《Nocturne》Chapter 5: Hearts Found on the Road


Mature Content Warning: This chapter includes scenes of sexual interaction. I consider it rather tame, but it may offend the sensibilities of others. If sex scenes in a story offend you, please ignore this chapter and possibly this entire story. Thanks!

Author's Note: I have one more pre-written chapter to post. After chapter six is posted, I will need to take a few days between updates due to the length of the chapters and the need to rewrite current content. At most the wait time should be a week between chapters unless something unfortunate happens. I posted this many chapters in such a short time for the sole purpose of front loading the story. That way people could get a general idea of whether or not this story would be for them.


Chapter 5: Hearts Found on The Road.

On the road back to the research center, Scott's mission was to escort one Theodore Bates, master of genetic studies and engineering, to see a former colleague of his, one Analise Ophun. The fact that Scott knew the way well, and just happened to be on very good terms with the person the elderly doctor was trying to meet, worked well for both of them.

They chatted amiably as they wandered the road with excruciating slowness. It was a long and winding road back to the institute. Unlike before, Scott had to experience every step instead of speeding along the trail.

The older man refused to ride in a vehicle, citing that he was not too old to walk a few miles. Scott, on the other hand, wondered at the state of the old fossil's sanity. He was in his late seventies and wanted to walk ten miles?

The old man moved slowly, but he didn't seem to tire. It made Scott wonder if the old fart had a gift for endurance or something. It would make sense, though it was unlikely since he was not bonded to a demi-human. It was always possible that he had a lot of non-human genes, who knew? Either way, the old fossil could keep going for a long time even if he did not move that fast.

The brightly shining day continued on lazily for the first four miles or so. Scott spent much of this time musing, chatting amiably with the elderly professor, or tapping his knew gear.

He'd signed up for the beginning adventurer's packet for the soldier 'class'. He was granted a loan of gear and equipment in lieu of a starter pet since he couldn't acquire one for a good while from the guild.

He'd gotten some light-cerametal full body armor, a carbon steel blade, and a D-pack. The pack was actually slightly heavier than his original backpack but it had much better capacity for storing equipment.

Sadly, they did not have any firearms on hand at the time. Though, he could not legally own one at the moment anyway. He was out of luck for a few more months in that department. Firearms would be hard to come by outside of officially sanctioned locations, and required a lot of paperwork. Unlike back home, there were no gun stores on every street corner.

He was also bequeathed a selection of random healing potions, ointments, creams, and various what-nots. It was the typical fare for any adventuring novice. The healing items were rated for human use, since the more potent versions used specifically for demi-humans could act as a deadly toxin for a human being.

He'd paid off a large chunk of the debt incurred by all this with his first month's pay. He signed off to pay the rest by being garnished half his wages till it was paid off. It was a substantial upgrade, so he did not mind the costs.


He'd be losing half his wages for another two months to finish paying it off, but it was worth it. He hated the idea of a combat situation without proper gear.

A thick T-shirt and a training blade didn't quite mesh with the dangers inherent in the world around him. He did enjoy his new gear, however. The sword was only slightly better than his original blade attack wise, but that was to be expected really. Outside of mystical or high-tech weapons, most melee weapons were only as good as the one who used them.

His Scan-Tech fitted into a slot in his pack. The pack itself was attached to his armor in such a way that it linked up with a heads-up-display in his helmet. The whole ensemble made him look like a black armored variant of a character which had wandered free of a George Lucas Film. It was not his first choice for armor appearance but it was decent and workable. Alright, he felt that it made him look rather badass.

The whole armor rated as a ten in defense. This brought his defensive powers to a grand total of fourteen. He could take a decent bit of damage and the suit was self-repairing when placed inside the D-pack. Any reasonably powerful Demi-human could crush him though.

He was musing on these new particulars in his life when said life again abruptly changed.

Scott stumbled forward as a solid object impacted the back of his helmet with enough force to lightly crack the tough material. His vision swam slightly as he whipped around to face the threat with his new blade coming free from its sheath.

In front of him was a terror of the wilds. It was a nightmare of filthy matted hair, horrible scratches, dried blood, and fierce blue eyes. A night terror made flesh; it wielded a fraying rope with a rusted metal hook on the end.

With a furious screech of rage the demi-human lept forward whipping the hook at the man again. The attack came with a speed and ferocity he barely managed to avoid.

"Master Bates! Get down!" screamed the man while trying to dodge another hook strike. However, this time his efforts were less successful. A chunk of his chest plate was stripped off in the conflict.

His scanning equipment was telling him something unusual. To his gear, she seemed to be considered a 'Slashette'. That was a species of Demi-human that had the ability to completely master a single weapon type, including unarmed maneuvers. They usually used swords, staves, and other solid single piece weapons. He didn't recall Slashettes as being the type of demi-human to use rope and hook weapon from the training materials, and he certainly had not written them that way.

The girl screamed inarticulately then whipped her rope weapon low with a twisting motion. Scott managed to leap over the wide angled sweep but it clipped the bottom of his armored foot and he fell hard to the ground.

With a primal scream of rage, the girl whipped the hook down from overhead with all the force of a sledgehammer wielded by a carnival strong man. When the blow struck the armored man tiny spider web shaped cracks skittered out from the point of impact.

Momentarily stunned by having the wind driven from his lungs, Scott was helpless as the demi-human ran up and began beating on him with her dainty fists. If Scott had been in a position to quibble he would have noted that her hands seemed far too small and delicate to harm anything, much less deliver the brutal punishment he was receiving.


Professor bates cowered behind a nearby tree unable to do anything as he watched the horrifying display. He was far too old to try and escape if his young escort was defeated.

The girl screamed again while lifting him up. It was a motion that allowed him to peer into her wild eyes. Scott stared into those eyes, so like a haunted animal, wondering if there was anything vaguely human inside of her.

"Beat. Kill. Maim." muttered the girl as she poked at his helmet, tapped his armor, and in general disapproved. He recalled, after soiling himself thoroughly, that regressed demi-humans had an inability to speak clearly. They often spoke gibberish in their native language if they had ever learned to speak at all. Demi-humans actually born in the wild did not usually have human language skills though they seemed to understand monster speak easy enough. She might say things like beat or kill but she might really mean, "Hey, what's this thing?"

Scott knew he was in trouble and wasn't sure what to do about it. He was racking his brain to remember something, anything, about wild Slashettes. Her old rope came into view a moment later and he knew what he had to do. If it didn't work, then he was fairly screwed. This was both figurative and literal possibility.

Well at least there was one good thing about this situation. Even if she killed him, she wasn't likely to eat him. Monster types, such as demi-humans, of closely human appearance were rarely interested in man-flesh. Well, not for dinner purposes at any rate.

While she kept poking and prodding at his armor in an attempt to get it off, Scott was sneaking his hand down to a knife he had strapped to his thigh armor. He gripped the handle firmly then whipped it out and slammed the hilt into her rib. Scott followed this up by rolling with her to force her onto her side.

She began to beat on him with a force her smallish frame belied, even as he tried desperately to grab her rope. When they broke apart after about a minute of struggling both of them were more than a little battered.

The wild girl widened her eyes almost comically when she saw what was in her opponent's grasp. It was her beloved and only friend.

Scott sighed behind the cracked heads-up-display on his helmet and raised the knife to the heavily frayed rope. Every move she made toward him he rewarded with a slight cut to the rope and a head shake.

The girl sank to her knees and tears began forming in her eyes. A soft wail of grief erupted from her at the treatment of her most precious and only friend.

Scott began to lose his resolve as he watched her suffering. She'd attacked him and badly damaged his gear. Was that really her fault, though? 'She's barely more than a wild animal like this, but she still feels.' thought the man as he held her friend hostage at knife point.

He had intended to cut the rope and leave her here while he and the old man escaped, but he couldn't do it.

"Kill. Beat. M-murder." cried the girl softly with one hand reaching out to the rope.

The man found his heart going out to the girl. Honestly, how could he harden himself against such a statement as that? Heh.

He thought about it and realized that if she was out here like this then she had no one else in the world. She was utterly alone and all she had in this life was a piece of rope with a hook on it.

Her speech patterns and actions bespoke regression. Even wildborn demi-humans were capable of higher thought once they were able to properly connect with a human being. They might be aggressive and difficult to understand due to their typical lack of human language skills, but they were not animals. Regression into a feral state was the end result of a violently sundered bond or a domesticated demi-human forced to live in the wilds. They became confused and highly aggressive to compensate for the lack of spiritual and mental support that they used to enjoy.

He gazed at her softly. Of course, his face was hidden by his armor. This made him look far more sinister than he would have normally. A man covered head to foot in black cerametal tended to be rather intimidating on most occasions.

"This rope means that much to you?" He asked softly to the girl. His tone was neutral and calming.

"Destroy." said the girl while looking up sadly, a forlorn look in her eyes. She started to sniffle a little.

Scott made a show of holding it up higher and tilting his head, as though looking at it. His eyes never left the girl. His helmet hid that fact from her, however.

The girl's lower lip quivered slightly then she started to make a move for it again. Scott raised the knife and shook his head. With his meaning clear, she started rocking back and forth with her arms around her knees.

Scott nodded and said. "If you promise not to attack us anymore, I'll give it back."

The girl blinked and stared at him, before slowly nodding. She could have her friend back? He'd stop hurting her like this? It was hard to understand the sounds that he made, but she felt like that was what was being offered.

"Ok, I'll return this to you; however let me ask you one more question?"

The girl squinted at him. She had trouble understanding some of what he was saying; she'd been in the woods so long. Her memories were fuzzy and all she knew was that she needed her weapon. It was the only thing that ever cared about her.

"Do you want to stop living in the woods like this? I'll ask you only once if you want to come with me. I need someone strong to join me and be part of my team. You'll be able to eat frequently, have a roof over your head, and people that care about you." said Scott. He sincerely hoped that she understood him.

There was no telling whether she knew how to respond to things like verbal communication. Fully regressed demi-humans, from what he'd written, aren't really capable of higher thought. They were creatures of emotion. Some of them might understand you. However, they could only say random words, if they could even speak at all.

She gaped at him as a loose strand of filthy blond hair slipped down the side of her face. Before she could answer, Scott removed the knife from the rope and walked slowly toward the down trodden girl.

With no seeming fear, though honestly he was trembling inside his armor, he knelt down to be at her eye level. She turned her head away and whispered, "Kill."

She didn’t trust him. How could she? Scott did something that would normally be considered stupid, even suicidal. He raised one hand and triggered the removal mechanism for his helmet. His brown eyes met her blue ones and this time she didn't look away.

Scott and the wild Slashette gazed at each other a moment. He felt that he had to be kind to her, speak in low soft tones. His words needed to be careful, but sound sincere. He spoke again. "I don't know how much you understand of what I'm saying, but I hope you can tell that I'm sincere. You have attacked me without cause. That is easily forgiven. I want good things for you. I know a place nearby where you will be cared for, loved, and treasured as the beautiful person you truly are."

The girl's eyes misted over again and she looked down at the rope in his hands. Then she looked back up at him. She didn’t understand all of the sounds that came from his mouth, but she understood the basic sentiment of what he was talking about. Her dwindling sanity was bolstered by the sound of the word, “Love.” Dare she hope that such a thing might be true?

Fighting every murderous and amorous urge raging inside, she slowly nodded then said, "Eviscerate."

Scott smiled at her. It was a warm and tender smile that caused her to sniffle. She slowly quirked her lips into a modest smile of her own.

The man gently raised his gloved hand to her cheek and she leaned into it closing her eyes and mumbling softly. A moment later he drew her in for a warm and loving hug. The poor benighted soul needed such a tender moment almost desperately, and honestly, so did the girl. "Never be alone again." he said softly.

To be honest, it was hard to tell whether he meant her, or himself.


Professor Ophun clicked onto the international demi-human website. Then she began to tab through the pages until she found the update section. She needed to fill in Scott's licensing information as well as annotate some previous discoveries she'd made in true human genetic capacities. For that matter, his armor system had not been properly calibrated after he purchased it.

The attack from behind that he'd received in the forest might have been thwarted had his system been running properly. His stats and a proper bestiary file would need to be added so that he would be able to detect possible threats in the future. Of course, his system was so simple that it only scanned things directly in front of it, so even that might not have helped him avoid a surprise attack from behind.

After a few moments of click-clacking keys, she glanced over at the timer and quirked an eyebrow. The Slashette that her 'black knight' had brought back was still in her restoration mode. She'd have to check into that. She hadn't seemed to be damaged enough to warrant being in a restoration cycle for four hours. Even missing limbs and a shattered rib-cage rarely warranted more than half an hour.

"Hmm.." said the curvy dark elf in disguise as she noted an incoming mission request for her knight. "Another bodyguard mission? Interesting..."


Scott woke up groggily and winced as he felt the pain in his chest. A minor healing spell had been cast on him when he'd returned to his boss’ house, but apparently he'd earned himself a stress fracture in that fight with the regressed demi-human on the road.

The curative spell used was great for minor wounds and light damage, but it had been used up by knitting the bone back into healthy standards. There was still quite a bit of moderate bruising about the area.

"Six hours..?" grunted Scott as he read the glowing green digital read out of his alarm clock. How could one fight take so much out of him?

He grunted his way out of bed then tiredly staggered to the bathroom before loudly relieving himself. He thoroughly enjoyed the process. In all honesty, it felt like it had been the best thing to ever happen to him.

The ringing of his vid-comm caught his attention a moment later. "What the fuck?" muttered the man to himself before he flushed the toilet. He walked his naked self over to the origin of the noise. When he arrived he noticed a red e-mail symbol showing on his computer screen.

The man shrugged then clicked on the image. Analise popped up on screen. "Scott, you have a... oh my!"

The man blinked tiredly at her for a moment and wondered why she seemed to be staring at him. Reality slowly caught up with him as his brain began processing at normal non-groggy speeds. He glanced down.

He considered covering himself up in embarrassment, but then he mentally shrugged it off. It served her right for teasing him with that water bottle the other day.

"Yeah P-chan, do you need something from me?" asked Scott with a groggy nod. He'd started calling her that at random times supposedly due to there being another professor on the premises with the letter ‘P’ as the first letter of their name. This was done in spite of her claim that he could simply call her Analise. He felt willful for reasons he did not quite know how to express. Besides, he thought it sounded cute. Not that he cared much about cute things, but at least it irritated her slightly. Teasing him constantly had wrought this fate upon her.

This stroke of annoying fortune came about because of a random thing that he had learned upon arriving back at the institute. Who would have thought that Professor Theodore Bates’ first name was actually Professor and not Theodore? Who names their child professor? What if he had turned out to be a complete dumbass?

The dimensionally relocated dark elf did her best not to flush at her young knight's upright and stalwart sword. "Uh, yes. Well. Oh! You have a mission assignment. It just cum, came, in."

Scott smirked at her a little. Then for no apparent reason he began to act hyper-active by bouncing around a little. "Really?! I get to go do stuff and things!"

Professor Ophun cleared her throat and averted her eyes... slightly. Then she replied with, "Yes. Feel free to come by the office after you've checked your mail, preferably garbed appropriately for the occasion."

The naked man smirked down at the digitally displayed professor and nodded before flexing, "Sure, I'd do anything to you professor."

"Huh?" she asked with a soft squeak. Scott repeated himself, "I'd do anything for you professor."

"Uh, yes. Anyway, do that. I'll be waiting."

The man clicked the off button on the vid-comm and smirked. That would teach her to tease him.


Professor bates tapped the vial in front of him and peered curiously, his head tilted to the side. "So this is the blood of a purely human male."

This was like some fantastic and wonderful dream to the elderly gentleman. Scott, a man from another world, was one of the extremely rare full blooded humans. There were at least a half dozen dimensional shift cases in any given year. However, most of those were usually someone from a parallel timeline or universe where people had demi-human genetics or weren’t human at all.

There were currently only twelve known living human beings in the entire world that had no non-human blood in them at all. Scott was the only one in this country at present.

The government officials had been up in arms at first that he wouldn't allow them to treat him as a lab rat and guinea pig. He had chosen a more active profession instead.

The good professor couldn't blame him though. He was obviously a man of action. The fight he'd witnessed between the dimensionally displaced man and the Slashette that had attacked them proved that thoroughly.

"Fascinating that a man with no traits or gifts actually fought off a demi-human." mused the old man aloud. It wasn't that unexpected though. Ancient human soldiers during the final wars had fought off invading armies of monsters with their high tech weapons, armor, and solid team work. Human civilization had still fallen to ruins due to the overwhelming power and numbers of the monsters, but things could have been a lot worse for everyone. The creation of demi-humans had proven to be a double-edged sword, but that too had been vital for human survival. Once the number of veteran soldiers had dropped to critical lows, demi-human creation had been the last resort.

The old man's eyes glistened with tears that had not been shed in years. "Pure human blood. At last, my life's work might be complete. If I'm right. If I'm right."

The professor went back to work mapping the human genetic code. Several years might pass before his work came to completion. However, in time who knew whether his life-long dream of the complete separation of human and demi-human genes in a gene map would be completed. Perhaps awakening would be halted permanently, and no one would end up like his daughter.


"So, I'm going to be guarding a research team excavating dinosaur fossils in the Abados Caves?" asked Scott rhetorically to himself while he finished getting dressed. The mission had a three star danger level. That meant he would probably see a bit of combat.

Apparently monsters swarmed every time a research team went down. From the description they reminded him a little of goblins and kobolds from his D&D days. It was weird but it did not matter. He'd get combat pay at least.

He was supposed to head over to the train station in a few days. The guild had secured him passage to the town of Futlong. Futlong was a small rural community that was only a few miles from the cave system. The town had been on alert ever since some of those strange critters had attacked a few outlying farms. They had stolen cows and even killed one of the farmer's children.

What caused Scott some minor bit of concern was that technically this mission was outside his allowed mission parameters. He was supposed to be stuck with one star and two star missions until his guild apprenticeship was over and he could gain true adventurer status. It didn't worry him too much, though. It beat package delivery.

A few minutes later he walked into Analise's normally well-ordered office. He'd been in here often enough. He was surprised to find a frayed and partially cut rope with a rusty hook coiled up on her desk, however.

The dark elf in human disguise squinted at him a moment and ten smirked, "A bit more clothed that last time I see."

"No need to sound disappointed." said Scott in return before glancing down at the rope again.

The professor chuckled softly and then nodded. "Yes, that is her rope. You'll have to get her a new weapon soon. That thing will fall apart if she tries to use it in another battle."

Scott nodded. "How is she?"

"Horny and still in the beginning stages of regression. She is a little more lucid, though. You'll have to take care of that issue before you two head out." grinned the professor naughtily. The sight of his blush rising and the way he lightly flared his nose was just so adorable to the normally jaded dark elf. These humans weren't all that bad when they didn't act like the gods' gift to the world.

"Uh. Heh. Yeah, I guess I should." murmured the man. He'd hoped to put this sort of thing off as long as he could. Apparently, that wouldn't be the case anymore. He'd made a promise to the poor girl and now he'd have to make good on it.

"Where can I get her a weapon? I didn't explore the town all that thoroughly and the guild shop didn't have any rope and hook or chain weapons. I could get her a sword I suppose. I think she probably chose this type of thing subconsciously for a reason, though." explained and asked Scott all at the same time.

Analise nodded and said, "They might have something in Futlong. Otherwise, she might just have to end up making due with a sword if this breaks. If she won't use a sword she'll end up with a much shorter rope for a time."

Scott watched curiously as Professor Ophun reached into her desk and pulled out a capture gem. "Well, here she is. Do be a gentleman, won't you?"

The man nodded, before a slight blush rose up on his face. He couldn't believe what he was about to do. It was supposedly the least effective method for increasing the bond between human master and Demi-human, but it was also the only way to initiate a bond. He was no stranger to the so-called, fairer sex. Few soldiers had to worry about not getting laid if they weren’t idiots. Still, he did not know this girl at all.


Analise clicked onto the image of the security camera for Scott's room. She was curious as to how a man from another world would perform as a demi-human tamer. It was just for scientific curiosity of course, nothing more.

Scott's voice came over the computer’s speakers not long after. It was obvious that he was trying to work up his confidence by the manner in which he spoke.

"I'll just release her here I guess. I'll explain the situation. Maybe she'll understand me enough that she can make a decision on what she wants with her life. Yeah, that's what I'll do."

The good professor grinned again. Boy was he in for a shock.

She broke out into a loud obnoxious laugh when a moment later he tossed the D-ball. Before Scott even finished saying "Hello," he'd been tackled to the floor. The emotionally confused but extremely excited girl was attempting to 'get to know him better' by any means necessary...

"B-but. We can talk first!" exclaimed Scott as he flailed around trying to dislodge the attractive and thoroughly amorous critter.

The professor's laughter pealed throughout her office as the girl stopped, stared him in the eyes, and then said, "Kill." in a tone that brooked no arguments.

Scott visibly winced. Analise began crying due to her raucous laughter. "You tell him!" she tittered excitedly. It took a moment before she began to calm down. That Slashette was adamant. She was getting what she wanted and he needed to shut up and let it happen.

Another gale of laughter erupted from the office when, "B-but, I thought I was supposed to be the one taming you." warbled hopelessly out of the computer system.

Several of the lab assistants, hearing all the commotion, came to investigate. Soon, a half dozen elven females had begun laughing so hard that their human and demi-human disguises failed completely. They just couldn't concentrate in the face of such absurdity.

It didn't help matters a moment later when he shouted, "Don't grab those so hard!" Followed by, "Stop biting that!"

Within the confines of Scott's room the action was heating up as the man tried to slide away from the new girl in his life. She was a grabby little thing and made her intentions quite clear.

The blond girl gazed at him with her intensely blue eyes then frowned in a cute manner that made his heart sink. She needed this from him. Why was he resisting?

"Crush, beat, maim?" she asked with a slow blink. Scott blushed a little then shook his head. The words were violent but he got the general idea of what she was asking.

"We just met. I'm not used to this." he replied lightly as he looked away.

The as yet nameless blond bit her lower lip lightly then blinked. She smiled brightly and nodded her head at him as though she had figured something out.

Scott started to nod and say, "We do need to take things a little slowahh!" but he was on a different mental track than his new friend. The blond demi-human grabbed his crotch and smiled sweetly.

"Uhm." began the man with his cheeks flushing an even brighter shade of crimson. He really was not used to this. I mean, didn't a fella even rate dinner and a movie first anymore?

She figured out how to undo his pants and began pulling them down in a decisive manner. She was still naked from earlier and the sight of her perky breasts and sweet smile had the natural effect they would on any man.

A soft coo from the girl made him close his eyes for a brief moment. They opened readily when he felt her warm wet mouth wrap around his length in a tender embrace.

When she started to lightly bob her head the man groaned loudly then took in a deep breath. His new friend began to pick up speed as she sucked skillfully with warm pliant lips. A dainty fist wrapped along his meaty shaft and began to twist softly as she worked the tip with her lips and tongue.

Scott gaped down at her in wide-eyed fascination, wondering where the girl had learned to do that. Wherever she had lived before, she had definitely bonded to someone. That was the kind of skill you had to earn through much practice.

She pulled her mouth away with a soft plopping sound reminiscent of tupperware a few minutes later. He began to tremble softly as she started to nibble the tip tenderly while cradling his balls in her free palm.

The man couldn't help himself anymore, and found his hands moving down to stroke her hair as she worked his shaft like a love struck schoolgirl in heat. He'd had sex on more than one occasion in his life, but this girl definitely ranked among the best he'd ever had. It figured he would be turned on by this. He had always liked the crazy chicks.

She smiled at him before leaning her head down to suck one of his balls into her willing mouth. Sweet pink lips cradled his man-luggage while she softly caressed his cock against the side of her face.

The blond demi-human nuzzled Scott's man-hammer sweetly for a while, but it did not take long for it began to pulse and throb. The man was rapidly beginning to lose control. It had been some time since he'd had this sort of social interaction. In all honesty, he didn't think he had ever had a girlfriend that was this interested in showing her appreciation before.

When he was rock hard and breathing heavily from exerting control over his masculine urges, the girl moved to her knees then began to stroke his cock with one small, delicate, fist. Her thumb moved over the tip of his cock before she let it swirl in a gentle circle.

"Rape?" she asked in a sweet tone of voice that held both warmth and excitement.

"You can't rape the willing." he replied with a soft laugh. He felt bad for making that kind of joke, but it did not upset his companion. She laughed in response before slipping one knee up, then moving her leg across his. Her sex pressed softly against his throbbing cock for a moment as she rubbed herself against him.

It was a strange position, as she faced at an angle away from him. It felt rather nice, however. A few minutes later she moved her other leg and turned to face the man she would soon bond with.

Scott gazed softly up at her, his face flushed with nervous embarrassment and desire. She smiled down at him then closed her eyes gently before sliding her soft wet mound over his girth, engulfing it in her tender pink folds.

She gasped out happily as she felt him inside of her but kept her eyes closed. Slowly she rose up and slid back down again, letting every inch of him enter her.

The man placed his hands against her hips and softly massaged her there as she slowly started to twist her hips. She moved into a slow sensual grind, pressing down then drawing up again time after time.

She became more insistent as the minutes passed. Soon she was grinding her way up and down his shaft frenetically. A loud series of short panting moans erupted from her lips as she took what she needed from her new master-to-be.

Scott couldn't help himself any longer and grabbed her suddenly. He dragged the surprised girl to his chest and wrapped his arms tightly around her as he started bucking his hips against her thrashing pussy.

They clung together hotly as sweat began to pour down their bodies at the mutual exertion. Her breasts pressed against his chest and she began to grind them against him in smooth circles while her master continued to slam into her tender, pink, mound.

She panted wildly as her body began to heat up rapidly. Soon both she and her master were beginning to glow with a soft blue light as their bodies slid together in an ancient dance of lust that never truly went out of style. It was like doing the robot, but it was even more sexy.

Scott had a sudden wild urge erupt from within that he could not fight. He teeth found her shoulder and he bit down, hard, as he held her tight and bucked his hips. She cried out in pain and pleasure as the soft blue light turned into crackling currents of force that skittered around them like some sort of sentient lightning.

The moment Scott's teeth drew blood, and he tasted of her essence, she cried out ecstatically and came hard in a powerful bonding induced orgasm. Her hot sexual fluids poured out of her, flooding the bed. Neither of them stopped what they were doing, however. They were caught within the power of the bond and their bodies responded to its rhythm.

They rolled to the side, then completely over, changing positions in the process. The electric light show began to die down, but the soft blue glow remained as Scott began to slide fluidly into her sopping wet mound. The tender pink folds squeezed his length like a velvet glove as she clenched against him every time he tried to pull out.

He groaned loudly as his balls tightened and he pounded her maidenhood with a purpose. They clasped each other tightly as the current began to build once again. Mystical energy arced around them as Scott cried out loudly and shot his hot load deep into her softly aching pussy. The moment this occurred the light around them flared wildly. They cried out in ecstatic bliss once again. As their fluids joined, so too did their souls. The bond had been offered and accepted.

The first experience was always the most draining. It made sense then, that both of these naughty little fuck monkeys were quite tired and clung to each other in their exhaustion. Scott half-heartedly continued thrusting into his new bond partner as though he had no choice but to obey the dictates of his cock.

In time, they did stop, however. Sleep came upon them soon after. It was a blessed respite from the day's toils and pain. Later that day there would be sandwiches, and perhaps a nice beverage. However, for now... there was only happy exhaustion and the desire to be close to someone who needed just a little human kindness.



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