《A Mailman as a Superhero》25. Reactions....




Captain Fo'Rkon observed the bridge crew as they reacted to the confrontation on the planet, at the location of the second fragment.

He was curious about how the violence erupted between the Second Strike Group and a local law enforcement unit.

The RCMP, in the northern district of Canada, was judged to be a professional law enforcement service of the same caliber as the Galactic Police.

If the planet was not under quarantine. The district of Canada would qualify for admission to the Galactic Federation. There were other districts in the world that could compare with this peaceful nation that prided itself on its strict adherence to the Rule of Law. They were compared favorably, in some area, but not others.

Canadian society practice's peaceful coexistence while surrounded by stronger neighbors to the south and north.

Their military was much smaller than either terrestrial superpower, but what they lacked in manpower and equipment, they made up for that weakness by using a very strong diplomatic corps, and a highly trained military.

They walked a tight rope between the two powers. They used the power of alliances and economic bribery. To deal with the southern power, and they specialized in training for extreme weather combat to deal with the northern power.

They also used diplomacy to support one power against the other.

They used the resources that would have gone to military and defense, to help improve the quality of life for the citizens of the Canadian district.

Their law enforcement units were better equipped and better trained that quite a few planets in the federation.

The Second Strike Group knew this. The information was part of the intelligence packet they needed to study before they reached the mission location.

Armed with this information, why did the violence erupt after the mission was essentially completed.


"Two more Omega class individuals have been detected." Science officer De'rew reported. "Omega class unit previously encountered by the First Strike Group has reinforced the earthling law enforcement unit."

Fo'Rkon thanked the Alvear science officer. "Inform the Second Strike Group that they should withdraw. This confrontation makes no sense." Why are they fighting?

"Order sent... Second Strike Group Leader Ae'url has confirmed the order to withdraw."

As the crew continued to monitor this dust-up, an energy spike was detected.

"What's that?" Fo'Rkon asked.

"Planetary defense system has become active." Science officer Ru'de reported.

"What planetary defense? The earthlings do not have that kind of technology." Fo'Rkon decided to be more cautious. He did not like the speed of escalation between units. "Helm moves the Far Justice into a higher orbit."

The Helm confirmed and moved the cruiser.

"Captain the dropship has been destroyed." By the time the warning was delivered a powerful plasma projectile was observed leaving the atmosphere. It was nowhere near the Far Justice, but the power of the explosion when the projectile exploded was massive.

"Status of the Second Strike Group!" Fo'Rkon requested.

"Four confirmed...trooper L'ese has lost its power armor." The Alvear showed no emotion as he delivered the report.

Councillor Me'peat entered the bridge. "Weapons!"

"Sir!" The Sour officer came to attention.

"Destroy the Planetary defense base. Immediately!"

"Councillor that is not a wise decision. The Far Justice is not in danger." Fo'Rkon tried to stop this runaway escalation.

"Weapons officer carry out your orders." Me'peat turned to the Drak' on the captain. "You should have destroyed anything that has the power to break quarantine immediately."

"Councillor we do not have enough information to make such a decision. The Second Strike Group has not reported finding such a defensive installation." Fo'Rkon knew that his objections were about to be overruled. For some reason, the Alvear hated this planet.


"Captain an installation exists due to the evidence observed. Weapons destroy the base and everything around the base." Councillor Me'peat felt that he had won the argument when the weapons officer began the planetary bombardment.

Bertona Park

Ottawa, Canada

"Planetary bombardment detected." AI-Rene android warned.

"What?" Pierre was stunned, "Rene can you shield?"

Rene didn't know if it would work. He had yet to use that sub-ability. "I can try."

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