《Alteration》Alteration Chapter 6 [OLD]
Part of the old story, make sure to check out the remade Alteration here.
Blake slowly walked across a rough path as he approached a settlement. It was a village which laid in the middle of a valley surrounded by refreshingly green mountains which were packed with lively, clear streams and a vibrant forest that made calming rustling sounds when the wind blew and startled it's leaves. All the streams flew into one river in the middle of the valley and continued to lands Blake was not acquainted with as he came out of the forest which was in the opposite direction.
The village he was heading to laid on the place where the streams joined into one river that separated three parts of it, two which were brimming with life, clatter,shouts and other common sounds and the other which was much quieter giving the impression of peace... which was sometimes interrupted by violent flashes or weird sounds. The falling sun painted the whole scenery into a orange tone and made the place look like a master piece of a fine painter. The impression was further deepened by the general look of the village which was beautiful. A few water mills, each on another stream that flew into the river, slowly spun and diligently turned the cogs and wheels inside. All the buildings where clean and looked after, as none was in a crumbling state.
The big fields which were in the north-east were full of growing plants and many farmers could still be seen doing this and that. It looked like the west part of the village was used mostly by merchants and traders which were either making the last deals of the day or already packing their things and leaving the stands. This all was just a part of the beauty but Blake couldn't see much more from his position near the north-west check point where the guards kept an eye on who enters the village. He was also far too deep in his thoughts to care. He just focused on the path right in front of him and went through his plan again in fear of forgetting something. It wasn't a complicated plan but he liked to revise something when he was nervous.
He took a deep breath and walked to the check point which consisted of two guards that protected the entrance to the village, an opening in a wooden construction which looked like a mixture of a wall and a fence, but couldn't be called neither. Blake put a strained smile on his face and greeted the guards.
-''Good evening.''
One guard looked at Blake's face and after not finding anything suspicious he grunted and gestured Blake to go one. The other which seemingly did nothing loosened the grip on his weapon and also stepped aside while greeting Blake.
-'' Evening traveller and welcome to Jedoron. The tavern is located in the middle part of the city if you wish to get a room. Simply follow the left most stream that flows into the river and I mean left according to the direction you are facing now, just to be clear.''
After hearing the guard out Blake thanked him sincerely for the information and went into the city.
I wonder what they do to suspicious people? They simply don't let them pass or...?
A faint smile appeared on his face.
Now that this actually started I'm much calmer and more collected, I even immediately found out where the tavern is. It wouldn't have been a problem either way but still...
He stopped for a few moments and marveled the liveliness in this settlement. He was standing just at the start of the marketplace and he saw people coming and going, buying and selling, smiling and yelling. The river slowly flew to the north checkpoint, where Blake came from, with some fish jumping out of it occasionally and soothing him with it's deep rumble.
This really is another world. Everything around me is real...
He shook his head and started to look around himself.
I have to stay focused. There will be enough time later for admiring.
He found what he was looking for nearly instantly and headed there while he forced a smile on his lips. His destination was a stand with an overabundance of wares. An older well-rounded man stood next to it while polishing his glasses.
-'' Good day sir.''
Blake stood in front of the older merchant politely smiling. The older man put his glasses on after one final rub smiled widely to Blake and extended his hands to the stand.
-''Good day boy! What can I do for you? Take a look.''
Better get rid of that increased price, good thing Teruna warned me.
Blake inspected the stand with feigned interest and sometimes picked up items which looked like they aren't as common as the others.
-'' You have an impressive selection of items here. Where did you get the rare items? Also your care of the wares is impressive. You wouldn't believe some merchants... they just get their hands on as many items as they can but let them rot after it is in their stores. Thankfully I came to this settlement, I nearly gave up and bought items of inferior quality because of the urgency of my quest.''
This is quite obvious but I'm fairly sure that it will do.
The merchant chuckled .
-''It is true that my selection is an impressive one but I'm not as confident to say that I take better care of my wares than others, you must have come across a really terrible merchant.''
He slowly walked to the back side of the stand where merchants usually stood. A slight smile was on his face and he inquired what Blake's intentions are.
-''Are you just looking around or do you want to buy something son? Flattering is quite nice but coins are better.''
Blake glanced at the merchant.
He liked it well enough. I guess that it will remove the stranger price increase. The state of this world is quite messed up if merchants sell things at a higher price to travellers and only their acquaintances and people that live in the same settlement get items for a normal price. There must be quite some tension between factions and even separate settlement for this to occur. On the other hand the relations of people that are on the same side are probably better as they feel connected in a way. Good thing that I got rid of this nuisance with the human race perk and a little bonus effort.
He cleared his throat and started talking while reaching with one hand into his bag.
-''Well I do want to buy but I'd rather sell something first.''
The merchant's brows rose but his smile remained intact.
-''Oh, in whatever sequence you want. Now show what you got for me.''
The merchant rubbed his hands full of anticipation and carefully looked at the armor which Blake pulled out of his bag, piece by piece. A smirk crept on Blake's face as he saw the reactions of the merchant in the corner of his eye while he pulled the pieces out.
He really doesn't try to keep a poker face, does he? I guess that means that he is a honest guy who does this because he likes it and not because he wants to get rich quickly and scam people.
The expression of the merchant changed quickly from interested to disappointed when he saw what Blake started to pull out, but a few pieces later a satisfied expression appeared on his face.
The last item was pulled out with a *thud* and Blake started to organise them in front of the merchant.
-''You probably already noticed but I still want it to be clear. Here are 5 starting armor sets, not even one piece is missing from any set.''
The merchant shook his head.
-''You fooled me there for a second sonny. I thought you only brought bits and pieces of the low quality junk, but whole sets... now that's another thing. It is a bother to sell separate pieces but a set can easily be sold to new adventurers who are looking for their first armor and were to lazy to hunt in the tutorial stage. So, do you have a price in mind?''
Blake froze and quickly tried to cover it up so that the merchant doesn't notice.
Is he offering me to banter? I don't even have the stat that is needed for it! I guess that he thinks that I have some idea about trading or he is just trying to be nice and give me a chance to get a better price if I know how... or get a worse price because I have no idea.
-''I will leave it to you. I'm sure that you are a fair man who wouldn't try to cheat me.''
I hope.. .I got rid of the stranger handicap but there are so many other variables here that could cause me to get a bad prize...Well for selling at least.
The elderly merchant tapped his chin.
-''Hmm... I think that two silvers and ten coppers would be a suitable price for the five sets.''
Now lets see how much I can do with that.
He extended his arm to the merchant and they shook hands.
-''Deal. Now lets proceed to the buying part.''
The merchant just pointed with his arms at some wares and tried to guess what Blake wants, visibly in a good mood.
-''So, what will it be? Potions, ingredients, information about local hunting grounds? Maybe a nice shield so that you can block better the wolves that lurk near Jedoron. Oh, oh maybe a nice Larukan leaf so you get immunity against the poison of the pesky Sporrens?''
-''Actually I need paper and ink. Could I see what sorts you have?''
I should note that thing about the Sporrens.
The merchant looked a bit disappointed but quietly walked to a little cupboard which was hidden under the stand.
-''Huh, alright. I didn't imagine you being a scribe or artist. What quality do you want?''
He came back with a few pieces of paper and ink vials in his hands.
-''The ink can be cheap and for the paper... it has to be sturdy not thin. It doesn't matter if it is rougher because of that.''
The merchant left a vial on the stand while bringing the other back to the cupboard. He then put the pieces of paper on the stand and compared their texture with quick, knowing touches and compared prices. A few moments later he brought nearly all back to their original storing place and left two on the stand.
-''I have two sorts that could suit you. One cost 61 coppers each and the other 25, but it's really quite rough.''
Here's an easy decision.
-''I'll have that cheaper one then. How much does the ink cost?''
-''A vial with four charges costs hundred coppers. The quality of the ink is really bad, consider yourself warned.''
Blake lightly smiled, this time honestly.
Now here's a kind merchant.
-''That's kind of you, but don't worry. I am aware of the quality. Now for the quantity... Give me fourty pieces of paper and ten ink vials.''
The merchant looked himwith surprise in his eyes.
-''Sure, gimme a second. Mind if I inquire what you'll do with so much ink and paper?''
A cat like smile spread on Blake's face.
-''Oh nothing in particular. Better to have more things that I need than less, right?''
The merchant chuckled.
-''I like that. Business would go quite better if people had that attitude, but don't think that I'm dull. If you don't want to say what you'll do with that then it's fine with me. This all will cost two silvers.''
Blake extended his arm, gave the merchant two silver coins and got the wares in return.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Very rough paper
Paper which is quite thick and not suitable for anything with artistic value or any other kind of value. The paper is quite rough so it will endure conditions in which normal paper would tear. It wasn't stored in optimal conditions. Inscribing has a 15% chance to fail.[br][/br][/col][/box]
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Questionable ink vial
4x charges
The ink was made by mixing various cheap substances and has a chance of ruining paper of 20%. The chance can change depending on the material it is used on. [br][/br][/col][/box]
Well the easy part is now done.
They shook hands.
Might as well get the name of the merchant.
-''Pleasure doing business with you mister...?''
-''Just call me Jim. If you find yourself in need of some items again in the future feel free to come back.''
That's a bit questionable but there's one more thing that I need to know before I can continue with my plan.
-''Sure I will. Umm... Is there a library here somewhere?''
Jim took a map of the city out of the pouch and pointed out where the library was.
-''Thanks, bye!''
-''Don't mention it. Bye!''
He parted with the merchant after these words and swiftly approached the library. After a few minutes of walking, the rows of stands ended and he noticed a bridge.
I have to cross the bridge now I think.
The bridge was located not far from the place two bigger streams joined. Little streams were also locate here and there but the two joining streams were by far the biggest. Blake enjoyed the view for a few moments and then headed again to the library.
The area he now entered was quite different from the previous one. It was full of houses and workshops, also the sounds that he heard were bubbling, strikes with the hammer and similar work related ones. Even the air wasn't the same. It smelled of smoke, various dishes and fumes Blake couldn't recognise.
Seems like I found the Craftmen' area.
He started to walk a bit slower as he looked at the blacksmith which just finished with his work and yelled at his apprentices to do some chores. Many weapons could be seen from the outside and Blake looked fascinatedly at them as most weren't finished. He must have stared longer than he intented because the blacksmith noticed and waved to him.
-''Do you see something you like boy? Don't be shy, come and try some weapons out! They are cheaper when you buy them directly here than if you get them from merchants. Or are you just interested to see how weapons and armor are made? It's a true art, you know?''
People here are quite friendly. I guess that not everyone is sceptical towards strangers.
He wanted to answer that he actually was interested but had no time. There was only one problem, no words came out. He tried to say something but no matter how much he tried he remained silent.
What is happening with me?!
He slowly examined his throat with a hand but as expected everything was fine, but that just made him panic more. After a few moments he remembered that the blacksmith was still there and he pointed to his mouth with his finger. The blacksmith had a confused expression for a few moments but understanding dawned after a second.
-''You can't talk right? Don't panic! It's because of the fumes that come from the herbalist's brewery. He must work on the Monster bat bane formula that disables the sonic attacks or something like that. Just keep walking and the fume concentration will reduce to a bearable level, as you see I can still talk because I'm further away. Also feel free to come back wether it's as a customer or apprentice, I have use for both.''
Wow, that scared me quite a bit. I should get used to all these things and keep in mind that I'm not in my own world. Good that the blacksmith explained what was happening, it would be quite annoying if my plan got held back because of such a small thing. Now, how can I express gratitude without being able to say something?
He gave the blacksmith a thumbs up and smile before walking away.
It might have looked a bit goofy, but it's better than being impolite.
Blake quickly made some distance between him and the buidling where the weird fumes came out. He also tested his voice every now and then, but it looked like it needed some time to wear off. The other buildings flew by as he wasn't that concentrated on looking around anymore but he still caught the name signs every now and then.
''Weaving&Sewing'', ''Tivers tinkery'', ''Geology ground''. Silly names... And what is it with the library?! Is it on the other side of the settlement or what?
Just as he started to get iritated a big building came into his line of sight and soothed him.
Finally! It was literaly the second last bulding in this area...Well better get this over with.
He slowly walked into the older looking, gray building. It had a big sculpture of an opened book over the portal and various other decoration which consisted of carvings in the wooden floor of the building. Some were showing past events but Blake couldn't determine it it was actuall history or legend as everything was possible here. The rest were carvings which couldn't be described easily, they looked like a mixture of letters and a masterfully done picture. He slowly walked and admired the carvings whose meaning was beyond him when he noticed an arrow which pointed to a big sign on the wall.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Do not send us your complaints
If you don't have the concentration to walk here without tripping over the indentations, then you also don't have the concentration to read a book properly and you should come back when you do. [br][/br][/col][/box]
How amusing, a librarian with attitude. I wonder how many complaints he must have gotten to feel like this sign is needed.
He sat down on a nearby chair and put the ink vials and paper on the table.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Library
It is silent and offers a lot of knowledge gather throught many years.
+5% reading speed
+10% inscribing success rate
Offers more bonuses to bards, scholars, scribes, researchers and other similar classes.
You didn't recieve any special bonus. [br][/br][/col][/box]
Good, I already started to wonder when the effect will kick in.
He took a quill which could be usually found in libraries, prepared to let the customers take some notes. Frowning he started to draw something on the paper. It seemed like a symbol or a foreign letter. He needed a lot of time but after half an hour all the papers had the same symbol sketched on them with exception of those which were ruined because of the side effect of the bad quality paper and ink.
Well now I have 29 pieces of paper with the rune, this will suffice for some time.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]29x Suspicious mystery paper
Cheap looking paper with a magic rune inscribed in it. It's effects are unknown. [br][/br][/col][/box]
NowI'll have to be carefull. One mistake is enough to ruin the whole plan...
He took a vial filled with water and a cloth out his bag.
My hand has to be steady now, the cloth just needs to be a bit moist not dripping wet.
He poured a bit of water over the cloth and then proceeded to squeeze it out. He quickly glanced around himself, but he was alone in this section so he didn't have to worry about unwanted witnesses. After wringing out as much water as he could he slowly started to tapp the first paper he wrote the rune on with the cloth.
The ink should be dry enough and this is just moist so it won't tear or wash the ink off hopefully.
All of the 29 pieces of Suspicious mystery paper recieved the same treatment after which Blake spread them across the table. He slowly rose out of his seat and again checked his surroundings.
Good, I'm alone here. Better do this swiftly.
Blake extended his right hand so that it hovers 30 centimeters above the table. He took deep breaths and closed his eyes.
Now concentrate. Focus on the hand. Imagine the size and the temperature. Don't let your thoughts wander. Just as I planned...
Blake opened his eyes and whispered.
-''Lava orb''
He didn't let the orb grow to it's usual size and left a safe distance between it and the table. His arm slowly glided above the table from left to right while consantly minding the distance.
The moist pieces of paper slowly started to dry and they deformed and wrinkled up as they did. The ink also weakend on some places but it was mostly intact.
So far so good.
He poured water again over the cloth and repeated the process from before. When every piece was moist again he took a pouch out of his bag and carefully took a bit of the content in his hand.
Now I just have to sprinkle this over it.
He slowly started to shake the dirt out of his hand and made thin layers of it on the pieces of paper. The small layers also moistened on contact.
Better stop now. The layers shouldn't be too thick.
Blake then proceeded to pick each and every piece up snd blow as much dirt off it as he could and then shake it off. That resulted that most of the layers fell off but some traces firmly remained where the dirt really moistened up and stuck to the paper. The runes were still visible, but it was a bit harder to recognise their exact shape because of the dirt.
And now for the last time.
-''Lava orb''
The paper started to dry up again and it deformed much more than the first time, also the thin layer of remaining dirt dried and encrusted the paper making it look brownish but still not overcoating the ink.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]29x Mystery artifacts [FORGED]
Very old paper with a magic rune on it. It looks ancient and and it's effects are unknown. It has endured harsh enviroments throughout the years and that has left traces on it.
Intermediate Identification needed to reveal the forgery. [br][/br][/col][/box]
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]New stat acquired: Cunningness[br][/br][/col][/box]
I'll have to make sure that my targets don't have a high level. If this gets revealed it could get quite ugly.
He checked again surroundings again and started to take his armor off.
And now the main part...
He stored his pure black armor in the bag and changed into Traveller robes. Just as he finished putting it on screams were heard in the library.
-''What is happening?!''
What the...
Many people stormed to the exit of the library with books stuck to their bodies. Some people just had a book or two on their hands and were trying to shake them off while other had many more books on places like their knees, belly and one even had a open book on his head making him unable to see. Needless to say the panicking also varied. Only one person seemed to be unaffected and he was probably the librarian because he screamed at the people which were running out.
Blake stood perfectly still watching all of them go out.
...Just as I start to think that nothing can surprise me anymore... this happens...
He needed a few moments to gather his thoughts then he took his papers and also started to head out. He just glanced for a second back to the table.
I don't really have time to clean the dirt off the floor. Well I blew it off so it probably got scattered and isn't that noticable.
He left the library and continued walking in the direction he walked previously.
I don't think that I need to get back. I would have seen it if it was back in that direction.
He didn't have to walk long to see that the building type changed. He wasn't surrounded by workshops and laboratories. They were replaced by family houses and occasional small shops like bakeries and similar.
It should be here somewhere.
As he looked for something he came to a big plaza which was filled with people. Everywhere he looked there were musicians, jugglers, show mages and the like. Huge crowds of people formed and watched them in awe. He usually liked such tricks and artists but he was obviously to busy to stop and watch. He just continued walking and wanted to put the plaza behind him. Just as he nearly exited a fountain entered his sight. It was skilfully crafted and very pleasant to see.
Well a quick look won't hurt.
The fountain consisted of three levels. The bottom one was where all the water fell. It had carvings of various malicious looking monsters on it. It was wholly covered in carvings, a real monster army, and the water which fell in it made waves making the carvings seemingly alive and moving. The second level consisted of a raised part that had small statues of warriors on the edges. The statues were made incredibly detailed and showed the emotions of the warriors which made a circle facing the monsters as they seemingly marched at them. Their expressions were fierce and full of determination. The last level was made of many unarmed people which were in the middle of the circle made of warriors. Together they held a big artistic bowl high in the air from which the water came.
Blake skimmed through the text which was written on a sign next to the fountain.
So it's name is Benefactor fountain.The money people throw in goes to the poor and there are rumors that it brings good luck.
Blake smirked bitterly.
Typicall, people can't even be charitable without hoping for something in return. Pah, pathetic. Too bad that I have just 10 coppers left, but it's better than nothing.
With that Blake threw the coins in and left the plaza. Just as he entered a nearby street he noticed a big crowd in front of a building. They were all in a superb mood and not few were even drunk. The building had an opened barrel and a full cup of beer as a logo and it's name was ''The Drunk Innkeeper''.
Found it. Now, I wonder if this has a back door?
He circled the building and soon found a small alley behind the inn where he also noticed the back door. He nearly missed it because of the nightfall, but loud singing could be heard from inside so it made it considerably easier.
-''Faction leader mode. On!''
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Faction leader mode activated
Questi giving available
Quest rewarding available
+5000 Notoriety (can be concleaned through anonimity)
Constructing available
Faction reputation statistics available
Faction point statistics available
Go to Full list of added options for more[br][/br][/col][/box]
Now I appear to be a NPC. I just have to stick to what we practiced and what we prepared.
He slowly opened the back door and entered the inn. The room he found himself in was dark and probably used for storage as many things just laid around. There was no light so Blake slowly sought the door to the main part of the inn while orienting himselft with the loud noises.
After a few bumbs in nearby things he finally found the doorknob. He slowly turned it and carefully entered.
Blake found himself in a dim lit room with loud noises coming from everywhere. A band played some music while some players and NPCs danced or joined the melody with their, usually drunken, singing.
Looks like it's rush hour here.
The whole room was packed full and Blake just barely moved through the crowd. All the players were now relaxing in the inn and had a blast. They danced, sang, some did party tricks and demonstrated the beautiful part of magic,which resulted a few times in small fires that had to be extinguished. As Blake came closer to the bar he even saw a brawl or two in a corner.
Music, tricks, merry singing, brawls... I can't decide if I love it or hate it.
A man appeared from another room in the inn with three barrels attached to a metal belt he was wearing. He was yelling with all his power.
-''FREE BEER. The inn made another 15 Gold coins. Come on take it while it's still here. FREE BEER FOR EVERYONE.''
The whole inn boomed with yells of happiness and the good mood from a second ago couldn't even compare.
The man was suprisingly agile considering that he was wearing three barrels full of bear. He even made spins effortlessy as he refilled the kegs of nearby peopel that held them up in the air.
This is ridiculousy funny even for a simple bystander. Ah the mood here is simply great. I can imagine this being nice when you don't have the time to go out and still want to have some fun with friends. I wonder how alcholol effects you here. I could try to pickpocket someone now that everyone is distracted and drunk. Even better if they relax now after a difficult dungeon then their inventory will be full of...
Blake nearly got overrun by the mob that came running to the bar. The wave of people that came was so big that dodging was out of the question. He simply joined them and found himself a second later pressed against the bar and his ears ringing with the jolly and impatient screams of the mob.
The people that were just chatting on the tables without a drink wanted to get a keg as quickly as possible so that they take part in the 15 Gold event. The innkeeper waited behind the bar with with a smug smile.
-'' Quiet! Gentlemen, please calm down! Kegs alone cannot be purchased, you will have to order an actual drink. And don't forget, if you have a room you get a 15% discount on everything!''
Ohh this is a great marketing strategy if people take the bait.
The mob now screamed out many different drinks and the innkeeper did his best to keep up with the piling requests.
Hook ,line and sinker... Are they even aware how much money this generates? This is probably more than enough to compensate for the three barrels.
Just as he thought that the man with the barrel belt yells out.
He held the barrel high above his head and tilted it to one side to show that it's really empty. The mood remained suprisingly intact even after he left. The people still wanted more drinks because everyone else was also doing it and they wanted in on the fun.
The crowd on the bar started to disappear and transfer back to the tables and stage.
I guess that I can continue now.
Blake sat on a chair in front of the bar and ordered two beers.
Now I'll have to test my acting abilities.
Blake looked sadly at nothing in particular and sighed every now and then. His head was down and he played a bit with the kegs that just came.
It will work beter if one keg is already empty I think.
Blake downed the keg and continued to looked exhausted and depressed.
Wait... How will I pay this?
His eyes widened and he started to think about his options.
What now? Do I sneak out and hope that I don't get caught? The keeper isn't even 2 meters away from me. I'm not sure what happens to thieves here but I can't imagine that it's pleasant... Wait... I'm NPCish right now. What happens to thieving NPCs? This isn't jail worthy but I could get beat up and I would like to avoid that because I'm fairly certainI didn't change the Pain options... Maybe I can sell some Items that I have left to a player so I can pay the drinks. But I don't have any interesting item and the people here don't really look interested in...
A man in light leather armor sat next to Blake.
-''What's the matter? Something troubling you?''
Blake noticed the young man only when he spoke up.
The man laughed up and continued calmly.
-''You look very upset. I just wondered if you wanted to share the story with good company and a nice drink. I'll take care of the last two things and only the story part is up to you. You might feel better.''
Well upset wasn't what I was aiming for but who am I to nagg about such a fortunate outcome.
Blake sighed again.
-''I don't think that my story is an interesting one. I'm just overwhelmed by my master's requests. Also there is no need for you to get me a drink I still have a keg left...''
The man's smile broadened.
Good, he understood. A NPC which is troubled by too many requests,ah I wonder what that means.
-''Then I will pay for your drinks at least. And let me be the judge wether your story interests me or not.''
Blake had to concentrate hard not to smirk.
This is going better than I expected. Now I should better ask the mighty traveller to help the poor me. Ah, it's such a blast to be a NPC.
He took a sip of beer and glanced quickly at the young man.
He is around my age I think... maybe a little bit older. Black hair, not really strong looking leather armor, a bow with some sigils on it... He probably started a while ago, but it doesn't seem like he is a high level user. Perfect.
-''I am a merchant's apprentice, you see? And my master loaded me with thirteen requests and they all needed to be done in two weeks. I managed to do nine, but I have only three days left.There is no way that I can do all in time... I'm doomed to fail and my master will degrade me to a stable boy...again...''
Keep a straight face Blake. Do not smile! Think about serious things! This is for the factions benefit... Ah I simply have too much fun.
The man nodded as he heard Blake out and glanced a few time in the direction of the tables.
-''I could help you out with these agendas. Could you tell me what is left to do?''
Blake tried to discreetly take a look in the direction the man glanced. A group of four player sat there. They consisted of mages and heavy armored warriors but he couldn't determine anything more because the room wasn't that well lit.
Hmm if this is his party and he's a team player... this just gets better and better. I should do some quick modifications.
Blake swiftly opened a window with his right hand and put it on his thigh so that it looks like he nervously taps as he does the modifications. Meanwhile he used the left hand to sipp his beer and buy time.
-''Well the most difficult thing for me is the Vigor Aquanet thing... I can't do it alone and mercenaries are out of the question because I'm broke.''
A window appeared in front of the young man.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Retrieve at least 15 L Vigor Aquanet liquid.
You met an exhausted merchant's apprentice who was tasked to do some chores. He mentioned to you that his master needs lots of Vigor Aquanet liquid.
Time left: 3 days
+85 intimacy with the merchant's apprentice
+15 reputation with Merchant caravan
+ 250 experience
+ a random item the apprentice finds in a storeroom. [br][/br][/col][/box]
The man tapped once on the window.
-''I'll help you, my friends will too.''
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]+1 Influence Faction point[br][/br][/col][/box]
Blake saw the quest windows that appeared to the man's party because he was the quest giver.
-''Thank you very much kind stranger. You will save me if you manage to do it in time, but I'm from a southern family so I would like you and your friends to do something with me.''
The man looks with a curious look at Blake.
-'' What would that be? Also, my name is Glon.''
-''Ah, it's just a little tradition for bringing luck. Here.''
Blake took five pieces of paper out of his bag and handed them to Glon.
-''One for everyone who does the quest. You burn it and it brings good luck supposedly tho it didn't help me much with the asignments. But you take every help you can get, right?''
Glon patted him on the back.
-''Hey, maybe it was this ritual that influenced me to help, you never know. And you are right it can't harm. Also where will we be able to find you?''
Blake smiled and stood up from his seat while gulping the last remains of the beer down.
-''Oh that... I'll be near the forest so you head in that direction and I'll be sure pay attention if you approach. Good, lets do the ritual now. There is the hearth.''
Glon also told his friends to come and after a few moments of explaining everyone took a piece of Blake's paper and burned it in the hearth. A window appeard in front of each one. Blake glanced at it.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Luck +5 (lasts 24 hours) [br][/br][/col][/box]
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]+1 Shadiness Faction point[br][/br][/col][/box]
Glon and his companions muttered something among themselves but Blake could only overhear bits and pieces.
-''....Bad rewards... our direction.... Why Vigor Aqua... useless... bad transport... worse effects... lethal... taste..? Don't care...''
Well they do seem confused, but according to their faces and mood it doesn't look like they will decline it after accepting already.
The group slowly dispersed and only Glon was left, who invited Blake on another drink.
Is he trying to raise Intimacy through drinks? So he wants another quest, huh?
Another two kegs of beer landed in front of them.
-'' Well I'm glad that we will be able to help you. Who is your master? He seems like a quite merciless person..''
Nice thinking. Talking bad about someones enemy brings usually many plus points.
-''He is a man whose name I dare not reveal when bad mouthing him. He has quite some influence but doesn't like it to be known. Power can be used best when people don't know you have it.''
-''He sounds like a dangerous man... It would be quite bad if you fail his test, wouldn't it? If you tell me another one of your agendas we could make sure that you manage to do everyting on time.''
Blake fidgeted uncomfortably.
-''It wouldn't be fair to shamelessly use such a kind stranger as yourself. No, the task I gave you is more than enough to help me out.''
I hope that this won't backfire...
Glon waved his hand.
-''No, no. A master giving his apprentice an impossible task isn't fair, also this is just the right thing to distract me from something. You would be doing me a favour, really.''
Oh, you have no idea...
-''Well if it really isn't a big bother... it's true that help with another task would relieve the pressure. I would have then enough time to do the rest of the tasks alone.''
Glon smiled and urged Blake to continue.
-''Then by all means, say what I can do!''
I wonder if you'll be able to pull it off...
-''One of the tasks that is left is to find a plant which can grow anywhere and change according to it's enviorment. He didn' actually say that it has to be a specific one, but I know that he desires Hederam.''
I didn't really think that I would be able to get rid of this quest too, so I didn't actually think of what the reward will be... better make something up now.
A window appeared in front of Glon after Blake made a few last second changes on his unfinished request.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Acquire a plant for the troubled apprentice
A young apprentice needs a resistant plant which can grow anywhere and change according to it's enviorment. The reccomended plant is Hederam.
Time: 3 days
+100 Intimacy with the merchant's apprentice
+Mystery reward which depends on what Plant you bring back and in what state it is. [br][/br][/col][/box]
Glon read the text in a flash and shook hands with Blake.
-''I will try to get my hands on a plant that has these atributes. Now, excuse me. I need to go.''
He stood up, paid for them both and left the inn. Blake sat for a few more minutes enjoying the ambient and laughing smugly.
This went fairly well if I may say so myself. I wonder if he'll be able to locate the plant in three days...
He stood out of his chair with a smile on his face and headed out of the inn the same way he came in, though the back door. He just got out of the building and in the little alley.
Oh, Faction leader mode is still active.
-''Faction leader mode, off!''
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Faction leader mode disabled. [br][/br][/col][/box]
Blake then cheerfully headed towards the South check point and looked at everything around himself with great interest, because he wasn't tense anymore.
There were fewer buildings as he continued to go ahead, but he didn't mind. There were even more people who were walking around here. Most were farmers that were going to the bar and they were all in a good mood, joking and talking with each other. He couldn't help himself but smile when he saw some players jumping off the bridge in the deep river and then racing to see who's the fastest.
I should try that out next time I'm here.I wonder if Alteration has the similarity to games that the supposed NPcs tell you the latest news.
After that thought Blake stopped a few of the farmers and chatted with them. They were mostly normal coversations, but he did get to know the newest information.
I don't have much use for it right now, but it can probably be handy if I return here for one reason or the other. Better note it.
He activated the Notebook window and put the most important pieces of information in it.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]-sale at the Smoking leaf
-complaints about seeing monsters more often east of the town
-farmer Willams is looking for helping hands
-rumors about the hard initiation rituals of the Arcane forest (mage area) [br][/br][/col][/box]
After a while he didn't seem to get out more relevant information, but then he noticed that the new people that were coming in his direction were all nervous and fidgety. After inquiring some farmer what happened he found out that there is a guard uproar and that they are looking everywhere for a monster which is supposedly in town, but no one has seen it and the guards don't even know how it looks like.
I have a baad feeling...
He hurriedly finished the conversation and quickly headed for the checkpoint. Now that he was nervous he paid better attention to his surroundings and really saw guards every now and then questioning people and patroling the streets.
Oh here's a back alley, maybe I can slip...
Just as Blake turned to enter the alley a heavy arm landed on his shoulder. He turned and saw a middle aged guard and a young female mage of a race unknown to him. A window popped up in front of him.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Mondarians
A nocturnal race. They have pale skin and, usually, brightly white hair, but blue, light green and some other aren't that rare either. Their homeland is the south kingdom Logonud. They are very sensitive to the sun, but it isn't actually dangerous for them. Their Aura Sense is widely renowed because they have inborn talent for it. Go to Race bonuses for more info. [br][/br][/col][/box]
The guard was tense and the mondarian looked at Blake with a cold gaze. After a second he mondarian spoke up.
-''Excuse us sir but we would like to ask you a few questions, do you mind?''
Blike smiled awkwardly to the made.
-''Oh no, not at all. Go ahead.''
I don't really have any choice. My only hope is that the monster business has nothing to do with me...
-''Did you notice anything that was out of the ordinary?''
Like what?
-''Umm, not really.''
The mage clicked with her tongue.
-''And where did you get that robe?''
I have a feeling that lying would be quite useful here.
Blake looked at them puzzled.
-''I found it today in some alley. It was discarded, but that happens often when higher users don't need something? They discard it to free the space and they also leave it for a low level user.''
The mondarian looked at him with interest.
-''It is true, that behaviour isn't rare but I feel a faint monster aura on it. Where exactly did you find it? The monster probably killed a player and the armor dropped. Quickly, give us your armor so that it doesn't interfer further investigations!''
Did she say player?
He glanced at the text over her head.
Oh looks like she is a user or at least a part of this world which is cloaked as a user.
The mondarian extended her hand.
Well this went in an unexpected direction... Lets see if I can get some profit out of it.
He put a troubled expression on.
-''I found this, why should I have to hand it over? Does this robe really interfere so much with your powers? Also it was some small alley in the middle part, I'm not sure where anymore.''
The mage was visibly irritated and took a coin out of her pocket.
-''Here, I'll give you 1 Silver for your armor. That's a good deal.''
Blake shook his head.
-''I will go grind in the forest now and travell to another city. Everything is prepared and the vendors have just closed their stalls. I would have to wait an entire day to buy new armor and I really don't want that.''
She sighed and started to dig through her bag.
-''This will get rid of that problem.''
She held a little staff that was the size of a walking stick in the air. It was quite broad and black as coal. The upper part was artistically carved. The top was divided in four quarters that were broader than the rest and they were extended in the upper and lower direction in a wavelike appearance. Just beneath the four broader quarters there were little carved in lines that were the only decoration except the upper part.
What is this? Some hybrid of a walking stick, mace and sculpture?
The mondarian probably guessed what he was thinking and answered.
-''This is an Epic low level item. I was just going through some artifacts and found this worthless one. Well for me it's like that, but it could be quite good for you. If you use it properly then you will be able to survive even without armor. Although I said that this is worthless for me I mean it as a weapon. It's still an artifact so it could be sold at quite a price to the right collector, but I don't have the patience to seek them out nor do I have the patience to keep persuading you. This is a superb deal so give me that damn armor and let me do my job!''
My, my... Someone has anger issues. I wonder if she'll regret this deal when the monsterhunt doesn't find anything.
-''Ok, deal. I'm sorry for the bother.''
Blake gave his armor away and the mage gave him the Epic item in return.
-''Yeah, yeah. That's all, you may go.''
The guard and mage walked away. A few seconds later the guard tripped loudly and probably painfully on a stone block which was sticking out.
These guards are as nimble as a rock.
The mondarian pulled the guard back up and gave him a few sharp remarks.
Now lets check the item.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Identification failed. [br][/br][/col][/box]
Well she did say it was an Epic item, but also that's a low level one so I should be able to pull this off.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Identification failed. [br][/br][/col][/box]
After another five tries Identification finally succeeded.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Cinder rain staff
A piece of wood which was made with the finest Muring that can be seen around Borcena. It's projectiles are extremely accurate and have a huge range. The projectile speed is also praiseworthy. Sadly the maker of this staff made a fundamental mistake and used a piece of wood with a miniscule Storing potential. It is said that he went insane after he realised his mistake which costed him a year of his life.
Range: 2000m
Damage: 15 fire damage
Recharge time: 2 seconds
+10 Intellect
+5 Wisdom
Mana cost: 40[br][/br][/col][/box]
Why hello there... This is an amazing item, but better hurry out before anything else can happen.
He headed to the South check point again and his thoughts were going haywire.
Was it a mistake to give them the armor? I mean it's now obvious that Faction leader mode made me look like a monster aurawise, but I couldn't simply say no, could I? They would have gotten suspicious after such a magnificent deal... Oh, I hope that the aura traces can't be used for anything...I'll have to be more careful in the future.
Blake passed the South checkpoint and left Jedoron.
Table of Contents
- In Serial18 Chapters
Rachel Kalos: World Protector
Rachel Kalos dreams of being the first Beast Tamer in more than a generation to reach the lofty status of 'World Protector' - those heroes who, through daring deeds and epic adventures, save the world from certain doom. But first she has to finish her training. With her band of misfit friends, Rachel embarks on one adventure after another in her quest to become Rachel Kalos: World Protector!
8 162 - In Serial7 Chapters
Hunter X Hunter: Royalty and the World Beyond
In the HXH World, with some variations. Fearsome monsters, exotic creatures, vast riches, hidden treasures, evil enclaves, unexplored lands - the word "unknown" holds a captivating magic. And some incredible people are drawn to that magic, desiring it from the very depths of their soul. These people are called Hunters. Note: I know, I know, basic synopsis. I'll change it later once I think of something different. For now, just buckle up and enjoy the story!
8 190 - In Serial6 Chapters
Lamp of Gods- Tales of an Immortal
With just a blade in one hand, he walks alone in a world filled with darkness. Sufferings of the world forces his every step, skulls, bones and dead bodies littered across the road. Rusted sword, broken dreams, immortals die, divines dissappear, the common people suffer. Eternally shall he sweep the world with his conviction everlasting. The river of suffering that flows within you, also flows within me.To seek is to suffer, and to seek nothing is ignorance.The Path of Immortality is filled with suffering, so is life, so is this world.On this path of no return,Let me soar through the skies.Let me end this suffering forever.Let me wield this blade.As on this path of no return. Each shall wield their own.A sea of blood shall flow, at the cost of all mortal beings full of false hope! The ghosts wail as the gods roar, but the sea of blood has no end! One man, one weapon, one life,one journey and one conviction.
8 89 - In Serial7 Chapters
Magic with lies (Oumeno oneshots)
I'm here patiently waiting for people to say this is toxic
8 176 - In Serial36 Chapters
Dreamnotfound Fluff
So just random bits of Dreamnotfound fluff. This isn't really scripted or outlined or anything, just me practicing my fluff writing skills. No smut, although there are a few implications oopsie. Requests and feedback are greatly appreciated! Thanks! :)Cover: https://twitter.com/ATiredMasa/status/1276579662248865793If you can draw better than me (so like pretty much everyone), feel free to send me covers!!!! :)
8 115 - In Serial43 Chapters
Reunited At Last|✔️
[COMPLETED]BOOK TWO OF HIS MAFIA QUEEN. NOT TO BE READ AS A STAND-ALONE. DESCRIPTION CONTAINS SPOILERS IF YOU HAVEN'T READ THE FIRST BOOK|Disclaimer|• More Romance•Sexual Scenes~Liliana Romano, now known as Elena Rose, made her grand escape to London, UK. After being shot by the love of her life and deciding she wants out of the mafia life, she leaves, faking her death and breaking hearts. Six years later, Sebastian Di Salvo and Liliana's paths cross as she finds out he's finally tying the knot with Isabella Moretti. The news of Liliana's heart beating shakes the mafia world causing her life to be on the line once again. But she risks it all to stop Sebastian from making the biggest mistake of his life.What happens will happen. It's unstoppable and unavoidable. Maybe reuniting at last won't be so bad? After all she is his everything as he is hers.Will they reconcile their love? Have they always loved each other? Will they get the happy ending they've dreamed of?~I watched as Sebastian stuffed his hands into his dress pants pockets, keeping a careful eye on the time. "You can't marry her. I can't let you." His head snapped towards mine. "I didn't see you there beside me as I grieved for you," he snapped. "She was there.""She's also the reason why we lost each other." He let out a scoff. "We lost each other because you gave up on us and ran away. I'm marrying her and that's final. If you came here with the idea of us getting back together then you need to get the fuck out 'cause that's not happening."My breath hitched in my throat. She's poisoned his mind and turned him against me. But what could I have expected? I showed up here out of the blue after six years. I let him go once and now, he's in my reach, I'm gonna do whatever it takes to get him back, no matter what because I now know that we're meant for each other. But if he's happy with her, then reuniting won't be an option after all.Started: January 2022Finished: March 2
8 204