《A Mailman as a Superhero》58. Just About Gift Wrapped...


Ottawa, Canada

Johan was ecstatic.

Capturing Rene Wilder was much easier than he thought.

The ambush was anti-climatic. Johan was waiting for Rene in the parking lot. He was invisible of course. As soon as Rene walked by he moved as fast as he could and stuck a needle directly into Rene's brain.

The needle was attached to a hose. The hose was connected to a tank. The tank was full of a toxin that paralyzed the target and with a high enough dosage, it put him into a state of instant sleep.

Johan wasn't taking chances with mr. Wilder. The target was an Omega class. All his stats and abilities were hidden. Johan opted for the most overkill solution possible and maybe leaving a bit of wiggle room for the subject to survive.

He picked up the target and using his super speed ran to the waiting getaway van. The side door opened and Johan carefully strapped Rene on a cot connected to the side shelf.

"Drive." Nancy drove.

She slowly pulled out of the parking lot and within a few minutes, they made it to the 417 Queensway.

In the back, Johan was talking on his bulky but secure cell phone. "Get the plane ready. We're on our way."

As Nancy drove the van Johan made sure that Rene stayed undisturbed on the cot strapped to the shelf. He wasn't taking any chances with this assignment.

Every few minutes he checked the cameras. The roof camera more than the other views. Nancy kept an eye on traffic. He kept watching for fliers.

Fliers like the pair of uniformed police officers flying above the van. Once again, he grateful for rich clients. The surveillance system his techs installed on this van was world class.

The officers were keeping pace, above and slightly to the side. "Take the 416 south." He ordered Nancy. He didn't warn her about the possible hostile above.


"Sure." Nancy didn't argue. If he wants to change the plan in mid-transport he can. He was paying for her services. This was part of her contract. She saw the exit to the 416 and got into the proper lane. She slowed down just enough to make sure her passengers weren't thrown around.

Johan kept checking the display screens. When Nancy turned south the flying pair turned with her. 'Coincidence?'

He didn't know. They kept pace with the van. "Take Hunt Club to the airport."

Nancy checked the GPS again. She had memorized the street maps for this area, but she didn't want to make a stupid mistake at this point.

The exit from the 416 to Hunt Club was next. Again she made sure to get into the proper lane well before she needed to take the exit.

Everything went smoothly and Hunt Club was almost deserted as she drove to the private airport beside the Canadian Armed Forces base.

Johan breathed easier as the flying pair kept going south while Nancy drove east. He kept checking the skies to make sure that they were clear.

The skies stayed clear until they reached the airport. Nancy drove up to the gate. The security guard with the name tag 'Fred' waved at her. "Hi, Nancy."

"Hi, Fred." She gave him a dazzling smile. "You're working late."

"Yeah, I am." Fred puffed up his chest. Most of his belly fat was gone and with that came the confidence to talk to a pretty girl like Nancy.

"Why are you so sad?" She asked.

He sighed sadly," It's the coffee. It just doesn't have that pick me up it used to, ya know."

"Yeah, I know what you mean." She then picked up her caramel cappuccino, "Why don't you get these?" She asked.

"It's not the same Nancy. That and I can't afford too many of those on what they pay me." He didn't want to share that bit of information but Nancy was special. She understood.


"Here you go, Fred..." She passed an extra frap through the booth window. "You need it more than my manager Bruce. He's such a jerk." She complained.

"I hear you." Fred had met Bruce and the 'Jerk was mean to everyone. All secretive and everything. He didn't know how Nancy could put up with that jerk.

Fred took the offered drink, "Thanks."

"You are welcome, Fred. Later." She waved goodbye as she drove to the farthest building in the back of the airport parking lot.

"Was that really necessary?" Johan complained.

"Yes, yes it was. All Fred is going to remember is that frappucino. That and a pretty girl was flirting with him." She smiled as Bruce opened the bay doors to allow van inside.

"How did it go boss?" Bruce asked.

Johan pointed at the unconscious Rene Wilder as his hand-picked team scrambled to unload the van. "Put him in the box, Bruce. Don't forget to put on the electro sleep rig."

"Got it, covered boss. We're not taking chances with this paycheck." Bruce laughed as he started barking orders to the men.

"Nancy tell the pilot to get the plane ready. We're leaving as soon as we can." Nancy didn't like how he was barking at her but for the kind of money, she was paid for this job she could put up with Johan a little bit longer.

Tom Roberts Ave

Ottawa, Canada

A black woman wearing a Canada Post uniform was loading parcels into the back of her step van.

She paused as she noticed a name pop up on her minimap.

'What's Rene doing here? He's done early and they don't give him any over time.'

She put away the last parcel on the top shelf and sat in the driver seat.

She opened a chat to Rene.

Rene didn't reply. She waited for a minute and still, there was no response. She also noticed that Rene didn't move.

She drove up to the building and circled around. It was closed up right. She drove out of the airport and crossed to the mall across the street.

She parked the step van and started to call for help.

Bibi's African accent became thicker started to get upset.

Mark hanged up.

’Pushy broad.’ Mark pulled up Rene's position on the party minimap.

'Huh. He's at the private airport.' He checked the timer on how long he had been in the same position.


The timer kept climbing. 'That's a bit long for the can.

Mark decided to check with Marlin. The big black giant was way easier to talk to than Bibi.

Mark shared the timer information.


Mark was almost sure it wasn't the can. 'I hope the asshole isn't in the can. If he was Marlin will ride me for like a week before he drops it.

Marlin turned his step van and from McCarthy and floored the accelerator.

it took Mark four teleport jumps to reach Bibi's parked step van. Each teleport was about one kilometre long.

The passenger side door slid open when Bibi saw Mark walk in front of the van. "So Marlin you believe. Me you don't?"

"I'm an asshole. Sue me." Mark flipped the passenger seat down and sat. "Marlin said he'll be here in two minutes."

Bibi glared.

Mark was immune to the glare. 'It's not like she's Lori. Now that woman can glare.'

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