
I woke up in the early noon of the next day. The injuries I had suffered had been quite severe and even with my enchanted constitution and the help of a few healing potions it took my body some time to repair itself and regain the energy expended during the desperate fighting.

As soon as I rose up from the bed, I heard a relieved sigh and my head was suddenly enveloped by something soft and squishy. Well enveloped is not really the right word as Maira’s b-cup breasts were far from large enough to do something like that, but the feeling was still great~

“A-are you all right?”, she asked me with a still slightly worried look. After all, I had been out for almost an entire day and the injuries, I had suffered looked grave enough to kill any normal person. While Maira and the others had also been injured, my reckless berserker fighting style had drawn most of the attention to me, resulting in them suffering relatively few and superficial wounds.

I smiled, touched by her worried expression. Then, however, I couldn’t help but want to tease her.

“That almost sounds as if you are worried about me. Could it be that you have feelings for me? Miss Princess who is being screwed by a hero.”, I couldn’t help but grin foolishly.

She on the other hand suddenly turned red and rapidly let go of my head. Stepping back, she pushed her arms into the sides and darkly looked down on me.

“If you ever, EVER talk about this again….”, she didn’t know how to end her threat.

“You will chop off my head and use it to pleasure yourself?”, I suggested with an innocent expression.

Her flushed face turned even redder and she wanted to retort something. Sadly, she couldn’t come up with anything, so she turned around and ran out of the room. The door shut with a loud bang and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Teasing her is really refreshing after having had to listen to her constant nagging for all that time.”, I mumbled to myself.

“It really is.”, a high-pitched bell-like voice suddenly responded from beside me. Somehow Enri had suddenly appeared next to me without me noticing. I turned around and noticed that the window was open, letting in both fresh air and this bothersome dragon loli.

I grinned and shook my head. The girl was just as crazy as me.

“So, what happened after I lost consciousness? How did the townsfolk react?”

Enri gave me a weird look and began to pout.

“Aren’t you at least going to comment my new look?”, she asked with an exaggeratedly hurt expression.

My grin turned awkward and I took a quick look to see what she meant. Truth to be told I was too excited to hear about the people’s reaction to my epic fight and the sudden appearance of a god to notice what kind of clothes the perverted dragon was wearing.

When I did take a look my priorities instantly shifted, and my lower jaw almost fell to the ground. It wasn’t that the clothing was outlandish or showed too much skin. Sure, it was a bit skimpy for regular clothes, but the amount of skin shown was within the realm of what was publicly acceptable.

It was just that these clothes perfectly fitted Enri and everything I knew about her.


Apparently, the blacksmith had finished the steel choker I had ordered two days ago, but instead of making a boorish looking metal ring, he had taken the time to gold plate it and turn it into a beautiful golden ring of flames that tightly pressed against the skin of her neck, literally choking her a little. Furthermore, I couldn’t see a lock or any way to open it. In fact, the whole thing seemed like it was made out of one piece!

This ‘choker’ had a small loop at the front through which had a golden chain attached to it that then proceeded to run down Enri’s body. Above her breasts, it then split into two chains that ran across her upper body and were connected at the back with a small golden lock. Attached to this part of the chain was a simply crimson red dress that ran down to her upper legs.

Golden cuffs were closed around wrists and calves, connected to each other by thin, long chains that had dozens of tiny bells attached to them. Any move the girl made was immediately announced by the sound of these high-pitched bells.

She seemed very content with my stunned reaction and took this chance to whirl around and show off her dress. The thin fabric danced around her frail figure, the lower seam dangerously close to exposing an area that shouldn’t be shown to others. The room was filled with the sounds of small bells.

Somehow this whole outfit managed to look seductive and innocent at the same time. Cute and perverted, just as Enri was.

“This choker was actually made of two pieces. The old blacksmith helped me to smelt the original opening mechanism on my neck and make it a single ring. Also, I had some magicians cast strengthening magic and a bunch of other enchantments onto it until even I myself couldn’t break it apart at full power.”, she proudly touched the beautiful golden flames on her neck.

“Though, I shouldn’t have tightened it after all. It’s cutting into my skin, making it somewhat hard to breathe….”, girl… you are definitely the most insane masochist I have ever encountered in my entire life!

“Well, but let’s finally get to business.”, she said with a bright smile.

“Don’t worry, after the god left the entire town was VERY eager to help us, even providing a bunch of expensive medicines and the best rooms for us. They also paid for both our new equipment and my new outfit!”, well, that explained the extravagant golden coating that must have costed a fortune.

“Also, the guild had officially announced that they will support us from now on and confirmed our identity as silver ranked adventurers. The local guild master even gave us quite a lot of money to make up what happened!”

So, we were simply bribed by the guild. Well, it’s a good development. After all, we would still need the guild to accept Quests and make a living. I doubted that the king would suddenly change his mind and completely support us just because that perverted truck driver had told him to.

And even if he did, I wouldn’t want to be reliant on somebody else.

“What about the others?”, I asked.

“Maira seemed fine, but how are Riina and Ignatius doing?”, stretching my legs I prepared myself to get out of bed.

“Ignatius was busy buying some more equipment after we got the money from the guild and Riina is roaming around the area. I think she wanted to look and see whether she can find that OG me met when we just entered the town.”, Enri stretched out her small hand and helped me to get out of bed. I felt like an old man who hadn’t moved for over a week.


“I doubt she will find him.”, stretching my neck I picked up the change of clothes that had been prepared on a chair next to the bed.

“You might be right.”, the dragon girl agreed with a cheerful smile. Then she turned around, crossing her arms behind her back.

“Hurry up though, we have accepted the Ogre hunting quest and it would be best if we got out of the city by high noon.”, with that she wandered out of the room, leaving me alone with my fresh clothes.

I quickly changed into the new set, before heading downstairs. There I was awaited by Maira, Ignatius and Enri. Once again, I was surprised by what I saw. Enri’s new outfit had been stunning enough, but now I realized that Maira had also changed her style.

Quite dramatically at that!

Not only had she suddenly acquired one of those gigantic wizard hats (which actually looked quite nice on her), she had also given up on the leather armor, or rather armor itself, wearing a short white dress. One side the dress had a cut going up to her hip and revealing both part of her thigh and the side of her similarly white panties. It was really both sexy and alluring.

The most shocking thing, however, was, that these panties were not only low-leg but also had a ribbon holding the front and back part together. In other words, anyone could walk up to her, pull at the exposed red ribbon and Maira’s panties would drop down to the ground.

It was something I really would only expect from a crazy pervert like Enri!

“What in god’s name happened while I was asleep?”, I mumbled with a very perturbed expression. The world had changed way more than my poor self could handle!

“I-I… kind of wanted to change my style.”, the princess stuttered with an embarrassed expression.

“And I thought it looked cute on me…”, she added with a small, cute voice.

My head went blank for a moment. How come all the girls around me become so cutesy all of a sudden? Where has the princess with the biting remarks gone off too???

I cleared my throat.

“It really looks great on you!”

She blushed and averted her eyes. The situation turned even more awkward than before and I felt the need to rapidly disappear in a deep, dark hole in the ground.

Luckily Riina arrived in that very moment, a carefree smile playing on her lips.

“Are you coming?”, she asked without paying any heed to the awkward atmosphere. I’m pretty sure that she sensed it but decided to simply ignore it.

I looked over to her and found that she too had done some changes to her outfit. The relatively useless leather armor was gone and replaced by a set of light steel armor that covered the most important spots. Riina had chosen the position of an assassin, as such, she had to be fast and stealthy. A full armor, even a light one was too heavy for the precise and fast movements required, so her armor was reduced to black steel guards on her arms, shoulder and shin.

Continuing the trend of the other girls Riina had taken the minimal weight requirement seriously, applying this minimalism to her normal clothes. But unlike the others, her clothes weren’t as much seductive as simply practical.

A slim chain supported a black cloth wrapped around her modest twin peaks while a pair of short, similarly black, pants did the job of covering the lower body. It was a solid outfit that was both practical and did a wonderful job in showing Riina’s petite, slim body. The only truly surprising thing was a cute, black collar that adored Riina’s slim neck.

The cat girl blushed as she saw my intense gaze checking out her body.

“Let’s move already…”, she mumbled before turning around and walking out of the inn. Taking this as a signal the rest of us also began to move, quickly leaving the town and continuing into the expansive fields that supported the small towns in the area.

Back when I had just arrived in this world. Ignatius had mentioned that the kingdom’s wealth was based on a good infrastructure enabling expansive trade and now I could see what he meant. Even the small towns in a rural area had paved roads and every couple of villages you would find a small inn close to the road that offered rest and protection to travelers.

Our party had no need for that though. The forest that was named in the quest was only a day’s travel away from the town and that was measured by the speed of an average person. We, on the other hand, were over level 30 silver ranked adventurers that could easily run at a speed of over forty kilometers per hour without getting tired.

By the time that the sun was getting low and covering the endless fields in its orange light, we stood in front of a massive forest that suddenly appeared within the sea of wheat fields. It was a surreal sightseeing these towering trees shot up into the sky where there had before only been low grasses. Somehow it almost seemed like there was an invisible barrier keeping the human-made fields on one side, while housing ancient giants on the other.

“The forest of Maira”, the similarly named princess muttered in astonishment.

“I never knew it was this impressive.”

“So, you were named after a forest?”, I asked with a smile. That was an interesting way to name his children.

Maira nodded.

“They say that an old god inhabits this forest and guards it against anything that intends to harm it. This is why the local people don’t dare to cut it down and expand their fields. In fact few even dare to enter it, making it a perfect hiding spot for all sorts of monsters who can develop here without having to worry about adventurers hunting them.”

“An old god hm…”, I scratched my head.

“That truck driver said that they like me for some reason. Guess that OG won’t mind me taking a quick stroll through his forest, right?”

At that exact moment, a huge branch suddenly broke off and fell onto my head, almost burying me beneath it.

“Ok, he clearly DOES mind.”, I mumbled painfully beneath the huge piece of wood.

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