《Subterranean levels written by Travis Willier》Chapter 004 Agent in the Desert


A night or two at best, any longer I’m toasted meat for the ravens.

That was a comforting thought.

Enough about food for anything, the nearest gas station is a hour jog from here.

I have got to keep sane here, Rachel is depending on me.

The Sun was setting and I gotta get a move on. I climbed out from a small crevice in the rocky granite rocks. The area kept me cool and hidden for the most part although I have my suspicions.

I walked along, the edge of the rocky terrain till I found clear ground then I began my light jog down the road I was still banged up from the crash.

I spotted a nice sizable rock on the ground I picked it up.

Running along the sky had nice pink red clouds that covered the horizon.

Then I saw it. The corner of my eye. “Here we fucking go.”

The Ravens flew down towards me. Dive bombing. I jumped and rolled just on time. Explosions rocked around me that sent rocks flying every which way some cut right through my bullet proof suit cutting into my flesh some cut right into my face.

The Explosion sent me rolling on the ground till I came to a stop. Then I slowly rolled over and stood back up. I dusted myself off.

“Agent 45, when I saw your name on the list I couldn't resist.”

“I know that smug voice happy you came on down, so I didn't have to find you later.”

“Agent 45 with the tough talk from where im standing your looking rather fucked up.”

“Coming from the exploding raven using Bitch.”

“Oooo that's fun, how do you prefer to die out here in the desert road agent 45?”

“My guess is that you came out here on your own to take me out yourself, to try to make some name for yourself, left without any back up on the way.”

“Shut the fuck up I got the Crows.”

“Well I got, A Rock.”


I throw the rock at his face with precision.

The Dark Agent fires his pistol in the desert.

I suprise him from behind with his knife and launch it into his right arm's shoulder. He drops the gun.

I bend down and catch it and point it toward his head.


“How much do you value your life. Agent 1057?”

“You know me?”

“Yes I Noticed your name taking a lot of contracts your good at what your do.

What if I told you we were working for the wrong guys the whole time.. you're the only one out here… the agency has no clue you did your homework and found me first.”

“What do you mean?”

“Let me show you.” I pull out the chip from my pocket.

“Help me see what's on this chip and I will spare your life.”

In a painful agreement. “Sure.” the Dark agent responded.

I helped him up and got him back to his car.

Getting into the driver's side I noticed right away.

“There is No Agency system in here?”

The agent grabbed his medical first aid pack which contained special first aid treatments far advanced than conventional society's standards.

He administered his medical gel which also contained the pain numbing ointment that drove the pain away from most injuries.

Within moments the shoulder wound closed and healed.

“No I don't Trust the agency, they have no law against you stopping and changing the vehicle you drive on a mission, haha they hate when I do that, also call me Gabriel.”

“Well good thinking, that forward thinking will keep you alive, especially with these evil fucks, If its true what I'm hearing its all on this chip so where can we go check out this material.”

“Down exit 213, the old road I have an Underground bug out bunker.”

“You got a computer there?”

“Yes, the internet is also coded so nothing can be traced.”

“Perfect, I'm going to get to the bottom of this. They have my wife and I’m hoping what I heard is not true.”

After 3 hours of driving we arrived.

He walked up and uncovered a hatch that lead underground.

He gestured jokingly.

I shook my head no “ you first into the hole or bullet.”

“Geez, is this how you treat everyone? Do this, do that or get a bullet?”

“Just go inside for fuck sake.”

"okayyy geez, this place being somewhere I wasn't planning on showing anyone."

Gabriel ducked his head and went inside the bunker.

I followed and shut the secret hatch behind us.

I followed Gabriel through the underground bug out. It was small but had all the necessities. He figured he would at least have about 6 years down here if he had too. Not bad all things considered.


We finally got to the biggest area of the shelter.

“Sorry for the tight space it was only ever meant for me to conduct my business.”

“Yeah I get it, it's alright I don't give a shit!”

“Woah don’t have a cow man!”

“Look! Gabriel I'm not fucking around!! I will fucking kill you!”

“Woah, okay, shit geez, here use the fucking thing, I will be over here.”

“No, get back here stay in my sight.”

“No.. fuck man really. fuck!” Gabriel responded.

I chambered a round and aimed it at him.

He turned and held his arms out and looked across to me in tears.

“In all honesty man fucking do it, I cant stand this shit sometimes, I kill and it never stops sometimes I questioned if it was the right thing to do. Now you're telling me It was all a lie and I was on the wrong side fighting for the enemy. Fucking kill me I'm a traitor.”

I lowered the gun. “Sit down and fucking watch the video with me.”

I hit the start button for the video to play.

“Hey, to whom is watching this Means I'm probably dead, you either killed me, or found this however I'm going to try to find the best hand to leave this information with.

They are doing their best to silence me.

Now I feel they are altering my medication for my illness, in a few weeks my IQ will drop below average with what they dosed me unwillingly with. so trust me you killing me did me a huge favor and my death kept my wife and kids safe. You are a savior in my eyes.

And an American hero if you can help stop the root of all evil.

I’m Phil S.

an geologist engineer and special contractor for the US government I helped develop deep military underground bases otherwise known as dumbs they used these facilities for advanced technology development both warfare and medical, viral and bio warfare, cloning, creating species hybrids, physic abilities and advanced research into ancient dimensional beliefs predating the Egyptians. these evil bases house off world and on world aliens, yes on world aliens, some have crashed here many years ago. Its still unclear how they have came to power with archons and reptilians. The off world aliens trade weapons and buy slave females to make demon warriors to fight off world wars to enslave the cosmos. All for one purpose. So the evil one can harvest all our souls. The evil ones already killed the devil in hell. It's where they now reside they call the hell dimension one of there many evil homes. Our souls are the eternal life force of all the universe. These evil ones live off our fear in our adrenal glands. We must not fear them. I've shot one and killed one in a confrontation with these alien beings. We must share our light and save the human race. you and like minded people must save it here in this chip holds the map to all the 13 main dumbs. In America.

You must save mankind and wipeout these bases from the existence of the world.

Here's how most of the layouts go for these bases.

Level 1 security & Communications

Level 2 Human Staff Housing

Level 3 Laboratories

Level 4 Mind Control Experimentation

Level 5 Alien Housing

Level 6 Genetic Experimentations

Level 7 Nightmare halls

Nightmare halls where they hold the genetic experiments that were done on a variety of animals and humans, creating hybrid races. There are cages thousands of them holding humans, Embryos are collected and kept in cold storage. The humans are frequently drugged.

It is said that each base holds 18- 20,000 greys, so bring all the guns and ammo you can bring and any friends. Call in the green brays and special forces That will help you along the way. These evil beings don't fight fair and won't stop at nothing to stop you.

Here are more leaked plans for the future enslavement and extermination of the human race.”

Me and Gabriel sat in horror of what was to come.

“We can’t let these fucks do this Gabriel give me all the guns bombs and ammo.”

“Agent 45 I'm coming with you if I live or die I don't care I'm going to not stand by and let this evil shit happen.”

“Gabriel, call me Alvin.”

End of chapter 004 Subterranean levels written by Travis willier

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