《Powers of Majin Buu in a Fantasy World!? (COMPLETED!)》End Of The Destiny Battle!
Majin found the surprisingly attractive harpy girl shocking an army of insects with her lightning magic. She hasn’t noticed her yet and that’s perfect for Majin until she felt a wave of mana wash over her and the girl locking on her position immediately.
“That was smart…” Majin said.
“What do you want?” She asked defensively.
“I just wanted to…..” Majin slowly walked closer before bursting into Kaio-ken and appearing above the harpy girl.
“DO THIS!” She finished as she kicked down towards the girl.
The girl screamed in fright as she instinctively brought up a shield made of mana that blocked Majin’s attack and caused Majin to turn off Kaio-ken.
“Why are you trying to hurt me?” She asked.
“It turns out that….” Majin started talking while making a Destructo Disc.
But instead of the regular Destructo Disc, she shaped it into a boomerang and threw it towards the mana girl.
“This is a lot more fun than just destroying mana bits!”
The boomerang soared towards the girl and easily sliced through her mana barrier. Even if it was packed to all hell with solid mana that probably even the demon king would have trouble breaking through.
“2000 points gained.” Majin heard as the harpy girl turned into mana bits.
‘So we’re like the monsters in this time stopped world.. Well now I don’t feel so bad! I’m sure the gods can just revive us like they are reviving some of these monsters.’ Majin thought as she saw the same exact elephant sized flying tiger diving straight towards her.
Majin turned on her Kaio-ken before enlarging her fist and coating it into an icicle lance.
“Piercing Red Lance!” Majin shouted as she tore apart the tiger with her attack.
“100 points.”
When she turned off her Kaio-ken, she saw the panda boy looking at her with a scary look in his eyes.
“Majin Buu huh... Fight me.” He said while holding the Itachi copycat’s unconscious head in his hand.
He threw him away and then blasted him away with a black ball, turning him into mana bits.
“Oh my… You feel scary..” Majin muttered to herself as she felt an overpowering evil strong power coming off of the panda saiyan boy.
‘I’m Majin Buu… I can defeat anyone… I just need to.. cover my exits. Yeah..’ Majin thought before taking a small piece of herself off and sneakily hiding it inside the ground.
“Well… Come on shorty! Show me what you----” Majin was violently interrupted by a sharp knee to the face.
Majin was sent hurling through multiple buildings on the academy grounds. Feeling a terrible pain in her jaw. After going through her third building she skid along the grass near the entrance gate of the academy. She was dazed as she tried to get up and when she finally got up she was staring face to face with the boy.
“I think we should sto-----” Majin was uppercutted in the jaw and launched far into the sky.
The panda boy appeared above her and kicked her back towards the ground. Then reappeared on the ground and caught her descent with his palm directly into her stomach. Forcing her to spit out saliva, as he threw her on the ground roughly.
“Is this all you have? Pathetic.” He said while charging up a dark ball of magic and aiming it at her.
‘This really hurts. Why is he faster than the B-rank adventurer guy who was in this world way longer than us? I can’t even see him move! What kind of training did he put himself through in the small amount of time we’ve been reincarnated here?!’ Majin thought to herself as she created a dimensional portal and had the panda boy’s attack redirected at himself.
He seemed to have sensed it and deflected it with his tail before grinning at her.
“Still got some fight left do you?” He said mockingly.
Majin slowly got up and appeared unharmed.
‘Thank god he let up. I feel completely fine now. I’ll show this jerkwad to mess with me! Majin El! I’m going to absorb the entire galaxy and adventure all throughout the multiverse! Not in that specific order though..’
“Kaio-ken!” Majin yelled as she charged at the boy with her fist reared back.
As she got closer to hitting him, he deflected her fist and punched her in the gut, hard. Majin gritted her teeth and her antenna started glowing pink before zapping the boy and turning him into a gummy bear.
“Hehehehe! That’ll teach you! Even if you’re a better fighter than me, it means nothing if you’re a little piece of candy!” Majin gloated loudly before seeing a dark aura flow from the gummy bear.
“Hey… wait.. you can’t…----” Majin was punched in the gut by the gummy bear and was sent flying past the academy gates. The gummy bear was flying after her and punched her into the ground.
‘Okay he’s still as strong as before and now he’s tinier. I better change him back to his previous form to make things easier on myself..’ Majin said while under the city’s streets.
The gummy bear appeared over her and was diving straight towards her and she zapped him again with candy beam and transformed him back before liquifying herself and escaping back onto the surface. As she reformed herself, the boy appeared in front of her and nearly grabbed her by the face but she managed to finally barely see him and dodge.
“Kaio-ken x2!”
Majin nearly kicked her opponent in the gut with her newfound power but he raised his power and an evil black and red aura formed around him as he blocked her attack. They clashed multiple times with Majin still on the losing end until she….
“Kaio-ken x5!”
Majin managed to kick the boy in his stomach and give him a slight bruise.
He smiled.
“How far can you go Girl?” He asked before charging his power even further and not holding back anymore.
Majin’s skin started shaking at the cold evil aura and massive terrible power coming from him but she didn’t give up. If she gave up here then there would be no point to even coming to this world.
“My name is Daiko. The result of the legendary super saiyan bloodline being mixed with the ancient saiyan bloodline. Farewell.” He said while charging another dark orb.
Majin smirked before she splitting herself into numerous copies and charging towards the boy. Some of the clones were annihilated by his attack while the rest latched onto his body and attempted to absorb him.
“Finally! Heheh. Let’s see what’s so unstoppable about this absorption..” He said as his body was completely engulfed in Majin’s goo.
Majin let loose a relieving breath of air as she used her finger to control her goop to return back to her.
No reaction.
She tried flicking her finger once more.
No reaction.
She tried grabbing the air with her hands and actively pulling her goop towards her like a lasso.
No reaction.
Suddenly a huge force of magic erupted from the goop and a dark green and black aura formed around it. Majin’s goo was repelled from the human-shaped figure and revealed the panda boy has transformed. His previous black and white fur has turned all golden and Majin was at a lost of words. Slowly, her entire body started turning red and a large amount of steam burst from her body.
“NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!” She screamed before jumping high in the sky and raising her arms in the air.
A large pink sphere was being created with Majin’s entire mana poured into it.
“You crazy little… Are you trying to destroy this entire city?” The panda boy said while smiling madly.
He started to charge his own energy attack to combat against Majin’s insane suicidal attack.
“HAHAHAHHA BEAT THIS!!!! MAGIC BUU BUU BLAST!” Majin shouted without any sanity as she threw her massive energy sphere slowly towards the boy.
Her attack clashed with the panda boy’s attack and was slowly being overtaken while the surrounding area around the two blasts were slowly disintegrating. She smiled.
A red aura blasted from her body and increased her power on a whole nother level. She created a small magic ball and fiercely punched it towards the two clashing energy beams while zapping the ball with her antenna and infusing it with majin magic. Her body soon dissolved into a liquid state as the kaio-ken wore off immediately. She dripped down from the sky while her attack steadily gained ground against the super saiyan panda boy. Some type of expression that wasn’t a sadistic smile, boredom, or interest finally appeared on the boy’s face.
“Forcing me into this position…. You aren’t a bad opponent..” He said before powering up even further and his body bulking up and growing a few feet taller. His fur turned spiky and his aura turned red and green.
He took the advantage in the energy sphere struggle and began to push back Majin’s attack. Majin was still in her liquid form due to the kaio-ken overstressing her Majin body and moved quickly towards the distracted panda boy. He didn’t seem to have notice she already fell from the sky and wasn’t contending against his power anymore. She snuck up under him and quickly shot into his mouth and into his body.
‘HAHAHA I KNOW YOU DIDN’T HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO FULLY MASTER AND CONTROL YOUR POWERS! YOUR MINE NOW!’ She thought while she absorbed his overflowing power into her own body.
She could feel the boy trying to reign in his mana but he just wasn’t adept at controlling it enough yet to stop her from taking his power and eventually deforming him back into his base form. Majin shot out of his mouth and stood over him with her newly increased power. She also wasn’t good at controlling her new power but with her talents, it wouldn’t take long to control this overflowing power that caused a strangely colored aura to form around her. The two energy blasts in the sky exploded and took along a large part of the Blue Blood Academy while Majin remained unharmed by a barrier.
“Majin El wins….” She said in a teasingly mocking manner before finishing off the boy with a beam through the heart.
“Congratulations Danielle Grimes. You have won one of the multiple different types of mock Destiny Battles and can choose a special prize for your victory. Choose one of these three items and be prepared for the very near future.” The voice said into her head without any emotion.
[Hero’s Armor]
[Water God’s Blessing]
‘I don’t need armor, so that choice is out. I don’t even know any water magic so, that is also out. Random my friend! Give me something good again!!’ She pleaded before choosing Random.
[Congratulations! You have chosen Random and have been given a pet based on a creature from your memories. The soul of your current pet known as Tuff has been put into this creature.]
Majin saw an oh so familiar red colored echidna appeared before her.
“No way! Tuff turned into Knuckles!? That’s so awesome!!!!” She yelled excitedly.
Tuff looked down at itself before looking back at her. He lunged at her and took her to the ground hugging her.
“Oh you cute little ball of fur..” Majin said while hugging Tuff back before the paused dimension broke and she appeared back in the classroom with the rest of the champions and s-ranked students.
They had a variety of expression but Majin wasn’t interested in their reactions and took her seat in the middle of the classroom with Tuff sitting on her lap. The annoying nerdy girl appeared over her desk and within a second sliced towards Majin’s head.
Majin stopped the blade with her index finger and smiled cheekily at the weakened girl.
“This is a classroom. You should behave yourself as a student of Blue Blood Academy and save the fighting for humanity’s enemies.” She scolded.
“I will get my revenge…” She said before returning to her seat and the teacher walking into the classroom.
The panda boy also gave her a glare before returning his attention to the teacher. The teacher was a powerfully built man. He looked nothing like the previous skinny mages she’s seen so far and wondered what his element or secret was. She could always appreciate a man with a nice set of muscles..
“At least you brats know to how to show respect. I’m going to call roll and then we’ll get straight into the teaching. My name is Hassle.”
He started calling off the S-rank freshman names and Majin tuned out until her name was called.
“Here!” She replied while smiling at the teacher and then continued to rub Tuff’s fur.
Hassle then began the lesson talking about the different roles one could take as a defender of humanity. There was the Mage, Support, Ranged, and Defender. He explained how these roles were very loose in their meanings and there wasn’t a set of rules that stated if you did these things you are support or if you do these things you are a Defender. You can classify which role you want to be and if you somehow are able to fill in multiple roles, you were to be classified as whichever one you wanted.
After talking about that he then started discussing magic. He said there was two types of magic that humans could use. Physical magic and Mental magic. Physical magic allowed the user to take mana and infuse it into their bodies, allowing them to increase their physical abilities to unprecedented heights. One famous example of a physical magic user was a warrior who reached an unprecedented height of skill in water magic that he could topple kingdoms and armies with one swing of his sword and from that slash came forth an unstoppable wave that washed away the very landscapes he battled on. Hassle said he went missing many years ago after a failed attack against the Demon’s army and retreating into the ocean.
A mental magic user is just someone who uses the elements in a ranged manner, like shooting a fireball from a staff and does not enhance the properties of their body with mana or magic. Hassle said that very rarely could one ever master both mental and physical magic. He said there was only 3 Magus ever reaching formidable heights in both mental and physical magic, but knowledge of them has faded and only the tales of their power was written down and held by the Church.
‘Mastering both of those sound easy for me since I’m a Majin but I wasn’t even aware I could use magic on myself and become a flame girl or an ice girl!’ Majin thought as class ended.
“We will not be in the classroom tomorrow. Come to the gym and we will start your training. Remember to decide which role you wish to perform in the future for tomorrow.” Hassle said as he faded into his shadow and disappeared from the room.
Everyone started getting up and leaving. Multiple fairies flew into the room and started to escort the students to their dorm rooms. Majin returned to her dorm and soon realized something. She could have nearly lost the previous destiny battle thanks to her inexperience in skills. Daiko, the panda boy, could have easily destroyed her in her legendary super saiyan form. She needed to train and use her infinite talent to her advantage.. Learn more Majin magical spells and absorb stronger beings. The second one can be put on hold while the first can be worked anytime, and that time is now..
Majin ignored the fancy and great dorm room she had all to herself and sat on top of her bed practicing with her Majin magic all the way until the morning while Tuff slept on the upper end of the bed.
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