《Strongest Ninja In A Hero Society》Chapter 22: Post-Battle Analysis


"Whew… You guys were pretty good. You might have actually won if the time limit was only ten minutes," Takezushi sighed in relief after coming out with Hagakure as the winning party. He flashed a single hand sign before a pair of weak green lights manifested an inch above each of his palms.

Takezushi walked over to Shoji and put his left hand on his shoulder, infusing one of the green lights into his body as he said, "Through the fight I could tell that each of your attacks packed quite a punch, but you should really look to invest some time in learning martial arts to properly use your strength. Even Ojiro with his less destructive power managed to draw more of my focus as he knew what he was doing."

As he left Shoji to think over his words, he walked over to Ojiro helped him out of the capture tape while simultaneously letting his healing energy into his body. Now with both boys recovering from the fatigue they had accrued from fighting him, Takezushi address Ojiro as he said, "I see you've already incorporated your Tail Quirk into your martial arts, but you only seem to know one style. I can tell as you barely adapted as I kept using different styles of Taijutsu..."

He was met with Ojiro silently nodding, so he moved over to Hagakure with another green light manifesting atop his right hand. "Are you also fatigued?" He asked.

"No… Ah, stop looking this way!" Upon leaving the tense battlefield and recalling that Takezushi could actually see her, Hagakure returned to covering herself up in shame.

As he turned around and dispelled the bit of Yang-transformed chakra he had amassed, Takezushi offered, "Mhmm, it would seem that you don't take well to the fact that I can actually see you… Would you like me to make some wood armor to cover you up?"

"Yes! Please..." She seemed both happy and regretful that she had to ask Takezushi to make a set of "armor" for her, just to bar him from seeing her.

"Alright," Takezushi said as his hands flashed through three hand signs. "Wood Style: Layered Armor," He called, before his skin started stretching and transmuting into wood. Soon, a small set of feminine style wooden layered armor was laid out and completed on the floor and without much pretense, Hagakure quickly put it over her bare figure.

"Is it too tight or too loose? I can always change the size of the armor as it was made with my own wood chakra." Takezushi asked. After all, he couldn't create a tailor-level set of armor for the invisible girl from just a look at her body.


"Now that you mention it… it is pretty loose. It's too big for me." With Hagakure's help, Takezushi placed his hand on the wooden armor's shoulder section and used chakra to perfectly fit the armor for her.

After leaving a rather intimidating wood-clad Hagakure, Takezushi walked out of the room and picked up Todoroki before making his way back. It only took a jolt to one of his pressure points to wake him up, but Takezushi still explained, "Sorry for knocking you out, I just didn't want you to dwell too much on that potentially traumatic illusion. Anyway, you're team lost after Ojiro was captured and Shoji ran out of time to get to the nuke."

"Oh, I see… So you can also cast illusions," Todoroki, though not exactly manically depressed, still looked a bit downtrodden as he looked away from Takezushi. He added, "Well, now that I know, don't expect me to fall for that again..." He took Takezushi's hand as a sign that he admitted this defeat and after being helped up, he followed Takezushi back over to the room with the remaining participants for this run of the battle trials.

Upon entering the room, Takezushi said, "Alright guys, you already know about my teleportation so whenever you're ready, let's go back to the basement together." He was met with everyone approaching him instantaneously.

However, it was only after Takezushi teleported everyone back to the basement that all the obvious questions were thrown at him. Even before All Might prompted the post-battle analysis, Momo asked, "Say, Takezushi… We can already guess you can make wood with your chakra, but why'd you make wooden armor for Hagakure?"

"Mhmm… She's not too happy with the fact that I can see her, so I suggested I make something to cover herself with. Out of all the things I can transform my chakra into to make armor, I thought wood would be the best option, since it'd be rude to suggest she wear armor made out of the earth."

"Wait… YOU CAN SEE HER? It's not fair! God isn't fair! He gives you a broken quirk and supreme sight as well? WHY?!" While most people blushed in a spectrum of intensities, Mineta was the only one to loudly berate Takezushi and show signs of insanity. He was followed by Kaminari, who closed his eyes and clenched his hand as if he were holding himself back.

"You know, I've been thinking about it since we discovered that I could see her when she was supposed to be invisible, and I think I might know what her Quirk really is. But, we'd have to go into my dimension to confirm my suspicion." Disregarding the looks his classmates and guardian gave him, Takezushi announced.


"Er… You be sure to do that later. Right now, we ought to focus on the analysis." All Might quickly redirect the subject of the class' conversation.

Then, as he had for the previous battle, All Might declared, "Well, I think it's obvious that for this battle, Takezushi is the MVP. But if we're to disregard him for a moment, you know since he's clearly overpowered even when we try to restrain him, I'd say that Ojiro comes in as the next greatest performing student."

"Right, Clearly Ojiro caused far more trouble for Takezushi than Shoji and while his actions seemed a bit odd during the fight, the same could be said for Shoji." Izuku commented.

"I'd have to agree as Shoji was misdirected quite a couple times because he relied too much on his Quirk. Usually, the potential of his Quirk for scouting would be of great use in the battle, but he failed to do anything about Hagakure when she was standing right beside the door the whole time. I mean, seriously, her capture tape was in plain view, but both Heroes still ignored it!" Kyoka added.

"Even worse was how neither Ojiro nor Shoji reacted to the slowly approaching Hagakure during the whole fight. It begs the question, why?" Iida asked.

Seeing the class turn to Takezushi, he said, "Oh, since I was reduced to only use one release or type of chakra for the fight, I picked Yin Release." With his eyes changed into their Base Sharingan variant and a pulse of Yin engulfing the entire class, Takezushi said, "Yin Release lets me mess around with Illusions. I can use it subtly as I did during Hagakure's capture of Ojiro, when I made him think the capture tape would catch him by the torso when it was really by his waist. Or, I can use it directly like this." At the moment, everyone saw the walls and floor of the room disintegrate into a nightmarish landscape where the ground was a yellowish-black gravel and in the sky there hung a blood-red moon under a grayscale sky.

Quickly releasing his Genjutsu as some of the more sensitive students were paling at the disturbing sight, Takezushi said, "I used and illusion like this to make Todoroki think his ice attack had impaled me, which is why he froze. The same could be said for why Shoji and Ojiro kept trying to chase a mock nuke that never existed."

"Wait, but if you were restricted to only using one type of chakra, how exactly did you use Illusions to stop Todoroki's initial wave of ice?" Momo, being the first after All Might to notice the apparent instance of cheating, questioned.

Instead of responding right away, another pulse of Yin escaped from his eyes as the same False Flame from before manifested before everyone. "With my mastery over Yin, I can begin to introduce illusions to reality. Right now I'm only limited to manifesting raw elements like earth, wind, water, and fire, and only in small amounts, but eventually I should be able to give form to anything I imagine."

"Just a derivative of your Quirk is just like mine, but without any drawbacks..." As she took Takezushi's Yin Release to be the perfected version of her Creation Quirk, Momo couldn't help but become a bit depressed.

Seeing his classmate sulk as she compared herself to him, Takezushi took the initiative to say, "My Quirk has plenty of drawbacks, so you don't have to compare yourself to me."

"Thanks for trying to cheer me up, but it's pretty obvious that's not tru..."

"My Quirk didn't get like this overnight." Takezushi cut her words off. He succeeded in getting her to stop looking at the ground, so he continued, "Remember, I've been developing my Quirk for over a decade. In fact, when compared to your guys' Quirks, mine would be quite the sad sight if I'd only trained as much as you guys have. You see without a chakra reserve and decent control, my Quirk is barely anything impressive."

As the class recalled the fact that they hadn't a lick of experience in training their Quirks as Takeuzhsi had done, as society had barred civilians from using their Quirks, they once more calmed down after seeing his ridiculous abilities.

After saying what he wanted to cheer Momo up, Takezushi diverted the topic back to the post-battle analysis, "Anyway..." Takezushi continued, "I shouldn't get all the credit, I mean without Hagakure moving decisively we probably would have lost. She may have just been following my instructions, but she did so perfectly and because of her, our team managed to capture two of the Heroes."

"Right!" All Might jumped in. He wrapped up the analysis by saying, "Now, for the heroes, the only big mistake you made was underestimating the opponent." Looking directly at Todoroki, All Might said, "It's never a good idea to try and tackle the situation by yourself, when you have support. At the very least try to cooperate before you move by yourself as you might have actually stood a chance against Takezushi had you brought young Shoji and Ojiro with you when you infiltrated the building."

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