《Nocturne》Chapter 19: Epilogue, Volume 1


Mature Content Warning: Naughty eroticism near the end. You have been warned.

Author's Note:This ends Volume 1, and sets up the next volume nicely. Fair warning, this is an epilogue, so it is short. It was never intended to be a full-sized chapter.

Epilogue, Volume 1

In a dark room lit only by the soft glow of a floating sphere sat a woman with crimson hair and burning red eyes. Beautiful she might have been known as once, now her beauty was a cold thing filled with severity and hate.

Upon her dark throne the queen of the Dark Empire, Mistress Pheare, called out imperiously, "Jaedu! Report!"

The blond man appeared before her suddenly, then immediately dropped to his knees. He did not dare raise his eyes as he knew that her summons could not bode well for him.

"I am here Dark Mistress." he stated simply, his eyes never leaving the floor.

The ruler snorted in distaste. "It's about time. You haven't reported in days. However, I’ve noticed several things that I will have answers for."

He knew better than to actually ask her what those things were. Long ago the generals had learned to never question their queen, even if only to ask what she wanted. If she had questions, she would ask them in her own time.

"You've brought in energy steadily, but whenever you do, you squander your portion on schemes that ultimately fail. This concerns me. How could these foolish humans defeat your greater Fiend? Most of those creatures are far stronger than even the warriors we had in the war." The queen quirked her scarlet eyebrow.

"They have powerful beasts they use to fight for them. Demi-Humans, as they are called here, and as you have been informed. Most are useless against us, but some have powerful magic that can damage the weaker Fiends." explained the general.

She leveled a look at him that made his anus clench involuntarily. He attempted not to perspire in her presence. She hated the smell of sweat, even if she loved the knowledge that she inspired such fear in others.


"Damage them? Jaedu, my dear Jaedu. You've squandered nearly all of the energy that I could spare on you. Both of your little creations have fallen quite swiftly. The regular youma draw less life force, but they at least operate longer. All these failures have accomplished is wasting our time, unless you can show some true results." said the queen evenly.

Her rage was building with each word, but she would not explode yet. No, not quite yet. Jaedu was a useful tool, even if his recent failures were starting to lessen his value.

"My queen.... The greater Fiends are far stronger than our old warriors. I shall achieve the results you require." stated Jedite as neutrally as he could. He'd literally be staking his life on this.

"You had best do so. I will not tolerate further failure." informed Beryl as she pierced him with her gaze. At moments like this the true power that influenced her mind could be seen shining malevolently. It really creeped people out.

"Yes, my queen."

"What of your latest scheme?" she inquired. Her tone was surprisingly calm. Her voice was soft with a dangerous edge.

"It goes well my queen. We now have over a dozen captive humans, and twice as many of the so-called Demi-Humans. Their energy is draining steadily." He had devised the draining process himself. While the humans slept in their crystal prisons they could slowly be drained of energy over the course of a few weeks. They could ring them for every last drop of life in them.

"And no one suspects?" she asked him doubtfully. The humans in the current age seemed idiotic and overly sexed, but they were not blind.

"They suspect something to be wrong, and the missing humans are not unnoticed. However, no one suspects we are behind It." he stated confidently. How could anyone know? His plan was fool proof. At least until people stopped coming to that ridiculous shrine.

"Hmm, very well then. Report again in three days. Dismissed."

Jaedu faded out and once again the queen was alone in the darkness of her throne room. She was always alone...always. Even the alien intelligence that occasionally controlled her mind and body withdrew at times like this.


Pheare sighed languidly then gazed at the crystal ball before her. Her delicate fingers traced along the glowing sphere and the images changed in time with her motions. She saw all manner of things in her crystal. There were fierce battles, ridiculous moments, and even the soft intimate moments that she had given up on long ago.

She could see the present and the past in her crystal. The future was blocked to her since the war, and the past was difficult to pin down unless she had a very specific event in mind. Curious, she decided to view the battle that Jaedu’s useless greater Fiend had fought.

The Dark Mistress of the Empire breathed softly in and out, bored of the entire thing. The powers that the Fiend had used were quite lackluster. The creatures that it fought were weaker still.

The battle was quite a chore to watch, actually. Any of her generals could have slaughtered these mongrels quite easily. It was not until the final moments that she saw something that caught her attention.

Pheare’s eyes widened slightly as an image of a young man appeared in full view. He had just decapitated the Fiend and was in mid-swing. She froze the image on her crystal and stared at the man before her.

The dark queen’s eyebrows pressed toward each other as a look of complete confusion crossed her face. “Impossible...”

Her eyes widened once again and her nostrils flared. Pheare launched herself upward from her throne then stalked toward a corridor on the far side of the room. Her black and red cape fluttered behind her as strode with a purpose. Her sensual curves moved in an erotic, scantily clad, rhythm that might have caused heart attacks among the more hormonally challenged.

She walked that corridor, her stiletto heels keeping rapid time, until she reached a massive door made of congealed nightmares, literally. The door parted at her imperious gesture and she walked inside.

There was but one thing in the room, and it provided the only illumination. At the back of the area rested a large glowing crystal that stood several times the height of a normal sized man.

Pheare walked to the crystal and breathed gently upon the surface. The front became a little more transparent. She could see a dark figure within the icy prison. The features could not be seen clearly, but she could see that the prisoner was still inside.

She sighed softly then trailed a delicate finger along the crystal at the height where the prisoner’s lips might have been. “Of course, you’re still in here. You would never leave me.”

The dark queen slid out of her miniscule clothing, but left on the cape. She pressed herself against the prison then started to rub her body against it provocatively before kissing it where the figure’s lips might have been. Her breasts hotly caressed the prison. Her soft pink nipples stroked the unbreakable surface.

She massaged her pussy hotly against the bitterly cold crystal without noticing the drastic shift in temperature. She panted heavily and stretched her arms out in an attempt to hug the massive chunk of crystal and rock.

Pheare became so aroused that she erupted with a powerful orgasm, her pussy becoming a creamy mess. Her fluids gushed outward and ran down the crystalline prison in a tiny river of unrequited lust.

She bit her lip then whimpered pitifully. She pressed her face to the crystal and nuzzled it in an almost tender way. “No, you’d never leave me. After all, I’m your number one fan...”

The Dark Mistress began to grind against the crystal again, her face becoming flush with arousal.When she had reached the heights of sensual arousal once more, she threw her head back causing her hair to fall backward like a crimson waterfall.

“Oh, Nocturne!” she cried in a loud passionate voice, before she unleashed her inappropriate love upon the prison once more.



Thus ends volume I. I will try to post up a thread on character stats and information tomorrow, but I don’t foresee adding the new volume for at least a week.

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