved out of the way. Jaguar’s legs were powerful, Jaguar was able to jump right over kukulcan. And when Jaguar landed extra small shiny sticks helped him on his landing. Jaguar used his war knife and lunged it into Kuklucans Back.

Kukulcan was stabbed but turned around and grappled Jaguar so he wouldn't jump away Kukulaann took a big bite out of Jaguar's left shoulder. Blood poured onto the reptilian's face, then it happened the SUN WAS BLOCKED. And Darkness swept across the land everyone was looking up at it. I went to grab the thin shiny club from the chest in offering for the sun to come back. I returned back outside to the temple top and held out the thin shiny club to the Black SUN. Then Jaguar sprang up into the air and Grabbed the thin shiny club from me while on his way up into the air and when the sun came back he brought the light of day with him blinding Kukulcan leaving him defenseless,flying back down Jaguar cut off kuklucans head, it rolled down the Temple steps and the people rejoiced as they seen Jaguar holding the sword into the air.

“My people rejoice, we are free To Leave and start a new beginning! We will give these temples back to the land and make new ones in our new beginning.” Jaguar said as he led us out from the evil temples and the Blue suited warriors used some sort of blue energy to destroy the evil temples.and the jungle grew over the mass graves And left over temples.

Jaguar rached out for my hand so I took his and We walked on to our new beginning and the blue suits left in an orb of light.

End of Chapter 008 The Rule of Kukulcan Subterranean levels written by Travis Willier copyright 2021

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