《Nocturne》Chapter 14: Shocking Pink Outcome
Mature Content Warning: This chapter contains scenes of graphic violence, excessive swearing, and means things are done to cute girls in the name of moderately epic combat.... Who says Magical Girls can't fight?
Author's Note: This is the shortest of the remaining chapters in this volume. I had intended to post this last night but I needed to correct a few flaws that I had found. By the way, if the add-in commentary in the blue boxes is annoying, let me know. I find them humorous, but they may be distracting.
Anyway, this is the end of the battle from chapter 13 in the Novel. I split that chapter in half due to the nature of the content. It was pointed out that I had called this chapter 14, and I corrected that. I will probably correct it into Episode 3, Chapter 2, soon as well. I'll do all that after the volume is complete.
Chapter 14: Shocking Pink Outcome
The air was electric with tense emotion. Two sides of an eternal war were arrayed against each other. The forces of love, justice, and sexy goodness had taken a beating. The army of hatred, terror, and general douchebaggery had managed to hold strong and were edging toward a dark victory.
For a brief moment no one spoke, no one moved. The stillness had a quality about it that bespoke something primal and ancient. Neither side was ready to make the first move. However, fate would not allow for an eternal stalemate.
"What's going on over here!" shouted an unfamiliar voice. A dozen male law enforcement agents, an equal number of Officers, and a small hoard of Firvulf streamed into the area. Each of them was outfitted in high-end riot gear.
The witch Demi-Human's eyes bugged out for a moment. She had been too shocked to do anything when that big-titted slut had started doing her weird dance routine. The situation had gotten far out of hand. Now, an anti-riot squad had been called out. This was serious business!
However, she was even more shocked when then Fiend made her move. The creature leapt towards the riot police and immediately began draining their energy.
"Are you nuts? Stop that you crazy bitch!" snapped the ugly chick to the Fiend.
"Shut your mouth! I want energy!" exclaimed the creature. The male members of the police force dropped like flies, and the Demi-Humans in the group began to weaken.
Several flamethrower attacks and a full on barrage of handgun fire erupted towards the Fiend. The severity and heavy pressure from those attacks knocked her back for a second and sent her into a fit of panic and screams. She tripped over the metal utility pole that Nina had broken in half earlier, and stayed there until the barrage ended.
She got back up immediately after. She was badly injured by the extreme outpouring of attacks, but she was far from done. The fiend screamed in outrage at their audacity then unleashed several dozen spiraling columns of water in the direction of her attackers. The recent upsurge in energy that she had gained from draining so many people had empowered her enough to unleash her strongest attack once again.
Most of the unit was knocked out instantly and a few had been killed outright. The creature immediately began siphoning energy from the overwhelmed.
"This ends, now!" exclaimed Ceravi. She began preparing another Ero Beam attack.
Unfortunately for her, she had tipped off her opponent by shouting her intentions. A wave of water rushed out from the Fiend that knocked the super powered teen over. With a loud *whump!* she landed on her perky ass.
"Hey, what are you standing there for!? Get in there and help my precious!" snapped Henry. He had finally managed to get his shit together. His Demi-Humans immediately leapt forward to press the attack.
"Dak!" exclaimed the armored figure mentally as it raced against the wind. The figure was flying toward a spot in the distance at a break-neck pace.
"It has to be you!" exclaimed the knight before beginning its downward descent.
The energy spike had occurred not too long ago, and the unknown figure knew the type of energy used quite well. No one else on this perverted world knew that kind of magic. There was no other possibility. It had to be Dak. He had obviously found a way to come here.
The energy spike's location was less than a mile away now. The heavily armored figure could feel the energy of a magical battle not too far away. Dak would be there.
The battle had not gone well for our heroes during that brief few seconds we cut away in order to see the flying knight. Ceravi was knocked out, Cerene was on the ropes, and Apollo was still a crispy kitty. Though, he at least seemed to be stirring a little.
Scott took another exhausted swing at the Amazon. She easily avoided his feeble attack slamming her own sword down. The swift attack gouged another deep trench in his armor. At this point it would not last much longer.
The force of the swing knocked him to his knees, but luckily the sword got stuck in the material of his shoulder guards and it pulled the much stronger Demi-Human off balance.
He took the chance that fate had granted him and slammed his gauntleted fist forward with as much strength as he could muster. His cerametal clad fist smashed ruthlessly into the girl’s kneecap at an odd angle.
*Scott used a desperate punch! It was super effective!*
Far superior strength and durability does not save a kneecap from hard trauma with a heavy blunt object. Sure the bones involved did not receive any real stress from the attack, but her higher stats did not protect her tendons and cartilage to the same extent. The important meaty-bits that made her knee work properly were ruthlessly torn asunder. The girl dropped to the ground into a screaming heap. Incredible pain lanced through her body and her knee refused to work.
Scott tried to press his advantage, but that damned Witch sent a manabolt screaming across the road that tagged him hard in the back. The intensity of that strike was enough to singe his heat-resistant cerametal armor. The material of his armor began to bubble and melt slightly. Thankfully the interior remained intact or the wearer would have had severe burns.
The momentary distraction was enough for the enraged Amazon to grab his arm and sling him sideways. She tried to right herself and hobble on one leg, but her busted knee presented a problem for the girl. However, she refused to lose to a mere human male though. She fought against her weakness and attempted to press on.
Makina dodged another wave of water from the Fiend and used her spinning motion to propel herself around to land a dynamic spinning lightning strike to the creature's side. The lightning based attacked arced through it with enough force to knock it back a little.
Cerene tripped over an unconscious Officer and accidentally avoided being tagged by one of the Witch's manabolts. This of course thoroughly pissed off the magic abusing Demi-Human as she saw it as a clever dodge.
Scott rolled to the side as swiftly as he could. His swift motion allowed him to narrowly avoid the razor sharp sword that hurtled down on his former position. Fortune remained ever in his favor, it lodged itself in the pavement next to him.
However, the power of luck immediately fled the area. The force of the strike had been so potent that the vacuum pressure alone had torn at his armor. A deep trench had been sheared through his armor, and a deep gash on his left arm had begun to bleed.
Bleeding and battered, Scott turned his bulk around as fast as he could in an effort to knock the kneeling girl over. The attack was strong considering his waning strength, but it was far too weak to annoy an Amazon, much less knock her over.
"What was that? You trying to tickle me, human?" snapped the girl. She yanked on her sword in irritation. It was still embedded in the pavement.
Scott seeing her once again underestimate him, bunched up his legs then kicked out. This time he aimed for her uninjured knee.
The attack would have ended things nicely if not for the fact that she caught his foot in one hand and squeezed ruthlessly. The armor began to crack around his foot, but she was not done. The pressure kept building in her vice like grip.
He had no choice as the pain increased. Though with all his wounds and battered form, it could kill him, he had to use whatever it was again. It tore his life away with every use, but he was going to die if things kept going the way that they were going.
~Darkness is calling,
The Heart cries out,
The spirit is willing,
It’s ready to shooout!~
"Wha..?" asked the Demi-Human as she finally freed her sword. Why was this fool singing? Did he lose his mind?
"BLACK METAL!" screamed the man.
All motion stopped. Tiny tendrils of black lightning skittered out then weakly formed in front of the man’s outstretched hand. The pressure built, then a cantaloupe sized sphere of ball lightning shot outward at point blank range and time began to move once more. Despite the drastically weakened force of the attack, the recoil was powerful, but it only pushed the exhausted man back a little as he was already on the ground.
Now, your typical Amazon was very strong, fast, and agile. In fact, even the weakest of amazon was usually at least three times stronger, faster, and more durable than a normal human being. What she was not, however, was especially resistant to magical attacks cast at point blank range.
The magical pressure and black energy were weaker than the last time it was used, but the cantaloupe sized sphere of black ball lightning was more than enough to hurl the girl away. The force of the assault sent her body hurtling across the road. The Amazon warrior crashed against a brick wall with an impact powerful enough to generate a loud *crack!* sound that raced outward from the point of impact.
No one that heard the sound could be certain whether it was her neck or the wall that had made that noise. He was just glad the girl had underestimated him enough not to use any of her special attacks. Had she used pretty much anything beyond her raw swordsmanship, his chances of winning that fight would have been non-existent.
Despite the disturbing sound effect that had echoed outward from that wall, he figured that she would get up in a few minutes just like that damned Fiend had. Sadly though, he would not be able to press the assault. His eyes rolled back in his head as the drain on his life essence had reached critical. Shortly thereafter he passed out. The black metal spell had claimed it’s due.
"Another energy spike!" exclaimed the knight. The town gates were rapidly approaching and the energy seemed to come from just off to the side. Upon entering the small town the mysterious warrior was privy to the sight of at least eighty people crumbled on the ground while a strange Demi-Human fought against two other girls.
Nearby by, an armored man lying on the ground caught her attention. There were wisps of dark energy trailing from his body. Across from him slumped against a wall with a gigantic blast-zone-like crack in it, rested the limp form of another girl.
"That man... the energy spike?" The knight had never known Dak to wear armor like that, but who knew what he had been up to in this world. It was obvious that he would be involved in a fight like this. He never stayed out of trouble. The armored mystery also had one other thought. 'Bastard! He's surrounded by big-breasted whores, as usual.'
The knight strode over to check the man. The badly beaten man did have a very slight resemblance to Dak, but there was no real comparison. Still, it would not be a good idea to discount that possibility. The knight decided to intervene. It moved its hand down to a bejeweled sword worn on the hip. After drawing it forth, the sword hilt suddenly cracked to life with electrical energy.
Sword in hand, the knight turned to face the fight. The knight would have rushed in, but there was a problem which side should be aided?
The blue-skinned girl spoke, "Hah, you really thought that you little cunts could beat me?! I'll suck you dry and then I’ll kill that armored idiot you call a master!"
“Aha. That was convenient.” The knight raced toward the blue-skinned monstrosity.
"Who the hell are you?!" it snapped after noticing her. Makina and Cerene actually agree with her sentiment, they both wanted to know. They were slightly mollified, however, since this swordsman seemed to be attacking the Fiend.
"Your opponent!" snapped the strangely feminine voice. The knight launched into a powerful series of strikes using her sword, a blade made of lightning. Several strikes were avoided, but one strike did manage to slice deeply into the creature's side.
With an inarticulate scream of rage it desperately shot out a bone-crushing wave of water that flung the knight backwards.
Cerene saw an opening. She had remembered one of her attacks earlier, but had not managed to find the right moment to use it until now.
She span around while removed the tiara from her forehead. The tiara began to vibrate wildly then turned into a powerfully surged circle of high-yield energy. "Deeep... Penetratiiing... Vibraaaation!”
The newly charged weapon hurtled towards the injured Fiend, but the creaturely narrowly avoided it. It managed to dodge the sure-kill attack just enough that it only lost two feet of hair and part of her left ear. Had that highly condensed energy attack hit the Fiend cleanly, the fight would have ended. However, life is not as simple as that when you live in a world fueled by chaos.
*Dammit, Krillen! Learn to aim better!*
The half-shorn hair caused her to look ridiculous, but no one was laughing at the moment. Screaming in outrage the creature began drawing life energy out of the crowd again, some of the people immediately grew horrifyingly silent after this last attack. Wounds began to close on the creature, and missing body parts regenerated even as pillars of water shot up around her.
The witch, after seeing all of this occur, decided to try and take out the newest threat to her master's harem. She made the brilliant decision to cast a manabolt at the suddenly upright knight.
The bolt knocked the armored figure sideways a bit, but otherwise caused no harm. "You dare?!"
Charlene, the witch felt an ominous sensation. She suddenly realized that she had made a rather great tactical blunder and began to back away.
“A magic missile of that caliber? You call that an attack? Pathetic! Let me show you how a real magic missile spell is supposed to be done!"
The pillars of water began to shoot up around the Fiend. Nina and Cerene attempted to stop the Fiend, but her power kept growing despite their attempted attacks.
The armored wizard saw that the major enemy was engaged so continued to focus on the annoying small-fry. She cried out:
"Hellstorm of violence,
Give revenge to the forgotten
and annihilate my enemies"
The witch tried to turn and run as uncountable balls of bullet-sized balls of lightning began to appear around her opponent amid the high-speed thrashing sound of an electric guitar solo. The witch’s eyes widened to incredible and absurd proportions. Sensing impending death, she tried to run, but she wasn't nearly fast enough. An outcry that sounded a great deal like a pronouncement of death erupted from behind her fleeing form.
"Ghosts of War!" screamed the knight. Hundreds of magical darts made of pure high-voltage lightning shot outward toward the witch. They crossed the distance rapidly and easily overtook the fleeing witch.
The power of this strike was such that it lifted her off of her feet even as the tiny missiles continually pounded into her. She was struck with uncountable lightning-bullets that entered her body with the speed of a Gatling gun. When they finally stopped, the witch fell to the ground in a disjointed heap. Her unmoving form was revealed to be a sickening display of charred meat.
Of course the new arrival didn't get the chance to gloat as she, and the two girls nominally on her side, were suddenly sent flying by a crushing wave of water. It should be noted that only a scant few seconds had passed during this entire scene of lightning based carnage.
When the wave ended no one moved, and no one spoke. The Fiend, still horribly injured despite the influx of life energy, stood triumphant. Her 'master' chose that moment to cackle loudly at his apparent triumph.
"Weeheheheeheh! The world will be mine!" he crowed, in his complete dementia.
*Kefka, is that you?*
The Fiend was even a little disturbed by his antics. This guy was a serious nutcase.
However, things were never as easy as they seem. In his foolishness, Henry had not realized just what type of world it was that he intended to rule. Unbeknownst to the fighters in the street, another pair of eyes had born witness to this fight.
None of the fighters had seen the pair of feline eyes from a nearby alleyway that had witnessed this scenario. The girls in the skirts had seemed so familiar. Could they be the ones that she had been searching for during the last few weeks?
The black kitty, who for some reason seemed to look blue in the light of day, quickly padded over to the nearest girl. That girl was Makina.
'She seems familiar...’ thought the little black cat. She tossed her head, causing her silky black hair to swish about.
When the girl began to come around a moment later amidst the cackling cries and idiotic dancing of the man in the background, her eyes locked onto the eyes of the cat.
The two shared a timeless moment then the girl and the cat seemed to understand something at the same time. Death, carnage, and destruction lay all around them. Everyone and everything the girl knew to care about was in ruins. Evil creatures were about to continue a mad murderous rampage, and the only ones left who could do anything was her and one small cat.
A softly glowing symbol appeared on her forehead in a shape of the Celtic cross, the symbol of friendship and loyalty among the Selene people.
Somehow the little cat caused a small rod to appear in her mouth and dropped it into the girl's hand. Where the cat had hidden that was a mystery. In later days many would think that the stick had been in her ass, some might even think that it was still there.
The girl did a moment of soul searching much like the other two had, and then somehow she just knew. The words came to her as she sorted out a flash of memory which involved an ancient kingdom, and destruction of everything she knew and loved. That memory had a powerful effect on the perennially lonely girl. 'No, not again!"
She had once been a powerful soldier of love and justice, but her true strengths lied in her loyalty and friendship. That was the power that she called upon, the true strength of a legendary soldier.
"Friendship... Power!" screamed the adorable juggernaut of justice and fine cookery.
A familiar show of sound and light began as her tattered clothes disappeared. They were replaced in a Technicolor light show, complete with random electrical currents flowing about. Her curvaceous naked body was wrapped in bright pink lightning for a moment before her armor appeared. Her colors were green and white, with a hint of cyan blue.
Just as with the others, a one-piece swimsuit appeared first. After that, a green and white chest plate bounced into player with perky enthusiasm. Currents of dynamic magical electricity encircled her ankles and wrists then flowed upward. Green knee-high boots and a set of gloves appeared in place. An emerald appeared on her forehead then a gold tiara expanded outward from that point. After that a few accessories such as emerald earrings appeared to accentuate the outfit.
In the end she wore a uniform similar to her companions, but highlighted in green instead of gold or silver.
Makina felt her energy sky rocket to levels she had never known before. The guardian of love and friendship Jupiter rocketed across the battlefield in a straight line. Her destination was the bitch that had been hurting all of these people.
The Fiend had been so busy staring at her master’s idiocy that she had not even noticed the lightshow going on down the street. However, she did not miss what happened next.
A hard punch to the fiend’s side was followed up with several dozen strikes to her surprised form. Each strike was launched at a pace too fast for the fiend to see.
The enhancement properties of the ancient Selenite guardian forms magnified innate physical capacity via celestial grade mana, a power beyond anything a normal mortal creature could use. In short, the girl with five times the strength of an athletic human male suddenly found that her strength and speed had increased by a factor of four.
The Fiend tried in vain to strike back, but the soldier of friendship was bursting at the seams with raw power. The physical attacks at this level of strength actually managed to hurt the creature, but still would not be enough to finish her off. No, she needed something else.
A moment later the creature got in a lucky punch that rocked Makina a little. However, that attack provided the newly empowered soldier with an opportunity to understand what she needed to do. She saw the sword that knight had been wielding. The electrical current sparking mutely at the end of the cut off blade awakened a memory.
She focused on her innate power then drew strength from her love and the power of her growing friendships. Arcing currents of neon pink lightning began to radiate wildly from her body.
"Pink... Thunder... Shocker!" Her attack unleashed unimaginably powerful currents of hot pink lightning toward the fiend.
The Dark Empire bred beast screeched in agony even as she was lifted off the ground by the magical assault.
An intense pressure built up around the electrocuted Fiend. When it grew too great to contain, a loud crash out thunder roared outward. The Fiend was sent screaming into the side nearby dumpster leaving a small dent after the impact. The creature was dazed and confused by the potent attack, but she began to get up again. However, but the pony-tailed heroine was having 'none' of that non-sense. She readily unleashed another torrent of lightning at the creature.
The metal of the dumpster causing the electrical current to pass through the creature in such a way that she acted as a better conductor than she was before.
Lying, prone, singed, and body smoking the creature didn't get up again. Strangely enough though, it didn't turn to dust.
The insane man gaped stupidly at his 'precious' and then back at the pony-tailed girl. He quickly whipped out a D-Ball and threw it at her. He hoped, for some insane reason, that he could catch her.
Two things happened. One, Makina caught the ball. Two, she crushed it in her hand easily. A third thing not yet mentioned was that she suddenly found herself entirely ready to kill the would-be ruler of the world.
Henry screamed at her then unleashed a lashing wave of black energy that whipped outward. It struck everything in its path, including her master, but it did not damage. The attack covered the entire area in a field of darkness that made it impossible to see more than a few feet in front of you.
The Soldier of Friendship wanted to try and find him anyway, but a soft moan stopped her. She looked toward the sound of the voice.
"Makina...” Scott had whispered her name softly, but she had still heard it.
Just to the right of her lay her master in a battered heap. He'd awoken then expended some of the last of his precious energy to speak her name.
Henry could see just fine in the darkness. When the big-titted thunder bitch became distracted by her master, the douchebag took the chance presented and ran off. Rather, he staggered off as fast as he could. His ribs had re-knit enough from earlier for him to ignore the pain, but the damage was still extensive.
Makina was torn between chasing down the bastard that had started all this, and her beloved master.
A softly gurgled cough made her choice for her as she knelt down to attend him. He needed her more than she needed revenge.
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