《Alteration》Alteration Chapter 2 [OLD]
Part of the old story, make sure to check out the remade Alteration here.
What should I do? Run for it and get killed by the alarmed little hedgehogs or wait and still be killed by the mother?
Blake was panicking and looking around him to find another way out,but he wasn't successful. The hedgehog mother came slowly closer to him.
There is nothing I can do,I'm trapped on this bridge…Wait…
Blake took something out of his bag and put it into his right hand. Meanwhile, the mother hedgehog steadily came closer to him.
This could work.
-''Lava orb!''
The Heat pebble that was previously in his hand disappeared and a big Lava orb stood in its place.
Now that I charged it up, it should be able to blind them all. I just need to close my eyes at the right time.
He threw the orb down while aiming for the hedgehog mother.
It should scatter somewhere in front of h…wow
The huge beast jumped up and swallowed the big orb. Blake saw all this with a horrified expression on his face. He fell on his knees.
I'm dead.
The whole cave shook when the hedgehog came back on the floor.Cracks started to appear on the bridge Blake was on.
Who would have thought that? I won't get killed by the beast,the lava will do it.
Big chunks of the bridge started to fall down in the lava. Blake stood on his knees and watched helplessly. Finally the floor around him cracked too and he slided down to the lava with a big piece of the floor.
At the same moment the hedgehog mother closed in on him and used her big pointy nose to balance the rock chunk so it won't sink.
Did she just save me?
While holding the chunk and Blake with it, she started to go through the lava.
Why would she save me? Where is she taking me?
He couldn't do much as any kind of movement would probably result in him falling in the lava. After a while of awkward silence they came to a part of the cave which wasn't covered in lava. Blake stepped on the safe rock floor with a relieved expression.
In the next moment he was surrounded by jumping hedgehogs which happily squeaked. They were quite excited. Their flame bodies even started to shine brighter.
Blake looked worryingly at the hedgehog mother, but she stood calmly next to them.
What should I do?
He sat down and started to think.
Why is she so friendly to me? Is this a quest?
He started to cast Lava orb after a while to silence the young hedgehogs.While he did that,he noticed that the mother relaxed and was resting on the floor.
Oh,so that's why.
He tried stopping for a bit with the casting,but she immediately started staring at him.
Maybe she just enjoys looking at the orbs dispersing in the air,like the little ones.
With this thought in mind,he threw an orb in her general direction,but she just huffed and the orb flew to the little hedgehogs.
Huh so that's not it… Wait, she ate the one before,why isn't she interested in this one?
He immediately understood and took one Heat pebble out of his bag.
-''Lava orb!''
Again a huge orb appeared and he threw it to the mother which eat it nearly instantly.
My fire magic alone is too weak for her to care I guess…
She was visibly satisfied after the snack and made a happy squeak. Then she stood up and started to push Blake gently back to the rock on which he crossed the lava.
-''You want me to get back on that rock?''
With that she went again in the lava and held the rock while waiting for him patiently.
I'm not sure what's going on,but it doesn't look like she is hostile. This must be some quest.
-''Sorry guys, playtime is over.''
He stopped casting Lava orb after that and went to the rock.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Event finished: Playing with the flame hedgehog siblings.
You took the risk and entertained a race that is incomparably stronger than you.
Added Reputation with Flame hedgehogs
6x Bonus for playing with the little hedgehogs (level difference 130)
+6x70 Reputation with Flame hedgehogs
+59% bonus
2xBonus for feeding the Big sister hedgehog (level difference 240)
+2x400 reputation with Flame hedgehogs
+100% bonus
Total:2268 Reputation with Flame hedgehogs[br][/br][/col][/box]
Blake read the message while the huge hedgehog, which wasn't a mother, but a sister apparently, carried the rock he was sitting on to somewhere.
I never knew there was such a thing as reputation with monsters. I wonder what it does… Maybe they will give me some item or something like that.
There was no lava-free land in sight and the rock under him was rapidly heating up.
I just hope that I'll come to the destination soon… This might get nasty if it's still far away. I should try to think about something else. Oh, wait! I still haven't looked at my stats.
A window appeared before him.
NameBlakeRaceHumanLevel1ClassNature SeekerTitle----ReputationWith Flame hedgehogs: 2,268Health500Mana210Strength10Agility10Stamina10Perseveance0Wisdom10Intellect10Fighting Spirit0Endurance10PhysicalResistance10Charisma0Notoriety0Honor0Faith0[br][/br]A new adventurer who has yet to do something noteworthy.
Magic resistance: -3 towards all magic
Line of sight:+1
Starting impression:+3(just to humans)[br][/br]
There isn't much here yet, but that will change soon for sure.
The hedgehog sister stopped now that she finally came to her destination and Blake got down of the rock.
That rock got infernally hot, good thing it's over. Now let's see why she brought me here…
Blake stood in a smaller part of the cave. He was a bit wobbly on his feet after the lava ride, but that subsided after a few steps. A hot nose pushed him from behind and he stumbled forward.
-''Okay, okay. I'm going, don't push me.''
He and the hedgehog walked for quite a while. During this time Blake took the opportunity to examine the hedgehog sister a bit more thorougly.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Flame hedgehog
Level: 241
This specimen is a young female.
The body of a Flame hedgehog is coated in lava, if it dries the hedgehog will be weaker and have a Cold. This condition is very rare because they have a wide variety of tricks to preserve their lava, or at least their heat.
You don't have enough experience to Analyze better.[br][/br][/col][/box]
Aww, I hoped for a bit of flavour text and not just a small portion of boring facts. Well, I'm level one so it's good enough that I can Analyze her at all. If she was any stronger I probably couldn't… What's this?
The hedgehog sister stopped before something that looked like some weird combination of bathtub and pool, but neither at the same time. It was around three meters wide and six meters long. Blake didn't know what this little pool/bathtub was for so he looked confusedly around him.
This was a dead end and there was nothing else here. He turned to the hedgehog and looked into its crimson eyes.
-''What now?''
The hedgehog walked in a energetic manner to the pool and pointed its nose first at Blake and then at it.
-'' Why would I go into the pool?''
Maybe their masterpiece AI was the tutorial spirit and they didn't really pay attention to the others…
A deep rumbling sound came from the hedgehog and it bared its teeth.
Yikes, this most probably means that I'm dead if I don't do it… Well I got nothing to lose then.
He slowly went to the middle of the pool and looked at the hedgehog, which waited at the edge of the pool. Once she saw that he was in the middle, red dust started coming off her body and slowly started to fill the pool.
Is this some sort of magic? What is she trying to do?
The dust reached Blake's knees, it moved around constantly in wavelike, chaotic patterns.
It's like I'm standing in a sea of red dust… I have to say, this game is awesome.
He reached out with his hand for the dust, but it just went through with a tingling sensation.
For a few moments he just stood there and enjoyed the amazing sight. His gazing was interrupted by a rustling sound. The hedgehog rolled up and started to do small circles with increasing speed.
Did she go mad or what?
With the increasing speed she made the circles smaller and smaller until it looked like she was just spinning around herself. Sparks were flying around her and drips of her lava coat were everywhere.
Both the sparks and the lava drops fell into the pool. The lava reacted with the dust, making it shine in a red colour and heating it up to unbearable levels. Sparks continued to fly here and there through the dust making it look like Blake was surrounded by red, infernal thunderclouds.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Entered a Ritual
The Ritual fog absorbs your energy until it gathers enough.
-15% mana/minute
-5% health/minute
Little bolts of electricity appear sometimes. They have a chance of stunning you for a short while.
Stun time: 0.5 sec[br][/br][/col][/box]
The whole cave vibrated and increased the sounds of dust waves swirling and crashing against the edges of the pool. Small crackling bolts of electricity flew everywhere around Blake and illuminated the dust .
This is the most beautiful and at the same time terrifying sight I have ever seen.
He stood dumbfounded on the same spot for a minute before his brain got jump-started by the damage of the Heat.
I don't think that I can do anything at all in this situation. The hedgehog made a clear statement before, I can only wai…
The waves grew suddenly stronger and made him lose his balance and fall.
Everything around him swirled with black,red and white flashes. The waves threw him around and he couldn't get back on his feet, either they were too strong or a bolt would hit him, making him stunned and falling down.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]You are covered in Ritual fog.
It absorbs more energy from you.
Mana loss increase 10%
Health loss increase 5%
Time until completion: -55%[br][/br][/col][/box]
He stopped after seeing the message.
I see…so this isn't simply a deathtrap. This is a race to see which will be finished first: the ritual or my health bar. Argh, these bolts are simply annoying, I'll wait for the ritual to finish, but there is no need to get hit by those.
Blake started crawling through the dust waves while trying to adapt to the waves. He slowly stood up and realised that the fog level rose and was now over his head. He kept on following the directions the waves were headed so he wouldn't get thrown down.
And now the bolts… I wonder if they have some pattern? I don't really have the time to figure it out even if they do… Maybe I can just do some last second dodges.
He continued to step with the wave flow, but this time he tried to duck or jump away when he thought something had flashed beside him. Sometimes he succeeded, sometimes he didn't, but at least he didn't just wait for the ritual to finish.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Skill acquired: Vigilance[br][/br][/col][/box]
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Vigilance
Passive: You are aware of your surroundings with all their benefits and drawbacks.
5% chance of dodging a attack or ability if you had been hit by the ability in the last hour.[br][/br][/col][/box]
Oh, so you can create an ability with enough effort? It looks quite useful for level grinding too.
Blake continued to evade the bolts as much as he could until a sharp pain in his right arm interrupted and made him fall on his knees.
A stinging pain went through his whole body. Blake fought the excruciating pain and invested all his thoughts and energy on not falling down.
After a few minutes of struggling which seemed like an eternity, he stood up and slowly and cautiously started to examine his body.
What happened to me? I feel like i swam through a sea of spikes and got then trampled by a herd of cattle… I should really tune the pain generator a bit down… Damn that was insane!
The fog started slowly dissolving and no more bolts flew through the air.
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Ritual complete
Gained all main benefits of Ritual of the Straw
Side benefits:
+10% fire resistance
+30 endurance
+5 stamina
+5 physical resistance[br][/br][/col][/box]
Blake read this message a few times to himself confusedly.
Main benefits… Straw… I don't understand any of this. Why can I just see the side benefits? Did this event start because of my influence with the hedgehogs? I don't understand any of it.
After a few wobbly steps he reached the place where the hedgehog sister previously stood and went into a state of shock. The floor that was next to him was torn and scorched in some places which made a symbol in the ground. It was beautiful, but unfamiliar to Blake.
He noticed a big bulge in the middle of the symbol. It was big and black with an uneven and rough surface. Shards were sticking out of it here and there. Most were dull and short, but some where quite sharp so he had to be careful when approaching it.
A few steps later he stood right next to the bulge and noticed that it emanated heat.
Wait a minute…
A weird feeling overcame Blake and he put his hand on the bulge. It suddenly started trembling and opened up.
How?! Why?! Oh, I'm getting a headache…
A badly injured, previously curled up hedgehog laid next to Blake.
I guess I wasn't the only one who had a bad time during the Ritual… I suppose she etched the base spell circle when she rolled previously. Maybe she rolled during the whole Ritual… Oh my, she is a mess…
She laid on the earth while breathing shallowly. Most of her spikes were broken off and dull. She wasn't even near as warm as she was before. Nearly no light came from her except a bit around her face. Her breathing was shallow and strained. She didn't wake up no matter how much Blake shook her and called out.
I could actually get quite good loot if she dies. I would have no obstacle to go back to the surface too… I could even get a huge headstart if I make the finishing blow.
Blake grabbed the head of the beast and slowly turned it around. Her eyes were closed and it didn't look like she was conscious.
A simple choke hold would be enough,she hasn't even the energy to struggle.
He put his hands around her huge throat.
Come on! This is just a game and she is a monster… which gave me a useful bonus and didn't eat me even if she could have done so. Nevertheless if I want to get ahead in this game this is the best chance that i will get. But… the little hedgehogs… I wonder how they will do without her.
Blake backed off and clenched his fist.
I don't care if this is a game. This feel too real. There is no way that I can kill a sentient being that saved my life even if it had reasons to kill me and be safe. But what can I do? I don't know any healing ability and possess no herbs... There must be something I can do. I just hope that the other monsters of Alteration are a bit more evil.
Blake took out of his bag every piece of meat or other food that he found in the tutorial. He tried feeding her but she was unconscious so that was problematic.
How realistic is this? Should I hope that she takes it in reflexively or is there a chance that she will choke? This game was quite real to this point, I shouldn't take the risk.
-''Come on, wake up! I can't help you if you are like this.''
Even if I say that, it's not like I would have any better cards if she was conscious. There is only one thing that I can do now.
After he took out the Heat pebble he shouted:
-''Lava orb!''
As the previous times a big red orb appeared in Blake's hand and he quickly brought it closer to her mouth. She automatically started to, seemingly, drink the orb. It became smaller and smaller in Blake's hand and finally disappeared.
She slowly opened her eyes but she didn't do anything except that. She laid still on the ground and still breathed shallowly.
-''What did you do to yourself? Oh man, what can I do more? This was my last Heat pebble!''
I'm out of ideas… Maybe Rose has some herbs or potions that she could lend me. I have no time to lose.
-''I will be back, just endure until then.''
He patted her head and gently put it down.
-''Do not struggle or try to get up, it will only exhaust you.''
I have no idea if she understood, but it is worth a try.
-''Alteration! Quick stop!''
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Do you wish to put your character into resting mode?[br][/br][/col][/box]
This would waste my time when I reconnect, every second is of importance.
* * *
Blake nearly tore his goggles off his face and sprang up out of his chair.
He ran towards his sister's room.
-''Open up! It's important!''
Caleb peeked out of the living room.
-''Why so loud? What happened?''
-''Oh,dad umm… It is nothing really important, but there is something that I want to do right now and need Rose's help to do so.''
-''What? If it is something that I can help you with,I'm free at the moment so…''
-''No, thanks but no. It has to be Rose and it has to be soon too!''
He would laugh at me if I told him that something from Alteration got me this worked up.
The door in front of which Blake stood slowly opened and his sister peaked out.
-''What is it?''
-''Just a second.''
Blake turned to his dad.
-''I'll tell you everything about it during dinner. I promise that it isn't anything important.''
Caleb went back to the living room and muttered to himself.
-''If it isn't so important why are you getting this worked up?''
Blake thought that he saw his dad running after that.
Does he really love that much his dramas?
Then he faced his sister.
-''Transfer every healing item you have quickly to my account, crafting items with fire affinity too. Ask questions later, this is an emergency.''
-''What?… This is a game, breath…''
-''No time! Just transfer that and I will share a story with you that will make your jaw drop.''
Rose headed towards her chairs and was already putting her goggles on.
I'll wait for the transfer to be complete in the cave.
Blake ran towards his room and jumped in his chair. A second later he already put the goggles on.
* * *
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Continue adventure?[br][/br][/col][/box]
Blake needed a few seconds for his eyes to grow accustomed to the different light.
He stood on the same spot where he left previously but he couldn't find. He bent over and tried finding any kind of trail but it was in vain…
She disappeared…
[box border=1 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3 width=80% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][col colspan=4 valign=top width=100% bordercolor=#7499c4 bgcolor=#d2e4f2][br][/br]Transfer complete
You obtained:
8 Fire fangs
3 Holdor sticks
5 Small health potions
Sender: Rose[br][/br][/col][/box]
She must be here somewhere,there is no way that she could have walked far in that state.
A cold chill crawled up Blake's spine.
Maybe something else came and killed her while I was away. She was in no condition to fight back. I couldn't have done anything more for her… right?
Blake walked through the cave looking for some sign of the hedgehog sister but nothing came out of it.
* * *
Rose shook Blake who slowly took off the goggles and looked at her with a dazed but alarmed look. She responded with a panicked look and shrieking voice.
-''Dad needs your help! ''
-''I was in the middle of something here.''
-''I don't give a damn. This is more important, trust me!''
Rose grabbed Blake's arms and nearly threw him out of his chair.
-'' I'm going, I'm going. No need to rip my arm off. Where is dad?''
-'' He is in the front yard. Just go! There is no time for further explanation.''
Blake understood how serious the situation must be and ran immediately to the front yard. The scene which awaited him was one that he wouldn't forget easily.
His dad was crouched down over a white cloth,probably a sheet, that was stained with red colour. He quickly tore parts of the cloth to strips and put them around bigger parts that were sticking on something.
Caleb glanced for a moment back and shouted at Blake.
-''Don't just stand here, we need to help her. It looks like someone tried to murder her and she got away. She has big wounds and is losing much blood. If we don't stop the bleeding she won't be able to wait for the ambulance. You need to hold this cloth with all your power while I tie it up.''
A woman was in the cloth that Caleb held. Her body was covered in blood and her face was unnaturally pale especially in comparison to her golden looks which were covered in drops of blood.
Blake's mind froze as this was the first time that he saw someone this badly injured, but his body automatically followed the commands of his father. They quickly made a huge and strong bandage which covered her whole upper body to her neck.
Blood stains were appearing everywhere but after they put a bit more strength in the knots it slowed down. Her wounds must be horrible for them to appear all over the cloth. He was grateful that his dad did the worst job before he came.
-''Is she conscious dad?''
-''She groans every now and then but I don't think she is aware of what is happening.''
-''We did the best we could with the bandage, now we should try to keep her conscious.''
Blake lightly slapped the woman and she opened her eyes a bit wider.
-''Help is on the way, concentrate on our voices. Do not drift away.''
Caleb pushed Blake gently away and held the woman upright.
-''The ambulance should be here very soon. Can you talk?''
The woman tried to reply but was in no condition to do so.
-''It's okay don't push yourself. Just count in your mind from fifty backwards.''
The sounds of sirens became louder and louder. A minute later two men carried the heavily injured woman in the ambulance.
-''She is lucky to have found such a pair of capable gentlemen.''
Police officers were here too and talked to Caleb and Blake. Caleb was answering all the questions in regard of how he found her. Blake was standing awkwardly next to him and was trying to process everything that had happened.
-''Sir, you will come with us so we deal with all the paperwork. If you want we can tell the reporters your name later on too. You and your son would be heroes.''
-''This is a sad world if helping someone is looked upon as something extraordinary. I'll come with you, but could my son go to the hospital to check the condition of the lady?''
-''Yes, we will give him a lift. The hospital is on the way to the station.''
Caleb turned to Blake.
-''If somethings happens call me. I will come over there as soon as I can. I can't believe something like this happened in our neighbourhood, what a poor woman…''
Blake got dropped off by the officers at the hospital. He walked quickly through the corridors and came to a reception.
-'' Excuse me. Me and my father found a heavily injured woman who was delivered here moments ago. How is her condition?''
-''Oh, yes. The officers told me you would come so I wouldn't make any problems. I have to say, it is rare to see someone show so much worry for a stranger.''
-''We found her and we treated her the best we could. We are involved in it and are worried if we did enough.''
-''It is no exaggeration to say that you saved her life or better said, gave her a chance. She is currently in the operating room.''
-''Can I wait here?''
-''Sure you can.''
He sat down. Hours flew by before Caleb came and switched with Blake who then headed back. He took the bus home but got off a few stations before his home. He decided to make a walk to clear his thoughts and calm down.
After 20 minutes of walking he finally came to his house and entered it.
-''Rose? I'm back! Dad will stay there until the woman regains consciousness.''
No response? Maybe she listens to music or plays Alteration.
-''Rose? Are you here?''
He opened the door and stepped in the room.
She laid on the floor with a deep slash running across her thigh. A small puddle of blood formed beneath her.
Her breathing was barely audible. He quickly tried to stop the bleeding with his shirt but he didn't have anything near him with which he could tie it up.
I need to stop the bleeding and call an ambulance. Is this really happening? CABLES! I have lots of cables in my room. I can make use of them.
He ran to his room and quickly took the cables which were in his cupboard.
I could use something to wash her wound too. Who knows what caused it.
He quickly scanned his room for a bottle of water and found one in his backpack.
I can't remember packing water in the bag today. Well I was sleepy and it is great that I did.
Blake took the bottle and cables to his sisters room.
-''Don't you dare to die!''
Tears welled up in Blake's eyes and he suppressed them so he could concentrate on bandaging his sister. He readied the shirt and detangled the cables so it would go swiftly.
First I should wash the wound.
He poured water slowly on every part of her wound.
Now the clo…
Rose's wounds started closing and her bleeding stopped.
-''What on Earth is happening?''
Table of Contents
- In Serial46 Chapters
"These things have a way of coming to life on their own, escaping the hands of their creator to become monsters of unintended effects." Determined to step beyond her small-town, Southern roots, Marissa Erinson leaves South Carolina to work at a university bookstore in prohibition-era St. Louis. A woman in a man's world and someone who sees past the surface appearance of her friends, Marissa's bravery and acts of kindness create a battle she had no intention of starting. A battle that could cost her life. IF YOU LIKE MARISSA, READ THE OTHER FINISHED BOOKS IN THE EPIPHANIES SERIES: AYLEE AND PIPER. OR COME READ THE COUNTERSIGN SERIES: NIGHTENGALE, [email protected], AND ALTAR EGO. THANKS. PLEASE REVIEW - I VALUE YOUR INPUT!
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An Indomitable's Odyssey
The story follows the journey of James Walter from a mortal to reaching the peak of power and the many trials and hardships faced by him to reach his goal. Note- This is a xianxia based story without psychopathic murderer/brainless Mc that we generally see in such novels as I find it very boring and clichéd. It is my take on the genre and I hope it will interest the readers to come back for more. The novel might contain mature content in future. More tags might also be added as the story progresses. The cover art has been done by MadelynBlack. She is a wonderful person and a fantastic artist. If you need help with your cover you may message her about it:)
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Water and Ice | Shoto Todoroki
⌜ Y/n is finally on her way to the school she's wanted to attend since she was a child. Surrounded by powerful classmates at UA, she's immediately thrown into the whirlwind of making friends, enemies, and training to become a hero. However, it's a little hard to focus when a red and white haired boy is constantly occupying your thoughts. 」__________➳ credit for bnha world components to kohei horikoshi➳ credit to original artists for pics at the top of chapters➳ loosely based on bnha timeline➳ some events and almost all interactions are stuff i come up with➳ slow burn even tho it looks rly fast at first lol__________➳ all rights reserved➳ not mature➳ rly cringe➳ completed➳ unedited
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When you really love someone then age, miles, height, weight are just numbers.The cover pic credit to the real owner.Started:- 26 December 2020Ended:- 15 February 2021© BTS7KINGS
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Soulmates (Klaus mikaelson)
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Ink & Tears
This is a collection of poems that I have written about my struggles with depression, anxiety, love, nature, and the darker aspect of the world that seems to always hammer on my heart. I hope this reaches some of you.
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