《Yin Yang Saint of Athena》Garuda Aiacos, Kill-Vearn and Death’s Ambush


As the trio of Vampire Hunter, Female Wizard and Vampire were journeying towards Sanctuary, they were met with a startling scene. As they were passing a village, they could see that numerous bodies were strewn all across numerous “X” marks scattered everywhere. There were about a three dozens of such marks. The bodies were bad damaged, with bones protruding here and there. Men, women, young and old, nobody was spared from the massacre.

The scene aroused the killing intent on both Julius and Genya. If one would observe closely, one could see that the eyes of Julius now had another color which is blue, intertwining with his black colored eyes while Genya’s was changing into bloody red. The Auras of the Strongest Vampire Hunter and 2nd Strongest Vampire Hunter could be felt within a radius of a thousand feet. Yoko was able to withstand the Auras due to the help of her Belnaldes Staff.

In half a breath’s time, a figure suddenly appeared behind Yoko and unleashed a terrifying attack.

“Garuda Flap!!!”

It turned out to be Garuda Aiacos, the one who rescued Kill-Vearn and Myst-Vearn when the two attacked Sanctuary weeks before. Faced with a surprise attack, panic can be seen on Yoko’s beautiful face. However, in a split second, a tiny figure appeared in front of her, brandishing a huge sword. The figure swiftly struck out to meet Aiacos’ blow.

“Gather by my Soul Blade!!” shouted the Devil Familiar while holding the Sword Familiar in his hands.

The spell performed by the two familiars is called Sword Brothers. It is a light-based soul attack that can sweep an area of several dozen feet. Garuda Aiacos’ attack, comprising of compressed Wind which is deployed by his huge dark wings, was resisted. Yoko, who was startled, quickly became angry, as her aura grew swiftly.


“Do you think that I am weak just because I am a woman?”

“I’ll make you pay the price!”


“Judgment Bolt!”

Yoko’s Judgment Bolt attack is a combination of the Holy element and the Lightning element. With the aid of the Belnaldes Staff, she could cast this attack effortlessly. A swift Lightning Bolt descended from the sky and went towards Aiacos in less than half a breath’s time.

Julius and Genya quickly rushed towards Yoko’s side, but they were met with a troublesome foe. Death appeared out of nowhere and brandished his Death Scythe towards the two. While the two Vampire Hunters were occupied, a hole suddenly appeared on Yoko’s side. From the hole came out another Scythe similar to Death’s, and apparently it was wielded by Kill-Vearn who had his body restored from its previous injuries.

“Die Female Wizard!” shouted Kill-Vearn as she slashed towards Yoko, intending to cut her in half.

Before Kill-Vearn’s attack could reach Yoko, a Ghost Skull suddenly appeared to block the attack. Apparently it was Genya’s Ghost Familiar. After successfully blocking the attack, a fairy suddenly appeared out of the blue on Kill-Vearn’s back. It brandished a Golden Hammer, slamming it towards Kill-Vearn’s head.

“Fairy Hammer!”

Kill-Vearn was hit by the Fairy’s attack, who turned out to be Genya’s Fairy familiar. Unknown to the ambushers, Genya silently instructed his familiars (except the bat familiar) to be at Yoko’s side. This allowed Yoko to handle the surprise attacks directed towards her with ease.


“How did you know that we have prepared an ambush?!”

“We kept our aura hidden perfectly!”

Unknown to the ambushers, a strange glint could be seen on Genya’s right eye. It was as if a miniature clock could be seen on those vampiric eyes. After Kill-Vearn’s attack, the mysterious glint disappeared unnoticed by everyone. Alucard nodded to Julius and the duo performed a well-timed combo in order to counter Death.

“Holy Clock!”

“Dark Metamorphosis!”

“Wind Blade Barrage!”

Due to Julius’ time stop ability of 6 seconds, Death remained manifested in this plane during their fight. Genya was able to deploy a barrage of Wind Blades from Crissaegrim, which thoroughly bounded Death. When Death was able to free himself afterwards, he immediately counterattacked.


“Hundred Death Scythes!”

100 miniature death scythes suddenly appeared out of thin air and moved towards the Vampire Hunters. Unfazed with such attacks, the two responded accordingly.

“Tetra Spirits x20!”

“Holy Dagger! Dagger Barrage!”

Meanwhile, Yoko was fuming with rage. Garuda Aiacos and Kill-Vearn were trying to gang-up on her. But with the defense of the 5 familiars, the Judge of the Underworld and the Agent of Velther were unable to do anything to her. But it did not stop the two from attacking.

“Galactic Illusion!”

“Scythe Boomerang!”

Faced with a storm of attacks from the two, Yoko finally went all out.


“Belnaldes Staff! I call upon my Ancestor Sypha Belnaldes!”

“Temporary Soul Merge!”

By using the Belnaldes Gem now newly embedded on the Belnaldes Staff, Yoko is able to temporarily merge with the residual soul of her ancestor, Sypha. With the merge, all of the battle prowess, experience, skills, spells and techniques of the latter can be invoked by the former for a time it takes for an incense to burn.

“Foolish Heathens!”

“Trying to assassinate the Heir of Belnaldes?”

“Die Scum of the Underworld!”

“Holy Infusion!”


“Holy Chain Lightning!”

“Holy Firestorm!”

“Holy Icicle Barrage!”

“Holy Earthen Spikes!”

Yoko infused Holy Attribute towards her Belnaldes Staff, and all of the 4 powerful spells casted in succession were imbued with the Holy Element, which Aiacos and Kill-Vearn were weak towards. Although the 4 attacks are all AOE type, the strength in each spell can even injure Julius, who is strong against Holy.

Garuda Aiacos’ eyes narrowed as he sensed an approaching doom. Without hesitation, he decided to stake it all with his all-out attack.

“Galatica Death Bring!”

Kill-Vearn wouldn’t be outdone. He also cast his ultimate scythe skill.

“Spatial Scythe Strash!”

However, their major attacks only subdued two out of the 4 powerful spells of Yoko. The other two hit them squarely in the chest. Aiacos’ Wings were both torn, his Surplice was badly damaged as pieces of his flesh were mangled. Kill-Vearn was in a worse state, as only his head was remaining. His robotic body got pulverized by Yoko’s spells.

Death, on the other hand, was being cornered by both Julius and Genya. Left without any other choice, Death chose to recall his Death Scythe from the body-less Kill-Vearn.

“Scythe of Death!”

“Chaotic Whirlwind Strash!”

For the first time, Death spoke the name of his technique. He seldom spoke, even in battles, unless he’s using his full power. Faced with Death’s timely move, both Genya and Alucard Decided not to hold anything back.

“Shield Rod! Knight Shield!”

“Shield Rod and Knight Shield Combo!”

“Dual Gigantic Knight Blades!”

Seeing Genya use his signature Shield Rod and Shield combo, Julius also casted his strongest technique.


“Time Stop!”

“Cross Boomerang!”

“Giant Holy Cross!”

Loads of dust and debris can be seen as a giant explosion resulted in the clash of the powers of Death, Genya and Julius. Death was indeed a tough nut to crack. When everything cleared after half a dozen breaths, Death can be seen holding Aiacos and Kill-Vearn’s head as he spoke.

“Foolish Alucard!”

“Wretched Belmont!”

“Damned Belnaldes!”

“You three will pay for this!”

“See you all in the upcoming Holy War!”

In a short as a blink of the eye, Death used his spatial skill and teleported out of the area, while Genya, Julius and Yoko could only watch.

“Let’s go! Time to rendezvous with Avan and Sapphire in Sanctuary.”

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