《Yin Yang Saint of Athena》Genya Gathers His Familiars – Memories and Powers Fully Unsealed


Upon retrieving Crissaegrim, Genya felt a familiar aura hovering above their heads. After two breaths, a beautiful little fairy can be seen hovering near the ceiling.

“Greetings Master Alucard!” said the Little Fairy.

Genya looked at the Little Fairy and muttered “Along with the sealing of my powers came the sealing of some of my memories.”

“Now that I have unsealed my powers, the memories are flooding back.”

“When I sealed Crissaegrim before, I also sealed my Fairy Familiar with it.”

“If only I opted to use it during the confrontation against Celia, Dimitri and Dario, things wouldn’t have gone this way.”

“But no matter! The Fairy will lead me to my Devil Familiar.”

Genya looked at Julius and said “My Devil Familiar is sealed with Trevor’s eyepatch. This eyepatch contains his powers, and will further strengthen your physique.”

“You will also be able to inherit his memories and execute all of his techniques with the Vampire Killer.”

Genya then looked at Yoko and said “My Devil Familiar will lead us to where my Ghost and Sword Familiars are.”

“My Ghost and Sword Familiars are sealed together with the Holy Glasses, the very same Holy Glasses that Maria Renard gave to me when I confronted Richter Belmont centuries ago.”

“With it, we can see what the naked eye cannot.”

“It will greatly help us in our battle against Soma.”

“Let us go deeper in these Catacombs. The Fairy will show us the way.”

Genya flipped an extinguished torch hanging on one side. After a couple of breaths the stone beside it moved, revealing a passage way. Also, numerous extinguished torchers suddenly emitted fire and light. This allowed the trio with a fairy to see what was ahead.

As the group travelled down, they encountered many hindrances. Most of these hindrances comprised of Devils, Ghosts and Animated Swords. The souls of these creatures were influenced by Alucard’s Familiars, hence they were able to gain sentience. Thinking that the trio with a fairy are after the sealed familiars, the natural instincts of these creatures told them to stop the group.


Genya is unstoppable due to Crissaegrim. Devils, ghosts, souls, Animated Swords, Animated Armors, Skeleton Guards and the like were swept away with a flick of his wrist. Thousands of Wind Blades capable of destroying anything were unleashed. This made the journey of the group smoother, as these creatures posed zero threat to them, especially now that they have powered up. The group then came into contact on the stone figures of a Bat and a Devil which were on top of a Jade Like Altar. If Richter were here he would be able to identify the two as the Devil Familiar and the Bat Familiar.

“Little Fairy, go and unseal Little Devil and Little Bat” instructed Genya.

“Yoko, please guard Little Fairy.”

“Although my Familiars cannot die, they will fall asleep if they are targeted by Soul Attacks.”

“Julius, do you sense the familiar sensation?” asked Genya.

“Yes, it seems that another Legion has been formed. Its aura seems to come from the other room” Julius said, while pointing at the door towards the adjacent room.

“Let’s quickly take care of it.”

“But before that, you need to equip this first.”

Genya retrieved the eyepatch on the hands of Little Devil and handed it to Julius.

“With this, you can grow even stronger and unleash your Belmont prowess even more in battle!”

Genya and Julius rushed towards the other room, where they saw a floating white ball comprised of corpses. A big eye can be seen at its center, while three small eyes can be seen in a triangular formation around the big eye.

The big eye noticed the two and immediately deployed a huge laser beam and three small ones which headed directly towards Genya. Having sensed that Genya is more of a threat, its instinct opted it to attack Genya out of the blue.

Seeing this, Genya was unmoved. He closed his eyes and gathered his aura. After half a breath, he opened his eyes and exuded a strong Vampiric Aura.

“Dark Metamorphosis!”

“Hellfire! Dark Inferno!”

Two huge black balls comprised of the fieriest fires of Hell was formed in a split second. Genya pointed his finger towards the incoming laser beams and the two black balls headed towards the beams in a straight-on collision.


As if a black hole, the Dark Inferno black balls absorbed the lasers, while picking up speed as it moved towards legion. Legion, sensing that the black balls were dangerous, opted to construct a wall of corpses in order to shield itself from Genya’s attack.

As if a hot knife cutting thru butter, the two black balls were unhindered, as it consumed all of the corpses comprising the corpse wall that blocked it’s way. Startled, Legion could only opt to move itself towards one side to dodge the attack. But alas, the black balls were as if they had eyes, as both of it moved towards the large eyeball of legion.

Meanwhile, Genya can be seen charging his Vampiric Aura once more. Julius, on the other side, was also preparing to use his Holy Combo. After a couple of breaths time, the two simultaneously unleashed their attacks.

“Soul Steal”

“Holy Rain!”

Both AOE attacks hit home and the trigger was the dark inferno fireballs that hit the large eye of Legion. Suffering from three attacks at the same time, one on its main eye, one attack directed on its flesh and one attack directed on its soul, Legion let out a growl of grief and helplessness. All of the corpses were thoroughly absorbed by the black balls, before the latter vanished, as if a black hole closing up. The Holy Rain melted all of the corpses, even their rotten cores and bones, leaving faint traces of Legion on the floor.

Suddenly, a faint white light can be seen flying, trying to get out of the large room. If one would observe the light, one can see that it is a small eyeball that seems to be injured, with green colored blood flowing out of its wounds. Before it could get out of the room, it was met with a devilish spear. The devilish spear penetrated it, before the eyeball combusted into flames. Within a couple of breaths, it has already turned into ashes.

The devilish spear was shot out by the Devil Familiar, while Yoko and Fairy can be seen walking into the room together with it and a black bat.

“Greetings Master Alucard!”

After greeting Genya, the Devil Familiar did not hesitate to flip a hidden switch hidden on the upper right portion of the large room. It turns out that in order to reclaim the Ghost and Sword familiars, Genya really needed to defeat the manifested Legion for the switch.

With a loud thud, another secret door opened. Contained therein was a Sword Light embedded on the wall. The sword seemed to have sentience as it kept on grumbling about being left there for a long time. The ghost, on the other hand, was silently floating on its side. Genya was the first to enter the room, followed by the two Familiars and then Julius and Yoko.

Sensing the familiar aura of their master, the Ghost Familiar and Sword Familiar quickly flew towards Genya and both of them simultaneously greeted in unison.

“Greetings! Master Alucard!”

The Holy Glasses can be found strapped on the Sword Familiar. Genya retrieved it and gave it to Yoko immediately.

“With this, you can see evil that the naked eyes cannot.”

“Your powers will also become stronger once you equip it, my lady.”

Yoko blushed for a short moment before nodding. She immediately took the Holy Glasses and equipped them. Her power exploded forth as her Aura grew stronger by several times just like Julius. Genya then beckoned his 5 familiars with his hand.

“Gather, my Familiars!”

The 5 Familiars then circled Genya, and they were all absorbed towards the middle of Genya’s brows. A bright light was emitted was Genya’s body, and his Vampiric Aura swiftly grew stronger again. This Aura made the Vampire Killer Whip and the Belnaldes Staff tremble in the hands of Julius and Yoko.

“Our task here is done.”

“Let’s go back to Sanctuary and meetup with everyone.”

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