《Nocturne》End of Novel Extras, Stats, and a Preview


Hello happy people. I come to you today bearing stat boxes, cast information, and a gift.

The stat boxes are to show the current stats of Scott and the girls. I tend not to update them the story too frequently because they can be distracting, and there is really no need for them to check them every chapter since the world is game-like in some respects, but not really a game.

Anyway, the gift I bring you is after the last stat box. It's a short 'rough draft' chapter of the story that I plan to publish. You will notice that it is quite different from Nocturne, though the MC is the same. The chapter I am sharing is sort of 'in-the-works' so it can change. It is chapter two of that story which will be tentatively titled:

Ero Master: The Legendary Journeys.

Here are the current stats for the characters after two major battles and lots of training fights.

StatusName: Scott JacobsRace: True HumanLevel: 17 (3/6800)Class: Adventurer (Knight)

Scott Jacobs is a Knight Errant employed by the adventurer’s guild. He has proven instrumental in the resolution of three major Fiend incidents. He is a known criminal, but is deemed trustworthy due to the recommendation of Guild Leader Aaron Kranz of Oldtowne.

Age: 28

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown

Height: 6’ 2”/ 188 cm

Weight: 210 lbs. / 95.25 kg

Blood Type: A+

Guild Rank: Knight Errant

Guild Level: 6

Life Force: 980Attack: 24M. Attack: 23Defense: 43M. Defense: 25Strength: 21Agility: 18Resilience: 34Vitality: 47Intellect: 22(20)Charisma: 25Will:20Spirit: 51AbilitiesStaff Mastery: Level 2Unarmed Combat: Level 7Swordsmanship: Level 5--AttacksBlack MetalPrepare for War

StatusName: NinaRace: Demi-HumanLevel: 24 (1246/5760)Breed: Slashette

Nina is a Slashette currently owned by the adventurer Scott Jacobs. She was captured on the High Road between the Ophun Research Institute and Oldtowne. She likes to sing when she is happy.

She uses a weighted rope and hook as her main weapon style, and her libido seems to be higher than average.

Her owner theorizes that she simply wants to show her affection for him due to her previous partial-regression experience. She is expected to calm down in the near future.

Age: 18

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Blond

Height: 5’ 8”/ 168.8 cm

Weight: 140 lbs. / 63.5 kg

Blood Type: B+

Breast Size: Generous C-cup

Appearance: Human Standard

Body Type: Curvaceous

Role: Frontline Fighter

Position: Alpha

Enhancements: Enhanced Weapon Usage Proficiency

Life Force: 610Mana: 450Attack: 20(32)M. Attack: 26Defense: 49(20)M. Defense: 29Strength: 46Agility: 97Resilience: 53Vitality: 61Intellect: 29Charisma: 42Will: 33Spirit: 45AbilitiesChain Weapon Mastery: Level 21Swordsmanship: Level 2First Aid: Level 4Cooking: Level 1Scholarship: (Intermediate)Unrated------AttacksSwing: Level 14Trip: Level 6Counter: Level 4Deflect: Level 11

StatusName: MakinaRace: Demi-HumanLevel: 21 (572/4200)Breed: Balvulf

Makina is a Balvulf currently owned by the adventurer Scott Jacobs. She was granted to him via a trade agreement by the adventurer's guild. She was orphaned at a young age. She likes to cook. She dreams of being a bride and having many children.

Age: 18

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Blond

Height: 5’ 10”/ 177.9 cm

Weight: 156 lbs. / 70.76 kg

Blood Type: 0-

Breast Size: Generous F-cup

Appearance: Humanoid

Body Type: Curvaceous

Role: Frontline Fighter

Position: Tank

Enhancements: Enhanced Physicality, Innate Lightning Element affinity

Life Force: 1120Mana: 640Attack: 66M. Attack: 32Defense: 69M. Defense: 31Strength: 134Agility: 68Resilience: 73Vitality: 112Intellect: 29Charisma: 30Will: 31Spirit: 64AbilitiesUnarmed Combat: Level 28Lightning Element Mastery: Level 12Cooking: Level 21--Scholarship: (Intermediate)Unrated------AttacksSpinning Lightning Strike: Level 13Meteor Punch: Level 7Lightning Kick: Level 3Spinning Uppercut: Level 9

StatusName: CereneRace: Demi-HumanLevel: 20 (897/4000)Breed: Angel

Cerene is an angel currently owned by the adventurer Scott Jacobs. She was claimed as a prize during the first fiend incident of Verdant Falls. She originally belonged to a tamer who somehow became a Fiend.


Age: 18

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Blond

Height: 5’ 5”/ 165.1 cm

Weight: 128 lbs. / 58 kg

Blood Type: 0+

Breast Size: Solid D-cup

Appearance: Human Standard/ Avian metamorphosis

Body Type: Lithe

Role: Ranged Fighter

Position: Gunner

Enhancements: Innate Light Element, Metamorphic wings

Life Force: 420Mana: 730Attack: 35(50))M. Attack: 47Defense: 52M. Defense: 44Strength: 32Agility: 45Resilience: 30Vitality: 42Intellect: 40Charisma: 61Will: 68Spirit: 73AbilitiesThrown Weapon Mastery: Level 6White Magic Master: Level 1First Aid: Level 3Light Element Mastery: Level 1Scholarship: (Intermediate)Unrated------AttacksThrow: Level 4Angelic Strike: Level 3----

StatusName: YokoRace: Demi-HumanLevel: 25 (2356/6000)Breed: Amazon

Yoko is an Amazon currently owned by the adventurer Scott Jacobs. She was acquired by her current tamer through legal action in lieu of euthanasia. She has a strange personality quirk that causes her to idolize ancient warriors of the far east, and wants to be a Samurai.

Age: 21

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Red

Height: 5’ 10”/ 177.8 cm

Weight: 144 lbs. / 65.3 kg

Blood Type: B+

Breast Size: Solid C-cup

Appearance: Human Standard

Body Type: Lithe

Role: Frontline Fighter

Position: Damage Dealer

Enhancements: Enhanced Weapon Usage Proficiency

Life Force: 710Mana: 640Attack: 43(50)M. Attack: 40Defense: 60M. Defense: 46Strength: 65Agility: 68Resilience: 56Vitality: 71Intellect: 23Charisma: 27Will: 56Spirit: 64AbilitiesKi Mastery: Level 18Swordsmanship: Level 24First Aid: Level 9--Scholarship: (Intermediate)UnratedAncient Lore: Warriors of the East (Advanced)Unrated----AttacksVacuum Blade: Level 14Chi Slash: Level 23----

This is more or less what I see their stats as. Anyway, I promised an extra... so here is chapter 2 of the Ero Master: The Legendary Journeys for your viewing enjoyment.


Sometimes it was best to ask questions, to try and understand the world around you. At other times it was best to go with the flow. Scott did not know which method to choose at present. Though, only one choice was actually available. He was alone as far as he knew, and as such he could not question anyone but himself.

He looked out at the vibrantly colored field of flowers, and the trees that seemed far too green. He listened to the soft music playing in the background. It was a lot to take in, really.

“Where am I?”

He was shocked when a light blue square of light popped up in front of him. “What the hell?”

Welcome to the world of Ero-Rune!

We hope that you enjoy your time here. The creators of this world have painstakingly designed it to allow for maximum realism while maintaining the visual style and world content that most suits a pervert of your stature.

You will find that this world operates differently than the world you hail from. You will need to adapt to these changes in order to have a good life here.

You can return to your world of origin at any time using the logout function on your menu screen. However, that function is locked until you complete the tutorial, or you experience the cruel mystery that is death.

Please note: Once you return to your home world, you cannot return to this world for twenty-four hours.

Once you have finished the tutorial, you will have access to expanded functions such as the auction house. Thanks for visiting, and we hope you have lots of naughty fun.

By the way: Do you like Horny Bunnies?

Scott stared at the message on the screen for a moment. This was unbelievable. Was it that game he had supposedly signed up to play? That was impossible! This place was no game, it looked like someone had palette swapped real life! Also, what was that thing about horny bunnies supposed to be about?

The screen faded out and another one popped up in its place. This time it was some sort of tutorial screen. Scott read through the information and learned how to use his special Ero powers, whatever those were supposed to be.


“Ero powers? Why do I suddenly feel dirty?” He shook off the idea that had formed in his head then tried to use the outlined abilities.

It was not possible that what he was witnessing was a game. It was too real, too defined. Yet, at least it was something to consider. He could sit under a tree and gibber like an idiot, terrified that he was in a new place. However, that was not the kind of person that he was.

Logic was a funny thing. People often confused it with things that they considered to be possible. That was not the case.

Logic was a determination of the most likely outcome when presented with a specific situation that was undeniably real.

Someone who misunderstood the concept would consider what Scott was dealing with to be impossible. Their mind might even break under the weight of the strangeness they were experiencing.

Scott, however, knew several things had recently occurred that lent some credence to the situation. He had signed up to play a highly realistic game that promised a whole new world of adventure. He was currently standing in a small field near a forest, and game-like windows occasionally popped into existence. The most logical outcome to consider was that he was actually inside some sort of world that was created to be a game-like existence.

“Screw it. I’ll do the tutorial that this thing is talking about, and see what happens. If I can log in and out like that window claimed, I will know that the situation is not as bad as I had thought.”

The new player followed the instructions that he had been granted. He placed his thumbs and forefingers together in a shape similar to a square. “Menu Screen On.”

A tiny blue square with hard to see information popped into existence between his fingers. He spread his hands apart and the window grew larger in size. When it reached a size that he deemed appropriate, he told it to hold position. The screen stayed in place even after he moved his hands away.

Status MenuName: Scott JacobsRace: HeroClass: Ero MasterLevel: 1 [00.000%]Development Points: 0Lives: 3Mental State: Clear [Alert]Body Condition: PristineLife Force: 40 [Alert]Ero: 4Race Traits: Capable of Limited Automatic Reincarnation After Death.Class Traits: Capable of Developing the Power of Ero.Attack Power: 4Defense Power: 4Speed: 4Vitality: 4Intellect: 4Copper: 0Silver: 0Gold: 0Doki-Doki Crystals: 0Skills 4/4Eromancy Level 1Erogirl Taming Level 1Erogirl Training Level 1Unarmed Combat Level 1AbilitiesTame Erogirl - Variable CostSweet Words - 1 EroEro Blast - Variable costPower Strike - 4 LF

“What kind of stat screen is that? Seriously, Ero Blast and Sweet Words are ability names?”

Scott laughed softly then shook his head. He did not know what to expect from this place, but it certainly had his attention. There was a lot about his menu screen information that he did not readily understand, but that was fine. He would learn more about it in time.

After he checked through his screens and clicked on a few things he was ready to proceed. He took a step forward and a new window popped up that informed him that he was now entering the tutorial area. He would need to learn to use his abilities, fight an opponent, and acquire a new skill before he could continue.

“Well, that seems simple enough.” He idly wondered about the types of monsters that he might face in a world that was this cheerful and upbeat. Even the background music sounded like some sort of perverted but cheery bubblegum pop-song from the nineties.

“I wanna love you like a flower loves the bees, Hon-ey. Wanna go weak in the knee? I’ll let you taste my pink sugar, ba-by... Seriously, who wrote this stuff?” He shook his head. It was a catchy tune, but it would probably drive him crazy if he had to hear it all the time.

Scott walked through the brightly colored field of flowers. The happy little bees buzzed around while going about their business. The flowers seemed to sparkle a little in the light, and everything about the place gave him a soft and happy feeling. He had begun to feel a little warm and fuzzy just by being here.

A sudden rustling sound in the forest caught his attention. He turned to see what was going on and something truly bizarre came into view. A new window popped up.

A horny bunny appears!

“Horny bunny?” Scott blinked at the information the stared at the creature that had appeared. It was a girl, rather a girl mixed with a rabbit. She had the overall appearance of a beautiful human girl, but the ears of a rabbit. In the center of her forehead a small horn protruded, and she had the wide furry feet of a rabbit. She was stark naked, and seemed to be panting heavily for some reason.

“Bunny!” screamed the rabbit girl before she launched herself toward Scott at incredible speed. He did not have time to react due to his surprise. Just before reaching him she leapt into the air then slammed both feet forward in a double drop kick. Her attack connected with his unprotected chest with incredible force. He was sent rocketing back and when he hit the ground the force caused him to roll several times before he came to a complete stop.

You have been stunned by a powerful attack!

Scott could not move. His body felt like it had been struck by a cannon ball. The only thing that he could do was look up at the sky. He did not have to wait long. The horny bunny suddenly appeared in the air above him.

He helplessly watched as her furry foot crashed down upon him, a streak of light flaring behind it. It felt as though she had completely crushed his chest.

The bunny looked down at him then snorted, before turning away from him. He could see that she had an adorable bunny tail, just as he had expected. She looked back over her shoulder before she tossed her hair to the side with a flick of her head. “Hmph!”

The over-matched man could do nothing but feel incredible pain as the horny bunny began to walk away, while her curvaceous hips swiveled provocatively. After the thoroughly unimpressed girl wandered back into the words, the pain receded and his world went mercifully black.

Scott regained consciousness some time later and a new screen was waiting for him with an explanation. He read through it then quirked his eyebrow in surprise.

You have died!

You will reincarnate in ten minutes. You have lost one of three available lives. Once your life counter hits zero your existence in this world will end and you will be unable to return to the world of Ero-Rune.

Death penalties are minor in the world of Ero-Rune. You will lose one life, and you will lose any experience you have gained toward a new level. This is a tradeoff for the possibility of never coming to the world again if you run out of lives.

You can purchase new lives from the Cathedral of Ero-Rune. They are not cheap, but it is the only way to gain new lives on a consistent basis. Sometimes defeated enemies or treasure chests will provide you with extra lives.

Don’t be afraid of losing all of your lives during the tutorial, however. If you do end up dead with no further lives remaining, you will be automatically sent to a random town of Ero-Rune. You won’t have any extra lives, but you will at least have a chance to experience the world.

By the way: Do you still like Horny Bunnies?

“The creators of this place are trolls. Do I like horny bunnies? Assholes.” He stood up and looked around. It did not take long for him to realize that he had returned to the spot that he had first appeared at in this world.

Scott considered how calmly he was taking everything that had just happened. A sexy naked rabbit girl had just beaten him to death, but he had simply accepted it. Was there something wrong with him, or was he really that resilient?

In the end, he decided that he did not care. If this world was real, it was amazing. If it was a game, it was still amazing. This was just the kind of thing that he had needed to get out of his slump.

The only issue he had was the fact that he had been completely overpowered by what had to be a low-level monster in this world. Tutorials always threw a weak monster at the player as a means of getting them used to the game. Why was that rabbit girl able to beat his ass so easily?

“How do I fight someone that can easily kill me in two hits when they are unarmed?”

Scott looked through his various information screens to see if he could find an answer. After a brief few minutes he managed to learn what he had done wrong. He was an Ero Master. His class was something like a cross between a monk and a mage in other games.

He had gotten into a fist fight when he needed to use his Ero powers. His attack power was not nearly high enough to defeat that rabbit in a straight battle at the moment. He would have to use his Ero power to turn the tide.

“How do I use them, though?” He checked the information screens for his skills and abilities. The information was vague at best, but the general idea was that he needed to will them to activation while using the ability. He looked at the Ero Blast ability.

Ero Blast - Unleash the power of your spirit as a weapon that overcomes the aggressive heart with the power of love.

Ero requirement: Variable

Attack Force:(Eromancy skill level) + (4 X Ero used)

“That seems like some sort of energy attack. It could be useful, but I have only four points of Ero to work with.” mused Scott out loud.

He checked his power strike skill, and noted that it took four points of life force, while increasing attack power by ten points. It seemed like a fairly ordinary attack skill, but it would drain his health to use it. The Tame Erogirl skill was next.

Tame Erogirl - Using the power of love, you can overcome the aggressive heart and bond with an Erogirl.

Ero Requirement: 1

Attack Force: (Erogirl Taming Skill Level) + (4 X class level)

That seemed to be an ability to capture the heart of a girl, maybe some sort of pet contracting thing. It might be useful later, but right now he would probably need to use something else. The current attack force of that ability would be five, compared the maximum potential of the other skills.

The last ability was the oddly named, “Sweet Words.” Scott looked over the information then snorted.

Sweet Words - Use your honey sweet tongue to fill an opponent’s heart with love. This skill attempts to change the mental state of an opponent to horny or love-struck status.

Ero Requirement: 1

Attack Force: Eromancy skill + Class level.

“What would that even do?” Sweet words seemed like it would be a status affliction ability of some type. At the moment it was the weakest skill since its attack force was the lowest. Of course, that was just a guess. He still did not know how things worked.

Scott followed the onscreen guides that he activated and learned what he needed to do to properly utilize his abilities. He decided to try out the Ero Blast first, to see what happened. He took up a stance that required him to hold his hands at hip height, on one side his body. One hand was held above the other and the palms were facing each other, but the fingers of each hand were pointing in opposite directions.

Once he had made the stance, he imagined energy flowing to a space between his hands from the center of his chest. He felt a strange pulling sensation after a few seconds had passed. That was supposed to let him know that his Ero was surging.

The next step required him to begin to blast process. He would need to channel his Ero and continue to increase the power of the blast until it reached the point that he desired. At his level of Eromancy he would not be able to channel much.

“Love’s bliss, tear asunder the chains that entangle the forlorn heart!”

Just before calling out the attack name, he thrust his hands forward while rotating them quickly. They moved into a position that looked like he had cupped his palms together at the wrists. “Ero Blast!”

A tiny sphere of Neon-Pink energy shot out of the space between his hands then gently impacted a tree about twenty

feet away. It was an interesting, but pathetic display of power.

“Yeah, that’s definitely not going to get the job done.” Scott shook his head and tried again, hoping that his Ero would recharge over time. This time he continued to hold his hands at his side for several seconds after initiating the energy flow. The moment he had said the word, “heart” he could feel the energy building between his hands grow stronger.

After an additional two seconds the increasing power ceased and he knew that he had increased it as much as he could with his available energy.

Scott thrust his hands forward once more. “Ero Blast!”

This time the sphere had grown from the size of a tiny marble, to the size of a golf ball. When it impacted the tree it left a visible mark. The damage was negligible, but it had done something. A soft dinging sound alerted him to a potential change. A new window popped up.

You have expended all of your Ero for the first time. This can be a deadly situation for an Ero Master. Your Ero power is your life!

Ero regenerates over time, but at an incredibly slow pace. Try entering into a meditative state to increase the replenishment of your power.

Just meditate on erotic things and your Ero power will increase.

“Erotic things? Are these people serious?” What was he supposed to do, sit down and daydream about porn?

Scott shrugged then did exactly that. He sat on the ground, with his legs crossed, and took a few deep breaths before closing his eyes. He hoped that no horny bunnies found him in the meantime, but he would need to meditate until his tiny amount of Ero was restored.

Entering into an erotic meditative state turned out to be quite easy. He focused on the idea of having sex with the rabbit girl that had killed him. It was a sort of revenge, you see. A few minutes later the dinging sound occurred once more and he opened his eyes. The window that appeared showed that his meditation had completely restored his power.

“So, it’s true. If I want to regenerate my Ero, I have to think sexy thoughts?” He could do that. Hell, he was born to do that.

After learning this intriguing fact about the world, Scott practiced his Ero Blast a few more times. After he had cast that spell about twenty times, between perverted meditations, he was informed that his Eromancy skill had increased.

“I see, so my skills increase through use? That’s great!” He had hoped that his skills would act in that manner. If he was forced to use development points, or something else, to artificially increase them after gaining a level he might have been screwed

Scott spent another hour working on his usage of the Ero Blast and something he had not expected, occurred. His Ero power had increased by one point! Stats would increase through use as well.

His eyes were now alight with the fire of Ero. Scott raised his fist to the heavens. He would train here and that horny bunny was going down, hard!

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