《Gifted》Chapter 19 - And Caverns Old
Hey Xander, any idea why these tunnels exist?
I'm not your peronal encyclopedia. I don't really know much about the tropic, nor do I really care. Look it up in a library, which happens to be a thing that exists, if you want to know more!
I was just trying to pass the time. No need to get mad about it.
Goldie continued his downward march in silence, getting more annoyed by the tedium the longer he walked. He expected adventure! This dungeon reminded him a bit too much of his time spent searching for enemies in the woods. Only this now the surroundings were more monotonous.
Perhaps next time he should consider taking part in the battle at the entrance.
I sense anger in you. You really should work on your patience if a fifteen minute walk makes you this upset.
I already wasted half of my lifetime. I don't feel like spending more of it doing so little.
So really you should be thankful for me swooping in to spice it-
Shhh! My Anima Sense is tingling.
Even with his low Perception, Goldie could tell there was a difference to the air. A presence he assumed to be anima. He hurried excitedly further down the hall, while still maintaining a healthy dose of caution. The deeper he went, the denser the atmosphere felt, meaning he was likely on the right track. Goldie also began noticing glowing purple veins running through the rock around him. While thin, they were definitely lines of anima.
He had only ever seen such a phenomenon on engraved items before. Not to mention that few metals had the capability of holding the required charge. This process also needed precise tools and large concentrations of energy to be completed. To think that it was naturally occurring down here without the presence of anything strongly conductive blew Goldie away.
Reinvigorated by the prospect of a change in scenery, Goldie jogged down the remainder of the tunnel until the ground evened out and it spilled into giant open space. 'Open' was not quite the correct term as he still remained underground, but the ceiling was at least 100 feet high and dotted with multicolored, glowing crystals dimly shining onto a grand landscape below. It ended up a near perfect approximation of a starry night sky and gave the illusion of boundless space. He couldn't even see to the other end of the area. A dense forest was blocking his view. Only, it was unlike any forest he had ever heard of.
The ground was not covered by grass or earth, but rather a blanket of fluorescent turquoise moss. As he walked forward, Goldie noted the sensation reminded him of stepping on gravel. Perhaps it was similar to walking on snow, but because of Flousshire's warm climate, Goldie couldn't truly compare the two. Whichever spot he landed on lost some of its color, but the glow returned to its former hue a few moments later. Out of curiosity he stomped onto the ground has hard he could. It gave a satisfying crunch and left behind a drab, dark brown imprint. This time the glow did not return, which made him feel a little bad, but for all he knew it would go back to normal in a while.
Just like the moss wasn't made of normal plant matter, the trees, if one could even call them that, were made of strangely smooth, white material instead of wood. Another large difference was that instead of a few large branches splitting into multiple smaller ones, hundreds of thin branches sprouted directly from the trunks. Lastly, contrary to their surface-dwelling counterparts, these trees had no leaves. Instead there was a multitude of purple flowers growing all along the branches. Some of the longer branches had pink rings growing around them close to the tips. The feeling he got from running his hand along one of the tree's trunk reminded him somewhat of a mushroom.
Besides the bizarre trees, there were also some more mundane, albeit luminescent, weeds and bushes strewn about. The forest's alien ambiance gave Goldie the impression of having been transported to another world. Luckily that wasn't literally the case. That would be a huge hassle.
Having come across so much strange flora made Goldie regret not having done some research on the dungeon before coming here. Maybe Xander had a point about the library.
Goldie rationalized he probably wasn't missing out on any vital information and that it was more fun to naturally learn about things.
You done jerking yourself to the sights? I say you finally be on your way!
Goldie cringed at his inner 'guest's' vulgarity.
Yeah, I should stop dilly-dallying.
He activated his cloak's stealth and ventured further into the woods. This time he made sure to check his Energy consumption to calculate how long he could keep it active. He noticed, however, that his Energy regeneration was twice as high as it should have been. Not only that, his Stamina recovery was also increased by around 50%.
He began crunching the numbers. The cloak originally lasted around 25 minutes. Ergo it took about 3,6 E per minute to maintain. This in turn meant he could now keep it active for a whopping... wait that couldn't be right.
He rechecked his mental math by drawing into the moss. The answer truly was an increase of a measly four minutes. He let out an exasperated sigh as his enthusiasm dwindled. He tested out how the increase had affected his Rapid Replenishment, but sadly it was only additive and not multiplicative.
All this math had not even taken into account that his Energy wasn't fully regenerated in the first place. Currently he could only keep it active for around 10 minutes. It occurred to him he should learn to keep his increased regeneration active all the time, or at least be able to keep it active while doing basic activities. Since there was no time like the present, he activated his Rapid Replenishment and continued strolling through the mystical forest. It only took a few seconds before he tripped over a bush and nearly faceplanted into the ground.
Sir Gordon Pyrite everybody. Adventurer extraordinaire.
Doing this is not as easy as it seems. Laugh all you want - oh wait, you can't.
Hey! That was a low blow. Almost as low as you are to the ground Ha-HA! See? I can laugh.
You're trying to impress me? I guess you were serious when you called me an extraordinary adventurer. Less than a full day in and I already have my first fan. I couldn't be happier.
I take full credit.
That comment made Goldie legitimately laugh out loud.
Jokes aside, you got any advice to train up my multitasking?
If you wanted advice, maybe you should have been nicer to your number one fan.
I didn't realize my fans were such divas. Maybe I should widen my target audience a bit.
For real though, just practice. There isn't really much I can help you with, unless you wanna mind meld with me for a bit.
You already know how I feel about that idea.
Goldie was very wary about using Memory Sap. He figured such a useful skill had to be far more widespread if it didn't come with some serious downside.
He reactivated the ability and recommenced his trek. This time he chose to approach it from the opposite angle. Instead of keeping his attention to the outside world to the minimum needed to move around, he tried limiting his concentration on the spell as much he could. In hindsight, this approach was a lot less hazardous than his original one. Instead of smacking into a tree when he didn't concentrate enough, his ability would simply fizzle out. Eventually he was able to survey his surroundings, walk, and use Rapid Replenishment at the same time.
[Standard skill Acquired: Multitasking]
Nevertheless, it would be a long while before he could do two complex tasks, namely fighting and channeling an ability, simultaneously. He wanted to step up his practice by jogging, but the noise would make him an easy target. Therefore, he tried his best at sneaking around instead. It wasn't going to be very effective with bioluminescent moss everywhere, but making less noise himself aided him in hearing other adventurers.
Sneak has risen to Lvl 5!
Multitasking has risen to Lvl 2!
At the time of receiving these notifications Goldie was discreetly investigating a purple glow he saw in the distance. As it had clearly moved from its original position, Goldie remained cautious in his approach. He was quite excited at the prospect of finally finding a foe, since any living, non-human creature he'd seen so far was already locked in combat with another adventuring party.
These adventurers were simply too efficient at killing things as soon as they spawn!
He steered clear of any ongoing scuffles, to keep himself from enraging a seasoned fighter by barging in. This viewpoint had been reinforced earlier on as he witnessed two people fighting to the death over a 'stolen kill'. There seemed to be a certain 'first come first serve' mentality to most delvers.
As soon as he noticed the his target had stopped moving, Goldie rapidly closed in. He peeked around the final tree and finally saw the light's origin.
Alright Xander, any idea what I'm looking at? It's just some sort of floating purple orb.
Oh man, you hit the jackpot! That right there is a wisp. They're basically just floating conglomerations of anima. They don't even technically count as a living being. No self-preservation instinct whatsoever.
So I assume by jackpot you meant they have a big anima reward for how easily killable they are?
Like popping an anima-filled balloon.
It wasn't quite what Goldie expected the first monster he faced in this dungeon to be, but who would turn down a free powerup? Unsheathing his newly acquired sword he sliced straight through the wisp.
[Standard skill Acquired: Sword Mastery]
While internally debating whether his swing was really worth being awarded a weapon mastery title, he felt a surge of energy enter him. Xander really wasn't kidding with his analogy. This wisp gave out far more than what Goldie expected from such a docile foe. He sheathed his sword and was about to continue deeper into the forest when he heard a gasping voice behind him.
"Aww man I was so close too!", the woman panted.
Goldie reflexively grasped his sword's hilt and turned to the woman.
"Don't worry, I'm not petty enough to attack you over something like this. Fair is fair", she reassured. "But man, it really is a stroke of luck to find a wisp so far out."
"Why wouldn't you just venture further in to hunt them then?", Goldie interjected.
"Because it's dangerous obviously! I mean, obviously if I found enough of them then losing a level or two wouldn't be too bad. But I'd still lose all my gear. And I'm not made of money you know!"
"Is it really so risky? I figured it was called the 'newbie dungeon' for a reason."
"Well...", she paused to glance at Goldie's hand, "I guess for a certified adventurer like you it wouldn't be too difficult. Average people like me though... not so much".
It was then, that Goldie realized she wasn't wearing a signet ring. He hadn't closely thought about it before, but considering how difficult the exam had been there was a surprisingly high amount of people in here. If only a few of them were officially adventurers, it meant he was probably one of the more powerful fighters inside the dungeon.
"Well this has certainly been an enlightening conversation", he said. "Thank you kindly for not trying to kill me out of revenge."
Sounds like something you'd do.
Alright, I get it. I'm sorry about stabbing you in the eye.
And about smashing a brick against my face?
No, you deserved that part.
Goldie returned his focus to the outside world and noticed the woman's expectant gaze.
"So, err, have a nice day."
She gave Goldie a bewildered look and flashed him an awkward smile before rushing in the opposite direction. He really needed to pay better attention to his surroundings when Xander talked to him. Or perhaps she thought he was scary? Thinking about his dark cloak in conjunction with his mismatched eyes he could understand why one would feel uncomfortable around him.
Heck, if he met himself in here, he probably wouldn't even dare get close enough for a conversation. Putting a bit more effort into looking presentable may be a good idea. He shook away those thoughts and confidently strode forth. It was time to grind.
Even after discovering he was likely one of the more capable fighters underground, he steered clear of any adventuring groups. It never hurt to be careful after all, plus this had the added benefit of training his Sneak. At least that was his original stance on the issue...
He could feel the rage building up inside him. Unless he started finding enemies soon, this trip might turn out to be a total waste of time.
Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out.
You aren't helping me calm down with that.
I'm not joking! Focusing on breathing can really help calm you down.
"AAAAAAAARRGH SCREW THIS!" Goldie yells as he kicks a nearby shrub.
"WHA-" and gets his leg yanked out from under him. "OOF!"
He finally came across his first conscious creature, a living shrub. You heard that right it was a shrub. Though not the toughest of opponents by any means, Goldie was caught unawares.
"OF COURSE THAT'S THE MOMENT I GET ATTACKED!" he yelled at nobody in particular, while angrily slashing at the thorny vine wrapped around his ankle. All the while listening to Xander hysterically laughing in the backround.
While he received a few scratches, the plant didn't survive his anger- (and anima-) fueled onslaught for long.
After getting utterly and completely torn to shreds, what of left of the living shrub dissolved into motes of light that Goldie gladly took in, while the rest of it got swallowed up by the glowing moss.
You can quit laughing now.
Heh, hehe. You calm yet?
Yes, actually. Hacking that bush to pieces was a good outlet.
From that point on Goldie was a lot more skeptical of any plants he came across. By giving most of them a tentative stab, he was able to find and slice apart quite a number of 'shrub-mimics'.
The second animal he came across surprisingly resembled something living aboveground. It looked like a giant, blue tortoise. The shell had a rocky texture, likely meant purely for protection as opposed to camouflage, since there were very few boulder's lying around. He wasn't too worried about how difficult it would be to pierce, however. Goldie already had a plan in mind.
He first activated his stealth and silently moved close enough for a clean shot. He drew back is hand, focused his will and pushed. Before the tortoise even noticed him, it was suddenly flipped over and sent sprawling on the ground, with its softer underbelly fully exposed.
Can I really kill a poor defenseless animal like this?
We've been over this, man. If you don't kill it, either somebody else will or it kills them.
But look at how helplessly it wiggling its six... legs.
"Wait a second."
He walked around the rocky creature to confirm his suspicion.
Giant multifaceted eyes? Yup it’s a giant bug. No remorse.
Goldie swiftly swooped in with his sword and eviscerated the insect-tortoise's fleshy underside. Its blue blood quickly evaporated into mist, while it's body once again turned into light. The shell cracked and fractured into thousands of pieces. After a few seconds, even they disappeared.
Man, you really can't make any money whatsoever from here.
Unless you steal somebody else's stuff.
Goldie winced at that.
The next few hours were spent wandering deeper and deeper into the forest, attacking any creatures he came across. After slaying a bunch more shrubs and two more bug-tortoises he finally received the message he was eagerly awaiting.
Level up!
You have earned 1 Universal attribute point.
Soul strengthened. Maximum attribute points have increased.
Even though it took him nearly six hours to get a single level, he'd amassed quite a lot of PP over the course of his delve. He had favored utilizing his sword’s extended range for the monsters he faced, which brought his sword mastery level to 8. His adaptive combat went up to 15 and he got further increases in Sneak, Acrobatics and Assassination. Goldie was profoundly taken aback by the amount of increases, considering how one sided the fights had been.
His rumbling stomach drew his attention and made Goldie realize he had not eaten anything since getting here. He was very glad to have packed some rations. None of the creatures he had come across seemed very edible, and even if they were, their carcasses always vanished shortly after death.
His meal consisted of dried fruit and a few bites of what looked like a block of compressed oatmeal. It didn’t taste especially great, but was unexpectedly filling.
Leaning against a tree, he pondered about a more efficient hunting method. Any tracks the dungeon's denizens left disappeared after a short while, leaving Goldie without any indication of where to go. Had he not personally seen the beasts, he would have doubted they even existed.
Ideally he'd unlock an ability to sense nearby lifesigns, perhaps one that functioned similarly to his tent's alarm system. He pondered tinkering with the machine, but that idea got quickly shut down since he had no experience in craftsmanship. He'd probably accidentally break the object. Reminding himself of how it worked did give him an Idea, however.
Even though Anima Sense focused more on his internals and less on the outside world he was still capable of feeling the increased anima density. At the same time, all that surrounding anima made it especially difficult to recognize any distinct creatures or plants within the generated 'background noise'.
The objects closest to him were easily distinguishable. The tree behind him and the moss underneath pulsing with energy. Anything further than a few feet away blended completely with the surroundings. He spread his awareness to the best of his ability but no matter how much he tried he simply could not get it to work as he wanted. It reminded him of the time he attempted something similar in the back of the merchant's wagon.
Xander, you got any tips for a sensory ability?
Increase your Perception. You won't be able to do jack with a meager 4,6. But at the same time your multiplier is so bad it might never be worth investing in.
Goldie figured that it couldn't hurt to counteract his weakness and spent his universal attribute point. After making a quick comparison, Goldie noticed his 'vision' range had slightly increased and he could more easily distinguish the tree's signature within the sea of atmospheric anima. In the end, the difference was negligible. Perhaps he could finally utilize his thus far useless Meditation skill to increase his focus?
His heartrate slowed and breathing steadied. The ambient anima took over his full attention. The picture was nearly pristine. He could clearly see the outline of the trees, even peer inside and view their internal structure. But even so, the range before everything became unrecognizable remained unchanged.
A thought crept into his head. Perhaps he could send out a pulse of Energy to increase his range? Ah no, that's how he learned his telekinetic abilities. However, what would happen if he inverted the process? Just as he was about to do so, a huge conglomeration of anima fell into his sphere of awareness.
Goldie instantly snapped his eyes open and leapt out of the way.
[Standard skill Acquired: Hair Trigger]
Behind him he heard a thump and a loud snarl. Unsheathing his sword and twisting his body around, he came face to face with his assailant, a purple, furry beast with huge ears and a vicious maw. Under different circumstances he would have celebrated coming across a new type of dungeon dweller. Right now, however, he was praying not to get mauled to death.
The creature launched forward at such a high speed it was impossible to run away or dodge, so Goldie's only option was batting it away with his sword. He barely kept hold of his weapon. However the shallow cuts it left were at least enough to deter the monster from a frontal attack. The creature's forearms were covered in chitin, and it seemed capable of charging the limbs with energy in a similar fashion to Goldie's Empower skill. After its first few attempts at getting an attack in, it decided to retreat back up the tree it had come from.
"Running away are we?" Goldie panted.
He highly doubted it truly was, which is why he stayed still and completely alert for the slightest sound. A few second passed with Goldie unable to determine the creature's location. Its fur camouflauging it within the purple foliage. Suddenly he heard a loud *snap* and reflexively pushed his Energy supply outward in a spherical formation around him. A smart choice, as it turned out the creature had launched itself towards his backside.
Telekinetic Push has risen to Lvl 6!
As it smashed against the invisible barrier the poor thing exploded, its remains splashing over Goldie's entire body.
Sensing the high amount of energy still remaining in the meaty chunks, Goldie suddenly got an idea. What would happen if instead of simply he reversing his Telekinetic Push, he reversed the method of activation? Could he try actively taking in anima instead of spending it? Sensing the dead creature's remaining energy he tried pulling on it, similarly to when he pulled against Xander's soul. He figured, that instead of letting most of the anima dissipate into the air, he could absorb a far larger percentage.
Synergistic ability detected... Ę̷̛̠̫͉̫̪͉̒̇̌͒̍͒͝ͅr̸̬͓̬͕̞̱̫̼̍͑͒͋͗̆͗͘ŗ̸͎̠̻͔̺̟̜̐͂̓̉̑͗̄͠ơ̴̡̜̹̩̦̬̯̦͗͑́̌̂͂̓ŗ̷̟̘̗̝̭̘̺̌̋͑̏̈͊̓̀
Searching for alternative solutions... €̵͔͇̟͔̝̦͕̹̈́̒͛̾̀͑̽͠r̷͍̖̮̣̞͚͇̗̓̓̓̈̍̽̕͠Ŗ̴̤̬̪͍͍̣͙͊̂̂̿͒̈̚̕ö̴̢̪͇͉͔̮̥̭͛͑̆̂̈́͂̍́r̴̛̟̩̰͉͚̞͚͎͐̇̈́̈́̇̄̿r̷̩̤̭̜͎̤̀̑͋̍̓̇͜͠͝ͅŗ̴̧͕̼̙͙͕̞̓̄̋͌͗́̈́͠ŗ̵͈͕̬̥̻̤̎͌͑͑̎̓͒͘͜r̸̡̢̺͓͇̝̣̟̓̓́̍̉̏̈̓r̸̞̜̗̭̳͕̮͕̔̈̽̒̎̊͗͠r̵̢̢̯̤̮͓̣̱̓̒̽͛̂̋̉̽
Reinstating standard procedure... cannot comply.
01110011 01101011 01101001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01100111 01110010 01101111 01110101 01110000 00100000 01101100 01101111 01100011 01101011 01100101 01100100 00100000 01100010 01111001 00100000 01110011 01111001 01110011 01110100 01100101 01101101 00100000 01100011 01110010 01100101 01100001 01110100 01101111 01110010
Calling system admin to resolve issue...
- manual override engaged // admin code: 5168389142 -
01110101 01101110 01101100 01101111 01100011 01101011 00100000 01110011 01101011 01101001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01110000 01100001 01100011 01101011 01100001 01100111 01100101 00111010 00100000 00110101 00110001
There we go!
[Complex skill Acquired: Anima Absorption]
Goldie was very confused by the large number of messages, but didn't pay enough attention to really tell what was going on. Utilizing his newly gained ability required most of his attention. Surely enough, Goldie was now able to absorb much more anima from the carcass.
Anima Absorption has risen to Lvl 2!
Xander did you read any of that?
You mean that you got a new skill? It's another one of those I've never even heard about before in case you were about to ask me for information.
It seemed like whatever he saw was only revealed to him. Further experimentation showed he was also able to absorb a part of the surrounding energies, but from what he could tell it was a highly inefficient use of his time.
With the crisis averted and a new skill gained, Goldie gathered his things and ventured onwards. If he could not effectively search for further foes, his best bet was to keep moving further and enter an area with more. He remembered to exploit his Multitasking and replenish his emptied reserves as he walked.
As time went on the forest became ever more decorated. The trees were closer together and the pink flowers at the tip of their branches were in full bloom. The moss now had glades of grass growing out of it and the reeds went up to Goldie's hips. Luckily, or unluckily depending on how one looked at it, he had not been ambushed by any dangerous adversaries as of yet. He had, however, started crossing paths with many smaller animals, resembling rodents and oversized insects. After slaying one of them and gaining a sliver of anima from them, he categorized them as being more trouble than they were worth.
Goldie also took note of another change within the denser forest. He had not heard or seen a single Sahíl in the past half hour.
Is it really so much more dangerous this far in? If anything, it’s been less dangerous than before.
Don’t you jinx it! It could simply mean that the monsters here are so powerful that they remove all opposition.
That statement sent a shiver down his spine. What kind of monster would be capable of such a feat? Of course, it was at that moment, Goldie heard a growl behind him.
I really prefer it when I’m the one catching my prey unawares.
The growling increased until it was cut off by a loud howl.
Even after turning around he couldn’t see what had made the sound. All the glowing plant life made it especially difficult to recognize.
I think it’s telling you to go away.
Too bad it isn't so kind as to reveal itself to me.
Goldie naturally felt like running away. However, his rational side reminded him that fighting was precisely what he came here for. He needed to annoy the creature enough to make it show itself as an act of intimidation. Simultaniously he couldn’t piss it off to the point of getting attacked before he was ready.
Therefore, he dropped his backpack and slowly backed away while keeping his eyes peeled in the direction of the sound. The growling had remained constant, only to be interrupted by occasional bark. His entire focus was consumed by the noise, checking for any signs of sudden movement.
His trance was broken by a telepathic yell from Xander, who then swiftly overtook Goldie's motor control to dodge to the side. Even so, Goldie felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, that was shortly followed by a silver furred wolf leaping out from where he was growling and instantly biting into Goldie's sword arm, crushing the bone and forcing him to drop his weapon.
He quickly reached toward his belt and grabbed his dagger to plunge it into the wolf’s neck. Had his dagger been made of conventional metal it would’ve barely scratched the animal, but even unenchanted tarkinium made for a great cutting tool. The Wolf let out a pained yelp and quickly let go. Its hasty retreat tore the wound even further open and it was now bleeding profusely.
Goldie went closer to finish the job before getting shot in the back by another bolt.
"Mother- "
He couldn’t finish his sentence before Xander once again took over and threw him to the ground. Another arrow whistled over his head. While it may have been a good short-term solution, as soon as he turned to look where the projectiles were coming from, two more pierced his chest and lower abdomen. As he lied on the ground, bleeding out, a bearded man finally walked into his view.
"You killed my wolf, you asshole!" the man shouted at him.
"Technically it’s not dead yet," Xander wheezed.
"Shut the fuck up!" the crossbowman replied, shortly before shooting another bolt into Goldie’s leg.
Can’t you keep my mouth shut!?
Relax my friend, I’m just trying to aggravate him. He’d have shot you in the head otherwise.
"You know how long it took to bind it?" he moved a step closer. "And now you take out that fancy-ass dagger and ruin all my hard work! I hate scum like you that have it so easy because of your overpowered gear!"
Goldie’s vision was already dimming. He was sure he should have already lost consciousness but still held on with all his might. A typical Sahíl didn’t fear death, but Goldie was different. Having lived his entire life so far, knowing that death was the end, charged him with a primal fear. A refusal to simply keel over and die.
Time seemingly slowed as the raging man walked closer. Foolishly his aggressor had not paid attention to the dagger remaining in Goldie's left hand. During the rant, Goldie busily infused the it with as much Energy as it could hold. His attacker finally arrived next to him and, with a crazed look in his eyes, pulled his leg back. Just before the kick could land, Goldie telekinetically launched his dagger at the man's chest.
Energy infusion has risen to Lvl 3!
Telekinetic Projectile has risen to Lvl 2!
A moment later he heard the body flop down onto the floor next to him with a giant hole in its torso. Goldie crawled over and absorbed the anima that remained within the corpse. Thanks to his firsthand experience observing the anima inside his body, he used the absorbed anima to directly replenish his Energy instead of strengthening his soul.
[Complex skill Acquired: Anima Conversion]
Yo, you gonna suck up his soul?
I'm not going to do that again. One disembodied voice is bad enough.
What? Not going to give me any company in here? That’s too bad.
Goldie let out a painful snicker and used the freshly gained Energy to heal his wounds.
Targeted Invigoration has risen to Lvl 3!
Inexhaustible Will has risen to Lvl 5!
[Mythical skill Acquired: Undying Will]
Every part of his body ached, but he was alive.
Just in case you were wondering what his stats look like
Click here: General Information Attributes Name Xandon Jefferite Physical Mental Special Species Human STR 10 INT 8
CHR 7 Sex Male AGI 20,6 PER 5,4 INS 5,6 Age 33 years CON 10 MEM 8 WLL 27,4
Height 5"8 ft (1,76m) Stats Weight 84 kilograms Health 77,1 +10,3/h Level 12 (max. 35) Energy 78,7 +56,2/h Bonuses +1 Agility per 5 levels; +10% Agility; +20% Willpower Stamina 71,4 +17,8/min
The Wish Of The Dragon
This is a fanfic of highschool dxd, a different path of what if Issei and Rias, etc. relationship have a fall out with each other.
8 1980 -
Apocalypse at Mighty Max
God sold us out and the world ended... well, sort of. God may have sold us, or at least, our universe but our world didn't end. Instead, the new owners decided to play, and we all know what that means: Monsters, a System, Magic, Cultivation, and, of course, two new moons! Thanks for reading! I appreciate the interest. This is a rough draft and is intended to flesh out some ideas for a novel that I had. Maybe figure out if I want to do this author thing, you know? If you want immediately OP MCs, fights every chapter, a harem, this is not the story for you. Sorry about that. If you're willing to put up with a long growth curve, an MC that doesn't know what he's doing most of the time but is trying his best both to survive and to help his friends survive, you might enjoy the story. I'm just trying to have fun, maybe create something that in a second draft I can sell on the eBook market. If you're not into that, not into providing helpful comments for revisions, hey, that's cool, but do us both a favor and stop reading now. ** Oh, release schedule For the first weeks, I'll be releasing a chapter (1800-3000 words) a day. Following that, I'll be releasing whenever the mood strikes me. If I get some feedback, the mood might strike me more often, hint! hint!
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My heart || NOTTI OSAMA
a young girl and a young boy finds their love for each other through their music..but will the music keep them together?
8 159 -
cha·ris·ma/kəˈrizmə/nouncompelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others."she enchanted guests with her charisma"August Alsina X Brittney Elena
8 155