《Subterranean levels written by Travis Willier》Chapter 001


I will have two shots of whiskey, one for me and the beautiful lady sitting in my lap.

The beautiful woman was wearing a short red dress and from the angle she was sitting on my lap and she was just buzzed enough for me to catch a glimpse or two of the nice black underwear she had on underneath. When she laughed, she leaned back and I would catch a show and indeed I'm a funny man. I joked at the bar with her all night.

Her eyes lit up beautifully in the evening lamps of the bar. But this is as far as it will go for me, I see my true reason for being here this timely hour of the evening. And he is finally leaving and I must follow.

I pulled the hysterical buzzed woman back up.

“Excuse me, Kristen, but I have to step outside for a quick moment. I won't be too long.”

“Hey, I was wanting you to stay with me!” she grabbed onto my black fitted suit.

“ I’m coming right back in, Cristine, I promise.” I reached for her hands and started to peel off her hands so I could leave.

“You liar, you always invite me out, I get all dressed up and then you leave, middle of the night.fuck you, Alvin!” She sat back on the stool with her arms closed.

“Kristen said my real name.” I thought to myself.

I looked and my target left the building. Then I proceeded after them. walking out not having enough time to explain to Kristen.

Down the street from me I could see the fat fuck getting in the car with a local whore from the bar. Two of his goons walked around and hopped in the driver and passenger seats.


The hired goons were dressed in the state of the art bullet proof dress suits. The spider armour fiber suits. Protected the wearer from the average knife wounds and small pistol rounds.

Although the heads of these goons were not protected by anything.

“Headshots it is”

pulling out my pistol while walking along towards my car I pulled out my silencer attachment and placed it onto the barrel then turned the silencer attachment on the barrel.

I got into my car and started it and waited for them to leave.

Cocking back the pistol to load the weapon and putting it on safety then placing my gun back in the holster on my side body holster.

“Only if we have to use it, only if we have to use it. Keep your mind in check, no losing it”

I took a deep breath in and out then. Then the focus flowed.

Driving along I followed the Crime lords car. From a distance.

When we arrived at the private beach house of the kingpin of Florida. I snuck around the buildings. Stopped my car on the walled street and walked around the back alleys of the mansion and parkoured onto the neighbouring household, I leaped across to the mansions ledge and climbed up to the second story of the mansion beach house.the neon purple and pink lighting made nice dark silhouettes to hide behind while i climbed up to grab a nice view of the Fatty and his drug whore. I watched from a distance, the fat fuck have his way with the whore. It was a sad sight. I felt bad for the whore.

After he finished he sat in his hot tub drinking and had her sent away back to the streets.

This was my chance, I climbed down silently, and as he was drinking I reached far back then forward delivering the hardest throat chop to his jugular, he choked and grabbed his throat,and then I grabbed the back of his cannon ball head and held it under water till the chubby drowned out.


Once he was floating like a beached whale. Looking for an exit I climbed out the balcony and parkour rolled once I landed then Climbed over a small sandstone wall and laid behind some bushes guards who walked by and had no clue I was there.

I Climbed the walls to the beach street and landed not far from my car. I got in and drove fast back to the bar. From the beach district across to the city. I stopped at the Bank machine at the local gas station.

I looked in my account, 11 million US.

“Easiest fucking money I ever made!”

“Thank you! fat fuck!”


I walked out the store and threw a couple hundred bills at the bum sitting outside the store. “Who's counting?” was the thought. walked up to my car and opened the door and hopped in then Started the car revved it up and put it in gear.

I pushed the gas and the car hit top speed.

I was speeding along at 160 mph doing the freeway back to the bar.

The red and blue lights turned on behind me. So I slowed down and stopped

And pulled my car to the side of the road.

The cops get out and walk up to my car.

I pulled out my wallet and held it to the window.

“Undercover investigation special agent.” I addressed the policemen.

The cop read out “ Agent 45, Alright the I.D checks out.”

They both walked back to their cruiser and I started up my car and proceeded back to the bar.

Cruising down the highway I thought about all the crime bosses the government had me wipe out countless people, hundreds of bodies,crime rings brought down by my guns. I pulled up to the bar. I stopped the engine and sat for a second in the car. “11 million, that's a lot of money. What am I gonna do now?”

I got out the car walked up to the bar doors then

I walked in the bar. Crossing the entrance way I walked up and grabbed my shot and slugged it back and lifted Kristen up and sat back on the bar stool so she could sit in my lap again. Her brown hair flung to the side perfectly as if I was staring at a goddess.

She Laughed loudly and smiled.

I kissed her and whispered in her ears.

“Let’s get married!”

“You wanna marry a gal like me?”

“Honey , a Life with you is a Dream come true.”

End chapter 001 Subterranean levels written by Travis Willier copyright 2021

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