《Would you please become the Demon Lord? (COMPLETED)》Chapter 15: A Challenge for Destiny
Chapter 15 “Tell me why I should not obliterate the both of you right now…” I hate it when people corners me. Is being intelligent only meant to take advantage? I wonder if I should blast this damnable bird. Is he proving he is smarter than me so that I will not destroy humanity? Is he going to bombard me with his knowledge and win an argument with me to force its will against me? Do I really need to tolerate such existence? So what if I will not destroy humanity? I can change that the very second when I feel like it. This kind of persons who use their intellect to bend other’s will is really irritating. “Becau…” before it could finish its speech, I blasted the ground beside them and the woman was send flying a few meters from him. The bird was now speechless and its eyes were round as a ball. “You may be wise but be careful on what you speak with. You have your will but you should never use that intellect in forcing me to do something.” My tone sounded deep without me noticing. In the first place, why am I angry? Ah that is it huh… I encountered people like this back then too. People who crown themselves as wise- men. Slowly influencing you into doing something without you knowing. That kind of feeling when you believe what they say. Someday you realize that you have been manipulated because you are not wise enough. I feel that kind of vibe from this imprudent bird. It is one thing if others are teaching me but if it is only to slap me in the face with intellect and manipulate me, that will not end well. The human female that was sent flying earlier struggled to stand up from her spot and she fell a few times. I really look man-eating right now. I can’t help it when agitated. I think my face contort ferociously for the bird to tremble. Is it really because I lack knowledge that others can take advantage of me? I am working that out but why is it that still have not stopped? “Please calm down your excellency.” The tone of the bird was now a bit more respectful and tactful far from his confident tone earlier. “We do not come to agitate you but to ask for leniency.” They came for a favor yet they wanted to be on equal standing? What is wrong with these people? Am I their assistant? Those who ask for something should lower their head. Show respect and be humble. Why would they still hold into their dignity? Can dignity grant their wish then? “You could have gone straight to the point and not pose as someone who can conquer all with intellect. You may be the bird of knowledge but I am the demon lord. Try to manipulate me and I will split even your plane in half.” “Yes… I apologize.” The bird lowered its head finally and started to act someone asking for a favor. Why am I even doing this? Do I even need to do this in the first place? Is this the result of trying to be tolerant to others? I could have ignored them and do my own thing but why do I feel like I need to interact with them? They are the enemy I hated and still hated until now. Why is there a need to connect with them? That stupid tree taught me some troublesome things. I should have erased them from the start and my job would be easier and consistent. “You know… I could ignore you and destroy humanity once and for all. Then the job the cool sister left me will come to an end. The thing I hate the most is complications.” The bird flew and fetched the human female and presented her to me once again. The bird hummed a song and I saw how the wounds of the female started to heal with incredible rate. “Please do not do that.” The voice of the female still trembles but her greenish eye started to have this mysterious glint. “And why wouldn’t I? You guys created demon lords for your own selfish reasons. Made them shoulder the burden in saving your own race. Now you are forcing me to do the same. At what price will you pay then?” The human female was out of words . She was looking at me directly and she was trying hard to come up with something but seem to not think of something in the end. I can stand here all day and point out all your flaws and you will still end up being tongue-tied. Your race is corrupt and evil by nature. There is no denying that. The world has seen it all and I saw it all first hand. How humanity can be worse than animals. “That was the sin of my predecessors. That should not be imposed upon me! I did nothing wrong and I am not part in creating those demon lords!” “But you are enjoying the fruit of those evil deeds. Are you saying that it is right to spend the money your sibling has stolen from other?” I am amazed that words were coming to me on their own. “But… but…” “Accept it… Even the goddess has accepted how evil you all are. Your race will not find peace with yourselves without demon lords. All your empires will turn against each other like mad dogs with the absence of a powerful demon lord to keep the reigns of war. Tell me little lady. Are you worth the trouble?” “They might end up killing each other like you said demon lord but you are only looking at the result. I challenge you! And I will show you that humans can survive without you just fine!” I was at lost for word now. Is that so? If there are no monsters for them to fight, then where will their armies go? Where their swords would be pointed at? In the end wouldn’t they use it to oppress others? Throughout history, humanity is self-destructive race. Even when you leave them alone, they will still mess up and destroy their very own lives through various means. Should I really take this challenge? I am curious to see. Just how far humanity can go without someone keeping them at bay. I looked at the two creatures were looking at me straight without flinching even how much pressure I start to apply. I wonder if it’s the tenacity of human race once again. Even I, who hated them, got to commend them for that quality. Some members of human race just keep on coming even how much you try to squash them flat. I wonder if that kind of setting will work too. If I leave them alone, wouldn’t that also taking away the trouble for me and they will soon destroy themselves? I have all the time in world and I can simply watch them burn. Though I am a bit worried if I am slowly being manipulated once again through words without me noticing. I really hate talking with wise people which is not on my side. “A challenge… A bet in which I am guaranteed to win and yet you still dare to put your future for an uncertain one. You could end me and that will all solve the problem. I can just end you all and all my troubles will come to an end too. Why should I take it?” “Because this is the only way I can show you, someone who lost all faith in humanity.” “Bwaahahahahahahaha…. Hahahahahaha” I suddenly burst out in laughter and somehow my sides hurt. I? Lost faith in humanity? I don’t even have one in the first place! I who was taken the liberty in experiencing faith in humanity. Am now being told that they can show me faith in humanity? This is too funny. “Your challenge only leads to complications my dear. All the complications I can avoid and here you are delivering them straight to my door. Hahahaha… I really like how humans think. They are so brave to tackle something that leads their future astray! Do you know that same mindset cost the entire life of a planet in my world?” The both of them turned pale suddenly. That is right. That same curiosity to see what lies ahead. The drive to achieve something which is not meant. It only leads to complication and suffering. "You humans and all the humans in my world have the same way of thinking. You all only vary in reason but in the end your process is all the same. The forbidden apple always dangles in the face of you all." “Let’s say I will agree to that.” I tried to stop my laugh and managed somehow. “What will happen to the army which only knows how to swing their sword for a living? How many humans will die out of hunger? How will you control your own numbers for the supply to keep up with your needs? You humans will grow in numbers needing more land and resources. War for territory and resources will break out and other races will be affected by that. So many complications will come if I say I agree with your challenge. Are you still feeling brave for the challenge?” The two of them started to contemplate for answers now. That is right; this is the hard face of reality. There can never be a way which does not step on something. Solutions will not fly, they struggle to crawl. I wonder how much answer they can think off before I break it to them. I am looking forward to it. The two of them were muttering words which I can’t comprehend. It would seem like they entered a world of their own in which only them exist. Their private conversations went on back and forth for a few minutes. I remain patient waiting how creative they can be. That is how you struggle. “Why do you always try to base your reasons to the answers which have not yet arrived? How can you be so sure of them? Human minds changes the very second and your reasons might be correct but that is not yet facts. That is just your assumptions. That is why we are challenging you to prove that those assumptions were wrong!” “Eh? Assumptions? Little girl… How old do you think I am?” “Obviously not much older than me!” “I lived longer than you can imagine little one. I have seen a lifetime come to an end. I felt how a human life can be. Why do you think I am the demon lord and not someone? Do you think the goddess makes mistake in choosing who to send?” “You are human?” this time the bird entered the conversation again. “Let’s see… I am defined as one in the papers… Though I have not lived as a human…” “What do you mean?” this little lady is somehow exhausting to talk with. “The words I said are the literal meaning. What meaning are you still asking for?” “So you are someone that led a sad life then.” She was having a smug expression in her face like she figured out something. “Hmmm… You can say so… though it was satisfying when I got my revenge so it is not too bad I guess.” I smiled picturing the faces of those damn baldies when they rushed to my containment just to see that someone blew up the door with explosives. That was the first time I felt me again and the following events were not that great but still exciting on their own. “Then let me show you another side how human live.” She extended her little hands towards me like offering. Somehow I can see the forbidden apple dangling in my front. Is this the feeling of those sinners when they are offered with the apple of temptation? It was like something is urging me to find out. Like my being wanted to see what I failed to see back then. Though my reasoning is still intact and I know that it will also lead to trouble in the end. What can I learn from the other side? “Are you tempting me by any chance?” even I know that it is a dumb question but I still want to ask anyway. “Does it somehow temp you?” “I say a little bit.” “That is enough then. Let me show you how colorful our lives are. I want you to see the different hues of our lives.” In the end, I reached out for that extended little arm. I know that bad guys won’t have happy endings but I still want to see. How does it feel to be free as a human not a free demon lord? Can it fill the huge gap in my being or it will only expand? Even I don’t know the answer but I am excited to find out. “I guess it is the destiny of the bad guys to get tricked.” It’s been two months since the sudden disappearance of all the demon lord’s minions. Once again, the whole Mirth was under confusion with the sudden development. The front line of the human alliance lost opponents. The strongholds of the demon race lost their hunters. Somehow everyone is happy but there is this kind of tension floating in the air. Everyone is having their own guesses but no one has actually thought that a demon lord was currently hugging a rare plant pot on a side street with an intoxicated look in his face. “Let go you stupid human!” “You idiot! You can just pay for it so why are you running?” “Why should I pay for claiming the gifts of nature? They don’t own this just because they own the pot!” Adarna was looking at the comical scene of an idiotic demon lord and his master Lisa. Demon lord Drake is like a kid who went to the zoo for the first time and he can be fascinated by a lot of things. The problem is that he is fond of taking it and claiming it as his own escalating things like now. For a being granted with the power to decide the destiny of the race, it is really worrying. “Master… just pay it off.” Adarna was exhausted being together with a childish demon lord and a child master. After Lisa apologized to the shop owner repeatedly while paying, the issue has been resolved finally. Adarna watch in amusement when some thugs tried to steal with how eye catching red guy with them. Sadly, they ended up with broken fingers and wrist. Sometimes he can’t blame the demon lord for wanting to squash humanity once and for all to avoid future troubles. Though that method would also lead to more complication and soon the world might really end if that happened. “Why are you so barbaric?” Lisa complained while both of her hands were placed in her hips. “My actions are justified. Backed up by reasons in which reality can testify. How about I ask why you are so soft?” “Soft?” Lisa’s cheeks were a bit red and Adarna can only shake his head. “Demon Lord can use words gentler next time ok? The question can have double meaning especially if you are staring down to a female.” Adarna secretly sent his words towards the demon lord. While the two of them were quarreling, a bunch of guards approached them. Their voices were not exactly low and they are starting to get more attention from the onlookers. Especially Drake who has a tactless way of speaking. “Is there a problem in here?” A man with a dignified voice asked the two quarreling pair. “None at all sirs.” “Yes there is!” The two of them answered at the same time which the guard can only come into conclusion that this pair is really having trouble. “You two are disturbing the public in the open so I would like to invite the both of you into our station please.” “Wait… We will be quiet now and not be a disturbance anymore.” Lisa tried to remedy the situation. She started to pinch the side of the demon lord which resulted into a grimace of Drake. “Can I trust that will happen?” “Dude the word trust cannot apply to you human race.” Drake said and all the people who heard it frowned. “What are you exactly saying?” “I am saying how you all only knows to take advantage and all your words can’t be trusted at all.” All the guards look into each other and had their conversation with their eyes. Then suddenly all them pounce together towards the trio. After a few minutes, the three of them were locked behind the bars of the guard station. “Why the hell do I need to tolerate this?! It is one thing that you forbid me to use magic but now you are asking me to tolerate imprudent bugs!” Drake screamed and his voice was heard by the guards at the station. “This bug can show you where the dumpster is!” “Quite!” “Boss let me have a go at him! I feel like he is not just insulting us but humanity in general!” The station was buzzing with all kinds of voices and Lisa’s face was streaming with tears of regret. “Why do I need to take this demon lord? I wish to return him…” Adarna can only shake his head as he stayed at the table of one of the officers in the station. “This is one side of life Master… You are doing fine.” His tone is both a mix of pleasure and a bit of worry.
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Sorcery in Boston
The timid daughter of some of the greatest spellcasters ever to have lived has found herself in another world, courtesy of magic gone awry. In Boston, Massachusetts, in the year 1935, she finds some kind souls in a hard era. In the heart of the Great Depression, as war looms around the corner, she seeks to find her place, and must come to terms with both who she is and what she truly desires. Author's Notes: Release Note: I recently realized what the hold up is. My current mental state is not compatible with the planned ending. If I wrote the ending according to what currently feels right, it will be a wretched, cruel ending that feels monstrously unfair and invalidates the work of the various characters... because that's how my life feels at the moment. The planned ending is coming out hollow and awkward, no matter how I write it, and so I've been bashing my head. I will finish it, once I manage to either brute force something decent out, or once my head gets screwed on straight. Audience: This story is not for young children - it contains some profanity, sexual content, violence, gore, and significant adult themes. Most of these are handled delicately enough not to upset teens or adults (hopefully), hence the lack of relevant tags, but it is nonetheless unsuitable for youth. It's fairly slow paced, and focused on the development of very human, very flawed individuals. Length / Completion Estimates: The outline currently involves two books. Book 1 is expected to be done with Chapter 43. It'll probably be completely finished by sometime in March of this year. I expect to move on to the far-more-lighthearted Of Gods and Dungeons (currently in progress / on hiatus). Afterwards, I may decide to redo Book 1, or write Book 2, or actually start sharing the story most dear to me, that I've been working on for several years now. Draft 1: Please be aware that this is first draft material. I do intend to come back to do a second draft after the story is complete. If anyone notices any issues whatsoever with the story, please let me know (pm, etc) so that I can improve the second draft. Writer's Pledge: I've taken the Writer's Pledge, meaning I'm commiting to completing this story. I'm a proud member of WriTE, a group dedicated to finishing stories. It will be done! Behind the Scenes notes: This picture was commissioned from an inked artist by the name of DanP. Up until the time of the protagonist's arrival, history has proceeded as before. Some places and characters have been borrowed from wikipedia entries of interesting figures from the time. I will make note in the chapter comments when such things come up. Naturally, I've taken a great deal of liberty with them. In interest of respecting individuals, I've either attempted to portray them as accurately as possible, or modified them sufficiently enough that they're simply an inspiration, instead of a real portrayal. I've attempted to be as accurate to the era as possible, but I'm not a historian. If you're aware of inaccuracies, please, bring them to my attention so that I can correct them.
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