《Alteration》Alteration Chapter 7 [OLD]
Part of the old story, make sure to check out the remade Alteration here.
An old forest bathed in moonlight stood in complete silence. Only occasionally a rustle,caused by a weak breeze, would interfere with the absolute stillness. Nothing could be heard beneath the trees and nothing could be seen, except some shadows that appeared for a moment and were gone in the next, unclear if they were made up by imagination or reality. The air was fresh and clean, enriched with subtle whiffs of fallen leaves, grass and wood. The trees which were scattered everywhere weren't tall but very broad and strong with big, thick roots. Some were visible on the surface but even more were hidden deep bellow the surface. Some roots, combined with the uneven dirt, formed small hallows. Such a hallow was used by a certain new adventurer which breathed heavily and peeked every now and then out to checked his surroundings.
Ugh I must calm myself. It would be quite bad if my heavy breathing alarmed them...
Why did I choose this ground just because it was the nearest beginner area?! I should have gathered some information about the place before... maybe about the general terrain, valuable grasses and, most important of all, what kind of abominations lurk in it! Why didn't I just pick Lorasawa's forest for level gaining? It would have taken a bit longer to get there, but I would have fought against Wild dogs and not these creatures that look like they emreged out of a really weird, disturbing nightmare...
He carefully peeked out again and checked his surroundings.
Looks like I'm safe here. How much longer do I have to wait?
He whispered as silently as possible.
-''Current status.''
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Level 2
Health: 56%
Mana: 87%[br][/br][/col][/box]
Looks like the herbs which I gathered did their job, but I burned through eight Medical herbs way too fast.I thought that it would suffice for the whole night, not four hours... Well I regained a solid amount of health and my mana recovered a lot. I don't think that it would be good to just wait here for my health to regenerate on its own without the herbs' effect. I have enough health to take on some of them if they cross my path. I must move and hope to find some restoration item or some beast whose meat I can cook.
Blake got out of the hallow and slowly sneaked around with his Cinder rain stuff ready. He always tried to stay in the shadows and look out for the roots so that he doesn't trip.
Slow and steady, that's right... I hope that I'll spot them sooner than they spot me, it was a disaster last time... I can't believe they are even classified as beginner mobs. Their level is low but that certainly doesn't seem to bother them. Maybe I could ambush them with enough luck this time. I'll give it another shot before I go to any other area. I still have a lot of time before the quest end, better use it for leveling. I could make another few quests and give them to some players but I'd prefer to start a bit simpler in the beginning and see how it goes. Maybe going back and strategising with Teruna, Rose and dad would be a good idea... but if I wait until tomorrow I'll also know the results of the quest so we would have a clearer oversight. Ah I'll just forget everything about that for now and concentrate on hunting. Lets see what I got for now.
Blake stopped and leaned against a tree while looking into his bag.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]5x Small Pieces of fur
Very soft and durable petite fur. [br][/br][/col][/box]
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]1x Thick branch
An ordinary sturdy and broad branch. [br][/br][/col][/box]
This is worth its weight in gold. Good thing I found it before it was too late...
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]13x Nuts
An ordinary nut. [br][/br][/col][/box]
I'm not really hungry and this could be quite good as a distraction.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]2x Miniature dagger
Blade type: needless aesthetic indentations
A small iron dagger. [br][/br][/col][/box]
Digging daggers out of your thigh and arm isn't really the way I want to get items...
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]4x Menu coris
A plant used in various potions and other things[br][/br][/col][/box]
Is this a coincidence or do they also do Herbalism? Maybe they use it in another way like for food. This is also the last thing that I found. Better get moving.
Blake started to sneak again and slowly went from tree to tree while nervously looking around himself.
I need to be concentrated, they could come out of nowhere at any time. My guard must be up at all times.
He readied his staff and kept on looking around himself. The forest around him was silent and he couldn't hear anything except his own heartbeat.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]A young hedgehog has requested your help[br][/br][/col][/box]
Blake was startled by the obnoxious ringing and yelled out while jumping aside. It surprised him even more because of the fact that the forest was perfectly silent so the ring seemed much louder than it actually was. He ran as quick as he could for a few seconds until he reached a new hallow.
Only I can hear the window ringing, but anyone could have noticed my scream... better hide again. There is no telling how many of them heard that.
After tightly squeezing himself into the hallow he put the window in front of himself and noticed a blank space where he could put in text. He had a confused expression on his face but started to slowly type.
I think I remember hearing Teruna mention something like this, though the message really tells the whole story.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]What happened? [br][/br][/col][/box]
A response immediately appeared on the screen.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Hunting three days in a row. Exhausted. Wanted to stop and find shelter. Think I am surrounded. Completely exhausted! Am in trouble. [br][/br][/col][/box]
The cogs and wheels in Blake's mind worked as fast as possible while he thought about the situation.
According to Teruna she sent them all separately away so that they do some kind of hedgehog growing ritual. Looks like this one overexerted itself and got in a trap. But what's with the language? Maybe it's just trying to give as much information as possible or could it be that their language turned to this during their years of fleeing?
Blake started to type fast.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Are you sure that you are completely surrounded? No way out?
Describe your surroundings.
Mountain. High trees in front of me. Rock wall behind me. Hear rustling sounds from everywhere and know from before that enemies near. [br][/br][/col][/box]
Ugh, he is cornered. This is bad.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Who is the enemy?
Beluni warriors. [br][/br][/col][/box]
This doesn't really help... Better be clear, they could attack any second Only fear is making them hesitate.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Weapons? Size? Attacks? Number? Give me anything strategically important.
Hand axes, maces. Medium size, up to your waist. Hunting in groups with commanders. No ranged weapons up til now. No special abilities. Light armor, but very agile. [br][/br][/col][/box]
So humanoid shaped enemies that hunt in groups and have leaders. Weird that they don't have any ranged attack but that's excellent for us. They also have light armor... Maybe they are some kind of savages. Well I see now what I'm dealing with, but what are my options?
Blake shook his head and did his best to stay calm.
First of all the current situation.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Any changes in the situation?
Louder rustling. Maybe starting to prepare themselves? Hurry!
What is your status? How weak are you?
I'm not well. Exhausted. Three day non stop hunting.
No wounds? Could you muster some strength for what's coming? I can't do anything without you.
Maybe a few seconds of battle. Not more. Fire also weakened. Nearly extinguished. [br][/br][/col][/box]
Blake took a few deep breaths.
I think that he has a slim chance. I can't really evaluate the situation right with just these information but I will have to do what I can. I the enemies aren't too smart .
After another few seconds of thinking he started to type again.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Get as near to the wall as possible. Hide your weak spots if they surprisingly come up with some ranged weapons. When you see a warrior which looks differently from the other (in a way that he looks stronger or more important) charge at him with all you got and try to take him out. If they don't have ranged weapons wait with the charge until they get close to you and then do it. Try to save up a bit of energy to make a fireball afterwards. You should fire it after you charged through the stronger looking one and gained a bit of distance. Direct the blast in the direction of the leader if he is still alive or the area with the most warriors if he isn't. They will probably run to you in a line and that will make them more exposed than when they surrounded you. If you are lucky the blast will blow away most of your enemies or at least scare them enough to make them flee after losing their leader. [br][/br][/col][/box]
Blake typed with everything he got and sent every sentence separately so that the cornered hedgehog gets the plan as soon as possible and has at least some kind of idea if Blake can't send him the whole plan before the enemy attacks.
And now I wait.
A few minutes of Blake staring at the window passed when finally a message appeared.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Somehow made it. Executed the plan as well as I could. Many died in my fire but the rest didn't flee. Struggled and managed to win somehow. Heavily injured. Looking for shelter. Thanks for the assistance brother. [br][/br][/col][/box]
Blake exhaled in relief.
Good, he made it. I know that they are now protected by the rules but still... I'm kinda glad I pulled him through that one.
A window appeared in front of Blake.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Helping request finished
You will receive a part of the consequences.
You gained 15% experience from some of the kills (3): + 1878
You gained an item which was dropped: Wolf teeth necklace
You gain an item the hedgehog found: Red apple
You gained an item which was dropped: Medium health potion
Received a percentage based Health reduction.
00:05 [br][/br][/col][/box]
Blake's face froze when he read the last sentence. A small timer was bellow the whole message.
Uh oh...
He painfully convulsed and something similar to electricity ran through his body for a few seconds. Some messages appeared but Blake just ignored and minimized them while struggling with the pain. After it finished he needed a minute to get a grip on himself.
Damn that was painful.
-''Current status!''
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Level 8
Health: 3%
Mana: 100%[br][/br][/col][/box]
Blake's eyes widened and he stared a few moments silently at the window.
I just crossed my set goal by 3 levels... in a quarter of a day... I'm nearly dead, but who cares?! I Got 6 levels in no time. Looks like I ignored level up windows before. Ah, should I continue leveling now or try to do some quests? I could think of quests to give out again maybe... oh but I'll probably do that after I talk with Teruna later on. So many possibilities...
Blake's body suddenly stiffened and his eyes turned cold.
I know what I'll do now...
A wicked grin spread across his face.
He took the newly acquired Medium health potion and chugged it down in one gulp without even looking at the description. It felt like a strong current washed through his body and washed all the pain and weakness off.
-''Current status!''
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Level 8
Health: 100%
Mana: 100%[br][/br][/col][/box]
As expected of a high level item.
He left the hallow and slowly started to sneak through the forest with an eerie smile on his face.
Let the hunt begin.The basic bonus will suffice, status points can wait.
He prowled through the forest with his Cinder rain staff tightly gripped .
Now lets see if they can snap again such a trap as last time.
A few minutes passed and nothing could be heard or seen in the forest but Blake still prowled on with the same mad determination. He jumped every time nearby trees rustled and readied his staff. A squirrel carrying nuts appeared on a tree stump. Blake starred at it for a few seconds and then ducked.
I shouldn't be hasty.
He slowly aimed with his staff and took a deep breath.
Looks like this is nut your day.
The staff shot a fast fire beam out. The place Blake aimed at was black and smoking but there were no traces of a dead squirrel.
Did it evade? How did it notice me?
He suddenly heard many shrieks and looked full with dread to the tree tops. From nearby trees eight small shadows rapidly approached Blake.
It's a trap! That squirrel was bait!
The shadows were all falling from the treetops in Blake's direction and their yellow eyes, the only thing that could be clearly seen were filled with bloodlust. Small ball like things fell near Blake's foot and started to let out a big quanity of smoke.
Blake watched what was happening with horror in his eyes.
How the hell did they get Smoke bombs..? No time to think about it. I can't dodge. Maybe I can blind them.
-''Lava orb!''
He held the summoned orb high above his head and tried to disrupt the falling enemies. Now with the Lava orb's light he could see them again. Squirrels with miniature daggers and swords were coming in his direction and pointing their weapons at him.
The light from the orb blinded some of the falling squirrels and caused them to fail their surprise attack but unfortunately half of them managed to stay focused and stabbed Blake.
Four small swords stuck out of his back, arm and shoulders. The squirrel assassins quickly gained distance and surrounded him. Blake quickly pulled a dagger out of his arm and took the Thick branch out of the bag. His eyes were full of fury and he took a fighting stance.
They must have seen me from the treetop... it doesn't matter they will pay either way now.
The squirrels started to suddenly attack him again. They closed the distance in a second and slashed at Blake with their swords. He readily swung with his branch around like a madman but they were very agile and dodged all strikes.
Grr... Just like last time... The staff would be useless, they'd just dodge everything.
The squirrels started climbing Blake and he flailed around desperately trying to get rid of them. He landed a few hits but the squirrels also made more and more cuts on him.
Ugh I have no more options. The new levels just reduce their damage as I have more health. I still barely land hits with their speed. It's ridiculous.
He swung his branch as strong as he could and made all the squirrels jump in one way. His other hand then went in their direction and he yelled.
-''Lava orb!''
The orb that appeared flashed brightly and bathed the forest again in it's warm light. The squirrels stood disorientated and Blake used his prior momentum to land another swing on them. Four were defeated with that. The other distanced themselves and looked like they were rethinking their plan which gave Blake enough time to pull the remaining daggers out of his body.
This would have been an instant kill if not for my huge level up. The game certainly doesn't go by the classic rules.
The squirrels suddenly started to run away. Blake yelled with anger.
-''Not so tough now, eh?!''
He was furious about not being able to pay them back for their sneaky ambush.
Damn it, I can't compete with their speed.
He threw the Lava orb with all his fury at them.
Too bad that it is just a cosmetical ability with no damage. They might as well have named it Firework orb.
The orb flew at the squirrels and landed right on top of them with a *thump*.
Blake looked very confused.
Umm shouldn't it now scatter?
The squirrels which were caught under the orb screeched for a second and the disappeared in flames. Only the orb was left on the ground.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Level gained. [br][/br][/col][/box]
Blake slowly approached the spot and picked the orb up. It looked nearly the same but felt a bit different than before. It was a bit more present somehow... He could feel the shape in his hands like it was formed from some weird solid lava. Suddenly the orb disappeared.
Was that really a Lava orb? It looks the same but the one I remember was harmless and child friendly. This one is deadly. Ugh I'll ask Teruna later. Better check now how bad those devils messed me up.
-''Current status!''
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Level 9
Health: 34%
Mana: 0%[br][/br][/col][/box]
Those bastards really got me with their aerial assault. Also it looks like that weird Lava orb was channeled by my mana... I should try to figure the ability out, it looks quite useful.
Blake laid down in the grass, took out a Red apple and looked at the moon.
But for now I'll just relax and enjoy. I'll have to go to sleep soon anyway.
Thanks for reading:)
If you like it rate and comment. I'd be glad to hear your thoughts about what is going on and what I could do better.
Table of Contents
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The Unnamed God. I’m Really Not A God You Guys !
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I was revived by my best friend
After my unexpected death, I learned that my best friend is the son of a great necromancer! My friend spent years running away from his dad, but there he is now, learning the ins and outs of necromancy at a fast pace, all for my sake. As for me, I'm happy to be still around and kicking. Bit by bit, I'm adapting to my new life as an evolving undead. So many things have changed: my everyday life, my senses, my view of the world and necromancy… Luckily, I kept my soul! That's cool because I kept my memories, but that also means I'm… just me. My high-school grades aren't going to improve miraculously! This slice-of-life, urban fantasy saga tells the story of a high-schooler undead, his master, and their companions. It takes place in a world of superpowers and qi practitioners, two thousand years after the Big Blend, when our Earth was pierced by a rain of giant Crystals and everything teleported away: cities, monuments, forests, and even mountains got shuffled! Updates Tuesdays and Saturdays. This is a Creative Commons By work.
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8 187