《Minecraft: A New Beginning》Episode 23: The Battle in the Nether (3)


******* Carolus' POV *******

This is not an easy journey at all.

I was just minding my own business hunting some blazes and endermen when suddenly two armies appeared and started fighting.

I got stuck in the nether for three weeks because of this. Three weeks!

Bloody monsters.

They suddenly appeared out of nowhere and started fighting each other.

The pigmen and the wither skeletons are now furiously fighting right now and I'm just standing in the middle of it swinging to whoever comes at me.

I'm caught in the middle of their fighting and force to defend myself.

This is the reason why I was stuck in the nether for three weeks since I was also forced to flee and hide.

'I wonder why they suddenly start fighting? What spark this conflict?'

'It was so peaceful in the first 3 days I was here. What happened?'

My thoughts were interrupted when I can see a giant pigman about 2 blocks tall about to attack me.

He has a giant mace on his hand.

He started to swing his mace but before he can hit me, I just swing my giant hammer to him.

His weapon and armor broke.

He flew across the battlefield and managed to hit his allies and all of them that got hit died on the ground.

Another giant wither skeleton appeared behind me.

He is equipped with a stone sword and has a chainmail armor.

I didn't bother to give the guy the chance to attack me and just switch my weapon into a sword and cut him in half.

I can see on both sides pigmen and wither skeletons charging at me.


Will all of you leave me alone already!

How am I supposed to get home with this!?

******* Queen Thea's POV *******

There are finally here.

The army of Xaerin.

We have been furiously preparing for them for three weeks.

Thankfully this castle is well built so enemies can't just knock them down with projectiles.

The walls are also tall too.

The enemies will be having trouble climbing these walls.

The moat is also very useful since they can't just dig a tunnel underneath us without flooding the tunnel with water and drown themselves.

The castle is only partially surrounded.

The enemies divided themselves into three groups.

The main group is on the side of the gate in the west while the other two are on the north and south.

They didn't bother to cover the east side since they figured we got nowhere to run.

I'm standing on top of the gate in the west wall waiting for the enemies to move.

The sun is about to rise and I can now fully see the enemy flags raised in the distance.

I can see about a thousand of them in front of me so I have to assumed the other two thousand are in the north and south wall.

The general said to only defend the west side since it is the only place they can get inside if they managed to break down the gate and just have the other walls to be lightly manned but I turned his idea down and just have all the walls equally defended. I don't want any surprises and be prepared for anything.


The walls and towers of this castle now have soldiers manning them.

They are equipped with decent weapons and armors.

I was worried about the supply of arrows since we don't have a lot of them but thankfully there is a lot of wood in the storage room in this castle.

I was hesitant to use it first since it doesn't belong to me but Arthur insisted since we really need it right now.

I said to him that I will make sure to pay King Carolus back for all the things we used and for staying in his territory without his consent.

I also entrust Arthur to lead the southern wall.

Every officer I have protested about my decision but I just ignored them since Arthur is once a general and a very strong fighter.

The northern wall is commanded by the general of my army and I lead the western wall.

After the break of dawn, I can see the enemies charging towards the castle.


They didn't even bother to parley with us and just immediately attack.

They probably thought they can defeat us since we are outnumbered six to one.

I ordered my soldiers to start firing arrows to the coming enemies.

I can see the enemies slowly dying in our hail of arrows but they are still charging.

They managed to reach the moat and started placing planks to cross the moat and began climbing towards the wall.

I know this will happen and just ordered to start shooting fire arrows.

The wooden planks quickly caught fire and burn everyone who is starting to climb.

I can see another group of enemies starting to attack the gate.

They managed to build a temporary bridge and they are holding a battering ram made out of oak wood.

They started banging on the gate.

I was worried that they might knock it down but I remembered that it is made out of iron and just ignored them.

I still can't believe the amount of iron spent in this castle.

There are also other things that surprised me here but I focused on the problem at hand.

A long time has passed of this battle.

We managed to hold out the castle for a whole day.

They didn't get the chance to get on the wall or knock down the gate.

The north and south wall also managed to repel their enemies and the east wall is untouched since they didn't fight any enemies.

Night time slowly comes and the enemies are starting to fall back.

I watch them slowly march back to their camps.

I ordered some of the soldiers to go out to clean the bodies on the ground. Arthur strongly suggested this since he said hordes of monsters will come if we left them alone because of the scent of blood.

After sorting things after the battle, I started walking back to the keep to rest.

The enemies will probably keep attacking until they run out of soldiers to send to die.

'I'm confident this castle will not fall.' I keep saying myself this so I won't lose hope.


I managed to reach the map room and I can see Arthur and the general arguing about something.

They quickly shut their mouths the moment they saw me.

At least they have the decency to stop fighting when I'm around.

"What is the status of our army?" I asked my general.

"My queen, luckily we didn't have any injured people or death in our army." He quickly answered my question.

Good. At last some good news.

"We should try attacking them at night while their guard is down." I can hear Arthur saying something while looking at the maps.

Both I and the general quickly looked at Arthur.

"What are you talking about, commoner? We can't afford to be sending soldiers outside the wall since we barely have enough to defend this castle." The general said to Arthur with a snark.

"What are you suggesting Arthur?" I just ignored the general and asked him a question.

"There is a tunnel underneath this castle that leads to this area." He pointed an area on the map.

His hand is on the north about 70-80 blocks away from the castle.

It is probably the middle of the camp of the northern enemy army.

"Why would there be a tunnel that runs outside this castle? Isn't that a weakness in the defense." The general suddenly asked Arthur a question.

"It is originally a mine shaft dug by King Carolus. The entrance is barred with iron bars so I doubt the enemy can just stroll inside and attack this castle and the entrance is also hidden among the forest so the enemies will not able to find it. They are also other redstone traps in this castle that he taught me before he went with his journey so we are safe in case they managed to follow us here in the tunnel." Arthur explained to us.

He is now saying some absurd things again about this King Carolus but I ignored it since the plan he suggested is not bad.

I also don't know what is this redstone traps he is talking about but I trust him.

"Let's go with that plan Arthur," I said after thinking for a moment.

We no longer have any other plans since we are stuck here anyway and we are not expecting any reinforcement.

"But my queen..." The general is about to protest but I just raised my hand to shut him up.

Both of them are about to leave when suddenly the door of the map room suddenly burst open and a soldier came in.

"My queen! There is something happening on the east side of the castle!" A soldier immediately delivered sudden news.

Me, Arthur and the general quickly ran to the roof of the keep to see what is going on.

We quickly saw a horde of zombies on the east side marching towards here.

I quickly ordered the whole garrison to wake up and defend the castle.

The zombies even though there are a lot in numbers, cannot get over the walls and just get stuck on the moat.

They are quickly dispatched with arrows fired on the ramparts and towers.

I was glad that everything is going well until we suddenly can hear screaming around us in the distance.

We didn't know what it was but we know it is screams of human beings.

'What is going on?' I asked myself since none of my people knew what is happening.

The ground suddenly started to tremble like the world is being hit by large blocks falling from the sky.

I focused my eyes on the darkness beyond the east wall.

I ordered my troops to start firing fire arrows to be able to see on the distance.

The fire arrows managed to temporarily light up a giant being.

We managed to saw it all even for a moment.

It is a giant zombie.

We didn't see anything like this at all in our entire life. Not even our long history of fighting monster invasions.

Morale of the army quickly plummeted down but I managed to keep them in line since panicking will not help us right now and we have nowhere to go.

The giant zombie slowly walks towards here and the light of the lamps finally reaches him.

He is now 6 to 7 blocks away.

I ordered to rain arrows on that monster to stop him.

The giant zombie didn't seem to mind all the arrows stuck in his body and just keep on walking.

He is about to step on the moat when suddenly I can see an arrow flying towards his face.

The arrow quickly exploded upon contact and all of the people that saw that suddenly stop on their actions.

The zombie slowly falls on his back and hit the ground.

The ground shook greatly when the giant's back hit the ground.

'What is that? What is happening now?'

I can now hear some people cheering on the ground of the castle and quickly lean over to see what it is.

I can now see a man wearing a blue armor running towards the east wall.

He is probably King Carolus that Arthur keeps talking about.

He then jumps towards the top of the wall and managed to land in a single leap.

'What!?' I shouted in my head.

Everyone was so surprised about what happened except Arthur.

He didn't stand on top of the wall for too long and quickly jumps over the wall to the outside.

I immediately run towards the stairs to get out of this keep and head to the east wall.

Arthur and the general followed me along with all of my personal guards.

Around 200 people now stand on the east wall of the castle.

I can now see King Carolus standing on top of the giant zombie with a sword in his hand.

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