《A Guardian's Tale》Chapter 5- The Warp


Something was happening today. He felt it. Felt the energy shift and warp into something else. It troubled him that he did not know what was going to happen. Jason Potter wasn't your usual teenager. Right from infancy his intelligence became clear when he started speaking by his second week. By age five he was skilled in calculus and spoke 10 languages. At age ten he'd learnt enough coding and business skills to start building his empire. Two years later he was worth over $10 billion though the money and companies were owned by his parents to the public eye. By age 15, his parents acknowledged his intelligence as a super power when he creating designs for FTL travel and clean energy and brought them to fusion. Jason Potter knew he was the most intelligent person in the world. He only knew of few others worth mentioning; a man in Norway who built a helmet capable of reading minds, a woman in India capable of processing data faster than a supercomputer and a Nigerian teenager who became a multi millionaire through creating algorithms and inventing next generation tech with a laboratory that could rival his own in versatility. He had been growing in power and intelligence and developed extra abilities. He wondered how much the others would have grown. He knew who they where. Knew their names and faces and where they lived. He hadn't approached anyone yet but now, the time had come. He had to get to work.

General Kingston was having a bad week. The guys at NASA had been on the edge for the past month. Something to do with the planet changing, warping into something new. Some said it was experiments done by extra terrestrial life, some thought it was some unknown side effect of radiation and others argued that it was a new type of energy. Whatever it was, it came from space and might be dangerous so it fell under his jurisdiction. He sighed as he approached the plane waiting for him. It was a military grade plane equipped with complete stealth systems capable of fooling the best radar. So far nothing had penetrated the veil of invisibility surrounding the jet. Not even ultraviolet and infrared. It used quantum engines and was completely soundless. The first of its kind actually and unknown to the public. Another sigh escaped him as he thought of his destination. Area 51 was didn't actually hold aliens. The aliens were long gone. What it did contain was relics and technology used by those aliens. One of those relics was in fact the reason he was going there.


Area 51, centre of extraterrestrial life research, was as hot as Kingston remembered it. Giving the soldiers that saluted there a small salute of his own, he walked to the special entrance, filled in the passwords and showed his ID. Walking past the familiar hallways, he admitted that at least it was better than being stuck at NASA. They seemed to have actually found something here. The door to the testing room opened on its own after scanning him revealing a room as large as a two bedroom apartment that was completely empty aside for the two things on the floor that looked like giant metal tablets. Surrounding the tablets where five men in lab coats and three soldiers. Returning the soldiers' salute, he turned to the labcoat man in the middle. "Dr Khan. Its been a while" "Indeed it has. How's the new base?" "Its okay. A soldier has to always answer the duty call. Anyways, Agent Bruce said you found something." "Yes Indeed we did. You see, the warp was first noticed as a slight distortion in our new satellite infrared imagery. At first we thought it was just a glitch. Then it kept coming up and we saw it was real. The problem was that we could detect the warped materials and how they've been changed but we hadn't been able to detect the cause. This led me to believe that it was caused by a new energy type we could not detect. We immediately had a team build a device that should detect the energy itself. After tweaking a new device built to detect wormholes and quantum particles, we managed to get some readings from materials we confirmed were warped. A few days later, these tablets started glowing. Infrared didn't show anything wrong with them but when we put the device near them, the reading went past its normal limit." "So basically you've solved one problem and found two more?" Kingston asked feeling a headache coming on. "Well we have..." The sound of the emergency alarm interrupted them as the soldiers tried to look for the reason for the alarm. "General", said a soldier as he run into the room and saluted. " There's a boy outside who claims to have answers to your questions. "How did he get in?", Dr Khan asked, surprised. "He flew down without any visible flight tool and avoided all the stealth detectors. We only saw him when he revealed himself to us." Very few humans possessed enough technology and intellect to do that and only two were teenagers. Out of those two, only one was in the United States. That headache was going to get worse. " Is his name by any chance... Never mind. Hello Jason, what brings you to Area 51." "Hello Kingston," came the cheery voice of the world's smartest human. "Can't I just come visit?" "Jason!" "Okay, okay. I can solve your problems. I know what the warp is and the cause.


Evie Jacobs was excited. She was finally a teenager. Her mum would give her an iPhone today. She had been looking forward to this day for a long time. The day started out okay, like any other birthday. A few hours later, she noticed something was wrong. She was starting to feel strange and was planning to go and sleep when the feeling stopped. When she opened her. eyes though, she was met with a sight she couldn't explain. The world was filled with a myriad of colours. Everything was white with stripes of other colours. The phone in her hand suddenly felt soft and easy to mold. So she took it and pressed it a little. It felt like foam. Strange. She looked around and spotted what looked like a stick that someone, probably Sam left on the table. She took the stick on impulse. It was slightly harder than the phone but still very soft. So she took the two ends of the pole and twisted them with surprising ease. She twisted again and then rolled it into a ball. Her normal vision returned few seconds later and left her with a light headache that was the least of her problems because the stick was actually a steel bar which she had turned into a ball. Not the way it would be if Sam pressed it but like she transfigured it into a ball. Looking at her phone, she noticed that the shape had changed and the side she pressed a bit was super thin while the other was as thick as a soap bar. Already struggling with a light headache and feeling tired and cranky, she did what any reasonable person in her shoes would do. She screamed.

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