《Powers of Majin Buu in a Fantasy World!? (COMPLETED!)》Advancement in Power!
It was morning and Majin was awoken by Tuff after drooling on him while training last night. She quickly hopped in the shower and afterwards put on her school uniform. She turned the plate of breakfast one of the fairies brought into a plate of sweets and ate em all in one gulp before heading off to class with Tuff behind her. Her training that night was very fruitful. She learned how to create physical matter out of thin air and get an idea of how Babidi’s mind control worked but she needed someone to test it on.. And even though she managed to learn magic materialization, she couldn’t produce something like the dragon balls, senzu beans, Potaras, or even something like the Tree of Might quite yet. She needs much more practice before she’s able to pull off things like that.
Majin was currently on the look out for someone with evil in their hearts that she could try and test her imitation of Babidi’s mind control. She instantly refused to try it on Daiko even if she became much more powerful after absorbing his power in the trail Destiny Battle. What if he turned out like Vegeta and is able to resist against her!? She would be helping one of her future enemies. So she decided to test it on someone much weaker and has less potential to screw her over in the future. She arrived in the giant gymnasium and saw many other teachers with their students practicing while others kept looking in certain directions. She saw multiple champions in other classes that weren’t hers.
‘I guess they chose weak wishes or are trying to keep a low profile for some reason. But it doesn’t involve me for now soooo here I come classmates!’
Majin arrived at her class’s group which was isolated from the rest of the other students and teachers. There were two others similar to her group in which they were also separated from the other students.
“Majin El. Good to have you here. Class will begin in 5 minutes.” Hassle told her.
The champions in her class seemed to have separated themselves and kept to themselves except for the mana battery and Itachi. They were conversing along with the people from this world and not acting aloof or stuck up. The annoying nerdy girl walked up to her.
“Which role did you decide on.” She commanded in a non-question-like manner.
“None ya.”
She just looked confused.
“That isn’t a role the teacher talked about.”
“None ya business! Now buzz off, you’re going to scare away my potential friends and classmates.” Majin said while shooing away the girl.
“I won’t let you escape so easily Majin El! I will get my payback. Even if the gods don’t allow us to kill each other outside of Destiny Battles.” She said while walking away and then staring at her from afar.
Majin rolled her eyes and looked among the regular s-ranked students in her class. She tried to see which one of them seemed like a dirty evil son of a gun for her to test her magic on. The mummy girl, frog head guy, cactus boy, clown boy, or human-sized centaur girl… She saw the mana battery girl chatting with mummy girl, so she crossed her off the list and Itachi was talking to clown boy so, he was also checked out. Cactus was being anti-social like the rest of the champions and the centaur girl was reading a book.
Majin walked towards cactus boy and approached him with a smile. He turned around and crossed his cactus stub arms.
“Hi there! My name is Majin El. Would you like to be my friend?” She asked innocently.
He spat a thin cactus thorn at her and nearly cut her face if she didn’t inconspicuously dodge it and act like it didn’t even happen.
‘Oh yeah he’s my guy. I’ll teach you to try and mess this pretty face up..’
“Attention! I will divide you all into 4 groups. Defenders, Mages, Supports, and Ranged. Line up right here for which role you chose.” Hassle commanded.
Itachi and clown boy were the only ones who lined up for Mage. Harpy girl, the mana battery, the perverted fatty, the centaur girl, and mummy girl lined up for Support. Only frog guy chose to be Ranged. Daiko, the annoying nerdy girl, and cactus boy lined up for defenders while Majin didn’t get in any lines.
“Did you not decide even after a long night of thinking Ms. El?” Hassle questioned.
“That’s not it Teach. It’s just that I’m so good at everything, I couldn’t just choose one! I think that limiting myself to only one role would be terrible for my potential as a super s-rank student.” Majin explained.
“Get in line with Mr. Lenguinski. We’ll talk after class.” Hassle said while pointing at the lone frog guy.
“Hai hai!” Majin responded while standing behind Froggy.
“I have been given the reports of where your talents lie and we will began training the fundamentals. Like any freshling should. I explained the purpose of each roles yesterday, so Mages, get to work on controlling your mana flow through meditation. Supports will do the same for now since none of you are a physical combatant. Defenders will be training their bodies. Ranged will practice on their bodies before moving on to working on their aiming.” Hassle explained.
He then went on to show everyone what they should be doing until he reached her and the frog guy. She was told to do some basic exercises along with Froggy before having to take down the teacher’s magic discs made of shadow magic. Seeing him perform the shadow magic made her like Hassle even more. She could just watch other people use magic and be able to instantly learn how to do it! Realizing this, she quickly infused mana in her eyes and looked around the entire gymnasium at all the students performing magic, even the champions hiding away their talents and prowess! Gaining multiple elemental magics and laughing gleefully to herself while her partner was firing magic-infused arrows at the teacher’s shadow discs.
One of the disc aimed for her head while she was hysterical and Tuff punched it with his spiked gloves, breaking it apart and then looking at Majin. She came to after Tuff repeatedly took down more shadow discs aiming for her and a certain someone coming up to her.
“Ms. El, can you give me an explanation on what you are doing?” He asked politely.
This nice act of this beautifully muscled teacher is really ruining it for her fantasies.
“I had a brain fart teacher. I’m sorry I’ll focus on training now!” She said while bowing slightly towards Hassle and Tuff looking out for anymore black discs excitedly.
She crouched down and had Tuff stand in front of her to ward off any lookers before magically creating a slingshot and rocks for her to use. Although she never used a slingshot, she watched animes and cartoons where they were used so that should be good enough, and the fact that she’s Majin Buu so mastering this weapon should be a piece of cake.
She got up and aimed at the flying discs before taking them out within seconds with only her pure strength and magically created rocks. The teacher was forced to create more and more discs but Majin easily took those out and robbed Froggy from practicing.
“Hey, do you mind not destroying all of them? I can’t get any practice in if you break them all.” Froggy asked.
Majin looked at him in annoyance before stopping.
‘Couldn’t you just be a jerk and get angry and try to duel me or something. Now I definitely need to get that cactus guy to practice on..’
She believed she trained enough in the way of the Ranged. She continued to look around the gymnasium for more and more elements to gain and eventually master later on. Tuff on the other hand was entertained by breaking the black discs and glided after the black discs, forcing Froggy to avoid hitting him with his propulsion type magic arrows. One arrows flew a bit too close to Tuff and he shattered it with a punch before smiling at Froggy. Tuff laughed as he continued to destroy both Froggy’s arrows and the black discs before the teacher stopped creating the discs from his shadow magic and halting the class.
“Class will end here for today. Mages and Supports, continue your meditation to increase your mana control. Defenders do light warm ups tomorrow. Ranged do light warm ups and work more on your aim. Dismissed.”
Majin quickly walked over to the cactus guy and put her arms around his neck, ignoring the thorns trying to pierce through her skin.
“So buddddy, how bout you and me go on a little date? I have the perfect place in mind. What do you say?”
“Buzz o-----” His mouth was covered by Majin and Tuff picked him before they took off through the halls with their new friend.
Even though a majority of students saw them, they thought of them just as friends playing around and did nothing to stop it. Majin kicked open her door and was about to throw the boy in her room until the girl’s RA (Resident Assistant) stopped her.
“NO BOYS ALLOWED IN THE GIRL’S WING!” A spectacled eagle headed girl yelled at her.
“EAT ME LOSER!” Majin quickly threw the boy on her bed and ran inside and locked the door behind her.
‘The good thing about a magical dorm room is that no one can get in your room without your permission.’ Majin thought before hearing loud banging on her door.
She giggled mischievously before blocking out sounds coming from outside her room and watching Tuff stand on top of cactus boy. He covered himself in a full body metal suit made of magic and Tuff punched him in the cactus stomach, shattering the armor into pieces and knocking him unconscious. Majin smiled before hugging and kissing Tuff.
“Good boy! Mama is so very proud of you!” Tuff laughed and giggled before being put down by Majin and her turning off the lights and closing the blinds.
Small wisps of flame lit up the room as Majin stood over the boy’s body, creating a spooky ambience before testing and practicing her magic on him. She tried to use the mind control magic on Tuff last night, but Tuff was an innocent soul. She couldn’t get a hold of any evil in his heart or thoughts. But this cactus boy was perfect. She already found evil inside his heart that she could take advantage of. Now she just needed to find his hidden potential and force it beyond his natural limits. So he could be put to good use after this..
Majin and Tuff were standing near the door with a completely reformed henchman under their control. Leon was the cactus boy’s name. And the pink M now on the center of his head was proof of her success. Majin was pretty proud of her success, but wouldn’t let this hinder her from future magical training. Leon now had to ability to perfectly control his mana control, his cactus thorns were harder and sharper, and other benefits to being mind controlled with her sorcery.
“Alrighty Leon my boy! Get outta here and we’ll see what you can do tomorrow.” Majin said as Leon left her dorm room and went elsewhere.
She then took a quick 2 hour nap before trying to enhance Tuff as well with magic. She enhanced his spiked gloves and boots, that were definitely too big compared to his body, with spells that would increase his strength. After doing that she practiced and experimented with her magic until it was time to go to class once more.
Nothing of importance happened in class just normal ole learning so, Majin and Tuff took Leon to the adventurer guild and went on a quest to see how strong he is now. They were tasked with killing an ape demon that has been terrorizing multiple villages in the outside territories within the kingdom. It didn’t take them long to find the demon. It left a trail of clues right towards it and led the group towards a village currently being assaulted by the demon. The village of horned humans were fleeing and trying to escape to safety while the village’s warriors tried to gain the demon’s attention. One man jumped and tried to slash the ape but was violently smashed into the ground and severely injured. Majin and Tuff watched as Leon covered himself in metal using his metal magic and shot off like a rocket towards the big ape.
The ape was too busy trying to crush and smash the people to notice the flying silver bullet thing flying towards it’s back and received a terrible hole through it’s chest as Leon shot through the demon’s back and landed in front of it. Purple blood spurt out from it’s wound as it looked at Leon with hatred and confusion. Even Majin was slightly surprised. This was her first demon she has encountered in this world so far, so she expected much more out of it. But soon she noticed the gaping hole slowly healing and Leon just watching it heal.
“An arrogant guy? I know the mark gave him a large boost in power but I don’t think he can heal… And finding another lackey seems troublesome… Well let’s just see what he can do Tuff, if he can’t handle it go in and save him for Mama.” Majin said while rubbing Tuffs head and healing the injured soldier from a distance.
The two stood away from each other and all the villagers and soldiers fled to a safe distance before also watching. The ape demon fully healed and Leon, covered completely in his magic metal armor, formed a large metal needle to wield in his hands. The ape demon beat his chest repeatedly before leaping towards Leon with his giant fists. The demon tried to smash Leon into the ground by bashing him from above but Leon shot out numerous metal shards from his armor at the beast and stabbed through its heart. The demon’s fist never even managed to scratch Leon’s armor before it passed away on his large needle weapon. The villagers ran out happily to celebrate their defender.
“Thank you kind knight! May we learn the name of our savior?” An old cane holding man said while slightly bowing with shaking knees.
Leon looked at the people before taking off towards Majin and Tuff. When he arrived near her, she slapped him in the head.
“You forgot the body you idiot! We need to take back the heart or the blood for proof!” Majin yelled.
Leon covered the corpse in silvery liquid metal and had it trail behind him as they journeyed back towards the guild. They turned in the body and Majin took the money. She told Leon to return back to the academy while she walked up to the receptionist.
“You wouldn’t have anymore demon subjugation quests do you..?” Majin asked suspiciously.
The receptionist’s eyes turned sharp.
“No. You took the last one for your rank.” She said.
“Could I maybe take a B-rank quest? I mean I’ve been a C-rank for like 2 or 3 days now, I think it’s time for me to move ahead in life..” Majin told her.
Her eyebrows twitched slightly.
“Not until you take another assessment or go on the quest with a B-rank adventurer.”
“I’ll take the assessment.” Majin responded quickly.
Her eyebrows twitched some more.
“Follow me.”
She led her to the testing room she been to before with the same strong looking lizard skinned guy waiting for her. She grinned as the receptionist teleported out of the room.
“Defeat me or force me to fight seriously and you will become a B-rank.” He told her.
He seemed to be letting her get the first move because he wasn’t doing anything. Majin decided to fight a bit differently than she did last time. What would be the point of copying all those different elements she saw today if she didn’t put them to use?! She held out her hand and fired a water ball at him with her finger.
“A spell without using a medium.. Very impressive.” He commented before punching it into small droplets.
Majin used her fingers like finger guns and fired water bullets at the B-rank adventurer repeatedly. At first he was getting rid of them with punches and kicks until the water attacks got stronger and he was forced to dodge them. Majin smiled at him before unleashing a rapid-fire round of water blasts that homed in on their target, forcing him to finally use his magic. Sand magic!
He was a physical magus. He used his sand as an armor while coating his weak points in sand. Majin just focused on his any part of his body that wasn’t coated. His shoulders, legs, arms, stomach, back, whichever she could get a hit on until the B-rank adventurer fell to his knees exhausted and heavily bruised and injured. Majin bet some of his bones were cracked and nearly broken from how badly he was shaking.
“You….. Passed….” He fell unconscious and the receptionist teleported in with a handsome young boy.
The boy avoided her like a plague as he went over to heal the B-rank adventurer and the receptionist told her she is now a B-ranked adventurer and to get out.
“But what about my quest?!” Majin asked the receptionist.
“Out.” She said as she teleported Majin and Tuff outside the guild.
“What the heck kind of service is that!? I’ll show that receptionist whose boss one of these days!” Majin said before returning back to Blue Blood Academy.
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