《Strongest Ninja In A Hero Society》Chapter 23: Within The Changing Rooms


The battle trials continued, but aside from the first two trials that were noteworthy for their individual extremes, nothing too outrageous happened. There were no more explosive battles that caused large scale damage and could turn out potentially fatal like the one between Izuku and Bakugou. Nor were there any one-sided figurative beatdowns as Takezushi's exchange with Todoroki, Ojiro, and Shoji.

Takezushi was always around to heal those that were injured, but most of his help was in the form of restoring fatigue, as the injuries suffered after his battle trials barely reached the level of scratches. He also gave all his peers advice and when the last of the battle trials were finished, classes for the day were over.

Accounting for the time it took to change, conduct the battle trials, have a post-battle analysis for each battle, and then change again, the Foundational Hero Studies Class was over double that of all the regular academic classes. But that was to be expected at a Hero High School.

After All Might dismissed the class to go and get changed, he left to visit Recovery Girl. As he went to investigate what kind of recovery Takezushi had accomplished before the battle trials began, in the changing rooms, two very different conversations played out…

"Dude! Just how much power are you hiding from us!" Kaminari asked as Takezushi was changing out of his costume to his right.

Turning to face Kaminari, Takezushi asked, "Whatever do you mean?" There were plenty of ways for Takezushi to interpret the question, after all.

"Like, what else can you do with your chakra? We've already seen your illusions, wood, and yang applications. But Asui mentioned something about wind, so there's no telling how many applications of your Quirk there exist!"

"Mhmm… It's certainly true, but it would take forever to explain every single ability. You'll probably only get to see them over time as I bring them out for our exercises but to condense everything into a couple sentences. Just know that I have seven basic types of chakra which I call releases. There are Earth, Wind, Water, Fire, Lightning, Yin, and Yang and with those seven I can mix two or more together to get Wood, Ice, Magnet, …, Explosion, Scorc..."

"WHAT?! Mortherfucker!" Mid explanation, as everyone was paying attention, Bakugou flared up after hearing Takezushi claim that he could wield explosions.

"Huh?" Takezushi asked. He barely reacted to Bakugou, who had begun approaching him with a menacing glare and an even harsher wrath boiling underneath.

"You think you can compare with me when it comes to explosions?!" Bakugou challenged with fire-cracker-like explosions crackled above his palms.


"Uh… Yes?" Unsure of whether he should laugh Bakugou's attempt at intimidating him, or cry at the fact that Bakugou was trying to compete with him after giving him every reason to think he wouldn't amount to squat at this point, Takezushi's response sounded like a question.

"Hmph! You may have your pretty like tricks, but don't think for a moment that your second rate application of Explosion can compare to my innate Quirk! Let's fucking go!" Bakugou spat hatefully as he charged Takezushi with explosions propelling him from his hands.

"This is the changing room," Takezushi clearly spoke in a slow and deliberate manner after having appeared behind Bakugou; already having restrained the raging teen's arms. Even as he stood with only his undergarments as he had been caught in the middle of changing, Takezushi barely had to exert himself to catch his classmate.

"Let go, you fuck!" Bakugou cursed, but it did little to change the fact that Takezushi overpowered his physical strength over a dozen times over. Seeing no other choice but to use his Quirk to regain his freedom, Bakugou's hands showed a slight glowing mirage start to form as an indication that he would set off an explosion.

Seeing this play out in slow motion, Takezushi frowned; clearly disappointed in his impulsive and careless peer. Within a fraction of a second both his eyes manifested a Mangekyo and the two teens found themselves within Takezushi's Kamui Dimension.

Boom! A massive explosion surged up from Bakugou's hands and into the dark void of the baren dimension. Takezushi, looked on from a couple meters away whilst shaking his head.

"Come on, let's see who's Explosions are bigger and better here where no one can bother us!" Bakugou spat as he pointed at Takezushi.

"Mhmm… I was told not to show off, but I guess you won't like it if I hold back, right?" Still shaking his head, Takezushi asked.

"Che! I don't need your fucking pity. Go ahead and do your worst..." Bakugou said as he launched the smallest explosions possible at the surface of his skin to raise the temperature of his hands and build up sweat. He was planning on showing up whatever explosion Takezushi managed to set off.

"Alright, just know that you were the one who asked for this..." Takezushi turned around and went through about ten hand seals before closing his eyes and clapping his hands together. For another five seconds, the chakra in his body was directed into his clasped hands and a small chrome-tinted ball congealed as dense Earth and Lightning-type Chakras fused and compacted itself in a tessellating array of intricate woven patterns.


"Explosion Style: Dirty Bomb," With a spoke chant, Takezushi took the ball into his hands and tossed it an untold distance away. All Bakugou saw was the ball being chucked with almost as much force as Takezushi's Pitch during the Quirk Apprehension test, until a couple seconds later…

"Tsk, tsk..." Takezushi felt like an idiot as he could tell after the ball collapsed in on itself and launched the intended explosion, that he had activated it too early. After creating an earthen dome for himself and Bakugou to take shelter behind, he found amusement in the look of absolute horror Bakugou displayed.

"..." Unable to say anything as his jaw seemed unhinged, Bakugou could only look at the sight of total annihilation and then the source of that destruction for a couple seconds before a disturbingly loud sound and shockwave made him fall on his rear. Since there was no dust to settle, after the explosion and ensuing shockwave Takezushi removed the earthen barrier and let Bakugou take in the aftermath of his "second-rate" explosions.

For dozens of kilometers, there wasn't even a trace of the normal rectangular prisms within the direction of Takezushi's explosion. Even when traces did pop up, Bakugou couldn't see because of his normal human eyesight, but what was left were beyond recognizable scraps of debris. Now even when the blond understood that there was no reason in continuing to antagonize Takezushi, he couldn't stop the sweat forming not just in his hands, but across his entire body, as Takezushi suddenly seemed much less human.

As Bakugou and Takezushi had their little "arrangement" in the Kamui Dimension sorted out, in the girl's changing room, Mina was currently antagonizing Hagakure. "Well, aren't you just adorable? Hahaha, you got your little boyfriend to make you a wooden suit."

"B-b-boy-f-f-freind?!" Evidently embarrassed, Hagakure froze up as she was putting her underwear on.

"Well, you know, even if he isn't now, you have to get him while he's up for the pickin's!" Uraraka added from the side.

"Why?! It's not like we even like each other!" Hagakure said.

"Well I mean, he is the only one that can see you… And he's also already 'seen' you, so..." Tsuyu candidly gave her two cents.

"Y-y-y-you don't know what you're talking about! We don't even know anything about each other yet!"

"Oho? 'Yet', was it? So you plan on getting to know him?" As she used her Earphone Jack Quirk to put on her bra, Kyoka snidely remarked.

".." No one could see, but Hagakure's cheeks were puffed up and her face was exceedingly pink in shade.

"Well, if you're not going for him, don't mind if I do~ Who wouldn't want a capable boyfriend?" With overt playfulness in her tone, Mina spoke with the intention to rile Hagakure up; she succeeded.

"No! I-" Catching herself, albeit a bit too late, Hagakure's exclamation caused everyone to freeze up.

"Wait… I was just playing around, but… Are you serious? Do you really like him?" Mina asked, the playfulness from before was totally vanished and along with her, the rest of the girls eyed Hagakure's half-clothed outline like hungry sharks.

"Maybe a little… But it's not like I 'like him,' like him!" She confessed.

"What?! It's only been two days since we even met him!" Kyoka couldn't believe Hagakure would fall so quickly. As a realist, it seemed too cartoonish in nature.

"Yeah, what about him do you even like? His power and future? Or his looks and demeanor?" Asui was also interested.

"Well… probably all of those have to play into it. But, if I had to point to one thing… I'd say… It's his indifference." After a bit of thought, Hagakure came to understand what she liked about Takezushi that really made him stand out.

"Indifference? You mean, like how he didn't care about being set aside during the class and the Quirk Apprehension Test?" Kyoka asked.

"Oh! Is how little he thought of his dimension warping powers? That indifference?" Mina added.

"Mhmm… I mean, you saw him during our battle trial. Even after we figured out that he could see me, he barely even cared. Then when I had to help him out — naked," she whispered, "He didn't even react!"

"Wh- So… you like him because… he isn't attracted to you?" Mina asked, very confused.

Gasping, Momo, who had been silent all along said, "You like him because he's not a perv?!"

"Right! I mean, I don't think I'm necessarily the prettiest girl around, especially when no one can see me. But as a guy, especially a teen like us, he should show some sort of reaction to seeing a girl like me naked, right?!"

Now it was Mina's turn to gasp as she solemnly asked, "You don't think he's..." She looked at the other girls and as they slowly came to take on the same solemn air as her, they all questioned, "Gay?"

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