《A Mailman as a Superhero》59. It's Gonna Get Postal...


T&T Market Parking Lot

Ottawa, Canada

There were four Canada Post vehicles of all sorts parked at the back of the mall.

Beside Bibi and Mark was Marlin who was better known as the gentle giant. Mike and Sam who were a married couple. They worked in the area. Mike was a big blond American and his wife Samantha was a fiery redhead.

"How sure are we that Rene's held against his will?" Asked Mike the Shop-Steward.

"That's just it. We're not. That's why we need Bibi and Sam. Bibi has that super hearing and..." Marlin turned to Sam, "...Sam, you said you got an x-ray vision or something like that right?"

"Yeah, but I can't see that far. I need to get closer." Sam waved in the direction of the warehouse.

"Me too. Too far." Bibi agreed.

"Then let's get closer. Anyone wanna let the supervisors know?" Marlin asked.

"Not particularly, but we should. First union rule..." Mike said.

"Cover your 'Butt!'" Everyone replied.

Marlin sighed heavily. "Fine. I'll let Ahmed and Mike know."

A few minutes later, the fearsome quintet made it to the back of the building.

"Well? Is he inside?" Marlin asked.

"Hold on. I need to concentrate." Sam took a deep breath and began to scan through the wall.

"Yes, yes. You all need to be quiet so I can hear." Bibi complained about the noise the men were making.

Mike waved her on.

Bibi first concentrated on isolating the noise outside the building and then turned her attention to the noise coming from the inside of the big warehouse.

She could hear a lot of swearing in many languages as people were running around inside.

Sam was the first to report, "He's in a box. They have a needle stuck in his brain."

"That can't be good. Check to see if his brains are leaking?" Mark was getting antsy. Needles in the brain were never good.


"Well no duh Mark!” Mike swatted the insensitive jerk.

"Ah come on. It's not like I called him a needle brain." Mark said defensively.

"Yet." Marlin gave his friend a look.

Mark conceded the point, "Yet." These guys knew him too well.

"They're about to move him, we need to move fast," Bibi told them.

"They are also heavily armed and we're not," Sam added.

"Well sure, that's a good point, Sam. Next time lead with that. Oh hey. They are heavily armed and oh Rene is in a box."

"Shut-up Mark!" They all said quietly.

"Jeez, why are you all picking on me?" Mark didn't care about them teasing him.

They glared.

"Oh come on." He complained. "Let's just get him out of the box before they mail him."

Marlin just shook his head, "leave it. He's not going to change. Let's go."

"Don't you want to wait for Linda?" Bibi asked.

"Not if they are about to move him now." Marlin stepped back and an indestructible obsidian shell formed around his body.

The others moved out of the way of the now ten-foot giant as he hit the wall with all his strength.

The wall exploded from the blow and the debris peppered the everyone inside the warehouse with tiny missiles.

There were cries of shock and pain. A few mercs were already down on the ground bleeding from multiple exposed areas. Not many, but a few soldiers who were close to the wall and didn't have their body armour on.

Mark popped metallic looking claws and ran inside at super speed. He slashed his claws at anything that moved.

Bibi's hair turned metallic blue and quickly grew into tentacles and began to slash and better everything close to her.

Sam hanged back a little and started to snipe at targets further in with laser beams shot from her hands.


Marlin moved inside the warehouse like a tank and began to fling bodies left and right.

The Mercs recovered quickly and began to return fire. Plasma projectiles splashed against Marlin's obsidian surface and Mike erected force fields in front of his wife and Bibi.

"Bibi which box?" Mark shouted as he traded super speed punches with a couple of mercs who were keeping up with him.

He had a lot of bruises all over his face and arms and the mercs were all cut up.

No one retreated. Mark and the mercs were regenerating damage at the same rate.

"Eat lead asshole." A merc began to hose everything and everyone in front of him with a big ass machine gun.

Mark teleported behind the merc while the other super speed capable fighters got out of the way.

Mark stabbed the big idiot in the brains and kicked the machine gun away. The guy stirred and Mark added a few hundred kicks to the head.

It took a few seconds for the pain to register. "OW! OW! OW! FUCK!" It was like kicking concrete. The metallic looking bones shattered and reformed as Mark limped around at super speed. He did more damage this way than he would have done on purpose. He got in everyone's way. He also picked up bullet wounds, burns from the fireball guys, and electric damage from the ones throwing lightning bolts around.

'Fucking hell. It's not safe.' Mark teleported outside the warehouse for a few seconds to recover.

He bent over while breathing heavily trying to recover as quickly as possible. When he looked up he saw Nancy Walker pushing the big crate Rene was into the runway. "Ah shit. Here we go again."

Johan POV

Johan was following Nancy as she pushed the crate ahead of her. He glimpsed out of the corner of his eye the speedster with the silver claws run after the fake postie and body-checked her out of the way. "Get away from him you bitch." He heard the man yell.

Johan hit the meddler as hard as he could from the back and kicked his as far as he could. Mark sailed away from the kick to the middle of the runway.

Nancy got back up and grabbed the handle on the box and lifted the crate over her head and ran as fast as she could to the waiting plane. Inside the box, the electro sleep rig was jarred loose.

Johan made sure no one else interfered. He removed anything that blocked Nancy.

The other side of the wall exploded and the black rock giant came charging out of the dust cloud. He saw him look around. The giant saw Nancy fling the box inside the plane.

The giant roared and he charged straight for the plane. Johan got in his way and activated his force field and tripod the bellowing giant.

The plane began to move and Johan raced to the plane and jumped inside before the doors closed.

"Get us out of here now!" He shouted at the pilot!"

The plane began to pick up speed as it went down the runway. Mark got up to his knees and slowly stood up.

Marlin joined him. "They're getting away."

"I can see that asshole!" Mark yelled angrily.

Marlin shrugged. It was out of his hands. Nothing he could do at this point.

"What's that?" He pointed at the blue light streaking towards the plane.

"Linda?" Mark hoped it was the volatile French powder keg. She was the only one between Rene and whoever just kidnapped him.

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