《Cursed by a goddess...》Chapter 12: New Trick


well i hope like the chapter all ^^

thinking of putting in a donation link once i get to the point i could. think i should ?

if wondering why, moving to a new house semi soon, soon as April 8th, if the paper work goes through, so might need some extra stuff done quickly. waiting on the bank now.


Once I finished reading the journal, I looked at my new loot and put on the runic ring. I then stored the journal in there for safe keeping. Maybe it could be useful later on or I can give it someone important at a later time.

Getting back on my feet and looked around and spotted the iron sword the noble was using. I quickly picked it up and checking it out.

Bismuth SwordAttack:DurabilityQualityRank1025/ 25NormalEBonuses:NoneDetails:A sword made of quality Bismuth Bronze, an Heirloom of Stonesworth house.

“Well better then my dagger and has better reach at least” I sighed and gave it a few light swings to get the hang of it weight. “Lucky not too heavy or I might break an arm “I chuckled softly and put my dagger on my pack strap to easy to reach if needed. “Maybe help me level up repair a bit more “I shrugs and looked at Sophie “well let’s go we got a lot to do “I grinned some as we left the tomb. A firm resolves forming deep inside of my mine that I would avenge all these poor souls for what Kohena has done to the innocent people that were once here.

I start with Skeletons I defeated before and test my new weapon on them. It barely took any hits to crush the lvl 4 ones. So I start to move around in a wider range and start to pick off bigger groups. While I testing my new weapon I kept picking up the small ore fragments until I spotted something new and took a careful look while keeping still.

The first things I saw as I looked at its name and level. <Bone collector lvl 7> it looked like a pile of bones and gave it a rough human shape. It was at least 3 meters tall. Its bones were a brighter white, a lot less cracked, and even a bit thicker than normal. As I watched it reaching out its long arms and ripped apart an lvl 6 skeleton easily before it start to chew on its bones. The more it ate the feeling I got from it seem to increases, as well as its magic increasing. I kept watching it carefully noticing as it ate a core when it power spiked some.

“Well now that interesting, might be worth trying. “I murmured deeply and rubbed my chin softly. As I watched it finished it ‘meal’ and it head snapped my direction before it let out a dry howl. It eyes burned with a deep green flames as it start to move in a lope right at me.

“Oh shit, it spotted me,” I grumped out and jumped up, drawing my new sword and taking a quick slash at its out reaching hand. That causes it to back up and circle around me slowly. I quickly held out my left hand and casted burn which cause it to yell out. As it was distracted I stepped in holding my blade so the flat would hit it and quickly used fury slash. The reason I used the flat side was since I took less damage from slashing weapons I figured another monster made of bone would have the same advantage. However using the flat would be like hitting it with a club although it likely damage sword, but hey I can fix it easily.


I quickly looked at the damage I did as I circled it. As I moved I saw Sophie motions if she should help and I just shook my head. It would not help me to relay on her when I fought unless I was in a critical condition. That quickly look cost me as it clawed hand snapped back and ripped a rip right out of my chest, which let me tell you hurts like hell. I flinched as I saw a pop up.

[color=#ff3333]-50 hp[/color=#ff3333]

Great seems this things likely have an anti skeleton skill set, luckily so did I, a dark grin forming as took another swipe at the bone collector, a normal one would likely be dead by now. Gratefully I was a bit op in hit point department although my brittle bones limiting how I move. As I moved side to side my bone creaked louder under protest as I reached my speed limit. I stepped in twisting my body as I aimed for its chest with the palm of my hand. Just as I about to hit it I swear it chuckles the bone covering its chest open up making a huge mouth out of the extra bones and it bit down on my left arm. I quickly took a step back and cast a burn at close range. Since my left arm was gone aiming was a bit harder and could not use my right hand as bronze a poor conductor of magic.

As it howled again and slapped it with the side of my blade as I kept hitting it with burn trying to contain it the best I could. It long arms moving around while it sickle like claws ripping fragments of bone off my body. Every swipe chipped at my life bit by bit. I then stepped back and looked how it move, noticing it seem slower and then nodded to myself. “Time to finish this, “I growled out deeply. My aura increasing as I lifted the sword to shoulder level. I then dashed in to the bone collector using fury thrust then quickly followed up with fury slash. I then kicked off it chest, costing me a foot and threw another burn at the bone collector. It starts to twitch and collapse on itself till all that was left was a pile of bone.

I slowly limped over and poke the pile of bone carefully a few times, before noticing a new window.

Bone collector been defeated: 140 exp

I then checked my hp real fast


<Seem I got hit more than I thought, need to practice more> I thought as I rummaged in the bone pile dividing it in to smaller piles till I pulled out its core, it was bigger than some prior ones and a deeper color. I then took a few femur bones and a few curved ones. As I sorted them I found a few non-human ones mixed it as well. All in all founds a fair number of ones that might be useful for crafting later.

Femurs X7DurabilityQualityRankN/AFDetails:Soild Femurs can be use in crafting.large ribs X 4DurabilityQualityRankN/AFDetails:Soild Femurs can be use in crafting.

“Not bad “I rolled the core and then put it in my rings storage with the rest. I then took out a smallest core I had and shrugs. “Well it see ok eating them let see what happens.” I took the core and placed it between my teeth and bite down hard, shattering the small core and suddenly felt a rush a power flow threw me for a moment.


Gained 40 exp

“Well now “I was surprised by this and rubbed my chin lightly” so I can get exp from eating core? Did you know that Sophie?” I looked at her while she shook her head some.

“No first time I heard you can get exp from core, normally they use as part of alchemy or enchantment. Then again not sure many people every tried either.” Sophie told me as she floated around as I walked back to the noble’s tomb.

I started to use it as a new base from exploring, getting ready to try the tomb I found a few days back. I also looted the dead guards having forgotten to before, finding a few items of use.

Leather armor, bad conditions x32 bronze axes2 poor bronze swords4 bronze helms poor quality.

Even after repairing all of them the quality of the material still poor, I decided to wear one of the leather armor and a bronze helm, never hurts to have a little more defense.

Leather ArmorDefense :DurabilityQualityRank+210 / 10PoorFDetails:

Bronze helmDefense :DurabilityQualityRank+115 / 15MormalFDetails:

Lucky the armor had a built in belt which I used to lash my storage bag and my dagger to till I was conformable in their locations. Once everything was fixed, on correctly and my missing bone parts recovered I took out all my cores and divided them in to 2 piles.

“Here we go now “I reach to a pile of 20 cores and started to eat them one by one carefully, in case anything felt strange since I was eating a lot of them. Slowly taking my time I was thinking what to do next once I was done. I kept eating the cores from the pile of 20 until it was gone.

You have gained 1600 exp

For learning something new about monsters cores +5 int.

For devouring many unusual items gained Title: Greedy

Given to someone does whatever it took to gain power even if a bit strange.

Unlocked : GluttonyName:Description:RankEXPGluttonyAllows the user to eat items that have are made of magic or had magic, ki or similar power injected in to them. Can work on potions but removes any effects they have. Turns items power in to exp. Every level increases efficiently and what can be eaten. Lvl 5Basic 365%

I took a quick look at my exp showing


“Killing the weaker skeletons is not doing it, I killed I do not know how many anymore. The fights are faster but the exp pretty poor. Maybe time to hit Knightwells Family Crypt. Well first maybe gain one more level and then check out the crypt. I like to keep the bonus for as long as I can. However before that,” I looked over a Sophie, “I think time I finish learning the basics cantrips in case someone got a fire resistance spell like the noble did. She nodded and moved over closer as she started to show and teach me a few new spells. They were not vastly different then the burn spell.

I spent the new few hours practicing, and at time blow off a few fingers till I learned all the cantrips Sophie knew.

You have learned the Following Magic Spells

Frost rayName:DescriptionTypeLVLCostFrost ray:deals 3 +int modifier ice damageice010 mp

Water shotName:DescriptionTypeLVLCostWater shot:deals 3 +int modifier water damageWater010 mp

Wind gustName:DescriptionTypeLVLCostWind gust:deals 3 +int modifier air damageAir010 mp

Rock bulletName:DescriptionTypeLVLCostRock bullet:deals 3 +int modifier earth damageEarth010 mp

Acid splashName:DescriptionTypeLVLCostAcid splash:deals 3 +int modifier acid damageSpecial010 mp

StaticName:DescriptionTypeLVLCostStatic:deals 3 +int modifier lighting damagelightning010 mp

Mage HandName:DescriptionTypeLVLCostMage Hand:Makes a ghostly hand that can do touch attack of lift 5 pounds.Arcane010 mp

MessageName:DescriptionTypeLVLCostMessage:allows you to talk to someone you know using only your mind. must know the person or have a special item to give the aura impression of target. can be ignored.Arcane010 mp

Negative sparkName:DescriptionTypeLVLCostNegative spark:does 3+int of negative energy damage. Also saps 10 +int in stamina, against undead will heal them instead.Death magic010 mp

PrestidigitationName:DescriptionTypeLVLCostPrestidigitation:you can color, clean, or soil items in a 1-foot cube: coloring only last for 1 hour. you can chill, warm, or flavor 1 pound of nonliving material making it safe to eat.you can also make a tempory mirror 1 foot square. lacks the power to duplicate any other spell effects that does damage.Arcane010 mp

Disrupt undeadName:DescriptionTypeLVLCostDisrupt undead:deals 6 + int modifier Holy damageHoly010 mp

After learning Disrupt Undead spell, I blew off my own arm and had to wait for it to recover. However with my slow regen it was taking a while so I rested the only way I could figure out how. Since sleeping as an undead not an option I decided to meditate. Since it been a while I just focused on the feeling of the mana coursing through my body. Slowly dazed out as I felt out how my mana traveled all along my body until I traced it all back to my growing core. As a focused on the power swirling inside of my core I zoned out ‘resting’ I heard a ding and ignored it for a while. I watch my core for a long while until I felt resorted and stop meditation.

“Welcome back” I heard nearby as Sophie floated by and smiles at me.

“How long was I out for?” I stretched some looked around.

“I think for around 4 hours?” she tapped her chin as she thought.

“Well that longer then I thought, feel better at least now.” I chuckled and took a quick peek at the new windows.

Learned MeditationName:Description:RankEXPMeditationIncrease Mana, Ki and HP regeneration by 10% + 5% per lvl after 1, however cannot be disturbed.Basic 115%

Well maybe I should lvl up a few skills and myself a little more.

“Well Sophie I’m going to level up a few skills and kills a few more skeletons so if you want to explore feel free” I grin, I started to cast a few spells and go back to meditation. I I did it a few times till I felt comfortable with the new spells and no longer destroyed my hands. However the disrupt undead spell was very hard to control. Unlucky with my holy resistance at a -50 it did huge amounts of damage to me. From what Sophie told me after theses you had to learn chants to use some spells so I was not looking forward to that. Looks like more things for me to learn still, and new things for me to try out. My new skill gluttony for instance: I have to kill a few things and see how it works on each one of them.

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