《Alteration》Alteration Chapter 3 [OLD]
Blake took a phone off the table and slowly dialed a number up. He took a few deep breaths.
I must stay calm...
-''Hello, Blake here. Dad, something extremely weird is happening. You need to be as calm as possible for what I am going to say.''
He talked with an unsure and quiet voice while holding the phone.
-'' A start like that isn't really calming me down… Just say what you have to say!''
A hint of panick could be heard in Caleb's voice.
-'' First I want to say that both me and Rose are well at the moment.''
That isn't entirely true but it's a must for the conversation to flow as I want it.
-''When I came back Rose was injured, but she is fine now!''
-''What happened? Maybe it's the same person who assaulted the lady! How is Rose?''
Caleb talked rapidly and his voice trembled. Blake felt guilty because he dragged both his father and sister in a mess that wasn't their fault.
-''Umm… all in all I would say that she had crazy luck…I don't think her life is in danger, but you should come home as fast as you can.''
It is quite hard to explain that she nearly kicked the bucket in one moment and was fine in the next.
-''Take her to the hospital if there are any kind of wounds! Let me talk to her!''
Caleb was nearly screaming at Blake who even had to distance the phone a bit from his ear.
-''…There are no wounds. She was unconscious when I found her, but it seems like she is just asleep right now.''
-''You said that she was injured. What do you mean just unconscious? You make no sense!''
He was still panicking and now anger got mixed into his voice. He had to be as calm as possible for what he is going to hear next.
Damn it! I still haven't calmed down. I should have planned a bit better what to tell dad…
Blake took a deep breath and tried his best to talk in a self certain and assuring manner.
-''Believe me, this isn't something we should talk about on the phone. Just come as soon as you can home.''
Caleb was caught off guard with the Blake's sudden attitude change and got confused.
-''Actually, I was already on my way home. ''
-''Oh,you were?''
At least I have great timing. I prepared him for what I need to tell him, but he won't get nervous because he will be here soon.
Blake suddenly remembered why his dad wasn't home in the first place. So many things happened today that he had problems keeping up.
-''Wait, does that mean that the lady regained consciousness?''
Caleb replied to him with an absent minded voice as if his thoughts were far away.
-''Yes, it wasn't for long though. She thanked me and said that you should contact her as soon as possible. I didn't know that you knew her.''
He must be worried sick about Rose.
Blake sighed after hearing these words.
-''I'm not sure. Say, were the worst wounds on her back?''
Caleb now got a hold of his voice and started talking normally, but here and there you could still see that he was in a really bad state.
-''I think so. Why do you ask?''
-''Out of curiosity. Oh and I think that I do know her. I'll give the hospital a call a bit later.''
So my intuition was right… I don't like where this is all heading.
-''Actually she gave me the number of her hospital room.''
So she wants to talk with me too,huh?
-''Good, that makes things easier. I'll call later when she gets some rest. ''
-''Ok, I'm very close now. You just take care of Rose until I'm there.''
No doubt that he will do everything he can to make that time period as small as possible.
-''Will do. Bye.''
Blake put his phone away, sighted and turned to the sleeping Rose.
-''Now,what will we do with you?''
She slept on her bed where Blake placed her. Her clothes were still stained with fresh blood so it made a mess out of everything around her,but he couldn't care less about any of that. He just sat next to her and shook his head.
-''Why won't you wake up?''
No matter what he tried from shaking to smelling salts, in case if this is still unconsciousness,but Rose just kept sleeping and breathing peacefully in and out.
It really does look like she is just sleeping...
Blake sat down in the chair next to Rose's bed and thought feverishly about what is happening.
So lets see... what can I do with the information I have. The woman was actually the hedgehog sister, she must be. I can't think of anything else so there is just one plausible answer.
Blake held his head in his arms and started trembling.
I have gone mad. The VR system was too much for my brain to handle and I'm still just in my chair and hallucinating. If I wait long enough Rose will come and shake me out of this Hell.I will continue leading my normal life and dad will torture me with training every now and then. That is how it's supposed to be!But what if all of that is really in danger right now? What if the inexplicable has happened and I can't respond to it? Even if this is just a hallucination I have no reason to let this all happen without my intervention. I'm the master of my own hallucination! I still do hope that I'm sane but that does little difference right now...I think that I concluded right regarding the lady...
The timing and the same injuries can't be just coincidence. She really is the hedgehog sister. I still don't have any idea what caused Rose's injuries though... But I might know what that weird bottle was. Actually I can test if I'm right.
Blake closed his eyes.
Something to heal. A liquid which will help my sister... Come on,focus!
He hold that thought for a minute and opened his eyes then. He started walking around the room and searched everything through.
Oh my...wow,it is really here.
A small glass bottle stood on Rose's table.
Looks like I was right. I can somehow transfer things out of Alteration if I concentrate enough, but I don't know where it lands...This is insane it opens so many possibilities... no time for that,there is pressing business right here!
Blake held the bottle next to Rose's lips.
I have to be careful. If she drinks it on her own it's perfect but if I pour a bit in her mouth and she doesn't drink it then I need to be ready to flip her and make her spit it out.
The cold bottle leaned in on her lips and she took a sip of the crystal clear potion. A subtle smile spread through her face but not much else changed.
This is one of the Small health potions that she transferred to me i guess. Looks like it can't help her more than it already did. But I don't understand, what is wrong with her?
Caleb finally arrived and was frantically searching where Blake and Rose were.
-''We are in Rose's room!''
A moment later a heavy breathing Caleb appeared by the door. He was pale and looked panickingly for his daughter. Once he saw how peacefully she slept he relaxed but tensed up immediately after he noticed that the bed,the floor and she was stained in blood. His voice trembled and he ran to where Rose was to determine her condition.
-''What happened?''
-''Sit down, this will take a while.''
Blake told Caleb everything,in short lines, that happened to him after he started playing Alteration. At first Caleb was annoyed and impatient because he didn't see how a game could be connected to the room being bloody and an attack on his daughter. As the story progressed he had less and less remarks until he finally just listened to Blake.
After Blake finished Caleb sat still for a long time and looked at Rose with a hollow unfocused gaze while thinking very carefully. After a while he snapped out of it and started shaking his head disbelievingly.
-''You do know this sounds ridiculous?''
Blake laughed once without any happiness behind it and answered his father in a cold voice.
-''I already determined that there is a good chance that I went insane and am hallucinating, but do you have a theory that is more plausible? Please tell me if you have.''
-''I don't. Do you have any proof that any of what you said is true?''
Blake raised his eyebrows.
-''The blood that is splattered everywhere isn't enough?''
Caleb started fidgeting uncomfortably and after a while he looked at Rose.
-''It could be a bad prank,that would explain too how she sleeps through our whole conversation.''
-''I'll explain that later. Let me first give you some proof.''
I expected him not trust me. Good thing I prepared this.
Blake took a Swiss knife out of his pocket.
-''What do you want to do with it? It is quite sharp,you know?''
-''Be quiet for a minute and everything will be clear. I even sterilised it with a lighter.''
Caleb had a very disturbed expression on his face .
-''What will you do? Why did you sterilise it?
Ugh, I'd rather not do this... but it's the easiest way...
Blake tried to slash his right calf but Caleb stopped him mid swing.
-''Are you really insane?''
I have to do this,he won't believe me otherwise. Sorry dad...
Blake twitched his wrist, which was still grabbed by his dad, and let the knife fall with maximum force in the direction of his feet. Caleb quickly pushed him away when he noticed the movement but got hit by the knife himself.
-''Are you out of your mind!''
Why did you move?! This could have been much easier...
-''I'll stop the bleeding stay still!''
The knife was sticking out of the middle part of his father's thigh. He slowly pulled it out.
Uff, this has to hurt badly. Good thing I can make it go away.
Blake took the bottle which was next to his hand and slowly and sparingly poured a bit of the health potion on Caleb's wound. The bleeding slowed down and after a few seconds the wound started to close.
-''Do you believe me now?''
Caleb answered with a hoarse voice and big eyes while examining his thigh.
-''I-I do. Now tell me why Rose isn't waking up.''
Even after all that Rose is the first thing on his mind. I have to be careful now.
-''That's something I'd like to know too.''
Caleb screamed out and took the hand of his daughter while looking with disbelief at Blake.
I don't think I succeeded...
-''But I can tell you what I know about her state.''
He switched his full attention to Blake who carefully continued.
-''The problem isn't any kind of injury I think. The potion would have taken care of it. It must be something else. If I take into account that this was probably caused by the game in the first place then I would narrow down the possibilities to magic and poison.''
Caleb took a few deep breaths so that he can think calmly about all this.
-''You might be right... but what can we do now?''
-''The only thing that I came up after thinking about it is ask the hedgehog sister.''
Caleb looked at Blake with a surprised look on his face but he understanding dawned a second later.
-''Her name is Teruna. And I think you are right again,nothing else comes in mind.''
Right, he already talked to her.
-''Oh so you had a longer chat when she woke up?''
-''I wouldn't call it long,first we talked about the obvious things her injury, how she feels, name and we drifted a bit off later.''
That is a quite long conversation after someone just regains consciousness. I guess she has amazing endurance even in her human form.
-'' You said that you had the number of her hospital room, could you give it too me?''
Caleb took a piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it to Blake.
-''Here you go, but I don't think that she will know much more than you.''
Blake was already in the middle of tipping the number, but he stopped with a curious look on his face when he heard that.
-''Why would you think that?''
-''She is a victim as much as you. She was in her hedgehog avatar and played with you and then suddenly this happened.''
Blake stared at Caleb for a few seconds with a disbelieving look.
-''Did you even listen to me?! Was I talking to a wall previously?''
-''No! Why would you think that? I heard everything about the ritual,you helping a wounded teammate,the disappearing and Rose's healing and everything.''
Blake shook his head and was trying his best to stay calm. After a deep breath he answered Caleb in an annoyed manner.
-''You got it wrong. This ''Teruna'' is actually a monster,you understand? Monsters in games aren't players, they are literally part of the game! They are basically programs! Though it looks like she is a real monster!''
Caleb turned pale and sunk as much as possible in his chair. He covered his face with his hands and said nothing.
-''Are you ok?''
I know that this is shocking, but it shouldn't be that surprising after that trick I showed him earlier, which he took rather well...
-''I am really the total opposite of ok right now!''
Caleb's voice was quiet and full of fear and panic.
-''Mind sharing what bothers you?''
He hesitated for a second but still decided to answer.
-''She asked me on a date.''
Is this really happening?
-''There is vital information that you are yet to tell...''
And I'm quite sure that you didn't tell me this information with good reason.
Blake shifted his glance to the floor and braced himself for what will probably come.
-''I said yes... ''
Just when I think that things can't get more complicated this happens!
Caleb noticed Blake's irritated expression.
-''How could I have known? She said that she wanted to take me to dinner to thank me for saving her. I noticed that something was off because she didn't mention you, but I didn't think much about it. I noticed on the way back that it was actually a date, I have never been asked on a date so I didn't get it immediately... and I even started to look a bit forward to it...''
Now it was Blake's turn to cover his face with his arms.
-''Oh dad.. Rose and I told you a few years ago that it is fine for you to look for another woman, but this... This isn't what we meant.''
Blake wrestled with balancing desperation with a sudden laugh cramp. Caleb watched him with venom in his gaze.
-''Do you think that I don't know that this isn't what you meant? This isn't what I meant either!''
-''How was she when you left?''
Caleb was visibly relieved when Blake changed the subject.
-''She survived the worst. The doctors said that she needed rest now.''
-'' We can't let her rest,but we can give her this.''
Blake shook the glass bottle lightly with his hand.
Caleb nodded.
-'' I understand. So we tell the doctors that we will continue to take care of her from home and let them send their bill to our house?''
-''That would be the best I think. There is just one thing that I'm not sure about...''
-''Hmm? What?''
-''When you and Teruna marry where will all her brothers go?''
Caleb's eyes flashed full of maliciousness and he smacked the back of Blake's head. After that he snarled with a deep and threatening voice.
-''Make the call. I'll go shower to clear my mind.''
Blake went out of the room and dialed the number up. Caleb was heading out as well but he returned and took Rose's arm.
-''We will find a way to save you, just hang in there.''
Several hours had passed since Blake made a call to the hospital. Caleb went there an hour ago to pick Truna up. Blake was sitting in a chair in the middle of the living room patiently awaiting the return of his father and Teruna. He laid his head on his arm and looked nowhere in particular.
Ok. I think I have thought of enough questions to ask Teruna. I wonder if she will cooperate, actually I'm interested in many things about her like her origins, character, her interest about my dad... And that leads me to my next point. Is it safe for me to tease dad in front of her? Is she potentially as dangerous here as she was back there? I should try to keep the teasing to a minimum...
Blake's expression suddenly darkened..
Ugh... I just hope that she will know a way to wake Rose up. She isn't in mortal danger now that I still have nearly four potions left, but the state she is in is scaring me. Will Teruna even be willing to help Rose? She probably will as we helped her, but there is always a possibility...
Blake jumped out of his seat and ran to the house door.
He quickly opened the door and let his dad and Teruna in. This was the first time he got a good look at her, last time he was too freaked out and focused on stopping her bleeding. The first thing that he noticed about her was her long fiery red hair.
How fitting.
Blake was bad with guessing ages so he didn't even try. She was very tall and quite slender but her eyes were what Blake couldn't stop looking at. At first glance they were brown, but Blake thought that he saw it as dark crimson from some angles. He found it fascinating, but disturbing. Not only that but her gaze was terrifying. He felt like a cat that was in front of a tiger.
He led them quietly to the table where he had already prepared some water, juice and what was most important the potion.
-''Take a seat.''
Caleb and Teruna sat and Caleb looked at his son.
-''The doctors were quite annoying, you know?''
Blake smirked.
-''I'm sure you handled them quickly.''
Caleb continued grumbling.
-''Annoying nonetheless...''
-''You are quite rude dad, you have yet to introduce us.''
Blake glanced at Teruna and Caleb immediately went stiff.
She was watching them carefully the entire time and started to laugh after Blake's comment. It was hearty laughter but Blake still got goosebumps and Caleb tried to look anywhere but in her direction.
-''We already met, there is no need for formalities. Just say what you want to say and I will do the same. ''
-''Good. It looks like my father isn't willing to talk at the moment so you and I will have to talk ok?''
Caleb winced when he heard Blake's words but didn't say anything. Teruna looked at him with an amused expression and feinted pouting.
-'' Aww, I enjoyed our last conversation and now you act like this. How cold! Well I'm sure that there will be plenty of time later.''
Is she serious or is she teasing him? I can't really tell.
Caleb didn't say a word but Blake felt that he was panicking.
Looks like he can't either.
-''Let him gather his thoughts. He went through a lot today. Though you did too. There are a lot of things that I don't understand. I'd like you explain them to me.''
Teruna started staring deep into Blake's eyes which made him feel uncomfortable.
-''And why would I do that?''
-''I think that you intended to do so as you gave dad the number of your hospital room. Not only that but we saved you from death.''
-''I could have survived that alone...''
She looked away for a second away and then continued looking Blake in the eyes.
A bit more.
Blake spoke up with a strong and serious voice.
-'' I'll make my father take you to a fancy restaurant on your promised date.''
Caleb yelped and looked at Blake furiously, who just smiled at him.
-''You'd have to take her somewhere anyway, so why not to a nice place?''
Caleb was visibly furious but didn't interrupt Blake's negotiations. Teruna was meanwhile deep in thought. After a while she spoke up.
-Make it three dates and I'll agree.
Blake rose his eyebrows with an amused smile while Caleb suddenly felt the urge for fresh air.
-''Two dates. And only if you really answer my questions truthfully.''
-''Two dates plus he mustn't avoid me.''
Blake shook hands with her.
I'm sure dad won't mind if it is for the well-being of Rose.
Teruna leaned back in her chair and visibly relaxed.
-''Now that we have agreed on the deal, ask away.''
Blake was leaning on his hands trying to look as serious as possible.
-''Lets start from the very beginning even if it's obvious. You are the hedgehog sister?''
Teruna puffed and put an annoyed expression on.
-'' Obviously.''
Saying that such an outrageous things is obvious is weird, but it really was obvious...
-''I suppose that there is more to Alteration than meets the eye. A bit of clarifying would be quite helpful.''
Teruna feigned shock.
-''Oh my from an obvious question to the most complicated one. I wonder how I should answer you...''
Blake talked slowly with a threatening voice.
-'' The deal was that you will answer truthfully...''
He couldn't continue because Teruna's stare made him flinch.
-''And what makes you think that the truth is so easy to explain?''
She leaned over a bit.
-''Do you think that this is something that can be explained in a few sentences? I could talk the whole day about this topic and you still wouldn't grasp it all.''
We don't really have a whole day to waste. Actually an hour is iffy too.
She clicked her tongue.
-''I'm sure you have other questions which I can answer faster. I am currently not in a state to talk so long about a important thing like Alteration. Although... I can tell you that the name is surprisingly fitting.''
-''Just tell me one thing, you and the other monsters existed even before the game,correct?''
So that's how it is. When I clear this mess with Rose I'll be sure to have a nice,long chat about all this with Teruna.
-''Your true form is the hedgehog one?''
Teruna frowned.
-''Both this and that are my true forms. I can shift at will.''
Blake was a bit surprised.
-''Are all the monsters intelligent like you?''
Teruna smirked.
-''Some are, but if you mean intelligent like me as in being able to walk and think then most of them.''
I have tons of questions for her, but I think that I understand enough for now. I wasted enough time.
-''I want you to have a look at my sister.''
Teruna looked genuinely surprised.
-''When I returned from the hospital she was heavily injured but awake. We took care of the injury but she fell asleep and won't wake up.''
-''Take me to her.''
Blake slowly helped Teruna up and led her to Rose's room. Teruna inspected Rose carefully and had a confused expression on her face.
-''Where is that heavy injury that you mentioned.''
-''Taken care of. I will do the same with your wounds once Rose wakes up.''
Teruna's expression darkened.
-''And why not now?''
Blake answered with a resolved tone.
-''I was prepared to give it to you immediately, but your condition isn't as bad so it can wait until Rose wakes up. I'm sure dad will help you out as much as needed during that time. You are saving his daughter after all.''
Teruna's expression lighted up while Blake had a cunning smile on his lips.
-''But that all depends, can you wake Rose up?''
-''No, but I know how to do it. I think she was slashed by something which had poison on it's edge. She was conscious at first because of the huge pain probably. But this was sloppy, I don't think it was an organised attack.''
Blake thought hard about everything she had said.
So it was a poison...
-''Why would anyone attack her?''
Teruna hesitated for a moment.
-''My best guess is that they mistook her for you...''
-''How? Why would anyone attack me either?''
Teruna was visibly uncomfortable.
-''Well...you see... that ritual that I made you do wasn't something that occurs in the game usually.''
She fidgeted a lot while Blake's eyes narrowed.
-''Is it your fault that my sister got in trouble? What was that ritual for?''
She avoided eye contact.
-''Well yes. I kinda added you to our faction. With all the benefits and drawbacks, they must have mixed you up because you are blood related...''
Blake's snarled with an unusually deep voice.
Teruna tried to talk with a nonchalant voice.
-''You see every factions has allies and enemies. A drawback of our faction is that we aren't really popular with the other races...''
Blake's voice was pure made of pure fury that was barely being contained.
-''How unpopular?''
-''We sorta waged war...''
Deep breaths Blake,deep breaths!
-''We were on one side and everyone else was on the other side...''
-''Of course you were, why wouldn't you be?''
Blake started to laugh uncontrollably.
-''That sounds like a reasonable war just go fight everyone ahahah. And you know what would be genious too?''
Teruna tried to say something but he just continued.
-'' You could take some innocent guy and make him join your self destructing faction WITHOUT GIVING HIM A HEADS UP! ''
Blake turned silent and took deep breaths. Teruna was shocked but she soon regained her composure.
-''I had to do it. It looks bad now, but after I sort out this mess everything will get better, somethings will even go back to normal. There will be many benefits in this deal for you too. This wasn't how it was supposed to be, trust me. You can get a lot out of this deal,especially entertainment and satisfaction and you can save us.''
Blake slowly shifted his gaze again on Teruna.
-''You endanger my family and put that at equal terms with a bit of entertainment? Say, how would you like this? I will bring your brothers in a near death state, but you get the promise that you will have a great time afterwards? A tempting offer,huh?''
Teruna gulped audibly and started talking with a shaky voice.
Blake calmed a bit down but still glared at her with a dangerous light in his eyes.
-''You don't like the offer? But think about the satisfaction and entertainment that you will obtain after that. Isn't the price rather minor if you look at what you will gain?''
Teruna shook her head and yelled.
-''Enough! I understand, it was stupid. I did something terrible to you, but I had to... either that or...or...''
Teruna's voice gave out.
Blake watched this with a mix of anger,pity and confusion.
So she had it tough too? I'll make her tell me everything about it later.
He continued with a calmer tone.
-''We will clear everything out later with a nice cup of tea or anything other you fancy, deal?''
Teruna looked up to Blake with thankfulness in her eyes.
-''Deal. Now lets go save your sister.''
She stood up, but Blake didn't move a finger.
-''You have yet to tell me how to cure her state.''
Her eyebrows rose.
-''Didn't I tell you that this the fault of a poison?''
-''You did. What about it?''
She sighed and patiently continued.
-''How do you cure poisoning?''
Blake became angry again.
-''With an antidote of course, but where do we get one? Do we take her to a hospital?''
A cunning smile appeared on her face.
-'' You are partly correct, but you are forgetting that the poison isn't from this world so hospitals can't help. No, what we need is a real Antidote.''
Table of Contents
- In Serial35 Chapters
In the year 207xxxx, Humanity cannot die. Nyx Krývoun only has one wish, that is, to die. And finally, after 10700 years, he finally did! But, he didn't get to sleep. He now has to deal with it again. Another life as a reincarnated human in a world that parallels the one he lives in, a world that has been in so many comics that he read. A world full of magic. Another world that he must endure to find a way to finally find everlasting sleep. ___________________ Chapters are uploaded per 1-2 days. Probably. Credits to: -Trolarch- for the sketches The cover is from WeHeartIt . com
8 344 - In Serial55 Chapters
Enter an unfamiliar world..The protagonist is flung into a new environment and is unsure of what is to come..You'll constantly be wondering what will happen next..No one will be able to guess the plot..Not even the author himself!.The only guarantee is that you won't be let down!
8 219 - In Serial32 Chapters
She's The One
Alexandria Jackson. Softball and basketball team captain. Sexy as hell. Popular. Loved by all. Intersex. Lesbian. Abused. Harper Adams. Cheer captain. Literal goddess. Everyone's friend. Bisexual. Very happy and outgoing.Alex and Harper both have a crush on each other. They know each other from school but never really became friends even though their best friends are dating each other. Alex doesn't want to drag Harper into her messed up life. What happens when Harper notices Alex's bruises and won't let it go? Will Alex act on her crush and let Harper in?
8 175 - In Serial14 Chapters
The Ratter
By gnawing through a dike, even a rat may drown a nation.-Edmund Burke There are three kinds of monsters that every rookie adventurer can be expected to face. The first is the goblin, the small green humanoids that often cause problems out on the frontier. The second is the slime, the sneaky ambush predator that likes to drop down from the ceiling and seems to be just about everywhere. And then, there's the giant rat, the plague of the sewer and the tavern cellar. But they're nothing but a petty annoyance, right? Right? Wrong. Giant rats multiply like wildfire and mature very quickly. Unlike rats, they can very quickly exceed their available food supply and start hunting for human flesh the moment that nothing else is available. A hungry swarm, unchecked, can eat a city alive. But not if The Ratter has anything to say about it.
8 139 - In Serial14 Chapters
Ask or dare the pup star crew
Ask or dare the pup star crew
8 135 - In Serial11 Chapters
a story if three triplet mafia brothers and three brown hijabi friends from different countriesALIXANDER ROMANO:cold,aggressive,rude,death gorgeous ,mafia leader,many night stand,22NATHANIEL ROMANO:cold ,sometime sweet,death gorgeous,mafia,many night stand,22ERIC ROMANO:hate girls but still whore around with both gender,can be cold as f if mad,like his brothers death gorgeous,22ARISHA KHAN KHATTAK:weird,pakhtun,cheerfull,and scary as f if someone do any thing fishy with her friends,protectibe of her friends very much ,youngest,23,pakistaniRABAB AHMAD:nice,kind,love her friends,eldest,23,indianMISHAL JHANVI:beautifull,confident,middle,23,bengaliSHIPS:alix x rababarish x ericmishal x nath
8 219