《Ashes of the Unforgottable (OLD)》Chapter Eight: Betrayal...!


(Uyeda keeps looking around to see anyone...He sees a couple of masked men,but ignores them..He rushes to the locker-room and quickly opens the door...Only Chris was there...Uyeda walks to Chris and sita down next to him...)

"Uyeda:Hey,do you know where the others are?"

"Chris:No..They said they were gonna get food.."

"Uyeda:Okay...Where exactly?"

"Chris:I don't know..Never wanted to get food here...I just packed some up.."


(Uyeda gets up and starts looking for the cafeteria..He sees it but then the announcer says something...)

"Announcer:Finalists,please come to the arena..Your match is starting early..."

(Uyeda looks at the entrance and runs there...It started to turn dark...The crowd cheers for Uyeda...Kikuchi is nowhere to be seen..)

"Announcer:Semi-Finalist please come to the arena also...you get front seats to the finals..."

(Chris walks out and sits down...Jeron hasn't come out..Toda is seen walking to the stands..but alone..)

"Uyeda:Whats going on...?"

(Uyeda looks at the huge screen and sees that its pointed at him...Then a gunshot is heard thru the speakers..And a familiar voice starts talking...)

"William:Well..Hello Uyeda...Or should I say...Son..?"

(Uyeda looks shocked at the screen where it shows William in the announcers room...)

"William:Well Isn't this a suprise..? A family reunion...Heh..Now tell me...Where is your brother and the girl she is friends with..."

(A microphone is handed to Uyeda by one of the masked people...Uyeda takes it and screams..)

"Uyeda:I don't know where they are you shitty old man! And if I knew I wouldn't tell you!"

(William laughs and starts playing a video thru the screen...Its William and..Jerons and Uyedas mom...They are just talking...Until a spike comes out of Williams back and impales his mother thru her chest...

Her body drops to the ground when the spike fades...William finishes the job by shooting a couple of shots in her chest...)


"William:Yes...I killed her...Mystery solved..Am I right Uyeda?"

(Uyedas eyes start to glow as he stares at the screen..Until he hears something moving in the sky...)

"William:Well..Citizens of Japan...If you look in the sky you can see two chinook helicopters...Full of corrupted trait users...Have fun dealing with them with no trait..And this isn't the only attack.."

(The screen cuts to Tokyo,Tallinn,Washington,Berlin,Moskow and a few other countries capitals...

With timers till the attack...Tokyo is being attacked in 16 hours...The others are months in difference..)


"Uyeda:Tokyo...Washington..Berlin..All of these countries...Being attacked.."

"William:But..Have fun dealing with these ones..."

(William jumps out of the window into the arena...The helicopters start dropping the corrupted trait users..

They land in the stands and the fighting area...They start killing civilians..Chris dashes to Uyeda and his eyes start to glow...)

"William:Come at me Uyeda..."

"Uyeda:You take care of the corrupted ones..Then look for Jeron and Chloe...Toda can handle himself...."

(Uyeda sees Toda fighting in the stands..Uyedas wings come out and his eyes start to glow as he dashes at William at light-speed...William dodges and summons a spike that almost impales Uyeda..

Uyeda flies to the sky and starts throwing blades from his wings and fires a blast...William looks like he is hit by the blast..

But Uyeda looks behind and sees William holding a blast..He blast Uyeda into the wall and he is severely injured...)

"Uyeda:How is he so strong..."

(Chris is struggling with the corrupted..Until William grabs him and prepares to impale Chris until...Jeron dashes out in half demon form and punches William away...

Chloe rushes to Uyeda and starts healing him...Uyedas left wing turns into a sword..)

"Uyeda:Use it to defend yourself.."

(William gets up from punch and stares at Jeron..)

"Jeron:Your a traitor...I heard it all..."


"William:Well you were too late...I already killed Kikuchi..."

(Jerons eyes stop glowing and his demon form goes away..)

"William:Yeah..I killed him...I stabbed him and shot him right in the heart.."

"Jeron:No...I don't believe you..."

"William:Oh..You don't..Then look at the screen!"

(The screen shows a camera feed of William shooting Kikuchi and then disappearing..It also shows Uyeda and the staff run in,but can't find anyone..

Jeron had enough and impaled William...

But when he looks back...

He sees that its just a random civillian..William laughs from behind him and blasts him into the air..

Spikes from Williams back follow him and impale thru Jeron and slam him into the ground...Toda comes from behind William and uses a charged kick to knock him back...)

"William:And you are..?"

"Toda:Your enemy.."

(Toda snaps his fingers and clones surround William and start blasting him...Wings come out of Williams back that protect him...

Corrupted start nearing Chloe..She takes the sword and starts killing them..

Uyeda smiles and looks Chris helping Chloe..

William's spikes comr thru his wings and impale all of the clones...Toda dashes at him and tries to blast,but William throws a body at him and he gets knocked out...)

"William:I've had enough..None of you are as strong as me..."

(William cuts his arms and he turns to dust...All of the corrupted have been taken down by Chris and Chloe...They rush and help Toda and Jeron...Chris grabs Uyeda on his shoulders..)

"Chloe:What now..? Tokyo is gonna be attacked in 15 hours.."

"Toda:We should get back to the school..."

"Chris:Right! Lets get going..."

(They grab their stuff from the locker-room...When they step outside...The schools and forest is on fire...All of the students seem to be dead...Some teachers are outside waiting for Toda...)

"???:Great,you guys are alive!"

"Toda:What happened out here..?"

"???:Someone started a forest fire and burned down the schools..All of the students are dead..We gotta run..Toda,you know where we can go?"

(Toda thinks about it and then realises where they have to go...)

"Toda:We gotta go to Tokyo..The next attack will be there..."

(The teachers nod and they run to their car..They drive out of the forest and start driving to Tokyo..They arrive at a office...They walk inside and walk into an elevator..They go down and walm out to a some sort of HQ..)

"???:Oh right..I forgot this existed?!"

"Toda:We gotta stay here...You guys can introduce yourself to the kids.."

"???:Oh right..I'm Yokoyama Shou..But you can just call me Shou.."

"???:I'm Konda Shuichi, nice to meet you all.."

"???:I guess its my turn..Hi,I'm Kate.."

"Chris:Nice to meet you all..Now where can we put these 2 to rest.."

(Toda points down the hall..Chloe and Chris walk there and place Jeron and Uyeda down..They walk back and see the TV turn on..)

"William:Dear citizens of Tokyo and Japan..In 10 hours..You all will die..Thousands of Corrupted Trait users and mercenaries will come to Japan and bring havoc to the country..Have fun living your last hours.."

(William laughs and the TV turns off and they sit down..)

"Toda:What now..?"

"Konda:We have to fight them..Thats the only way to beat them.."

"Shou:Agreed..We have to wait.."

"Uyeda:Correct..We have to fight back..We are Japans last hope..And maybe the whole worlds.."

(They look at Uyeda as he is all healed up..He smiles and his eyes glow..)

(End of "Tournament of Traits" arc..)

(To be continued...)

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