《Subterranean levels written by Travis Willier》chapter 007 Admiral Kaaakkaauull


Admiral Kaaakkaauull stands outside the Mesopotamia Ritual portal temple entrance. The Dragon flew away in the sky. underneath her red heel was Nathan and his lover was in the hands of the reptilian guards Nathan called out to her.

“ I’m sorry, Dark Cloud!” Soon enough they were Dragged away Into the Portal both screaming for their lives.

“ Excellent, Now then Let's get into our Annunaki friends ship and fly back out to this myan civilization and spread our faith. Have our finest Reptilian commander come with me and a requested platoon of the dark squad. Bring our rifles, we will take it Over in one fatal sweep.”

The Dark fleet entered and flew the Annunaki craft over to the mayan civilization across the globe and when they arrived over the city they couldn't believe their reptilian yellow eyes.

The city was made of gold.

“We Will have IT ALL!” The Admiral commanded.

The Reptilian commander that was selected to come along was debriefed in the main hull of the ship.

“The Reason I chose you to rule here instead of Mars is the fact I know you can handle yourself and fully enslave this race, you will be known as Kukulcan. You will birth a new rule here in this civilization.” Admiral kaaakkaauull spoke to the reptilian commander.

He stood still in attention, not even a blink. Listening to every command. While kaaakkaauull walked around him speaking to him in various reptilian tongue.

“We will drop into the main landing on the main temple and when we come out we'll take hostage their leaders and kill them on the spot then we will enslave the rest. I will help for the first half of the enslavement then you will rule to bring their civilization to the ground.” She smiled and walked to the ship's control center.


“Land the ship!” The reptilians exited the craft and the dark fleet exited walking in formation loaded with their advanced rifles. They stopped in a line and aimed loaded the rifles. when the myan leaders got closer wearing their ceremony clothes carrying gifts, the reptilians started to shoot and blast the incoming leaders and shamans and people. Rifle sounds were heard from The top of the landing of the temple, their black reflective suits shining in the morning sunlight. Reptilians smiling. As the warriors charged in wave after wave til bodies covered the top of the temple and blood was flowing down its steps. Once there were no more fighters, no more spears being thrown, no more bows shooting. The reptilians started to drink the blood from the still alive royal warriors.

Kukulcan Ripped out the beating heart of the still alive myan ruler and held it into the air towards the sun for all the gathered and frightened people to see. “See the Heart of God.” Kukulcan squeezed the blood from the heart out into his white reptilian mouth.

Admiral Kaaakaauull grabbed a nearby shaman and started to use her powerful mind control on him, speaking her reptilian tongue to create hypnosis over the shaman.. Using the shaman to translate and convey the words that Kukulcan spoke aloud to the people from atop the temple mound.

“You are all now my people, we Kukulcan and kaaakaauull are the husband and wife of the universe. We are here to guide you to rule over you, you will do as we say or we will choose to destroy all of your city and destroy your land.”

The rows of people heard the words from the high shaman and obeyed. They knelt down rows and rows, millions of people.

For weeks that followed kukulcan had the people go restless nights, sleep was ruled out and they were subjected to very early sun worship which was basically an early morning brainwashing ceremony from kukulcan. They were enslaved to erect temples for the reptilian god and goddess and all human babies were ruled out and only human hybrids or that of reptilian blood may be born. They drank the blood of fooled brainwashed virgin girls. While Kukulcan had his way with as many women as he could.


Kaaakkaauull ruled with an iron hand those that couldn't keep up with pleasuring her she had beheaded at the top of the holy temple. For months she enjoyed the tongues of many of the myan people. Sitting on her throne while one after another would come up and be forced to give her pleasure while she sat and drank the blood of their lovers.

Once the city of gold was harvested by the enslaved people, she had her fun. She had the annunaki ship take her back to the mesopotamia portal temple and activated it back to this current time. She walks through the portal and grabs a seat in her private quarters chair “ahh only ten mins has passed here excellent.” and then she orders more reptilians to Samatha and Dark clouds cells. “Have your men have their rounds again, have no mercy, I wanna see, Pain, Suffering.” She ordered.

“I WIll have the Men On this task right away.” A reptilian base guard said entusatically.

“Well to it you're dismissed, have fun.” She ordered him.

He then walked out the room.

The admiral watched the groups of her reilitain marines make their way to the cell rooms.

She reached her hand down and started to pleasure herself.

“Adrimal incoming message from the dimensional communications.” Droid 97 alerted.

“Let me see this message.” Reptilian text came up on the holo screen.

Looks like I will be back in ten minutes. There is a rather special man I must meet.”

End of Chapter 007 Subterranean levels written by Travis Willier Copyright 2021

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