《A Guardian's Tale》Prologue


Initiating sequence for production." Ten minutes later "Production complete. Congratulations minister, Project GUARDIAN is underway." Today was the best day of minister J£feee's life. He hadn't been this excited when he became minister. Today his idea had been brought to fruition. It hadn't been easy, it took ten years of studying a different species enough to understand and tailor the field so it wouldn't kill them. The remaining part was just a few signatures from the other ministers and instant teleportation to the planet designated Filp%. The field containers were equipped with scanners that would scan the planet and get the best individuals for the change. It wasn't an easy job convincing the other ministers and the prime minister to support him. They weren't fans of change but even they saw the need for it. While the fields may have been incompatible with those exposed to the vortex, these where not and hence capable of assimilating the field. They wouldn't be enough though. He'd still need to introduce the vortex to their atmosphere but at least he'd made progress.

"J£feee." He looked up to see the beautiful face of Armenon, the minister of the third seat. While she was not his avid supporter, at least she didn't call him mad. In fact her help was part of what got his idea the majority vote. " Lady Armenon, a pleasure seeing you here. I thought I wasn't expecting you till the launch." "Well, thought I'd come see how you've been doing so far. It seems like it was a success." "Yes actually", J£feee replied. "This one was successful. It will be ready for launch in two hours." "That's good but I think you know 7 wouldn't be enough. You'd need more for your plan to succeed." "I know. I was thinking about introducing the vortex to Filp% after a few years. It wouldn't harm the changed." "Not a bad idea actually. I just hope you can convince them this time. My offer was for only once." Taking a deep breath to calm his mind, he replied, "I know. I'll think of something." It was all he could say because inside he was completely lost on how to get them to understand.

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