《Unstable World》4. Their Turn


29th of March 2056 USA / Myrtle Beach

From the beach, you could see around fifty ships. Those are ships controlled by military mechs that are controlled by a system named F.A.W.M.S. Ships were 4 kilometers away from the coast. On the beach was only one man. He has short blond wavy hair and the tips are blue. He wears a white uniform and has a golden star pinched to his chest.

Every cannon on the ships was aiming at that man. At the same time cannons shot. In the dark sky, you could clearly see the projectiles. As they were approximately one kilometer away from the ground, the man raised his hand and made a move like he wanted to slash the projectiles with his hand. At the same time water raised and destroyed all the projectiles in a few seconds.

Then he slowly raised his hands into the air and made a giant wave and then he threw his hands down making the wave collapse and hit the ships. Only two destroyers were left. Men turned around and snapped his fingers. At that time water formed its shape into two hands that grabbed and sunk the ships.

“Keep trying! Maybe one day you’ll make this more exciting. For now, it’s only a warm-up for me.”

29th of March 2056 Myanmar / Seikkyi

Three ships were dragging three platforms behind them. On each platform, there was a mech. Each mech was 20 meters high. Equipped in railguns and rocket launchers on their backs.

On the coast, there was a man wearing a red uniform. He has a metal arm and his left red eye is artificial. Beside him sat a woman with short green hair also wearing a red uniform.

“Get ready to lunch me in the air Jae.” Said the man.


“Yeah… yeah. Get in front of me Haora.” Said Jae.

Haora stood in front of Jae and waited for the signal. He looked at her and said:

“Lunch me on thre…” Before he could say anything Jae lunched Haora into the air by creating strong wind in a second. He thought he was going to perfectly land on the ships but he flew right over them.

“Ups. Too far.” Said to herself Jae as she looked at flying Haora.

“At least I’m in a good range for my power!” Yeled Haora as he straightens his arm toward the ships. He immediately started flying toward the ships. As he was flying mechs turned toward him and fired rockets.

Before rockets hit him they changed shape and Haora turned 20 rockets into two metal spikes and threw them and mechs. One mech was left and the ships. Haora landed on the ship. Mech aimed his railgun at the man. Before he could fire from the railgun Haora changed the shape of the back of the ship into the spike and destroyed the mech’s arm with a railgun with that. Then he raised his hand and slowly made a fist. At the same time as he did it the ships slowly were crushed.

Crushed ships slowly sunk and drugged platforms with them. Mech puts out his rocket launcher but the rockets didn’t come out. After a few seconds, the rocket launcher exploded and destroyed the mech.

Haora stood on the metal plate that was floating on the water. On the calm sea slowly appeared bigger and bigger waves that pushed Haora to the coast.

“Well, rookie! You lived up to your rank's expectation!” Said Jae.

29th of March 2056 Switzerland / Bern

In the office of Center School president.

“Mr. Allen! Mechs had docked in Genoa in Italy and they are moving to Milan!” Said nervous Second Lieutenant Kowalski

“What Genoa? This place doesn't exist for like five minutes.” Said Mr. Allen as he sat on his chair.

“What do you mean sir?”

Allen turned on the screen and there was a video from the satellite. In the place of Genoa, there was a deep hole.

“See… Genoa doesn’t exist anymore. Don’t gonna lie… I’m exhausted now.” Said Mr. Allen as he started yawning.

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