《Subterranean levels written by Travis Willier》Chapter 005 Thousands of years of Rule


Chapter 005 Thousands of years of Rule

The seventh Planet in a distant solar system. A Little blue planet.

A New home.

Our Globes touched down in the southern hemisphere. When we landed our ships caused a great impact. Which sent floods around the earth destroying neighboring civilizations. Killing billions of native aliens.

Our ship’s nanotechnology spread out and shaped itself to the land absorbing it creating more of itself turning all organic life to machine bio matter.

As our ship engulfed the land we came across a non native species. To the planet we Reptilians, enslaved them with fake promises of power they held truths of an ancient peoples who have unlocked universal knowledge of dimensional travel.

Using warp holes to discover the universe such souls would make our source happy to ingest.

We Travelled to the inner Earth and Went to war with The Archons who put up a noble fight and spoke of peace throughout the universe.

In a ditch of effort they opened a portal to an evil dimension our new home they referred to as hell.

It only took us two thousand years two kill the ruler of that dimension.

The imbalance in the universe sent ripples through the fabric of space. Which had to correct itself and a meteor was sent our way to wipe us out after all we don't belong here to them. But from our point of view everything belongs to us and shall be ours. Every dimension. Our armies of the inner earth moved across the land conquering and enslaving ruling for so long the enslaved forgot they were enslaved and remain slaved by our very institutions. Which feeds our kind and other off-world species we choose to do business with. we operate in the dark we are the dark fleet. Our origins in Antarctica. Have stood the balance of the universe. We shall rule in this dimension as we do the other dimensions we control. every soul we shall feast upon.


Channeling / trance Video evidence recording Drak fleet origins

The video file ended and I finished grabbing enough guns, bombs, ammo and Gabriel sent out his last messages to his loved ones.

“That's about as much as we could learn about them through our secret channeling sessions. like I said a lot still remains unclear .One more thing, the bases are very dark. These beings don't need light to see so you're going to have to wear the night vision goggles. There's pairs on every floor. You may find them in the red boxes so carry a light also here's the codes to the base voice communications so you can, over ride the system and send a message to those evil fucks. And when you see the evil white one tell her Phil sent you before you take her head.”

I loaded my AR15 extended Magazine, Suppressor, Gabriel had night vision and plenty of sticky explosive to get us in the first three levels no problem. We studied the floor plans day till night.

“So what are they?” Gabriel asked.

“ There Evil dimensional beings who want to eat our souls and everything in the universe til they are every dimension.”


“Oh? You're taking this well.” I questioned Gabriel.

“Well it's just when it’s put like that just how are we gonna solve the problem with our guns against dimensional beings.”

“ Phil said we can kill them with guns so I'm fucking bringing a lot. Now let's get moving, they have my wife.”

I got in the back seat and Gabriel drove. It was hours of driving till we finally came to the city outskirts. They didn't expect Gabriel so we drove right up to the front of the base. Which looked like a regular office building.

We got out of the car and walked forward to the building entrance.

End of chapter 005 Thousands of years of Rule Subterranean levels written by Travis willier

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