《A Guardian's Tale》Chapter 6- A New World


The piercing scream of a voice that could only have been Evie's brought our conversation to a halt. Sophie, Aaron and I had been discussing the implications of the new energy which Aaron had unceremoniously dubbed 'the warp.' "Let's go check what's wrong with Evie. Might be important" said Sophie. What we met when we got to Evie's room was a frustrated girl holding what should have been a phone except that it was as thin as a sheet of paper on one side and much thicker than a phone should be on the other side. "Uhh, what happened Evie?" I asked. "I dont know! I was feeling strange then it stopped and everything became white with multicoloured threads. They were also soft and easy to change shape." "Threads connecting everything? Hmmm." Aaron went straight into thinking mode. "Aaron can you scan her with infrared vision?" he said shortly after. "Okay?" I replied, a little confused. Changing my vision to infrared took but a thought. Scanning Evie was more difficult though. She looked... distorted. Like space was constantly twisting and writhing around her. "She looks very strange, like she's distorting space." "Well we can't do anything at this point. She's warped." "Warped, because of the energy?" asked Sophie. "Yes. I noticed the energy only responded to infrared for some strange reason and that the space around it appeared turned strange and started twisting. I also think this will happen everywhere. I've been keeping up with the situation internationally and this seemed likely to happen." "What energy?" asked Evie suddenly. "Sam discovered a new type of energy in our atmosphere last week. I suspect this is its purpose. To change people and make them more like Sam." "You mean to give them superpowers?" "Well yes. Its a bit more complex than that but that's it basically." Someone speaking two blocks away caughty attention. "Guys, I think we should put on the news. CNN preferably." Evie turned on the TV and put it on CNN while we watched silently. "...cases sighted of teenagers doing impossible things have been surfacing causing what started as an ordinary trend to turn into what some people consider could lead to crisis on an international scale. We just received footage of a young boy setting himself and three others on fire." The footage on the screen changed to a video of people screaming and trying to put out fire on four people who seemed to spontaneously combust in just a few seconds. The video went on for a few seconds before going blank. I switched off the TV after that and the four of us looked at each other I'm silence. Evie let out a sigh. "So this is happening everywhere in the world?" "Yes it is. I expect presidents to start giving addresses within the hour." Aaron replied. "So what will happen to those of us who have been 'warped'? They going to try to experiment on us?" "No. I won't let anyone do anything like that to you. The only tests you will take are the ones you want to take." Saying that made me realize how true it was. I'd never have considered going against the government normally but if they tried to take Evie away, they'd live to regret it. "Thanks Sam." "No need to thank me. That's what big brothers are for. C'mon don't look so down. Its your birthday. We'll get you another phone. I'm sure mum won't mind." I said knowing it would cheer her up. "Really?" she smiled perking up. "Yep, really."


"That's sweet and all Mr ideal senior brother but I think Aaron wants to say something. "Oh sorry" I said to Aaron who looked like he wanted to say something but wasn't sure if he should interrupt the moment. "Yes. I was contacted by someone yesterday about how the world would be after the warp. He actually predicted this scenario pretty accurately." "That's nice and all but who is this mystery person and how do we know he's up to any good?" questioned Sophie. "Well about that. You remember when I told you I tracked the others to seven different locations. Well this guy is one of them. The one in North America actually. "How can you be so sure of that?" "I can't explain how actually, you'd need to see him to understand. He wants to start an organization. He knows there are others like him and he knows who they are. He also predicts that by the end of the week, a lot of superpowered criminals will be roaming the streets. He's trying to make deals with different governments to let him deal with the warped. He'll recruit and train them so they wouldn't be a nuisance to society and use them to remove the criminal elements while the guardians will take care of the bigger threats." "Guardians?" I asked. "Yes. That's what he calls you guys. The seven of you born with powers." "How does he know we'll be able to stop the major problems when the others cannot. We'd be outnumbered I assume." "He did some tests actually. Some early warped people appeared a few days ago. While some of the them had impressive abilities, they all had very limited energy. Your vision returned to normal after you changed that rod to a ball, right?" "Yeah" "That's cause your energy ran out. You have an impressive ability but you lack the energy to support it for now. It should grow with time though. That's how it did for Sam. Though I think he always had an insane amount of energy." "So this person calls us to be guardians and wants to create an organization of superpowered soldiers who will protect the world from threats that the military cannot handle. My sister can manipulate reality and there are supposed to be aliens coming in the near future? That's crazy even for me and I grew up with superpowers." "It does seem overwhelming when you put it that way. But look on the bright side. It will usher in a golden age of advancement and superhumans. Its going to be a new world, yes, but not a bad one in my opinion." "This is all great guys but there's just one problem." "What is it?" I asked. "Aaron's like super smart, Evie's got this threads of the universe thing and you're wonder boy. What about me, where am I supposed to fit in in this 'new world'. Do you expect me to be some kind of batgirl?" "Do you know the best thing about this new world? We are at the fore front of its integration. That means we get to decide what we want to be. So if you want to be some kind of bat girl, who's going to stop you. You can be anything you dream." "Geez Aaron, that sounds so cliché. Thanks though. It all feels so surreal and unreal somehow." "Tell me about it. I've always envied Sam and his superpowers and now that I have one, I'm struggling to believe its real." And then it hit me like a train. Our greatest problem, one capable of smashing our dreams and breaking our hopes. "This is all good guys but we've forgotten the most important thing we need for any plans to work. I need mum's permission." The horror in Evie's eyes as she thought of her superhero dreams falling to nothing would have been fun if I wasn't feeling it myself.

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