《Subterranean levels written by Travis Willier》Chapter 002


Chapter 002

We Walked after the Night at the Bar instead of taking the Taxi.

The City Street lamps lit up the Park. The Trees in the park brought a Silence that just couldn't be found in the city streets. The breeze whistles through the night sky.

Walking along, I noticed she pulled out a cigarette.

“So One Question.” I let the words out from my mouth in a low tone.

She lit the cigarette and sat on the bench. Inhaled then blew out the smoke and with a eastern russian accent. Replied.

“Ask away, Special operative Alvin 0045 better known as Agent 45.”

Pulled out my silenced pistol then aimed down the sights just above her beautiful breasts. No way could I shoot that face of an angel.

“Kristen,We're not wired or watched here, so tell me the Truth Rachel of the KGB, Why are you spying on me?”

“I was sent to learn everything about you, and using my Physic abilities I was able to figure out what you really wanted, to make you keep coming back to me.”

I Thought about the endless nights spent Nailing the Beautiful Woman. Both of us finding new ways to pleasure one another.

“What's stopping me from killing you right now?”

I loaded the first round into the pistol by pulling the hammer back.

She raised her right leg and pointed her bright red high Heel towards my head and the bottom popped out to expose a barrel to fire back with on the bottom of the foot wear.

“Listen, the more my mind Learned about you while I was inside your head, the more I grew closer to you, I really do Love you.”

I lowered the gun, sensing the truth in her words, Rachel Lowered her leg.

“What about the KGB, They are gonna know your traitor of your country?” I looked at her smile. Sitting on the bench, legs spread open.

She Reached down and pulled her Black thong to the side, her peach lips inviting me in.

I put my pistol back in its holster, knelt down then picked up her legs and started to kiss, lick and taste her beautiful woman essence.

“ They think im Dead…. a Write off… aaaaghh... I staged my death and had m...y oh my… dont stop!”

Rachel contorted and twitched and I felt her cum into my mouth. I loved when she did that. Her eyes were closed as she bit her lip then she opened them slowly to look at me.

I stood her up and sat on the park bench while she lifted a leg over and twerked on my dick, the gyrating motion was enough to send my world to the cosmos and back.


“ Cum, I know you want to, Do it, I'm all yours.” Rachel spoke into my right ear.

I felt our warmths collide and she continued to move on my pulsating dick, my cum flowed into her, so sensitive I contorted and twitched, she sat and let my sperm move into her. She got up and with her fingers wiped the cum that flowed out, so she could lick it from her palm. She fixed her black thong and dress and I stood up pulling my trousers to my hip.

Then Flash bangs flew out. I was too slow being the last moment when I noticed the canisters beside my shoes.

The shock wave sent me to the ground.I heard Rachel scream loudly, I felt the bottom end of guns slamming me, I couldn't see anything being blinded from the flash. Then one gun slammed me real good behind my head.

When I opened my eyes again I was in a Blacked out room.

“ Wake up 45.” I know that voice. That's high intel.

“ What's going on?” I questioned.

“ You were caught fraternizing with the Enemy, of all things.” High intel walked around the table I was chained to. She was a small woman with black hair. Thick rimmed glasses and always wore a black button up shirt that just showed enough cleavage.

“ The girl is good, she did clean up her tracks, the KGB Intel has no clue she is still alive, But all this could be forgotten and you both could have your life back if you complete one more job.” She threw a yellow envelope that landed on the table in front of me. With the small amount of space I have from the chains I open the envelope.

“I thought the last one was the last Job, I’m done now with the killing.”

The Intel lady smiled and responded with. “ that all changed when you were caught with the enemy.”

Having no choice, I agreed. “One thing, it says the death has to look like a suicide, any prefrred way?”

“Yes, strangulation.” I nodded as these words left her mouth.

It was odd they had such ways for people killed. I never fully understood having the most contracts fulfilled but what can I say, I follow orders.

She uncuffed me as I signed the contract. And Like that I was no longer an enemy of America, my home. I walked back out and asked, “ what about my wife?”

“She will be held in confinement till you, are finished your job.”

I turned and walked for the Agency.

There was a car I was assigned to. That ran on solar energy. It self drove, so while I waited in the car I used the small medical pack to mend my face from the rifle that used to slash my cheek open, now I have a scar across my right cheek.


I guess I will go in With a face cloak. Which was a fiber mesh when worn will give my face and head an abnormal appearance untraceable to most unforgetting minds.

They call us the men in black more like the killers for the ones in Black.

Hour or two passed while I slept along the ride.

I woke up when the car came to a stop.

“A Hospital, Really?” I killed compounds of enemies in third world countries.

Burned villages to the ground.

I had to stop myself from going on any further would drive me into the madness i must keep my head if i'm going to pull this one off.

After all, I am not in some drug lord's house or some enemy country's base. I'm in America, in a hospital surround by law abiding good citizens.

I gotta keep my cool.

I walked in and with my cloak on walked up to the front desk and asked the lady what room my target was in.

“Greetings, I am here to see an old friend colleague of mine, Mr Phil. S, which room is he in? I was very concerned when I got the news of his health.”

The lady looked up his name, “room 275 down the halls and you will find him in intensive care.”

I walked down the halls and followed the arrows leading me down to mr phil's room.

I walked right in and he was sitting there, with his food tray, he put it aside and spoke.

“I knew they would send someone to kill me, before you do it, I got something to tell you, the people you are working for are not american, they infiltrated our government with their plans to destroy america.”

“ what do you mean?”

Phil started to chug his water, then he regurgitated it back up into the cup, some leaking onto his hand and lap, it didn't matter to him he picked out a small chip.

“Next time you can check it out, these are plans and locations of thousands of underground bases in america, I helped with the creation of the architecture of these military underground bases, but when i found out the horrible truths about what goes on in these bases, how there making alien, human, animal hybrids.

Using advanced cloning to create war demons to fight innocent species on other planets.”

“What are you serious, our government is doing this?”

“They have you against your will don't they? They do that.”

“ Who do they got? wife , kid, mom?”


“Yup they will use her as a sacrifice to their demon world. On the chip it will have the main base with the subterranean levels, we discovered this alien demon base while making our military base.They were an ancient reptilian race slaved by an evil underworld dimension, the demon people with horns and wings ruled these subterranean levels. And our government wanted their Virl energy.”

“What are you serious? I cant kill you.”

“We must go to our leaders.”

“Too late the alien demons took over. They plan to harvest all of our souls and keep the planet for themselves. But you can stop it, I knew they would send a hired gun after me, but knowing what I know and what that chip has stored on it will help you fight them back and save america and possibly the world.”

I took the chip and stuffed it into my pocket.

“How did they give you the kill status.”


“Good god,let's make it so the world knows that my death was not all suicide.”


After it was done, I walked out the hospital back to the car

Sat inside and the car took off fast,

an hour went by

and the car's voice operator had a direct link to high intel.

“Was the Deed Done?” Intel questioned.

“Yes, Target was strangled to death.” I responded confidently

“Did you hang him?” Intel asking the main question.

“Yes, with his catheter.”


The car's dashboard started blinking red and started to speed up really really fast.

I tried to take control but the car wouldn't stop, brakes wouldn't respond. I tried the doors but they wouldn't open.

The Car rolled itself I lost count after it felt like non stop tumbling.

Luckily the window opened from being smashed. And I was thrown out into the air seeing the ground coming for my feet. The impact threw me across the desert plains.

The car continued rolling and exploded.

I got to my feet and started to walk away from the crash site. Taking the rocks to cover my tracks away from the site.

“If they did this it only means.” I checked my pocket for the chip.

There it was, our only hope of understanding the truth. I continued walking, staying out of sight. Under the cover of night. I contemplated my next move.

End of Chapter 002 Subterranean levels written by Travis Willier copyright 2021

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