《Nocturne》Chapter 4: Training Daze
Mature Content Warning: Sexual innuendos, combat, swearing, and other awesome things.
Chapter 4: Training Daze
Scott stepped back from the training gear and sighed. The morning's exertions caused sweat to pour down his body thoroughly drenching his light clothing. He'd been training for roughly a month here. He had another two weeks to go before he paid his debt off. The intensity of it all made him wish that he hadn't revealed so many of his suspicions to his sponsor.
When he agreed to be an adventurer, he never realized that his training would be accelerated heavily. Practically all he did now was perform the tasks of training his mind and body. His nominal clerical work job had been given back to the original person who performed that task. Now he was a full time trainee.
Fourteen hours a day, six days a week, he trained. It had been grueling but he could see the difference. It was quite amazing how hard a body can be worked if magic was used to remove the toxins built up by the activity. Add in a continual regenerative effect and he muscles healed at a much accelerated pace. The diet he'd been placed on helped with speeding the process along as well.
Four of his hours a day still revolved around history and magic studies, but his physical training took the lion's share of his training time. He'd be expected to be part of any combat that occurred instead of simply acting as a 'general' who barked orders at his troops.
He would probably never be on par with the girls on his team. However, he might at least be able to survive a surprise encounter or two.
At night he slept with modified teaching machines attached to reinforce and accelerate his knowledge in certain areas. This process took longer due to his human heritage, but it did work. The concept was similar to listening to books on tape while you slept. He'd learned a decent amount of Spanish like this back home. It was basic utilitarian Spanish with a poor accent and incomplete sentence structuring skills, but still it was Spanish.
However, it had taken two weeks to convince him she wasn't trying to brainwash him in his sleep. He was still uncertain whether he believed her when she said she wasn't. Those suspicions flared again when he learned how to knit and sew overnight. She had referred to them as necessary survival skills. He could agree to the sewing portion as a useful skill. He had needed to perform quite a bit of that in the army. Knitting was a different story, however. Was he expected to knit his own clothes in the wild?
Still, the night time subliminal learning had performed its duty. His knowledge of basic needed abilities had grown. Scott had learned, or relearned, some general survival skills like how to make fires. He knew how to drive several different vehicles. He also improved his knowledge of basic sword styles and combat moves. His general science, biology, and math type educations had increased or been refreshed as well.
The fact that he'd taken calculus in school, even though he'd forgotten most of it, had marked him as highly educated in this world. The science and technology in this world was either magic based or it was more advanced in general. However, a lot of people relied heavily on demi-humans to do everything. This included performing the greater portion of their thinking on their behalf. It was an interesting realization for the man that demi-humans were considered less intelligent than 'real' people despite that fact.
Scott gazed at the training machine and nodded. He was done for the day and the readout display had shown him both his improvements and lingering deficiencies. His raw physical strength had slightly more than doubled in the month that he'd trained here. It seemed a little fast to him, but he knew that people might be able to perform similarly back home if all they did was train constantly.
He was physically a long way from Mr. Universe level musculature. He'd be laughed out of the Olympics if he were to show up for the weight lifting competition. However, he could bench press three hundred pounds now. His upper body strength had always been lagging before compared to his overall endurance. By the time he was done paying off his debt he might finally reach the four hundred club. It was interesting to note that his actual muscles hadn't increased that much in size. The scanning devices indicated that he had primarily gotten better at using what he already had.
The read-out displayed that he was still only using eighteen percent of his true capacity, however. If he ever made any improvements in those 'chi' classes he had to take, he might be able to use more of his strength.
Most people never realized how strong they really were. Even world class body builders and weight lifting Olympic gold medalists rarely tap more than twenty to thirty percent of what their bodies can really do.
Scott shut the machine down and toweled off. He'd hit the showers, get changed, and go see the doc to get his body cleansed of the bio-toxins a hard work out produces. After that it would be time to get some dinner.
Hopefully he'd be allowed to eat real food again soon. The chalky tasting stuff he ate five times a day was filling and extremely nutritious. It did little to satisfy his taste buds, however.
Scott sat in his room gazing softly at the computer screen. His lingering stare was directed toward a very familiar file. It was the public database file for Cerene.
Her file showed a digital rendition and bio-specs. It also denoted her win-loss record. Beyond that the file spoke of nothing about the life and welfare of one Cerene Sakino. Her owner had renamed her something he could not even allow himself to think of. It was no word to call a woman, human or otherwise. He still knew it was her, and chose to think of her by her real name.
The asshole that had legal claim to her life had apparently made her fight eight officially recorded times this month. She'd lost six of those fights. During the course of those events she had been taken to a healing center on five separate occasions due to critical injuries. One of those times had nothing to do with a prior duel from the public reports.
Scott might have been gazing at the screen softly, but internally his heart and soul seethed. He couldn't stand the attitude people had about demi-humans. Sure, he knew a lot of the wild ones had to be dealt with and some were killed as a necessity. It wasn't the case with awakened girls, though. They had lived among normal humans all their lives. Yet, once they underwent awakening they were treated the same as some mindless beast ravaging the forests and towns.
He'd lost track of how many times he'd shed a silent set of tears and softly whispered, "I'm sorry." Scott felt strongly that he had failed her. The thought of some sadistic asshole tormenting her, the thought of ruining that kind and sweet spirit, it tore at him deeply.
He reached over and turned off the screen after a few more minutes. He had to finish preparing for his first mission. The girl he had failed was already halfway across the continent. She would have to hold on till he could come for her.
There was no doubt that he would have to search for her. If his suspicions about all these fiend attacks proved correct, a lot more was riding on Cerene's freedom than a simple heartfelt desire not to see her abused. She might just be the only creature on the planet who was capable of saving the world from utter destruction. No pressure there of course.
Scott settled into bed after shutting his terminal down. In three days his debt would be paid. His training would end tomorrow. This would give him a few days to rest up and prepare. Then he would be setting off on his first mission. His first job was neither epic nor particularly interesting. He was to deliver a package to the guild office in Oldtowne.
Once he arrived he would be able to trade his first month's pay allotment from them for a 'starter' pet. The concept rather unsettled him and made him mildly nauseous, but he'd go through with it. If he was stuck in such a dark world besotted with intolerance, bigotry, and ignorance then he'd have to do his best to make life just a little better for the few people he could help. Of course, self-justification was a funny little thing. Wasn't it?
"So, you're ready to go Scott?" asked professor Ophun. She'd checked over his equipment list and granted him some basic starting gear unique to his new profession.
The man nodded to her after hefting his backpack. Despite the number of items inside he'd hefted far heavier in earlier days. Perhaps with all his physical training of late it had simply seemed lighter. He'd spent just a little over a month in solid training. With the accelerated methods they used on him, he'd gotten the same level of advancement as he might have had working out for six months at the same pace in a traditional manner. He had about three months total worth of various concentrated combat skills on top of that.
Hand to hand combat wise, he'd probably be considered something around the ambiguous 'brown belt' level in the generic martial art style he had been taught. It seemed rather quick to Scott that he had reached that level so soon. All he knew of the 'art' before that had been Kung Fu movies. He also had a yellow belt in Taekwondo mixed with a tiny amount of US Army Combatives he'd been trained in. In short, his close combat skills had been shit.
Physical training that lasted ten hours per day, six days a week, for a month helped him along greatly. It was almost like having a full-time job as a martial arts trainee. If he had spent another three months there he might have reached master status. In a normal pace with that much training time it would have taken about two years. The generic art was just a basic one with lots of street fighting tactics thrown in. It was proven to be moderately effective on a wide assortment of humanoid body types, but there wasn't anything fancy about it.
Some of the more esoteric martial arts took a life time to master. This factor was why traditional martial arts training had almost died out. They took a lot longer to master. With the exception of certain grappling and chi oriented arts they had proven entirely ineffective against demi-humans as well.
The modern combat art that was taught now was about as basic as it could be. However, it proved effective in some situations with humanoid demi-humans. There were certain special schools of the art that focused on particular breed types like the centaur or the draconic demi-humans, but that knowledge was not included in the core discipline.
He'd shown his best skills in the use of unarmed combat, staves, and to a slightly lesser extent he had learned to use swords. Of course his swordsmanship training had only just begun two weeks prior. Unfortunately, he could not train using firearms currently due to laws restricting their usage by unlicensed individuals, and dangerous felons.
Professor Ophun heard him mutter once or twice after seeing his gear. She thought for the life of her, that he'd said something about being 'level one'. She was a little annoyed by his complaints to be honest. Most humans never went beyond base zero. The average human being would spend their entire lives without gaining a single level. It was incredibly difficult to gain enough E.X.P energy without bonding with a demi-human after all.
"Ok. Um. Why is this in here?" asked Scott with a straight face. In his hand was a big floppy blue item that greatly resembled the masculine side of the genital area. For those who don't understand, he was holding a big floppy blue rubber dick.
The curvy professor smirked, "So that's where he got off to... Naughty boy." before she walked over and retrieved her 'precious'.
Scott quirked an eyebrow and fought against the blush creeping up to his cheeks. She had done that on purpose, obviously. He wouldn't allow himself focus too much on that tidbit of information. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to leave.
"Well, I should be off." he said at last before a giving slight wave accompanied by a down cast look. He was happy to finally be out doing something, but at the same time, he'd gotten comfortable with his routine here.
It was a ten mile mini-trek to the town then another three to get to the regional office. He had trained extensively in recent weeks but that was still a rather annoying distance to walk by himself.
He'd managed to make a similar run in just under three hours back in his army days. That had been while wearing all of his gear and holding his weapon, full battle-rattle as it was called. Now he was in much better shape. Still, he saw no reason to push himself. He had till tomorrow to get there anyway. If for some ungodly reason he didn't make it, he'd have to wait till the next month. If it happened he'd just get another month of training. Honestly, that wouldn't hurt. He was at minimum standards for entry as it was.
Scott had walked for a good hour before he became bored enough that he considered jogging the rest of the way. It was an urge that he fought due to the beautiful weather he was experiencing. The sun shined gently in the early spring morning. The weather had started warming up recently and Scott was quite thankful for this fact. He had been cooped up inside a lot in the last few months. The freedom to actually roam around by himself was definitely something to savor.
He started to whistle a little to help pass the time as he enjoyed the early morning sun. It would not be long, however, before he started to feel as though he was not alone on the road.
The feeling grew deeper and more intense as time went by. The sensation of being watched was nagging at the man, but he did not notice anything nearby that could be the reason for it.
A few more minutes would pass before he heard rustling in the nearby forest. This part of the road to town went directly through an old growth forest and the brush was thick on either side.
"What?" he asked softly. His eyes widened as he leaped back and away from a sudden spray of fluid from the brush. The green viscous substance splattered on the ground where he had originally been standing, causing the man more than a little concern. It did not help his rising panic when he noted that several leaves and a few rocks were starting to smoke a little from chemical burns.
The brush parted swiftly as a strange blue ball bounced out of the forest and onto the road. When the blue ball rolled over to reveal a disturbing caricature of a smiley face Scott shook his head. What kind of shit was this?
"Goosh!" exclaimed the creature as it ooze-wobbled toward Scott. Apparently the creepy little thing was hungry.
The man moved back and away from the acid spitting creature, uncertain of what to do. He really did not want to fight anything. The fact that he was only wearing normal travel clothes and his only weapon was a training sword did not help.
The smiling creature wobbled toward him saying, "Goosh! Goosh!" all the while as Scott back pedaled slowly. When the creature started turning a discolored greenish hue he instinctively jumped again. Something about how it was moving and changing color warned him that things were about to suck.
Roughly a second after the man jumped to the side, the creature spat out a ball of acidic slime that splattered near Scott's shoes. A tiny amount of the substance managed to cling to his pants after it splashed down. He turned and began to flee down the road as his pants leg started to smoke a little. The acid burned a small hole where it had landed but quickly lost its effect.
The angry sounding, "Goosh! Goosh!" that erupted from behind the man as he ran alerted Scott that the small creature was not well pleased by its prey attempting to flee.
A strange noise reminiscent of a basketball bouncing on pavement echoed behind him not long after. Scott did not have time to turn and see what was happening before the strange creature slammed into him with crushing force. The man was sent flying forward in a heavy tumbling heap to land on the ground with a loud grunt.
Momentarily stunned by the attack, he was unable to recover before the blue creature flew into the air again. It landed heavily upon his back and bounced three times in rapid succession in an attempt to beat him into the ground.
Scott felt the wind being driven out of him with every bounce, but he managed to recover enough after the third bounce to roll over. As the creature came down from its bounce the man finished rolling onto his back. Before it could slam into him again he slapped it hard with both hands in an attempt to get away from it.
He was more than a little shocked to see the creature fly backward with great force. It moved as though it were a volleyball being swatted around.
The blue creature slammed into a tree and rebounded back toward the man. Its momentum carried it past his prone position at a high arc. It flew through the air for a brief time then smacked into another tree on the opposite side of the road.
Scott blinked then got to his feet just as the creature managed to stop its bouncing. It ooze-wobbled in a slow turn before bringing that smiley face to bear on him once again.
The creature unexpectedly launched itself toward the man. Luckily for Scott it was far enough away initially that he had the chance to counter the attack with an instinctual double-hand slap. The creature went flying back once again in its ricocheting course.
The man unsheathed his short sword and moved after the rapidly bouncing creature in an attempt at finishing it off. He had hoped to avoid a fight, but the damned thing was too determined.
It started to turn green again as he ran up on it. Luckily for Scott, it was facing away. He didn't want to risk a swing and a miss, so he slammed his foot forward in a hard kick that punted the wobbly blue ball of slime up into the air.
Green acid flew out in a wild spray as it vomited its attack into the air around it. In an attempt to avoid the spray, Scott raised his sword to block some of it.
The sound and smell of searing metal and chemicals burning his shirt greeted his senses. He glanced down and noted pitted scarring on his blade where a large glob of acidic slime had landed with a thick splat.
He slung the weapon down and away from him in an attempt to get the mass of slimy acid off of his blade. It fell in viscous globs that slowly began to dissolve the rocks and leaves it landed upon.
Parts of the man's shirt were burned away now, leaving tiny holes in his thick cotton top. The acid seemed better at dissolving metal as opposed to organic materials.
The creature slowly began to get its bearings again s it stopped bouncing down the road. Scott couldn't risk it spitting acid again, so he ran at the thing with all the speed he could muster.
As he closed in on the monster it wobbled around to face him with its ridiculous smiling face. He tried to swing at it, but the smiling slime launched itself toward the man with lethal intent. Scott missed it entirely with his swing and took a powerful blow to the chest that sent him flying backward to land hard on his back.
The smiling blue monster got its bearings again and started bouncing toward its prey while Scott struggled to his feet. When it launched itself this time, the man swung his blade in a hard crushing strike that actually connected with the wee beast.
Unfortunately, the blade did not cleave the monster in two like he had hoped. The creature rolled over the blade like a rubber ball and span wildly upward to catch Scott hard in the face. It was sent flying away and Scott was knocked to the ground with blood pouring from both his nose and his newly split lip.
As Scott struggled to become coherent enough to stand up, the blue monster was trying to stop bouncing. It was impervious to impact damage due to its nature, but it had received a decent cut along its lower portion. Blue ichor lightly poured from the deep gash as it wobbled in place for a moment.
The stalwart hero's world stopped spinning just as the blue smiling monster turned toward him and exclaimed "Goosh!"
"Come get some." remarked Scott with a hateful tone before rising to his feet once more.
The slime started bouncing toward him purposefully and Scott spat out a little blood before hefting his blade. He raced toward the basketball size creature with a snarl of hatred erupting from his lips.
The slime launched itself again, but this time its opponent was smarter in how he countered. Scott twisted his sword and slapped the slime hard with the flat of his blade. The creature whipped backward from the force of the blow, making a shallow bowl with its body as it flew toward a nearby tree.
Scott took a deep breath and chased after the creature. He needed to stay on the offensive. Just as it started to regain its composure he punted it hard once again and sent it flying down the road in a high arc.
This scenario would play itself out for a few minutes in rapid succession. The smiling slime changed its expression repeatedly to one of shock as its smile turned into an 'O' of surprise with each punt.
A final punt sent the creature flying toward a section of low hanging branches that stopped its momentum cold. Scott used this opportunity to slam his blade down onto the creature. True to its bouncy nature his attack only sheared some of its surface off and sent it bouncing away in a short arc. He repeated his attack before it could recover, however.
This time went it flew into the air, it landed in a mud puddle with a wet plop. As the water touched its rubbery flesh the creature screamed, "Goosh! Goosh!" as though it was in terrible agony.
The agonized gooshing of the monster resonated within Scott’s memory. He was finally able to properly place the nature of the creature. He had learned about it during training. It was the anti-ballistic slime monster, Smiley Blue. They were supposed to be somewhat common in the area, but rarely came to the road. They were practically immune to physical attack unless you managed to hit it in just the right manner. It was critically weak to elemental magic magic attacks and natural elements that were able to bypass its rubbery exterior, however.
Scott noted the fact that Smiley Blue really did not like getting water inside its open wounds, before he slammed his blade down one more time. Unlike before, the creature did not bounce away. Instead it ruptured like an overly ripe tomato sending blue vital fluids out in a sickening display of overkill. The slime's slayer took a face full of goo for his efforts, but sometimes hard work was its own reward.
He wiped the sickeningly sweet smelling gunk off of his face and shook his head. "Fuck you, you smiling fuck." muttered the man hatefully as he looked down at the destroyed corpse of his hated foe.
He blinked a moment later when the corpse of the slime began to glow brightly. This was followed by motes of light lifting up and away from its location. Scott stood mesmerized for a moment as he saw the slime creature's body dissolve into those motes of light.
"No fucking way." he mumbled slowly. He had written about the monster's dissolving in just that way as a nod toward video games in general. Seeing something like that in person was quite jarring.
He looked down and noticed a few things sticking up out of the mud. Two crystals and a coin with a smiley face on it.
The smurftastic looking man shook his head and released a short barking laugh. The damned thing had loot!
Scott took his first good look at this world’s idea of a town without an escort roughly an hour later. Despite his earlier decision to take his time he had ended up lightly jogging half of the distance to get on with his life, and to avoid hungry slimes.
The city wasn't exactly what Scott was expecting. He was used to large sprawling constructs that ate up vast portions of real estate. Oldtowne was more along the lines of a mid-sized city back where Scott had originated. Yet, by the standards of the region it was considered large in size. It was also touted as the largest and finest city this side of the nameless river. The nameless river, called such because no one could decide what it should be called, ran across a quarter of the continent from north to south.
He wandered aimlessly for a little while, soaking up what passed for culture here, as he made his way slowly toward the chosen location. A short thirty minute hike up the small hill that the office rested on resulted in Scott staring at the entrance to one of the most dilapidated buildings he'd seen to date.
The wooden door looked like it was about to fall off its frame. The entire structure creaked when the wind blew. His misgivings about this new 'profession' of his were growing greater by the moment.
Inside all he saw was a desk next to a ladder leading into the ground. Since he saw no one at the desk he approached in the hopes of finding something useful on it. All he discovered were random papers strewn about and a little hand bell. Neither seemed particularly useful at the moment.
Eventually, he noticed a helpful sign which directed him to ring the bell for service or to take the ladder down if he was a guild member.
Scott shrugged and lifted the little bell before ringing it loudly. He waited a few minutes and heard nothing so he rang it again. A few more minutes passed and still nothing. With a small sigh he wandered over to the ladder and climbed down entering an underground tunnel system that was well lit by electric wall sconces and overhead track lighting.
The tunnel system was not particularly complex. It was easily navigated due to a few guide arrows posted here and there directing visitors toward one room or another.
Rounding one corner he came across another desk. This one seemingly came with an actual receptionist. Said receptionist was an aging forest calico, a type of Catgirl. She was also seemingly asleep at the job.
"Hello, miss?" Scott asked the slumbering pokegirl. Her lack of answer prompted him to speak louder, but still he received no response.
He reached over and shook her, but all that did was cause her to shake a little. There was no waking this chick! On closer inspection he could see some kind of fine powder covering her face.
He pulled her head back by the hair and took a good look at the glittering substance and blinked. His recent tutoring immediately recalled the look and nature of some of the poisons random monsters and demi-humans used. This seemed to match with what he considered sleeping dust to look like.
Scott took a bottle of water from his pack and a cloth as well. He thoroughly soaked his wad of cloth then carefully wiped the substance away from her face trying to remove as much of it as he could. A few minutes later she woke groggily and wobbled in her seat.
"Excuse me, miss?" Scott asked again, this time hoping she would answer.
The Catgirl perked up at hearing his voice and then hissed at him. "D-don'tsh come any clowsher! I'll call shthe pweesh." slurred the sleep-drunk pokegirl.
"You might want to anyway! Look, I don't know what's going on here. When no one answered up top I came down to see about my registration and found you covered in some kind of powder." Said the man as his hand moved slowly down to the little tube at his hip. His shock stick might not do much, but it's all he had to work with if she continued to get agitated with him. It would not go over well with the locals if he stabbed her with his sword.
The girl wobbled as she tried to get a good look at him. "K. Um. Uh." she began as the slurring of her voice started to ease off.
Scott squinted at her and moved his hand away. How long had she been out of it? Worse yet, was whatever had done this still lingering in the building?
"You're a new recruit?" asked a masculine voice from behind him.
The man spun around while whipping out his shock stick in preparation for a fight.
"Whoa! Whoa! Calm down there man!" exclaimed the older gentleman. He had a distinguished upper crust sort of look about him, but at his side rested a sword that did not look like it was meant for decoration.
Scott eased his stance a little but didn't turn the power cell to his stick off. "Yeah, I'm new. I'd also like to know what's going on here. This girl has been drugged. I saw no one else around."
The man nodded as he studied the fresh meat, a term he privately considered all raw recruits to merit. He had a ragged appearance about him. The telltale signs of a recent battle were evident upon his clothes and the wounds he openly bore.
White eyebrows rose a little at the strength in Scott's energy signature, but he did not mention anything about that as he spoke. "Yes, I was wandering around here waking everyone up. This installation was recently attacked by a group of rogue tamers who called themselves, The Brotherhood. They don't seem to be too interested in wholesale slaughter, or in the use of original naming schemes. However, they do not balk at releasing sleep inducing agents into an air circulation system before robbing a place blind."
Scott squinted at the man. "If that's the case, then how come this girl behind me only had powder on her face?" he asked, while the Catgirl in question wobbled and fell over again hitting her head on the table with a meaty thwack.
"I found three others like her. Apparently when they came through after most of the staff passed out they dusted anyone that resisted the diluted effects from earlier." responded the man.
Scott nodded to himself, but he still didn't completely buy the story. How did this guy know all this?
The man picked up on Scott's disbelieving expression and using a minor psychic talent for empathy discerned what he was about to ask. He decided to beat him to it. "They left a note."
"Heh, nice of ‘em." responded the fresh meat as the Catgirl began snoring loudly in the background.
Scott sat in his room at the guild and pondered his new assignment. He'd delivered his package. Interestingly enough it had turned out to be his recruitment packet. It still counted as a mission, however. Thusly, he had been given a mission point toward increasing his adventurer level.
The old man was generous and designated another point to him for helping the receptionist out. His questioning of the old fart and the help granted to the girl counted as a support role even if it wasn't solicited.
After everyone woke up, he was rushed through processing that afternoon, since they'd be closing down registration early. Normally it was open for the last three days of the month. The assault had put everything out of order, however. He'd be the last applicant till the end of the next cycle.
Scott gazed at his memo sheet and info packet for his upcoming mission. He was supposed to escort a local scientist to the Ophun Research Institute. This meant that his very first official mission was to backtrack to where he came from originally. Ah, the joys of backtracking. Oh well, at least it was an easy way to make a few credits.
He glanced at his pay grade and classification information then chuckled lightly. He was classed and then sub-classed due to his prior military training and lack of special abilities or gifts. He was a melee fighter with the sub-class of soldier. His pay rate was basically the same as what he'd been getting from the dimensionally dispossessed dark elf hottie he worked for.
The man was relieved and at the same time disappointed that he couldn't get a starter pet right now. He'd been offered the only girl who hadn't been stolen. He wasn't too fond of the panda bear-like demi-human, the Hapanda, in general. They were cute girls, and apparently quite friendly, but they were also notoriously expensive to feed and support. He would barely be able to cover his own living expenses on a mission as it was.
He still had his starter D-ball, though. Who knew, maybe something would turn up? Either way, he had revisited his earlier thoughts on the bonding of demi-humans. He was in very good shape after all of his training and that low level slime monster had beaten the hell out of him. A human with lesser training would have probably been killed. It was only through the usage of demi-human pets that humanity was still in existence at all.
The Smiley Blue that had attacked him was a type of monster that was practically immune to standard firearms. Magical attacks would bring it down quickly, but if you did not have a magically enhanced weapon or a spell it would be very difficult to defeat one that was not already injured. Running was also a difficult proposition due to its movement speed.
He did not have to like the idea, but he would have to find a partner to bond with in the near future if he intended to survive in this world. Even city life would be fraught with peril whenever monsters managed to sneak in.
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8 236 - In Serial24 Chapters
Bubblegum kiss -Gon x Reader -
Having Hisoka as a big brother isn't great. It's even worse when the boy you love is his target. What happens when Gon meets Hisoka little sister will Gon fall in love with her or will he think she a crazy like her brother.don't comment something that's mean we all have different styles of writing.❗️
8 194